A l i c e (Candira and Shadows Beckon)


Jan 9, 2009
The noise from the party was astounding. Halloween was just another excuse for people to get drunk, high, and horny. And the people at this party were okay with that. In fact, they embraced it. Alice was no exception. And tonight, she'd dressed up as her fairy tale name-sake tonight....sort of. If you counted a blue corset top, a short skirt with white stiff material to keep it out from her body, fishnets, high-heeled mary janes, and a French maid apron as a costume. Her long blond hair was curled perfectly and she wore a blue ribbon around her neck. Any woman dressed this way would have drawn some attention, but she was a busty young thing with mile-long legs and a pretty face. Men were all over her.

And she was drunk. Her blue eyes scanned the yard as she came outside for some air. If she stayed in there, she was going to get high too, and she was only in the habit of being one at a time. She gazed out into the night, catching her breath as the party boomed on behind her. Deciding she needed a bit more space, the curvy, costumed beauty headed out into the back yard, leaning against a tree as she took in the chilly night air.
As Alice made her way into the backyard, there was a rustling in the hedges that outlined a backyard, followed quickly by snapping of branches in the tree above her. Given sufficient light and perhaps it being any other night of the year, this occurrence might have been ignored, but given the chill in the air it had a distinctly ominous feeling to it. Out here in the yard, Alice could feel the very certain (or as certain as her intoxication would allow her to be) that someone was watching her, and definitely not the way all the men had been paying attention to her at the party. Another rustle in the bushes distinctly to her left, and then again closer hardly did anything to relieve the tension, as something . . . began to emerge from the hedge . . .

A rabbit. A fluffy, white rabbit, as unassuming and endearing as any cotton-tailed creature had a right to be. And what's more, it seemed to be as celebratory of all Hallows eve as herself, bedecked as it was in a bright, powder blue vest with little white frills, a miniature brass pocket watch and chain, and a patch shaped just like a heart over his left eye. The small creature looked up at her, hopping towards her with a rather stately air before sitting up on it's hind legs and twitching it's noes as it looked up at her with bright brown eyes. A split second later, there was a brief rush behind her and a padded thud, quite a shock given her attention on the rabbit. But then she felt a warm, soft pelt curled itself between her shapely, statuesque legs at the ankles, drawing her attention to a rather presumptuous tom cat, similarly costumed with navy stripes along it's back, and a diminutive leather harness and belt with a toothpick sized sword and sheath. Both animals seemed to be paying her an inordinate amount of attention, not to mention cooperating for two creatures that might normally have been chasing each other round the yard.

With the cat nudging and nuzzling against her legs, the rabbit made it's way back to a point in the hedgerow, and the cat clearly seemed to be insisting she move in that direction.
As she took a moment to clear her head she got the distinct notion that someone was watching her. She frowned, her stomach clenching. No way was she going down without a fight. She wasn't going to be just another girl who disappeared on Halloween. Though she doubted anyone in the party would hear her. Damn it. She tensed up as something rustled the bushes, her hair standing on end. And then a rabbit came out. It was in a costume. She breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Awww, hey little guy." She chuckled and leaned over as he sniffed at her.

She gave a little shriek as the cat made his appearance. "Oh! Well, hi there kitty. Aren't you affectionate?" she smiled and reached down to pet the cat's head when the rabbit started to hop back into the bushes. "Oh...bye then, bunny." She looked down as the cat seemed to be wanting her to go in the rabbit's direction. "What is it? Want me to go after our furry friend?" She chuckled and headed toward the bush the rabbit had gone into. "Alright, alright. Come on," she said moving some branches aside to go after the little white creature.
Pushing the branches aside, she caught sight of the stark white fur of the rabbit as it hopped along, a good deal further off than might be expected for such a short hedgerow. It turned to look at her, twitching it's nose somewhat anxiously, before scurrying off again, it's cotton tail waggling behind it as the cat continued to nudge insistently behind her, nuzzling it's whiskers against her fishnet clothed ankles as she made her way into the hedgerow. She was only a few feet inside when the branches behind her seemed to entwine together and the darkness coalesced all around her, making the vague white blur of the rabbit as it hurried off, still seaming rather distant was the only guide to where she was going, and the cat coiling and purring around her feet was the only indication that she was still moving. Slowly as she progressed there seemed to be a growing light along the ground, before suddenly, the white rabbit disappeared in a swirl of red and white that seemed to engulf it in a flurry that was even now, growing to consume her vision like a tunnel before her.

