Infiltration Attempt (Peekaboo x Stormgale)

Deidara Reached down, his fingertips sliding around Sasori's tail so his tongue could lap against her slit, long slow licks that timed perfectly with the pupetteers thrusts.

"Then Don't cum" Sasori Whispered harshly Cause if you cum you will just lose all your will and be my little puppter, you know that right... does that make you hot slut?" he teased
By now Sakura was finding it next to impossible to restrain her moans of pleasure, arching her bag a little more. "Ah....ah ah ah....ahhh...!" She moaned loudly, the bite in her lip no longer helping. "NNGH!" Her body began to quiver, her holes beginning to tighten up around Sasori's tail and cock as her orgasm approached, the girl rapidly closing in on her point of no return.
"Cum" Sasori ordered, pressing tightly against her as he bit down and nibbled on her neck, fucking her holes while Deidara teased her breasts and clit.

"How are you?" he purred, wanting to degrade her further
Sakura closed her eyes tightly as she felt the pressure building within her, every sensitive spot being teased. Hands on her breasts, a tongue on her clit, that tail in her pussy and a thick cock in her ass. Even her years of training were no match for this kind of stimulation. In an instant, Sakura's eyes snapped open, her mouth opening as she began to howl in pleasure, arching her back as she began to spasm, her body tightening and beginning to pump juices out of her pussy, the orgasm ripping through the girl like nothing she had ever felt before.
Sasori pulled his tail out harshly, letting her juices dribble down and stain her thighs, pushing her down onto the floor as he put his clothing back on "What do you think of our art?" he asked Deidara "A good first attempt" the sculptor said "But we can improve"
Sakura grunted as she dropped down onto the ground, coughing and panting heavily, slowly looking up at the two. ".....F-feh.....satisfied now...?" She shook her head slowly, then started to reach for her clothing. "Now....about my offer to join you....." In spite of everything she hadn't forgotten her mission....she still had to complete it....still had to join the Akatsuki.
"You might be suitable for our ranks" sasori said, letting her see for herself how her clothing fit her new, curvy form, deidara slowly pulsing waves of sensation through her via the clay collar she still wore... they were not going to stop tormenting the poor thing it seemed.
Sakura slowly pulled her shirt on, frowning as it barely stretched over her breasts, turning to look at Sasori. "So when does this stuff of yours wear off....?" She shivered as she felt something from the collar, stumbling slightly. "H-hey, will you take this damn thing off now....?"
"Mhmm No, you will keep it on" he said, letting the slow sensation pulse through her... a hum that would haze her world a little with some pleasure.

"Maybe it never will" he mused "And you will be stuck with such massive breasts"
Sakura growled as she tugged at the collar, then let go. "Fine, I'll keep it on for now....but I'm going to want it off soon!" She frowned at Deidara, shivering as the soft waves of pleasure washed through her, though she did her best to ignore them, glancing at Sasori instead now. "Then I'll just find a way to reverse it myself if you wont. Now, can we get going please? I think I'd rather be around the others than you two"
"As you wish" sasori said, ckarkra strings slipping around her, caressing her and teasing her like tentacled strans, seemingly everywhere as they goaded her along, walking towards the hideout.
Sakura growled as chakra strings wrapped gently around her body, just enough to make her shiver as she walked, though she didn't try to break them for now....she figured that would likely tighten them up. "You sure as hell better get these strings and this collar off me before we meet the others...."
"Or what?" sasori asked Simply "I mean it is not like you are in a position to do anything" he suggested, deidara nodding as they blindfolded her... leading her towards the headquarters

((next pair you want?))
((Hmmmm, how about Itachi and Kisame?))

"Hmph, or else I'll kick your damn asses, that's what" Sakura folded her arms as they blindfolded her...that much made sense, she had certainly been expecting it. They weren't about to just let her know where their current hideout was while they didn't trust her after all. Still, she just hoped that the 'initiation' she had been through was enough to earn that trust.....though she was still going to kick the asses of these two when she got the chance.....even if she had kind of enjoyed it.
"We will leave you in capable hands" They said, dumping her infront of the Uchiha and The Shark man "What do we have here, a tasty morsel" kisame said, licking his lips
Sakura blinked, then yelped as she was suddenly brought to her knees, feeling the chakra strings unwravelling from around her. "H-hey, at least take the damned collar off!" She growled and reached up for it, then blinked as she heard another voice. "Huh? Who's there....?" She let go of the collar, reaching up for the blindfold instead.
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