Infiltration Attempt (Peekaboo x Stormgale)


Sep 25, 2010
Sakura Haruno moved swiftly and silently through the trees, focused on her objective....or at least as focused as she could be considering how worried she was. For the past few months she and Tsunade had set a secret plan in motion...Sakura had been acting more aggressive, more confontational around the village, attempting to voice opinions that went directly against the Hokage and the village, distancing herself more and more. Now finally, she had 'left' the village, or at least most of the village assumed she had. Publically she was now considered an outcast, banished from the village hidden in the leaves. Only Sakura and Tsunade knew the truth....that all of this was just a ploy....a plan to allow Sakura to act as an agent on a special infiltrate the Akatsuki, to join them, learn their secrets, through whatever means necessary.

The timing of Sakura's leaving the village couldn't have been better. They had received reports of two Akatsuki members not too far away, and it was there that Sakura was headed, deep into the forest, away from the normally well travelled paths. Eventually Sakura could hear voices, keeping her approach silent as she came toward a clearing.
The pink haired Kunoichi dropped down from the trees, looking at two people's backs, both of them wearing the familiar robes of Akatsuki. She didn't know which of the two they were, and frankly she didn't really care. "Hey! You're from Akatsuki right...?" Sakura took a step forward towards them. ".....I.....wanted to speak with you....about...joining you. My village....they've turned their backs on me...betrayed me...." She clenched her fists tightly, doing her best to be convincing and praying they would believe her.
"You need to control your art more" the puppet master said "Art without control is just chaos" he chided the blonde haired sculptor "But that is boring, true art takes it's own form" he added, their argument continuing before the Pink haired girl approached them. "You have made a foolish more, you don't just approach a bunch of killers" Sasori said, his long pointed tail unfurling, the point menacingly close to the girl. Deidara grinned "Maybe I can make some art with her" he added, spiders burrowing out of the ground, the clay explosives crawling up to her.

"No" sasori said "She could have her uses...." he mused, looking at her appraisingly "Well firstly let us see you disrobe girl... you can't be carrying any weapons" he added, the blonde pouting softly... a little downtrodden.
Sakura didn't even flinch as Sasori's tail came near to her, nor when some of Deidara's clay insects crawled up her leg. She knew they wouldn't kill her right away....not without at least asking her a few questions anyway.
Still, what came next wasn't quite what she had been expecting... "Disrobe?! Absolutely not!" Sakura growled, clenching her fists. "Like hell I'm taking my clothes off!" She folded her arms defiantly. "But of course I'm carrying weapons, you said yourself you're a bunch of killers, I wouldn't approach you unarmed. But if it's my weapons you want..." She unfastened her weapon pouches, tossing them to the ground. "There"
"Yes because we can trust you completely" Sasori mused sarcastically, letting his charkra strings slowly ensnare the girl, keeping her talking, Deidara walking around her with a lurid gaze... looking at her like one might an unfinished painting (or sculpture).

"I think you will strip" Sasori said, fingertips twitching as the strings pulled at her limbs, forcing her arms spread, the blade of the tail slowly cutting off her top, letting the blonde Wind Nin remove it, hands having that delicate care from his art.
Sakura watched the two carefully, but clearly not carefully enough, suddenly finding herself trapped by Chakra strings that had carefully woven their way around her body. "Ah! H-hey! Let me go damnit!" She squirmed against the strings, growling as Sasori began to circle her. "Like hell I'm going to strip! I said I came here to join you!" The girl growled, then gasped as her top was sliced open carefully.