As the checkered pattern continued to grow, the ground suddenly fell out from underneath her, as the checkered pattern reoriented itself from a tunnel to a chute through which she was now falling with growing speed, her feline friend left above her, looking down with a cocked head as she fell, down, down, down. Her skirt blew up from around her waist all around her the checkered red and white seemed to be coalescing and reshaping into new and different patterns and shapes, each time the direction of her fall seeming to change, till after what could only have been a minute or two, she seemed be rising up, up and up towards what could only be called some sort of ceiling, her ascent slowing until she her mass of blonde curls came into contact with a hard wooden ceiling. Instantly, the gravity around her reasserted itself, and she was standing on her head briefly before she collapsed in a heap. Once upright she was greeted by what seemed to be a very ornate entryway, with only one door. There were a number of green cushioned sofas, chairs and tables, the walls were paneled with ornately carved cherry wood, and there seemed to be a definite playing card theme to the room. The ceiling was a beautiful tableu of four figures, two men and two women, each one occupying a corner of the scene, all of them regally dressed and corresponding to a particular suit of cards.

At the door, a figure seemed to busying itself observing every nook, cranny and detail of the large, ornate portal as if seeking some hidden detail, dressed in checkered slacks, a red shirt and white vest, with a large brass pocket watch and chain hanging from one of his many pockets . . . Her inspection of him was interrupted however, by the sudden sound of something landing behind her for the second time this night. Though now it felt a good deal larger than a house cat . . . "Not the most graceful of entrances, especially given what we're looking for." Remarked the tall and striking figure behind her, dressed in a red tunic and white surcoat, bearing a large ornate heart insignia over it's left breast. An equally ornate rapier was strapped to the belt at his hip and his features, while handsome, were exotic in a distinctly feline manner, complete with navy bands like whiskers that he wore on his cheeks. "I don't suppose we were to quick in our decision?" He seemed to be making his remarks as if Alice were not their to the figure in white at the door who was muttering and ignoring him.
As she followed after the cute white fur ball in the crazy little costume she nearly tripped over the cat. Then again, she was pretty sure that was mostly due to the alcohol in her system. Where were they going? It seemed to get darker around her as she walked along, the ground uneven. She navigated it fairly well for someone in heels. She frowned as she saw a light ahead. Was it coming from the ground. She continued to walk, the rabbit disappearing into the light. And then she was falling.

Screaming, she spun in the air, trying to right herself and find something to cling to, the cat from earlier watching her like she was the crazy one. "Oh my God!" She screamed and plummeted down and down, never able to fully orient herself again. And then, suddenly, she was floating, up and up toward a checkered ceiling. The screaming stopped, her heart beating like a bat out of hell. She panted, obviously still freaking out from her seemingly endless fall. Her hair touched the ceiling and her head gently touched down before gravity re-engaged.

And then she was down. "Oww...." Her skirt was flipped up a bit revealing her white thong. Slowly she straightened herself up, pushing her skirt down as she looked around her, moving her blonde curls out of her face. "Huh?" She looked around her, amazed by her surroundings. "What is this?" Her eyes settled on the person near the door and she frowned, trying to place where she'd seen it before. And then someone else landed behind her. She gasped and turned to face the impressive figure, her full lips parted in astonishment. What was he talking about?

"Ummm...who are you? And...where am I?" She asked, looking around her, obviously confused.
Looking down at her, the sword bearing figure cocked his head to the side of and his ears twitched, large furred ears with stripes on them that the curly black locks of his head were pushed back behind. "Feh," he said sweeping past the fallen girl, to stand next to the figure in white, who at a second glance seemed to have skin nearly as pale as his jacket. "What's wrong?" he asked, of the figure, who twitched ears of his own, fluffy white ones not unlike the rabbit's whom she had been pursuing. "We made it through easy enough, why can't we get back?" The figure in the vest rounded on him displaying white whisker markings of his own and a pair of spectacles which he pushed up his nose.

"I told you it might not be as simple as all that!" He replied, in matter of fact tone. "It took weeks to find a tear large enough for us, and it would have taken more to find another one that could lead us back inside. But you said time was an issue." The pale figure certainly didn't seem interested in taking any lip from the man with the sword, and although he was not quite so striking in appearance, he was handsome in a scholarly fashion, very well kept and confident.

