A l i c e (Candira and Shadows Beckon)

Blake continued with a more distant gaze in his eyes. "That is what Cheshire, I and a growing number of others have banded together to do. One of the our greatest triumphs was retrieving the documents that allowed us to travel to your world. That lead us to even discover that there even was a Human World. But it has been difficult, the Kings agents are everywhere, and it is difficult to bring oneself to resist when it means giving up our only source of . . . " As she took up his hand, Blake let out a heavy sigh and turned to look into Alice's bright blue eyes with his own steely blue eyes. "Companionship . . . " When she asked to help him, offered to do what she could, it was the tipping point, Blake could no longer restrain himself as he leaned forward and kissed her full on the mouth, clutching her hand firmly, yearningly in his own and edged closer to her on the cap of the mushroom, letting his thigh rest against her own.

The seconds stretched on forever for Blake as he felt her soft, feminine lips against his own, but as his glasses nearly fell off, he drew back, panting and adjust his glasses, directing his gaze to the ground sheepishly as he attempted to restrain himself once more. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to . . . To force oneself or take pleasure unrequited from another in Wonderland is a heinous offense." Looking back at her, he managed to be apologetic through his still readily apparent lust, "It's how were separate ourselves from the King and his Court."
Alice hadn't been expecting him to be quite so impulsive, but she couldn't say she was disappointed. She wondered at what he'd been through, thinking of how sad and lonely a life could be without anyone to really share it--especially after being so used to it. She'd gasped when he kissed her, letting him hold her and stay close. She panted softly as her lips pressed against his, and she looked up into his eyes as he straightened his glasses, already reprimanding himself.

She put a hand on his shoulder and offered him a smile. "It's okay, Blake. Before...when the lock was...well, advancing. That was unwelcome. But you've never been anything but kind to me. And you tried to protect me, didn't you? You even stood up for me a little." She smiled and tilted her head. "I'd say you deserve something for that." She ran a hand through his hair and gently pet his ears, pulling him closer to her, kissing him softly. "I don't mind at all."
Blake could hardly believe his ears as he heard her words, let alone believe the feeling of absolute bliss as she stroked them tenderly and pulled him in close for another kiss. He leaned into her bodily, pressing his chest to hers as one hand fell to her side, caressing her hip and the other sought out her hand, holding it fondly in his own as he pressed his lips back against hers with rising passion. It had been a long time for him, not just by Wonderlander standards, and even longer since last he'd been able to be honestly passionate with a woman. And here she was, a human, taking him against her, yielding into his embrace and allowing him to feel the warmth and affection behind her kiss, just as it had hidden behind her eyes and in the promise of her flesh. With all the pent up passion he had, his lips worked against her own as his tongue played out briefly to tease her lips and without even consciously realizing, he had sidled closer to her, expertly, almost imperceptibly adjusting her into the fullness of his embrace, half sliding her into his lap as he sought to deepen their kiss.

Though the King had kept Blake in line like so many others for so long by allowing him the irregular use of his harem to relieve his pent up and preternatural lusts, it was never in the setting or conditions of his choosing, or for all he knew the woman's choosing, and never in such intimacy as he was now involved in. It was like comparing accountancy to artistry, yes both were a means of diversion, but one infinitely more satisfying than the other.
Alice could feel exactly how much he needed her. She hated to think what had been held away from him, but also the poor women in the harem. But now he had someone who was willing and able to help him, and it must have made him quite happy indeed. The pretty blond kissed him back, letting his tongue explore as she parted her lips for him. She felt him move just a little, being drawn closer herself by his hands.

Gently, tenderly, she played with his hair, gently petting his ears now and again before her hands moved down to his shoulders, her body pressing against his as well--warm, soft, and willing. She was willing to do more than just kiss him if he really wanted. Or, this could be it for now, until they found out weather it was okay or not. After all, Cheshire would be back soon, and she owed him some thanks too.
Blake was awash in the sea of his own building carnal desires as he no longer struggled to restrain himself. With growing fervor he let his hand move down over her hip and begin to massage her thigh, pawing at her flesh and those sultry fishnets, reaching up beneath that all too short skirt and toying with the waist band of her panties as he pressed his chest against hers and his opposite hand came around her back to slide down over the slope of her rear. He was all hands and lips as he kissed his way down from her mouth and over her neck, sucking and nibbling tenderly at her soft flesh as her hands spurred him onwards to new heights of passion. Pulled into his lap as she was, Alice could soon feel the growing evidence of his arousal, swelling against her between their mutual clothing with a growing heat and urgency as slowly leaned back, pulling her down with him onto the mushroom's cap, surprisingly pliant beneath them, and began to rock his hips, grinding himself against her fervently.