"H-hey! Stop that!" She squirmed again as Deidara approached and slid her shirt away, revealing her toned, flat stomach. Her modest chest contained within the confines of a tight white bra beneath the shirt, though no sign yet of concealed weaponary.
Sasori yawned at her exclamation "Then you better do what we say, consider it an initiation" he mused, strings now connecting to her hands, forcing her to strip off herself now, nimbly making her fingers remove her bra "What do you think of the materials?" he asked deidara, the blodne sculptor smiling "A little crude but we can work with it" he mused, grasping her breast idly, watching it melt under his touch.
Sakura continued to struggle and quirm, then yelped as her hands suddenly twitched and moved by themselves. "P-perverted bastards...." An initiation? Why was she not all that wonder the Akatsuki was all male....any women were probably mentally broken by them. Well....that wasn't going to happen this time, Sakura was headstrong, stubborn, she was going to make damn sure they accepted her as an equal. She continued to struggle however, resisting as her hands moved to remove her bra and toss it aside, her breasts not even sagging slightly once the fabric was removed.

Sakura fidgeted as Deidara moved close and raised a hand to grasp her breast, Sakura gasping as his hand made contact with the firm flesh, his fingers sinking into it. "H-hey! Y-ou said strip! You never said anything about touching!"
"Well she is in good condition" Deidara said, kneading the flesh idly as he slid a small clay object into her mouth, it expanding to gag her perfectly, kneading both orbs of flesh as he moved around then.

"We will do what we like" Sasori said, strings forcing the girl to push her chest out, crossing her arms above her head as string tightly bound her wrists together, strong strings starting to coil around her in an indeterminate pattern.
"Let me go you fu-" Sakura cut off as a piece of clay was stuffed into her mouth, expanding before she could spit it out, leaving her unable to make any noise but a few muffled angry threats. She continued to struggle against the strings holding her, letting out a muffled yelp as suddenly her back arched and her chest was thrust outward into Deidara's palm, her arms going up above her head and her wrists snapping together. She growled, then shivered as her nipples began to grow hard in Deidara's hand, starting to brush against the mouth on his palm.
That mouth licked and teased her nipple, long languid strokes as sasori worked his magic "what do you think?" the puppeteer asked the Sculptor "Hmm I think she would make a fine statue" he mused idly, the strings now encircling the girl's chest, strands coiling around her arms and legs tightly. The mouths bit down suddenly, teasing her nipples with light nibbling sensations, The Sculptor pulling back to brush his hands down her body, stepping back and admiring her, Sasori stopping puppeting her.

Of course every movement she made would tug on the strings that bound her, suddenly tightening around her chest and pressing between her legs... they were (literally and figuratively) fucking with her.
Sakura let out a muffled cry as the mouth in Deidara's hand opened and captured her nipple, first a sensation of sucking and then that massive tongue working at it. Sakura's cheeks were flushed as pink as her hair, attempting to look away as she felt more strings wrap around her. She squirmed at first, but let out a muffled scream as that caused the strings to tighten around her breasts and pussy even more. The girl quickly seemed to realise it and stopped moving as best she could.
Her skingtight shorts were slowly growing dark around her crotch as the fabric grew wet from her juices, muffled pants escaping her mouth.
"I think she is enjoying herself" Deidara mused "I mean she has such beauty to her looking so tired and bedreaggled" he mused, sasori tightening the strings... even her panting would cause small squeezing sensations.

The pupped master finally emerged, lithe body moving up to her as he took out a small needle, injecting her clay gag with it, the liquid seeping into her waiting mouth "A little poision I made up" he mused "Will make things more... interesting". He wasn't even sure what effect it would have on her... he was curious himself

(I'll let you chose)
Sakura let out another muffled cry when Sasori tightened the strings, before pulling out a needle. At first Sakura thought it was something meant to render her unconscious, but when it was injected through the clay she began to think different, especially when instead of sleepy she felt even more awake. At first her body seemed to become slightly more sensitive, before she let out a muffled scream, arching her back. A few moments later, her breasts began to swell up, slowly beginning to grow larger under Deidara's hand, the growth causing the strings to tighten around her chest and her pussy even further. "MMMF!" Sakura's chest continued to slowly swell up and out, until her chest was almost as large as Tsunade's, the growth finally stopping.
"Good girl" they both cooed in her ear, twin tongues lapping at her sensitive breasts, lavishing her new hard nipples, starting to draw her very Chakra out with it, stealing her power as it slowly eroded her will. Sasori's long tentacle like tail coiled around her leg, pressing against her dampening slit, his hands grasping her rear now, kneading the flesh as that too began to grow for him.