"Time is an issue! It was only a matter of time before the King caught onto us, and you told me you knew the way back." The first man replied, "Isn't this it?" He asked, pointedly gesturing at the door before them. The rabbit eared figure threw up his arms in frustration and turned back towards the door.

The cat eared figure turned back towards Alice in a huff, though he smirked rather devilish when he caught sight of her again. "I don't suppose you have any perspective on this?" He asked, gesturing to the room around them before laughing. "No, I suppose your just content to ask questions and sit there. Hah, some human you turned out to be." Rounding on her again, he looked back over his shoulder before the rabbit eared figure came marching back towards them, dusting off his vest.

"Actually, she may very well be able to help us, assuming she is human." The pale man said, "I'm sorry for the lack of introductions, but I tend to get a little absorbed in my work sometimes." Then bowing, he continued "My name is Blake. I am a herald and scholar of the Court, and it is my very good honor to meet you miss . . . ?" He trailed off, extending a hand out towards her in a gentlemanly fashion.
Alice managed to get on her feet without the help of the rude man who basically ignored her. She was still very much alarmed, her heart beating faster than usual as she looked around her and tried to get her bearings. At least she was fairly certain the two people in the room with her didn't want to hurt her. That much was certain.

She frowned and saw that one had the ears of a cat, the other the ears of a rabbit. What? But that kind of thing wasn't possible. It must have just been a part of a costume...but didn't it move? What the hell was going on? She was just about to demand an answer from these two...creatures, when the rude, albeit handsome one turned back to her, grinning again.

"Hey, what is your problem? I didn't ask to come here you know." She crossed her arms watching him with a rather angry look on her face. She was getting kind of tired of playing games. When the other man spoke, she blinked, rather surprised at the level of politeness he was able to muster. He was handsome too, now that she could see his face. But that wasn't important right now--even she in her tipsy state could figure that out.

"Assuming I'm a human? Are you crazy? What else would I be?" She frowned and got the distinct feeling that she would not like the rest of her night. "My name is Alice," she said to his inquiry. "And I'd appreciate to know why I am here. And where I am," she said looking around. "I've never experienced any of this before, nor have I ever seen a place like this. It's a little hard to figure it out when you don't know anything." She glared at the other man and returned her attention to Blake, taking the hand he offered.

"I'm sorry, but it's just a little frustrating, you know?" She looked at him with eyes that were definitely contrite and smiled at him after a moment. "What's going on that's got his panties in a twist, anyway?"
Blake was about to respond when the comment about his compatriot's panties caught him rather off guard, and he was forced to raise a hand to his face and try to stifle a laugh, resulting in something between a cough and a snicker, as the cat eared man's suddenly tensed up, exactly like a cat caught surprised and raising it's hackles. Turning back around he seemed about to go off on some sort of tirade when Blake cut him off.

"I wouldn't take it personally, Cheshire. After all, it's been a long time since either of us have had a chance to hear humor from the woman's perspective." Then, turning back to Alice, "It's my very good pleasure to meet you Alice, and in answering your questions, if you were not human, you would be like us," He twitched his ears and nose for emphasis, "We brought you here because we need your help, and as for where here is, we are in Wonderland." Blake spoke very quickly, acutely and matter-of-factly smiling more broadly as he did so. "Or at least, I'm fairly certain this is Wonderland." His smile dimmed as he shrugged his shoulders, "If it isn't, you can be quite certain it's just on the other side of that door."

With that statement, the man he had called Cheshire huffed again and turned back towards the both of them. "Oh really, and how can you be so certain?" He questioned him, before looking back at Alice, his eyes briefly flickering over her costume.

Blake seemed to take some small offense at Cheshire's suspicion and pointed directly to the ceiling, "This room fits the description of the entryway as described by the texts, and just look, have you ever seen so pure a depiction of the Four Royals?" The two quickly became embroiled in a heated discussion once more, pointing and gesturing from one another to the room and Alice as they apparently tried to place some sort of blame.
Cheshire...that name was familiar...where was it from again? Alice saw that her little comment made Blake laugh, and she couldn't help but smile at the effect it had on Cheshire. And then it clicked. Cheshire Cat. White Rabbit. Alice. She smirked and faced Blake, virtually ignoring the feline, just as he'd done to her before. Listening to his explanation, she chuckled. "Of course. Of course, it's Wonderland," she said, looking up at the ceiling. At this point, she had accepted the fact that these two were not human. That much, she could handle, and it made sense if this was really Wonderland. Blake was the white rabbit and Cheshire was...himself.

