Jugger x Jocelyn


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia

Nathan Stone was doing his usual patrols around New Midgar. Shinra activity still flowed through the town, even after its sudden defeat and loss of their weapon, Sephiroth. Nathan was a new recruit of Avalanche, admiring the group for its ways of 'Justice', and now he was part of it...but stuck doing nothing but patrols. Against orders though, he patrolled the heavily populated Shinra district hoping to find someone to fight or bring to 'Justice'. "Why why why WHY is it so boring around here....there....there isn't much to do since....Gah..."

Phoenix Black as so happy to finally have some confrontation. She was one of the last of the good SOLDIERS. And one of the best. She was made into a perfect fighter by her cousin, but wouldn't use it in any fights, until she needed it. For the time being, she didn't need it. She only had to let them do what they wanted.

The group were all the worst children. She had known they were looking at her as she'd walked by. First, it was because she was a clearly beautiful young woman. Extremely long white hair, and a beautiful body. Then, they realized that she was blind. She was vulnerable. They'd jumped instantly. She let them beat her and take her money, even ripping her clothes. This was because she knew about the Avalanche in the area.

The scream pierced the terrible neighborhood. She was done being hit and had pushed them all away with a scream. Her clothes were torn and even the cloth that usually covered her eyes was hanging around her neck instead of her eyes. She cried as she stumbled around the streets, like she didn't know where she was going. She was actually fairly good at walking around without sight.
(Sorry for the wait)

Nathan heard a scream and reacted immediately. He dashed in its direction but only saw that it was a girl who seemed to be in bad shape. Her clothes were ripped and she seemed to be walking with uncertainty. Being the good person he was, he ran over to her to see if she was alright. "Excuse me ma'am? Are you alright? You...you look like you've been hit by a train or something...do you need help?"
Milk blue eyes looked in the direction of the man, but didn't look at him. It was clear just from those eyes that the woman was blind. "I was.. I was robbed." And beaten, but the dirt and scratches and probably bruises would have testified to that. "Am... Am I near Harvey Street?" She asked, knowing that she was on the complete opposite side of the city.
(Ok sorry for the wait again I'm online now.)

"Uh...no ma'am...You're not...You're blind and on Gargan Street...If you want, I can take you there miss...its my duty to show the safety of New Midgar's citizens." He felt like he failed in his job seeing the condition she was in. He felt terrible about not being there. He gently held her shoulder. "Shall I show you the way miss?"
Phoenix frowned. "I know that." She snapped, pushing her hair out of her face. "I've been blind my whole life." She felt her body for her eye wrap. When she found it she brought it up to tie over her eyes. "Would you?" She asked, feeling around for the man, and finding his chest. "I have to...Work." She told him, thinking of something that seemed normal.
"Work? What kinda job would hire...nevermind...I'll show you the way miss." He smiled and gently tugged her along by her shoulder as he showed her the way to Harvey Street. He made sure to keep an eye out for anything else that might go wrong. A street fight, harassment, or just lost people like this girl. "So...what do you work as?"
Most people thought that blind people couldn't do anything. That was why she was so able to do everything. She surprised people. The man was guiding her, which she found a little weird, but she would allow him. "I edit." She told him. "For a publishing company."
"Thats a bit odd dontcha think? Sorry for my rudeness miss but, I don't see how a blind person could edit anything if they can't see. Or what, do they tell you what it says and you think of new ways to word it or add things in?" They were almost to Harvey Street. He wondered exactly what paper she did so he could check out how well it was. "What paper do you edit for?"
"The Harrold." She told him, actually going on experience. She used to work there, and her father had once owned it. "They use a special machine." She told him. "Braille for hard copies and a computer that reads to me for electronic." She explained, shrugging as if it were nothing.
"Very interesting....I wouldn't mind seeing how it works. Well, here we are miss..Harvey Street. Anywhere in particular you're heading? I can escort you there miss uh....I never...if its alright, might I catch your name?"
"Maybe one day." Phoenix said with a slow nod. She wasn't going to agree to anything. "My name is Phoenix." She told him, brushing her face again, in case there was still dirt that she didn't feel. "And yours?" She asked him.
"Nathan Stone...I know I'm supposed to keep this on the DL, but you're safe with me Phoenix. I'm not a part of avalanche for nothing y'know. Well, good luck and uh...happy editing then?" He smiled as he waited a reply.
"It's nice to meet you, Nathan Stone." She smiled and looked next to her, in his general direction. It was a disadvantage not to know where someone was standing. "I would feel safer if you'd be around in three hours to walk me home." She flashed his shoulder a sweet smile and bit her lower lip. "If you don't mind."
"Huh? Sure. I'll be here Phoenix, you can count on me. Uh, do you need me to walk you to the door so you don't kinda...walk into it?" He said as he looked toward the building, wondering what kind of technology he most likely haven't heard of before. He figured if they had a machine to give the blind the ability to edit newspaper, they might have some other stuff that might interest him.
Phoenix grinned. "I can make my way in just fine. I do it every day." She laughed and pointed near the building. "I know where I am now. Before I just didn't know where I was. But now, I am fine. Thank you." She said with a smile. "I will see you in a few hours."
Nathan smiled and nodded as he held the door open for her. When she was inside, he closed it behind her and leaned against it. "My heart is beating fast...such abilities and technology...damn, where I come from there's hardly anything like that....stupid farming towns...Now I just wait a few hours for her."

