Street Fighter: The Journey~me and Jugger82


Jan 11, 2009
"Wow..........more people here than I thought there'd be." said young Sakura Kasugano with a whistle as she stood outside the ring of people, all men, watching the fight happening in the center. While seemingly impromptu, it was official......more or less.

"Gah........I can't see anything!" she said, setting her school bag down and standing on her tip toes to try and see the action. She failed to notice that she was pressing her perky bosom up against the men in front of her, getting lecherous looks and snickers that she too, failed to notice.

"Stupid teacher.........holding me after class........." she muttered to herself, obviously annoyed. And with her attire, obviously coming straight from school, as she was still dressed in her rather.....provocative school uniform. She had her haeadband and gloves on though, as she always had those things on her.

She stuck out like sore thumb, being the only girl there. Either through naivety or just lack of attention, she failed to notice all the.........looks she was getting from the male crowd, as well as the whispers of rather sexual things they'd all like to do to her. Though, none of the men seemed to be aware that she was scheduled to compete in this little series of fights, or that she could likely kick most of their asses if they acted on their perverted plans for her.

Nathan Stone was a fighter sitting on the sidelines in the shadows. He didn't like crowds but they were useful. Though in this area, cops were usually lurking and he really didn't want to get through another series of cop fights after just escaping prison. His jail mate, Cody, had apparently broken out again and Nathan was lucky enough to escape with him, though, they went their separate ways. Soon it was Nathan's turn.

He walked to the middle of the ring as he looked around and noticed a girl trying to see overhead. He smirked. The reason Nathan had gone to jail was for indecency for public scenes. He loved to toy with girls and screw them, though he'd do it when he felt like it and the only thing he set his mind on right now was to beat the living hell out of some people to relieve some tension of being confined in a cell.

Nathan- So which one of you bastards wants to take me on?
"OOO, me me me me!" Sakura cried out, jumping up and down exitedly with her hand raised, getting bigger smiles from the crowd as her panties were constantly shown. Then, she basically started to tunnel her way through the crowd like a rhino, trying to squeeze her smaller body through the crowd of men.

"Hey, watch where you're grabbing!" she said a she finally reached the center, glaring back at a man who had "accidentally" touched her butt.

"I will be your opponent!" she said to her fellow combatant, pointing at him dramatically with a big smirk, like something out of some cheesy anime.
Nathan looked a bit dumbfounded as the girl practically rammed through the crowd. He chuckled seeing she had a lot of energy, something he liked.

Nathan- Interesting. You're a fighter? You really don't seem like it girlie. Tell me, how do you want your ass whooping today? Perhaps you want it with a whip?

He teased her and the men, some of them chuckling.
"Oh please. That's the lamest thing I've ever heard. It's you gonna be you who tastes my can of whoop ass today buster!" Sakura retorted with a very cheesy line, being most certainly lame in her come back. That was one of the things that one would expect from her that was true........she didn't really know how to trash talk. She tended to just repeat cliched lines.........often messing them up.
Nathan just chuckled at her words.

Nathan- Alright tough girl. Lets see how strong you are. Do try to put up a good show for the viewing audience. Who knows, you might get a rewarded night with me. I wouldn't mind having a piece of that ass haha.

He got into a fighting stance and smirked as he watched her, waiting for her to attack first.
This time, she caught her perverted intention to his words. It pissed her off, but she couldn't but blush at his word.

"Gah.......I'm gonna kick those arrogant teeth in!" Sakura damn near screamed out, getting into her typical attack stance before barreling right at him. That was her style. Go in first, bring it hard and fast, and not let the opponent rest up. It was a simpel strategy, but one she was quite good with thanks to all her training with Ryu and Ken and such. Still, she wasn't nearly as good as those two legends.
Nathan waited for her to get close before grabbing her by the arm and flipping her over his shoulder onto the ground. He slammed a flat palm on her stomach and releasing a small surge of lightning through his hand to slightly electrocute her, as if she were rubbing her feet on the carpet and then touched a doorknob. Something that wouldn't hurt her, but moreover scare her slightly.
Sakura gasped when he hit her in the stomach, letting out a yelp like sound at the surge of electricity. She quickly swept her feet around, aiming at his legs before hopping back, breathing heavily. She didn't seem surprised at his move. It was far from the first time she had seen attacks like that. She herself could use Ki as well, but.......she was quite horrible at it.

Still, she was outclassed already. The men were all cheering and hollering. Not to be fans of him, but at the prospect of this sexy young school girl being disabled and at their mercy.

Still, she had some fight left in her, rushing him again, and watching for any openings he might have.
Nathan fell back at the sudden leg sweep, surprised she didn't jump with a stunned look. He rubbed his head as he saw her rush at him again. He slowly got to his feet and rushed at her also to play a game of chicken with her. He was bull charging her until he tackled into her, landing on top of her and pinning her down with one hand on her arm and the other on her breast.

Nathan- Well then, isn't this quite the position?
"H-Hey!" Sakura cried out, blushing again as he groped her as she tried to wiggle out beneath him, but failing miserably. He had her down and she would stay down as long as he wanted her. Her legs weren't flexible enough for her to get them up and around his neck. So for now, she was completely at his mercy.
Nathan chuckled and leaned his head down to place a kiss on her forehead before dismounting her.