"How do you like the new you?" he asked, strands of rope binding her tight, leaving lovely red marks on her chest from all the pressure.
Sakura shivered and let out muffled moans when her breasts were teased with tongues once again, her sensitivity now much higher than before. She closed her eyes tightly and shivered, then gasped as her ass began to swell slightly beneath Sasori's touch, whilst the tip of his tail against her pussy caused her to near fall over, her legs shaking. She let out a muffled noise when he asked her how she liked her new body, her eyes snapping open as she glared at him, clearly indicating her answer had been less than enthusiastic....
"Mhmm what was that?" he asked, the clay in her mouth reeceding down to her neck, fashioning a tight collar as he let her speak... though the moment she tried he would drive the tail into her waiting slit, piercing and tearing her clothing as he would break her train of thought. Deidara was more focussed, tongue flicking against her nipples as his own licked and nibbled on her neck, till drawing away her power.
Sakura took a deep, gulping breath as the clay slipped out of her mouth, instead moving around her neck. "I said-" She cut off before finishing her sentance, instead letting out an ear-piercing scream when the tail penetrated into her pussy, ripping through her shorts, her panties and her hymen in a single thrust, her body arching and spasming, her chakra flowing freely from her chest into Deidara's hands, the process only made easier by the stimulation her body was having forced onto it.
Sasori smirked "What was that?" he asked again, fucking her with long hard thrusts as he smacked her rear, deep red handprints on them. Deidara on the other hand was pampering her, his hands suckling and licking her chest as he gave her hot hungry kisses, drawing out more and more of her will and power... fucking her into obedience.
"I....I're perverted fr-reaks...." Not that she could talk, her body still changing slightly, her breasts swelling up a little more as Deidara continued to suck on them, her ass rippling and expanding slightly under Sasori's slap. "Ngh!" Her body was tight around Sasori's tail, attempting to keep it out or at least stop it going so deep. "N-Noooo!"
Sasori smirked, sliding himself into her tight and waiting rear, fucking both her holes as deidara nibbled and sucked letting the constant waves of pleasure slowly corrupt her... after all it would be fun to break her.
Sakura's eyes widened as she felt something against her ass, something big, and more importantly, dry. "N-no! No not there! Not-" The girl cut off, howling as Sasori's cock started to slide up into her ass, even tighter than her pussy was around his tail. She had almost forgotten about Deidara working on her breasts by this point, all of her attention now focused between her legs. This most certainly hadn't been what she'd had in mind when she'd accepted this mission....
"How do you feel?" Sasori asked in one ear "Do you like what we are doing" Deidara asked in the other, both nipping and nibbling as hands roughly caressed her, sasori kneading and teasing her chest as Deidara's mouths played with her nipples, both tail and cock fucking her lower holes
"H-how do you think I fucking feel being raped by two killers?!" She practically spat out the words, then let out a loud moan as Sasori's fucking started to reach a rather pleasurable spot inside both her pussy and her ass. "Nngh....y-you two....are the worst I've ever had....."
"You seem to be enjoying yourself" Deidara mused as he kneaded the flesh, modelling it like clay, taking her newly formed breasts and perfecting them.. teasing them into perfection.

Sasori simply continued, starting to thrust deeper and harder, making sure she would be eating her words soon enough.
"N-not enjoying myself...." She growled, then couldn't suppress another moan as the assault on her upper and lower body continued. "Uhhh....uh...uh....uh...." She began to moan with every thrust, until she bit down hard on her lip, hard enough to draw a little blood, trying to focus on the pain rather than the pleasure....she had to hold it back...had to keep herself from cumming. The moment she hit orgasm was the moment she lost....the moment she would lose control of her body.
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