He got up from the door and went to sit on a bench. Knowing he'd be in trouble, he'd sit there for three hours as he waited for her to come out.
Phoenix heard the talk around that the man was still outside the building. That was troublesome. She decided that she would have to stay in there those three hours, because he wasn't going to go back to work. She went through the building, looking for the person that was running the business. She was of course pampered, because of who she was to the founder.

Three hours later, Phoenix walked out slowly, running her fingers through her long black hair.
Nathan smiled seeing her come out. He stood up and walked over to her, but tapped her shoulder to acknowledge he was there and so he wouldn't sneak up on her. "Hey. I'm here, ready for me to escort you home Phoenix?" He didn't notice how annoyed she had been because Nathan wasn't too bright to notice things like that about people. He was easily decieved, as gullible as he was.
Phoenix smiled so sweetly at the man's voice and turned in his direction. "Yes, please." She said, reaching for his arm so that he could guide her. "I live on Spruce." She informed him, turning to the left.
Nathan frowned upon hearing that. He really...really hated that area. "Spruce...why of all places...thats right next to Shinra HQ...uh...no nevermind..." He wanted to ask if she was affillianted with Shinra in any way. If she was, he'd leave her there because he hated Shinra. Instead, he smiled and led her there without another word.

Meanwhile at Shinra HQ...A large dark man looms over an incubator larger than himself. His face smirks as he sees the percentage of "Regeneration" already being half finished. The name on the incubator said Jenova on it. He turned to the incubator next to him and looked at it. It was smaller, more about his size. On it, said Sephiroth.
Phoenix grinned and shook her head. "It is relatively cheap to live there. I don't make a lot of money, only work part time, and sporadically." She explained. Who would think that a blind woman was a SOLDIER? They were all pretty perfect. And she was, besides the defect.
Upon reaching Spruce, Nathan and Phoenix were met with immediate opposition. Two Shinra guards that were patrolling walked over and greeted Phoenix, but they glared at Nathan.

Guard1- Whats an AVALANCHE doing here?

Guard2- I say we arrest this son of a...I bet he would make a great test subject for Doct-

Guard 1 punched him to stop him from talking. Nathan growled at them and reached for his sword. "You guys want a fight? You got it you Shinra scum!"
Phoenix could sense the people, and really didn't want them messing up what could be her own job. She listened, and when it seemed like a fight was evident, the young woman held up her head, shouting "Stop!" before feeling along Nathan's arm.

"I just want to get home safe, for once. Could we not fight?"
Nathan still kept his eyes on the soldiers. He watched them carefully, as did they to him. Upon hearing Phoenix, he scoffed before sheathing his sword for her safety. "Fine...just this once I'll let them go...where is your house Miss Phoenix?"
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