Street Fighter (Jugger and darkninja)

Oct 29, 2010
Alexandria stood there in the practice ring. People were allowed to comeand watch so long as they didnt interfere. She would have killed them if they had but she wanted to leave that for her father to do. Her job was to bring them to him. She looked like a normal girl of 17 just freshly out of highschool Standing at 6'2" tall. She wore nothing more then a short sleeved white button up shirt. She also wore a blue short skirt and a pair of tennishoes. Under that it looked like she wore nothing but a pair of panties and nothing more. It seemed that every opponent she had face in the practice ring so far had either given up or got severely maimed and had to be carted out.

Was there no challenge here for her.Had the powers given to her upon her birth been too much for anyone to handle. As this went through her mind another challenger stepped up thinking he might be able to take her. But like so many before him he was maimed to within an inch of hislife. She had been quick and precise. She got the first hit which made him puke up blood when she got him in the gut with a hard blow. The second blow was a knee to the face and the third and final one was a grab to the mans throat and she squeezed hard and lifted the man. You could see white sparks arching in her eyes but she got it under sontrol as she only tossed him into the wall. He slammed into it and was carried off by the meat wagon.
Nathan was in the stands as he watched the girl practically eliminate the competition before the tournament even started. He grew annoyed at how she seemed to just toy with her prey when she could have just ended it. Upon seeing the last man get dragged away, he finally couldn't take it anymore. Someone had to put this girl in her place so that she wouldn't take out all the fun he wanted to fight.

He got up from the stands and jumped into the arena, landing a few feet behind Alexandria. He stood up tall and glared at her. She was taller than him because he was only 5'7", but that didn't mean a damn thing. For all she knew, he could be faster or stronger, though by now he was starting to doubt it but he had to try.

Nathan- Listen you, if you keep pickin em off like this one by one there won't be any left for me to fight. I guess putting you out of this tourny will do us both some good won't it?
Alex turned to the man who had jumped into the ring. She had to look down at the guy to see him as he was several inches taller. She noticed something about him and could see his demeanor was very much different from the rest of them. She smirked a bit at the thought of a challenge "You think you can provide me a challenge?" Her fists clenched as she stood there staring at him trying to size him up. Once she was certain she could read him she Took up a fighting style that was unknown to most. Only those who had ever fought her father or had seen him fight would know this style it looked like a weird kickboxing stance but had some nuances that any kickboxer could point out as not a kickboxing style. "Bereiten Sie sich | Prepare yourself" She spoke in German. She of course knew other languages but this one was one of her first languages. She wanted to see what this guy was about before she made her move.
Nathan took notice of her weird fighting style. It made him angry and brought rage to his beating heart, but his purity dulled it down so he could contain himself. This fighting style was somewhat similar to how Bison...that he had killed Nathan's mentor and left Nathan to die. Though the joke is on him now because Nathan is alive and far stronger than his master ever was due to severe training that would put any man on the brink of insanity if they attempted it. Though Nathan managed to survive it, and now he was ready to take on Bison.

Nathan- Nice style you got there girlie. I'll be glad to break your bones so you can't do it anymore.

He stood casually still, not bothering to get into a fighting style as he sized up his opponent. She felt like she had the same aura about her like Bison had. A sort of deathly aura.

Nathan- I'm going to enjoy this far more than I have to. Ladies first.
The girl smirked "Danke | Thank You" she spoke in russian and she charged the guy with an attack that looked completely open but in fact was a trap in itself. usually when people fall for it the trap was tripped and it was hard for most opponents to get out of it. She got close to him and unleashed a punch to the middle of his gut using her lefts fist which would be followed by a right knee to the gut if succesful. If the first attack was blocked she would whip around with the othe fist and try to bash him in the face. If he caught the second fist then she still had one other thing she cvould do. She would end up jumping up while being held and adjusting her body so she could kick him and let him go.

(Yeah I have a weird fighting RP style but it not only leaves it open ended but also give me options since in RP fights most other people don't leave it open ended.)
(I thought Danke means thank you in German. I'm german too, halfway anyway, and I know few german words but thats one of the words I know. I thought it meant thank you in German, not russian.)