The blonde was a little startled by Cheshire's interjection, but he had a point. Then again, she was more content to listen to the one of the pair who was nicer to her than the other. As they set to bickering, she stepped between them and took a closer look at the door. For all its ornaments, it looked like a regular door. "So what's the problem here, boys? Is it locked?" She asked, turning the knob.
Immediately upon her beginning to turn the nob, the door shuddered at her touch and their was a long groan like wood settling into position under some great strain. This caught the attention of the bickering rabbit and feline as they turned towards her, wide-eyed. Blake seemed about to say something when the groan of the wood suddenly changed pitch, seeming to take on the tone of something different entirely, sounding all the more like someone or something having a difficult time waking up. At this point, Blake stepped forward and took hold of Alice by the shoulders, pulling her back from the door and moving protectively in front of her, as Cheshire drew his sword, directing it at the now visibly shuddering door.

It was a long, tense moment as the wood of the ornate door began to twist and bend and finally the ornate pattern coalesced into the figure of a man, stretching and yawning as he stepped down from within the door and blearily rubbed his eyes, looking at them. "Well thas' a quite a welcom *hic* for someone who's jus' woke up . . . " He said, looking from the glaring swordsman to the affronted rabbit. He was shorter than the pair, and seemed rather than an animal to be composed of the same cherry wood as the door, his clothes more like ornate brass decorations and when he stretched his joints creaked like wood. "By the looks of ye, I'd say yer up ter no good, and the King dosn't take *hic* kindly to those up ter no good. If you're lucky, he'll leave you here in the entryway to starve." A growing smirk had spread across his features as he spoke, clearly none to impressed with their display.

"I take it you then are the lock?" Blake piped up, to which the figure nodded.

"And in the service of the King no less." Cheshire exclaimed, stepping forward and putting his blade to the Lock's throat, "Open the door for us, or I'll carve you down to kindling!" he threatened, but the lock only laughed.

"That'll hardly get ye inta Wonderland. If ye get rid of me, the door will stay shut till a new lock is made, and who knows how long before anyone but the King gets around to that." He grinned sheepishly.
The unearthly sounds that emanated from the door were startling. Instantly, she let go of the door knob and took a step away from it. The two men finally turned to pay attention to the woman they'd managed to drag from her world to this one. They looked horrified. Blake was about to speak when the door took on a more human sound. She gasped and let him pull her away from the door. Unsure of what was happening, she stayed behind the rabbit, her hand on his shoulder.

The blonde watched, horror-stricken as the door morphed into a wooden man. She gasped and stayed behind Blake, watching the scene unfold. Her blue eyes took in the man before her--if you could call it that and instantly wished she would have just stayed at her party. This was messed up. And she really hated his snarky attitude.

So he was a lock? Well, every lock needed something to open. The only thing about this one was that it was very much alive. She frowned as Cheshire put a sword to his wooden throat. Well what good would that do? He wasn't flesh and blood. It was a question of finding out what the lock needed. Obviously, it wasn't a threat of violence. She frowned, still a little tipsy, though she was starting to sober up a bit.

"Ask what he wants," she whispered to Blake. Her lips brushing against his hair.
Blake shuddered against her, though it was much less from fright than having the attractive blond pressed up close behind him, whispering over his shoulder and feeling her holding onto him. "Miss Alice, please . . . I . . . " He had to swallow hard to contain himself, but he could not quite restrain the carry of his voice, and their whispering caught the attention of the Lock as it deftly brushed Cheshire's blade aside and turned his ruby eyes towards Alice.

"Eh, who's that there with you?" Immediately, Blake stiffened and drew himself up in front of Alice as his ears shot upwards and he seemed to turna shade paler. Cheshire positioned himself directly between them and the Lock glaring and pointing his blade all the more menacingly.

"That's none of your concern." He said, but the Lock simply huffed and melded back into the door . . . Only to reappear directly behind Alice and Blake, looking up her up and down a look of growing, lecherous shock on his face.