Though he wished to do more to free himself, he just could not muster the willpower to halt his hand's exploration of her body, his desperate desire to feel every inch, ever supple curve of her body and feared at this rate he would strip her naked in his embrace without so much as removing a single button of his vest, a prospect that was not altogether unnappealing to him in the moment.
Alice blushed softly as he ran his hands over her body. She didn't mind at all, and the prospect of Cheshire coming back any minute was arousing in and of itself. She let him touch wherever he liked, pressing against him as his passion was released in a frenzy. She moaned softly into his kiss and panted softly as he pulled his lips away from hers to explore her neck, sucking and nibbling pleasantly at her pale flesh. Her kiss-swollen lips parted in a gasp as he brought her down on top of him, his erection pressing urgently against her through their clothes. She shivered and moaned softly, surprised at his passion and skill. Then again, he was a rabbit...

Alice slid her hands up and down his sides as he let loose. Maybe after this he would be a little less nervous about keeping himself in check around her. An added bonus, if he kept up this sort of pleasure. After a moment she pushed herself up a bit and looked down at him, her golden curls around them. Her hand reached down to his crotch, gently rubbing him there. "Do you want me to help you?" she asked softly. "Do you want to feel more of me?"
Alice's reactions to his tender ministrations were everything Blake could have hoped for, she was so keenly responsive, feminine, alluring in as she submitted to the plyings of his hands over his body and the workings of his tongue and lips against her flesh. When she looked down at him with those bright blue eyes and began to stroke her hand over his confined manhood, the heat from it was palpable, even through his checkered slacks. He gasped and bit down on his lower lip as his hips bucked against her hand, struggling to gain more friction from the brief contact of her hand. "I want you Alice," He responded, his hands settling on her hips to massage her tenderly, "But it's not simply because you're a woman," He seemed very urgent and intent on this point as he took a deep breath and moved his hand to hers at his crotch, guiding her to undo his belt and flu, "It's because you are not like what the King has made of his harem, you are kind and caring even in lust." He brought his opposite hand up to her cheek and kissed her as his rapidly hardening member practically sprang from its confinement into her hand. It was hard and yearning against the cool, soft flesh of her palm, and a great deal more sizable than one might have imagined the scholarly and stately rabbit to possess.
Alice was intent on pleasing Blake. He was a kind soul, and sweet to her. She wanted to be able to repay him for his kindness. She smiled softly as he told her he wanted her, his hands on her hips. And when he told her why he wanted her, she kissed his lips softly. "Mmm..well how could I say no to you?" The blond kissed him back and let her hands work his pants open, first the belt, then the fly. She blushed softly at his size. He was bigger than quite a few of her partners, but he was a rabbit. Maybe she should have expected it.

She smiled into his lips and gently started to stroke his member, doing her best to please him. "Blake...I want you," she said softly, her lips pressing against his jawline and kissing down to his neck. "Take off my panties, and anything else you don't want me in. I'll give you what you need." She kissed his lips once more and pressed against him as she stroked.
Blake was only to quick and able to oblige as she began to stroke his member and let her lips play down his neck, as his hands found their way to her panties sides and tugged on them just slightly, drawing the fabric of her undergarments taught against her femininity in a teasing sort of way before he slowly drew them down her legs, sliding beneath her as he did so, kissing his way down through the valley of her cleavage over her navel and as he set her panties aside, drew up the bottom of her skirt to nuzzle and kiss at her mound as his hands massaged her thighs, spreading them wide to his machinations. He had slid most of the way off the mushroom now, leaving Alice in a sort of mounted position on it as he ran his lips over her entrance, teasing and tasting her luscious folds before pulling himself up to his feet behind her, and settling his hands on her hips. His manhood now rested on the most feminine slope of her ass, hot against her tender flesh as Blake settled into a natural position behind her, and unzipped her dress from behind, letting his hands trail and massage their way across her back as the garment was shed.

