Jugger x Jocelyn

Nathan nodded as he wrapped an arm around her to pull her along, making it seem as if he was over protective of her while he passed by the guards. He glared at them still and they still glared at him, one of them willing to attack Nathan but the other had stopped him. Soon they were on the southern side of Spruce and Nathan looked around. "Exactly where on the south side do you live Miss Phoenix?"
Phoenix smiled at the man, like there wasn't a single worry and told him. "It's one-four-eight-five." she told him. It seemed like she had him right where she wanted him. It was going to be all too easy to destroy him, soon enough.
"1485...? Alright...1485...1485..." He began to search up and down the streets as he tried to find the house. He was in the right area, but it was now dark and he could hardly see what the numbers were. Soon after walking up to a few houses to check the numbers, he finally found hers and walked her to the door. "Here you are Miss Phoenix...is there anything else I can do before you go in?"


Back at the lab, the dark figure chuckles seeing the regeneration bar start to rise again, showing that a few souls had been sucked into Jenova's machine to regenerate her body.

?- Lets hope Phoenix does her job right and actually kill some more people so Jenova can be ready...
Phoenix walked with the man, knowing every time they went to the wrong house, just how far away they were. But she wanted him thinking that she was incapable of so much. When they reached her house, she went to the door and opened it. "Would you like to come in and eat? You've done so much for me, I can't imagine sending you off without some food in your stomach." She told him, walking into the house without waiting for his reaction.
Nathan's stomach growled hearing the instance of food would be given to him. He smiled and nodded, but felt like a goof seeing as how she couldn't have known he did. "Thanks Miss Phoenix, you're too kind." He walked in with her and closed the door behind him. He began to follow her, all the while looking around the house to see its decor. "Interesting way to have your house Miss Phoenix."
Phoenix knew that her house was bland. She couldn't see what was there, no TV, no pictures, it was just bare walls, a couch and chairs. She laughed at his compliment. "Yeah, okay." She said, walking straight to the kitchen. "Have a seat. But don't move anything. It's all set up so that I don't trip over anything and so that I can find everything." She explained as she opened the refrigerator and taking out some food to heat up.
Nathan nodded and was careful not to move anything like she said as he sat down in a chair. He watched her as she began to cook a meal and the fragrance of the food wofted into his nostrils, causing his stomach to growl again. "Haha...thanks again Miss Phoenix...you must have some skill for remembering every little detail in your house so that you don't hurt yourself...is it just yourself here?"
"It would be tough to live with someone." Phoenix said from the kitchen. "It is survival, that's why I remember it all. My homes have been set up like this since I was... Little." She said, putting the food on the plates. "If something moves, I end up completely lost, or even hurt. Which is why, nothing moves."
"Or at least it gets put back anyway, haha...huh...must really be tough then I guess...hey listen, if you need any help, I can help. Thats one reason why I'm here Miss Phoenix."
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