"A woman! A fucking woman in Wonderland . . . " It's wooden jaw was agape as it stared Alice up and down, taking in every inch of her charms, very much on display given her costume. "Maybe I was wrong about you boys . . . *hic*" He said, looking from Cat to Rabbit with a wide grin, as the two looked to each other and then to Alice, with an embarrassed silence.
Alice's eyes widened as the door's attention came to her. She let Blake hide her, but she knew that wouldn't really work. Cheshire took a step between Blake and the lock as well, and she was immediately worried. Clearly, she'd made a mistake by trying to open the door, but it had been necessary, hadn't it? She frowned, feeling vulnerable, though she had the protection of the two of them.

She watched as the lock melded back into the door and put her hand over her chest, her heart beating faster. She gasped as she heard the voice coming from behind her and spun around, only to find the lock there instead. Alice backed away, brushing against Blake and quickly, habitually apologizing.

She did not like the way he was looking at her, but it quickly became apparent what the lock wanted if it was going to let them through. "Would...would you let us through?" she asked, trying to further their cause. It wouldn't do them any good to stay where they were, and she got the feeling that she couldn't go back the way she came. "Please?" she added.
The Lock was now completely aghast, at a total a loss for words as Alice spoke to him, unable to anything except stare and point with it's knobby finger at her up and down, trying to decide what it was most he had missed about women. "Uh . . . well, I guess when ye, put er, that way . . . " It stumbled over the words, then laughed and slapped it's knee. "You know boys really had me going there *hic*" He said, taking a step towards her with a grin across his wooden features, not quite defined as human, but carven to appear at least humanoid. "I thought it would be another decade before the King decided to send another woman my way, but I'll be damn if he didn't deliver. Feel free to go on through . . . " He said and there was an echoing click through the entryway indicating the door unlocking.

Blake and Cheshire looked to one another and then back at the lock, Blake was about to speak when Cheshire stepped in front of him, "I don't suppose you'd mind if we stuck around, not to intrude or anything, but it's not as though we'd pass up a chance to indulge in the King's blessings . . . " The cat eared man said, smirking broadly at the Lock, though he did cast a concerned glance towards Alice. Blake seemed to be a little more out of sorts, dabbing his brow with a handkerchief as the Lock nodded.

"Certainly boys, I'll leave the door open for you. Feel free to leave any time." He said as he began to advance on Alice, stretching an arm out towards her.
Alice blinked as the sound of the lock undoing itself filled the air, its persona coming closer to her. She took a half step back, glancing back at the two unlikely companions. They seemed uneasy, and she wondered how she would get out of this scrape... or even if she would. She took a deep breath and was glad that she still had a buzz going. And it seemed as though the door did as well. Cheshire obviously had a plan, though Alice wasn't quite sure what it was. She could only hope they would save her if they really did need her help.

The Lock came closer to her and she saw him reaching out his hand. For her part, she stayed still, not having a particularly strong desire to rush into his inhuman arms. He could come to her if he wanted her so much.
This seemed to be the lock's plan as it made it's way towards her, sidling up in front of her with a none to friendly gleam in it's ruby eye as it let it's outstretched hand settle on her hip and it began pulled her close in an all too familiar manner, not unlike three or four of the more presumptuous drunks at the party she had just left. It ground it's wooden hips against hers as it leaned in close, it's blank features nearly next to her warm skin as it's opposite hand trailed up her tummy and towards the valley of her cleavage. It wasn't exactly comfortable having the wood just rubbing against her, smooth as it was, it was still cold and though it moved it felt rather lifeless against her. "Tell me pretty, what's your suit?" It asked, as it tugged on her skirt, fiddling with the waistband of her thong so that it began to ride up between her cheeks.

So involved was the Lock in it's own drunken advances that it failed to notice Cheshire as he silently side stepped his way around the distracted Lock. His eyes had taken on a steely, hard gaze and he moved with an absolute grace and power as he moved in closer, just like a cat, coiling for a strike as he readied his still drawn blade. Slowly, he brought single finger up to his lips as he glanced at Alice, intent on the element of surprise.
Alice shivered at the cold feel of the wood against her warm flesh. She let him move his hands over her, despite her discomfort. He was a little unsettling and she blushed a bit as hie ran his hand over her torso. She shivered out of disgust more than pleasure as the strange creature sought to have its way with her, trying to hit on her while he did so. Honestly, why did men insist on doing such silly things. She imagined the "What's your suit" question to be similar to "What's your sign," though judging by the ceiling's portraits, she doubted that it was that insignificant.