Nathan- I just got out of jail for something like this, I think I'm gonna wait a bit before I start committing crimes again. Listen girlie, if you ever want a rematch, you can find me in the west part of town.

The west part of Metro City, hardly any cops there due to many gang-related activity so severe the cops tended to stray from there...most of them anyway. Nathan smiled before walking through the crowd to get to his old home.
"Hey, wait!" Sakura called after him as she got up to her knees, but he was already gone. Looking around, she saw how all the guys were looking at her and after what just happened, knew what they had in mind, so she got the hell out of there, but of course, they took every chance to fondle her they could as she pushed her way through the crowd. She made it out, but a few buttons of her top were missing, which left her rather ample cleavage now exposed.
Nathan did hear her call for him but he didn't have time to stop. He was on the side of the street and stayed anonymous as cars passed by and hoped that no police cars would pass by, he really didn't want to fight any gun-wielding shot gunning cops. Soon he made it to his home on the west side of Metro City. It wasn't much but it looked like an average home. He walked up to the doorsteps but noticed a "Condemned" sign.

Nathan- Damn...the gas pipes finally busted and made this house in poor living condition to a point no one could live in it? How much could've happened in three months?
As expected, Sakura did follow him. But, just telling her the west part of town wasn't much to go on. Not to mention, she had a horrible sense of direction, so she just basically started wandering around the general area he mentioned, hoping to get lucky. She wished she had taken the time to go home and change though, as not only was it cold, her now more skimpy school girl uniform was bringing more unwanted attention, and with the looks in these guy's eyes, she knew they wouldn't hold back doing despicable things to her.

((Is rape and such something you'd be willing to play? I ask because not everyone likes it in RPs. I like it myself, so plenty of my ideas involve it, but can be altered if you don't like it.))
(I don't usually do it but I can do it. I don't have a no against it as long as my partner is willing for it.)

Nathan sighed seeing as how he had no place to stay.

Nathan- Well...I guess I can do what Cody told me...start fighting for money, not much of a life there but hell its something...where to start....

He began to walk down the road, not watching where he was going because he was in thought about his next actions. He accidentally bumped into Sakura.

Nathan- Huh? Oh excuse me, I wasn't-'re that girl.

His eyes stayed on her cleavage seeing as how it was right there.
((Oh, alright. In that case, when I feel like it myself, I'll mention it and set up a scene, then you can control whoever it is that does her, be it Nathan or some random perv.))

"Those are not my eyes." Sakura annoyedly replied, hips cocked to the site, arms under her chest which had the side effect of pushing her breats up, giving him a more appealing target and making it seem like they'd pop out at any time.
(I usually don't do rape scenes with random characters so it'd be Nathan or one of the temporary OCs I bring in that is in the scenario.)

Nathan- Even if they aren't they're better to look at than your eyes.

He shrugged and looked up to see her annoyed face. He didn't really want to fight her now knowing his place was condemned. He looked a bit annoyed himself actually.

Nathan- What do you want? A rematch? Not right now, I kinda just lost my house and I don't feel for fighting you right now...though I might make a suggestion among other things.

He said nudging her.
((Ah, works for me. I'll keep that in mind when setting said scenes up.))

Nudging her sure did not make her any less upset.

"Let me guess, it involves me being naked and in various sexual positions." she sarcastically replied, damn sure not happy with him right now.
Nathan- Damn take a joke why dontcha. If I was gonna sleep with you I would've done it in front of all those people when I had the chance to. Seriously, if you want a rematch you can just shove that offer right up you-........hey......actually, lets have that rematch. Lets make it interesting and put bets on the table...If I win, you have to house me until I'm ready to move onto the next town. And if I lose, you choose what my punishment should be.
"Live with me!? My place barely fits me and look how small I am!" Sakura replied. She obviously didn't like the bet, but the fact she didn't turn it down flat out made it obvious she did indeed want that rematch.
Nathan- Trust me girlie, there's nothing 'small' about you.

He joked.

Nathan- Well, are you gonna fight me or what? Name your winning reward and I'll do it, thats just the kind of man I am...though...if you want to see how much of a man I can be, that can be arranged too.
Hearing his comment, Sakura looked down at her exposed chest, then back up at him. He was right. Compared to the rest of the girls in her class, she was VERY well endowed. So round and perky, and just the right size to fit in ones hand.

"Oh, just stop with the perv crap. If I win, you're gonna be my slave for an entire year. And that's a NORMAL slave. Don't get any stupid sex slave ideas." Sakura replied, accepting his challenge.

((Feel free to just skip past him kicking her ass, as that is how it'd end.^_^))
(Aye lets not, things could get interesting and lead up to certain stuff.)

Nathan- Aww but the sex slave bit was what I was looking for. Ah well...lets go then. But before about a friendly handshake?

He smirked and held his hand out. As soon as she would take it, he'd grip her hand hard and zap her so she was paralyzed. He'd then have her tell him where she lived and he'd take her there...but when they got there, he was definitely going to fool around with her for a bit seeing as how she wouldn't be able to move all that well and put up a fight.
((Hehe, nice move.))

Sakura was weary of shaking his hand, knowing his powers. But, being miss honorable fighter, she agreed to it none the less, not expecting what followed in the slightest.
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