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Taking requests


Nov 1, 2010
It's been a while since I've written stories on my own instead of RP style, but this takes me back to when I started writing. I used to take requests and I'd like to start doing it again. These requests are for short to medium length stories (errotic ones, of course.) I'll go into detail within the stories and I'm willing to try to satisfy nearly any fetish, and I'll gladly use canon characters from other shows, games, and animes, but if I don't know the character, you'll need to provide some details about them. Follow the form below and either reply here or send me a PM to request a story. If requesting by PM, make sure the subject is "Story request" or something of that sort.

Story request form: In this form, if anything isn't filled out or specified, as the writer, I have freedom to fill in as I choose, though I will always try to stick to what you have asked.
Characters: Give either the name of a canon character or features you want a character to have.
Relationship: FxF, FxM, MxM, multiple
Fetishes: Specify here, please. Also, make sure you tell how each character you've mentioned reacts to each fetish.
Basic plot: You'll need to give me some sort of guideline for how you want the story to go.
Short or medium: This one should be obvious.

Copy the form below and fill it out.

basic plot:
Short of medium:
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