Leaning over her, the head of his manhood pressed against her sex, sliding slowly over her entrance, rubbing across her clit and over her mound as Blake rocked his hips slowly forward, teasing his shaft all along her entrance and whispered in her ear. "Thank you, Alice. You'll find we Wonderlander's can be very loving when the time is right."
The beautiful girl let him do as he pleased, shivering as he pulled her panties up against her and then slipped them off without a problem. She shivered as he slid down beneath her, slowly kissing over her breasts and stomach before moving her skirt and teasing her hot sex. Blushing softly, she groaned as he kissed her sweet womanhood and nuzzled against it before spreading her legs and massaging her thighs in a way that had her wet in no time at all.

She stayed where he left her as he slid off of the mushroom. Turning her head, her blue eyes locked onto him as he undid her dress, discarding it for the time being. She was left in nothing but her fishnets and her shoes, but she didn't really mind. She moaned softly as he teased her entrance, his hands moving over her back, his lips coming to her ear. She turned her head to face him a bit and let his words sink in as she felt his arousal pressing against her, her juices flowing just a bit more freely. "Mmmm, of that, I have no doubt, Blake." She smiled at him and kissed his nose, since she could reach it. "Whenever you're ready..."
Blake wrinkled his nose with a smile as she kissed against it and his ears curled in pleasure as he pressed himself to her entrance and slipped inside her, the head of his cock burying itself inside her and pushing aside her womanly folds as her bracing tightness gripped it. It was he could do to grit his teeth as she enveloped him in her moist, silken embrace and he had to pause to adjust. Panting, he drove his hips forward and pulling on her hips firmly his cock barreled its way deeper inside of her, filling her to completion with its gently pulsing heat and strength, encouraging him to grind his hips against her and go still deeper inside of her, till with a deep exhalation he began withdrew just slightly and thrust forward again, beginning a building rhythm as he thrust inside of her more deeply and fully with each moment. His hands on her hips clutched her tightly as he buried his face against her neck, her hair soft against his cheeks as his lips sucked and nibbled at her tender flesh passionately.
Gasping softly as he entered her, Alice closed her eyes and arched her back in pleasure. She felt her tight sex stretching her in the most wonderful ways. If she was getting this much pleasure for him, she could only hope that his was equaled--if not increased by her hot sex squeezing down on him after what must have been ages. The blonde moaned softly and moved her hips with his once he found his rhythm, though she gave him every opportunity to change it if he wanted. She shivered as he kissed her neck, moaning with each intense thrust. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this good this soon during sex, and she had a feeling things were going to get much better soon.

"Mmm, don't hold back, Blake. Tell me how it feels," she groaned, wanting him to do more.
Her words and the rocking of her hips spurred Blake to increase the pace and passion of his thrusts, the building rhythm of his member driving harder and deeper into her with each passing moment she felt a low rumble building in his chest, pressed against her back. His hands now slipped forward from her hips to begin to her copious breasts, his fingers wrapping around the plush orbs to grasp and knead her softness, expertly teasing the pads of his fingers around the edge of her aureoles, so that her nipples remained in want of his affection. It was a marvel for Blake how easy it was to slip back into the ease of lovemaking, rather than what he had been subjected to by the King's Consorts, and he now felt so uninhibited in his desire, and he burned to have Alice, his savior feel the same, as he began to gyrate his hips, varying the rhythm and angle of his thrusts in order to build her anticipation.

"I had almost forgotten . . . " He panted, as he continued to tease her breasts, "The pleasure, of being with an . . . equal" His fingers finally found her nipples and he began to pluck and twist and tease the turgid buds with vigor.
Alice didn't really bother trying to be quiet. Maybe at first, but now, she was quickly forgetting the importance of doing anything like that. She moaned loudly, arching her back as he pounded into her. Panting, she groaned as his fingers made their way to her breasts. For someone who was out of practice, Blake certainly knew how to tease--not to mention how to please a woman. Then again, he was a rabbit, and if she was to believe his stories, before the king came people had sex in Wonderland all the time.

She gasped as he tried a different angle and it was perfect to hit her g-spot. Her back twisted as sounds of pleasure left her. Blake was a fantastic love her, and she hoped that he knew it. She would be sure to tell him. And as he began to play with her nipples, she became more conscious of the rumbling inside of him. Still, it felt to good for her to do anything but enjoy him.