As the lock's attention was concerned mostly with her body, at this point, she watched Cheshire and then returned her gaze to the wooden man just in time. "Mm, suit? Why don't you tell me yours first? But what does a suit really matter in this sort of thing?" she asked, smiling a coquettish smile that made her sick. But she needed the lock to pay attention to her and her body, which was now made uncomfortable by his pulling on her thong. Still, she let him do all of this so Cheshire could get in his shot.
Alice might have been apprehensive, but the Lock certainly couldn't tell the difference, and it seemed far more interested in letting it hands peruse her feminine curves than making idle conversation. "Diamonds, my dear, and let me show you just how good a friend they can be to a girl like you . . . " Alice could distinctly feel a growing hardness at the pelvis of the wooden man, but was thankfully spare any more cheesy lines or harassment as Cheshire lunged forward, impaling his blade up wards through the torso of the Lock so that the tip protruded through the top of its chest.

Then, a sudden flash of dark light ran across the blade and the Lock was momentarily enveloped before it burst into a shower of sawdust and splinters, as Cheshire sheathed his blade expertly. Stepping forward, the now smiling cat extended a hand out towards Alice and brushed some of the dust from her shoulder. "Very well done, my dear. I apologize for my earlier statements as to your usefulness." He said, smiling an impish grin.

Blake meanwhile was back at the door and had already manipulated the nob so that it was even not beginning to swing open. "Best hurry!" He said as he pushed open the door to reveal a bright light, "We're already late!" Blake hurried over and took both Cheshire and Alice by the hand, pulling them through the portal and in a brief flash of light, out into what appeared to be a forest of giant mushrooms and exotic trees right out of a Doctor Seuss book.
Alice shivered as the lock continued to let his hands roam over her, unabashed by her lack of reaction. Being watched like this made her a little nervous, and she blushed softly as she felt his "diamond" growing harder. She gasped, not having quite expected Cheshire to strike at that moment. She was glad he did, however. She took a step back as the man turned to sawdust and splinters and brushed the bits of wood that had landed on her away.

She let Cheshire help her and found his smile infectious, though she was still thoroughly freaked out. At this point, however, she decided to just go with it. And as he apologized to her, she accepted gracefully. "Well, you're forgiven, I guess. Next time, just tell me what's going on so I can help." That said she heard Blake calling to them. She blinked as the rabbit took her hand and she held on tight, not sure she'd like what happened next any more than what had already happened.

She was amazed as she looked around her once they were through the portal. "So this is Wonderland, huh?" Alice looked around her, still holding onto Blake's hand, though her grip was a little loose now that they'd gone through the portal. After all, she'd no desire to repeat her earlier performance of endless falling. "Okay, before we get too far ahead of ourselves here, will you guys please tell me what you need me for? And what did that goofy door man mean by 'suit'?"
Blake was about to reply when Cheshire turned to them and looked with a knowing glance. "I'll leave the history lesson to you, oh Scholarly One." He said bowing exaggeratively before rising up and regarding the various trees and canopy, "In the mean time, I'll scout out a good campsite for the night and make sure we're not followed by any agents of the King." And with that he was off, dashing up into the trees, effortlessly and agilely making his way between branches and caps till he was out of sight. Blake sighed before turning back to Alice.

"You really musn't mind Cheshire, he takes it all very personally you see. Not you or me, but the resistance and the actions of the King of Spades." He paused collected himself for a moment and then indicated a pair of roughly seat sized mushrooms. "But I am getting ahead of myself, why don't we have a seat and I'll see if I can't explain everything to your satisfaction." Taking a seat on the mushroom he cleared his throat before continuing.

