Street Fighter (Jugger and darkninja)

Nathan looked a bit confused at her and with slight annoyance. He stood up straight as he nodded and followed after her. If he continued, he'd probably collapse. He kept his eyes on her to keep his guard up.

Nathan- First you try to kill me, then you flirt with me, then you try to kill me again, and now you're trying to get us a room. Which is it?
Alex sighed "Would you rather I kiled you here and now? Beacuse I can with you being so shitfaced right now" She just continued walking with him to a hotel that was a few blocks down. She sighed wondering how her father could want a man like that. He seemed weak and didnt want to fight back no matter what. maybe he had made a mistake. Whatever the reason was he had never made a mistake about something like this before.
Nathan walked with her into the hotel as he looked around. It was like one of those hotels on those blocks that your parents would tell you to stay away from when you were a kid.

Nathan- You're serious about this hotel thing aren't you? I might have asked before, but I'll ask again. Why me?
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