"Fuck! Oh God...you're amazing!"
Her words were lost on Blake as a growing cloud of furious lust enveloped his mind, inciting him to higher feats of pleasure, derived as much from her moans and quivering as from the silken embrace which wrapped itself around his pulsing manhood. When he felt her jolt and twinge in pleasure, he knew he had found her weakness, and as his thrusts accelerated, he continued to alter the angle of his driving thrusts inside of her, keeping her guessing as to when the head and shaft of his cock would next grind their way over her g-spot, eliciting her convulsive throes once more. As his let hand continued to grasp and play with her breasts, alternating between the two, his right hand sank low and began to massage her mound, pressing her g-spot all the more against his increasingly fervent strokes, until his thumb and forefinger wrapped themselves around her clitoris and began to pinch and twist the sensitive nub of her sex into oblivion. Blake could not describe consciously what he was feeling, he only knew the driving need to make this woman quiver and collapse from the pleasure he heaped upon her.
Alice gasped and panted, moaning loudly each time he'd found just the right angle. He drove her crazy with anticipation of the great pleasure he gave her when he brushed against the g-spot. He was no slouch without it, however, and she fucking loved the way he held her body. She was quickly being pushed toward the edge--so quickly, in fact, that she was sure she would lose it any minute now.

"Blake! So close....I'm gonna cum!" she gasped, moaning and letting out an uncontrolled sound of unrelenting pleasure, her body quivering and shaking as his fingers did their best to drive her crazy. She couldn't last much longer, that was for sure.
Blake could feel the shuddering, mounting pleasure that wracked her body and smiled in empathetic bliss, tweaking her clit for added emphasis as he redoubled the pace of his strokes, focusing his efforts solely on the grating of his shaft in repeated, unrelenting stimulation of her g-spot as his hips slammed against hers audibly. His fingers were slick with her growing desire and his opposite hand now mauled itself over her breasts, squeezing and mashing her breasts against one another as he nibbled his lips and teeth over her earlobe, whispering into her ear heatedly . . . "Cum for me Alice, scream for you pleasure!" His driving cock pistoned in and out of her unrelentingly as she approached her climax.
He did not have to ask her twice. She screamed out in pleasure, calling his name as she came hard, her body writhing in pleasure as he fucked her relentlessly, giving her pleasure in every way she could hope for. She quaked with pleasure as her body shook, back arching and twisting, toes curling. "Blake!" She moaned, her body in this state because of his touch and his words. Alice had never been quite so pleased in one go, with one partner. She could get used to this Wonderland business. She panted softly and shook as she tried to hold herself up, her pussy squeezing him like a vice, milking him.
Even as she climaxed, her inner folds clenching around him as she convulsed in absolute pleasure, Blake continued his rhythm, not relenting even a single stroke, overstimulating her tender nerves till she could keep herself up right no more and he pressed himself down against her back, his manhood still buried in her feminine sanctum. And yet, through it all, Blake's cock remained no less rigid, his lust not yet receded and his passion for her in no way diminished as he kissed his way down over her back in long, tender stops at each vertebrae. His hands moved from her breasts and mound to her back and shoulders as his fingers massaged and worked her flesh into a fine putty, as she savored the glow of her orgasm, till with a renewed firmness they set themselves on her hips and blake withdrew his cock to the very tip, before thrusting into her once more, firmly, resolutely, with little or no intent of letting her rest much further.
Alice took a moment to rest, unable to hold herself up anymore as Blake sent her into orgasm. She let his chest press against her, holding her down as he made her ride it out. she shivered as he kissed over her back while she rested, catching her breath as she finally started to calm down. His fingers massaged her to the point where she was so relaxed she could have fallen asleep. His cock was still inside her, and she could feel that their time together hadn't put much of a dent in his built up lust. The blond got the feeling that she had bitten off a bit more than she'd been prepared to chew when she offered to help him. Then again, was that really so bad?

She gasped as his hands moved back to her hips and he thrust into her again, firmly, more resolutely. Her back arched as he started again and she turned her head to face him, gasping and moaning. "Blake," she moaned softly. Her eyes were full of lust, her full lips parted and inviting as she stared at him, her body moving with his. God she was glad she was in shape.
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