"You see, Wonderland used to be ruled by the Four Royals, the Duchess of Diamonds, the Czar of Clubs, the Queen of Hearts and the King of Spades, each with their own royal courts and their own subjects throughout the land. They had their differences, and occasionally squabbled, but largely resolved their differences on the Chess Board, or the Card Games, where each of their suits would compete against one another. It was a rather happy time, and we Wonderlanders were free to pursue our interests as we pleased." He paused a moment, seemingly distracted by her costume, but continued without undue concern, "But for whatever reason, the other Royals at some point have disappeared and in their absence a new King of Spades has ascended to the throne, declaring himself the soler ruler of Wonderland, by right of his existence as a human being, the only human in Wonderland, setting him above cards and pieces and animals and all other subjects. Obviously this didn't set well with the other members of the Court, but the King has . . . ways and means of securing compliance, he can manipulate things to his liking in almost any way imaginable, and the initial resistance was crushed, nearly before it started. Since then, he has instigated an absolute rulership and regime, securing his power by the right of his harem." Blake as before was very matter of fact in his discussion, pausing only to shudder when he discussed the King's 'power' over Wonderland and it's inhabitants.
"So you're hoping that I can help because I'm another human?" she asked, tilting her blond head to the side. Alice sighed, the heaviness of this matter settling in on her. "I can appreciate how difficult it is for you all here," she said slowly, gathering her thoughts, "But I'm not sure if there's anything I can really do for you. I don't know how the king does what he does. From what you say, I know he's a greedy bastard with a superiority complex..." She frowned.

"I'll do what I can for you, Blake, but I'm not sure what that would be at this point. I don't know anything about this king or his power...and what did you mean about a harem?" she asked, frowning a bit.
Blake nodded initially, but as she continued he began to frown. "I see, we thought perhaps that all humans had command of such power. It took a good deal of research and more than a few clandestine missions into the castle's archives to discover the origin of humans, let alone how we could get to their, I mean, your world." He sighed deeply, "But honestly, I can't ask you to fight our cause for us. In a way, it's meant quite enough to share your company, its certainly not a privilege we enjoy even when the King deigns to share his harem." His ears drooped now to the side of his head, but his eyes had dropped as well, apparently subconsciously to her bust, still on display in her costume.

It was a long drawn out moment before he realized that he had been staring, and he was very quick to raise his eyes, "I'm terribly sorry, it's been a difficult adjustment, for some more than others, to having no women in Wonderland."
She couldn't exactly blame him for staring. After all, that had been the original purpose of the costume. Though now that she was no longer at a party, she began to wonder about the wisdom of this particular choice. For now, she kept her gaze on his eyes and frowned at his explanation. "I'm sorry. I still don't know what his power is. Maybe I have it but I don't know about it?"

And then he said something that startled her. "No women? How can that be? You mean to tell me that there are absolutely no women in Wonderland?" She asked. What about his mother then? And what about his lover--if he'd had one. No wonder he'd been so distracted. The poor guy probably hadn't seen curves like hers in...well...however long it had been. She got up off of her mushroom and came closer to him.

"Please tell me more, if you can. I need to know if I'm going to help. Why aren't there women in Wonderland? And what powers does the king have?" She asked, sitting next to the rabbit, letting him get an eyeful.
Blake looked up as she expressed her concern over the lack of women, immediately struck by just how close she was and specifically how close she was to him and how close those wondrous feminine charms were to him. "Well, you see . . . " He was forced to swallow hard, and was behaving much as he had before when Alice had been close to him before, hiding behind him from the Lock, "That was one of the most grand uses of his power the King displayed, he gathered up all the women of Wonderland in his Palace, and keeps them there for his pleasure and the pleasure of his soldiers and agents." Blake was able to take some solace by engaging in this disortation, he was after all a scholar, but he was not able to stop from clenching and unclenching his hands. "It's how he commands loyalty from all of Wonderland, prior to his ascension, women and pleasure and sex was something to be shared, but now it has been monopolized by the King."

Blake was struggling to keep his eyes on Alice's and not to drop them down to gaze into that wondrous valley of her cleavage let alone the temptation to reach out and take hold of her thigh, to wrap his arm around those supple hips and . . . His ears twitched and he swallowed hard again.
Alice watched Blake carefully, noticing how nervous he was. She could tell he was struggling on the inside. And why wouldn't he? After so much time without a woman, he must be aching...She frowned as he continued to tell her the story. "So his power stems from the harems?" She wondered why that might be. "It's how he commands loyalty from all of Wonderland...but what would happen if you resisted?" She needed to know more before she could help Blake in any way. She took hold of one of his hands and looked at him right in the eyes. "I want to help, but I need to know," she said, some of her golden curls falling over her shoulder.
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