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[mxm] NEW plots and all, come rp!

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Nov 13, 2010
Hey guys~

Few easy rules, I'm looking for literate roleplayers who aren't afraid of a little length in posts and some thought out plotting. You don't have to be a novelist, but I'm avoiding one liners.

I'm looking for mxm roleplays, and possibly fxf.

As for kinks, I'm up for just about anything on the list of 'typical things', my only real limits are extreme gore, toilet related things, ect. I you want something in particular, just ask.

Just some notes, I have my online status hidden, so if it says I'm off, ignore it. Also, this account is new to the site, but I am not. Don't let the lack of post history scare you away, I promise, I'm good. <3


1. Hooker/client-
A teen is cast out of his home and ends up trying to earn some money- the only way he can. He puts himself on the street, and when a young business man sees such a young face, he steps in and brings the boy home.

2. Celebrity/bodyguard-
This could easily be a bodyguard/anythinginneedofprotection, but I'd prefer it to be a celebrity. I would love a really skilled roleplayer for this, I'm thinking a very loyal body guard, and a spoiled celebrity that takes advantage of the guard's feelings, ect. Ask me for more details if you're interested. I would also be interested in royalty/guard, a prince maybe and his personal guard who have always been close, but maybe get a bit closer. ;3

3. Slave/Master-
MUST HAVE PLOT for this pairing. I'm thinking either something involving royalty- Perhaps when one nation falls, their prince is given as a gift to the winning nation's prince as a servant. Or maybe something more mafia related, perhaps the son of the big boss is given a slave as a present for his 16th birthday- playing an age difference here could be interesting.

More plots to come.
If you would play the prince I have an idea for the master/slave one. Though I'm big into fantasy worlds, you know magic and what not.
I have a plot for the master/slave one but the character I have designed for it is the slave if you like I could post the plot.
It's kinda set in a fantasy world with magic and what not so here's the idea; A prince is given the last member of a clan of humans who were able to tame fire, use it, manipulate it, and summon it. They were clan the Phoenix clan and it was the prince's father who ordered the death of the clan. The last member is a firey, stubborn boy and less then happy to be given to the prince. The boy is also far more aware of the evils and horrors the prince's father has commited but who would be believed in the end the prince's father or a new tempermental slave.
3. Slave/Master-
MUST HAVE PLOT for this pairing. I'm thinking either something involving royalty- Perhaps when one nation falls, their prince is given as a gift to the winning nation's prince as a servant. Or maybe something more mafia related, perhaps the son of the big boss is given a slave as a present for his 16th birthday- playing an age difference here could be interesting.

That sounds like a fun setting. I prefer to be the dominate Master.
I was thinking I would be the son of the warlord/king that destroyed your kingdom. Your kingdom was known for your peaceful ways and beautiful slim people, yet my kingdom was made of battle hardened warriors. Now you are presented to me as a gift.
-age play,
-size difference,
-Different species? Elven boy?
-Different race? Slim dark skinned boy.??
So. I would love to rp with you!
As long as you're up for playing double pairings, I would not mind actually doing both your first two plots. Since I can't decide which I like better.
I was kinda thinking it could be something that the client and the celebrity could be related in some way. Either genetically or just friends or whatever.
Or maybe the client and the bodyguard are related in whatever way.
If you don't like that suggestion, then I'll be glad to just pick one... but I'll make you pick which one you want to do.

I'm very interested in the hooker/client role-play idea. I once read a fic having to do with that same topic and really enjoyed it, and have wanted to RP the situation since. That is, if you're interested. I am totally up for somewhat lengthy posts and thought out plotting. That's usually how I prefer role-plays anyway.
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