Seeing the fist come at him, he didn't block it or dodge the to the sides, rather he ducked low so the fist went past his body. Seeing his chance, he used his legs to launch forward to try and headbutt her in the gut to send her flying away from him to give distance from them. If that failed, well...if he missed he'd be open. If she used her legs suddenly he'd also be in trouble but it was one of the few things he could think of considering how fast she was, faster than he expected.
Alex had missed but saw her opportunity and smashed him in the face with her knee and quickly took hold of his hair and held him up. Her smile seemed sadistic and mad looking "You're fast... but I'm faster" she decided she would channel her psycho energy to her hand. What this did would give him a headache and a majorly bad one that would make him think his head was going to break. She was however opene here to most attacks. She had gotten overly cocky from facing her previous opponents so she had made the stupidmistake of leaving herself open. The only mistake that could be made here is if he tried to grab her arm and make her let him go.
Nathan hung limply as she held him up by his hair. He glared at her and saw an aura coming from her hand. Knowing the situation was bad, he thought fast and saw an opening. He slapped the aura hand further away from him so he'd have slightly more time as he kicked her hard in the gut, hoping it would connect to send her flying and cause her to let go of his hair. He was fast, yes, but he had hardly any power to back up that speed. Though he could kick hard moreover punch because of his speed.
Alex got the wind kicked out of her as she dropped the guy and nearly puked on the floor from the force and unexpectedness of the kick. Soon sparks started to flow across her body and a weird sort of laugh emanated from her lips quietly at first. She looked to him and her eyes were whit and arching across her face. She stood up and cracked her neck both ways. "Hnnn very strongggggg" her voice sounded crazy even to match the demented look on her face. Her laugh escaltes a bit as her laugh becomes moreput together. "But you have yet tooooooooo witness my strengggggthhhhhhh" The white aura arched all over her body. Her laugh was unleashed fully and the aura jumping from her hands to the ground. By now some of the guys in the practice room had left out of pure fear.

She was about to do a berserker charge when in the distance in a high up window she saw her father. She soon calmed down and the power was absorbed into her body through her eyes and the hard yet calm expression from before returned. She was in pain yes but her training didn't allow for pain to be felt as she had endured any tortures ordered by her father himself in order to complete this training. "You're lucky... I'm needed"he walke by the man she had just fought with earlier "Let me make a suggestion... get stronger... and dont hold back next time" she left the practice room given a wide berth by the fighters in the practice room. Many of them looked dumfounded and a little scared. Some of them came to the assistance of Alex's recent challenger to see if he was alright.
Nathan's eyes widened but he stayed ready as the aura flowed about her. He felt this before when his master was fighting Bison and when he got a good attack on him, Bison did the same thing only he actually killed his master. Seeing her stop, he kept his guard up but heard what she said. Seeing her walk off, he fell to his knees and the fear finally hit him as the others came rushing to him.

Nathan- W-What the hell...was that?
Alexandria walked into her father's room. This seemed to be a classical type. Listening to some german orchestra from the time of the Nazi's. Her father was at the end of the room seemingly quiet and pondering. She stepped closer "Father?" This man... her father was the only person in the world she feared and with good reason. He would go off at the slightest bad news and never tolerated failure.She never failed him and never planned too either. Here she had become timid wondering if her father would go ballistic on her or just give her another mission to fulfill.
Bison sat on a large chair-like throne that faced out the window to the tournament's main arena. He didn't acknowledge her presence immediately as he pondered about her last fight.

Bison- Alexandria...I saw that fight with that young fighter. You actually let him strike you hard enough to make you snap like that? You are supposed to hide it until the tournament officially starts...I won't punish you, only because I have something for you to do.

He stood up and glared at her.

Bison- I know that fighter from long ago, and I sense potential in him great enough to possibly defeat me...I want you to turn him to join us. Do whatever is necessary, befriend, force him, even have him fall in love with you even. I just need him to join us so I can imbue my soul and power into his younger body...This one is getting old in the years and stiff. Understood?!
Alex looked at her father. He wanted to live forever? Alot of people wanted that... but was it really worth it. Getting bored once you have done everything life had to offer seemed boring to her. She would much rather live her life and die. But she couldn't get away from her father as he had ingrained himself in her years ago and now she had a certain degree of fear of him. She didn't flinch however when her father stared at her. She was raised with a nazist father who thought many things to be a weakness in his eyes.So for her sake she put on he persona of being emotionless in front of him. She bowed and turned her back toward him to leave the room. She knew she wasnt safe until she left his vicinity which she soon did.

As soon as the door was shut behind her she let out a sigh of relief before going on downstairs. She would need to meet this guy again and get him to join the side of her father. But then she thought "Maybe I should" but then she chased the thoughts from her mind. "None of that" shehad to think of how to draw this boy to her. After the beating she just gave him she was sure that he wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. She would think of something she assumed as she headed of of the tourney grounds to go grab something to drink in the town nearby.
Bison returned to his position staring at the arena. He wondered if he could trust his daughter with this important task.

Nathan was at the bar trying to drink the sudden fear of death away. That fight with Alex terrified him seeing as how she was like Bison. He wasn't drunk, but he was lost in thought about if he should still be doing this.
Alex walked into the bar and looked around and found that her target was here. She decided to put on the fake niceness act and smiled as she walked in and sat by Nathan. "Hey there sorry about earlier...let me buy you a drink" she hailed the waiter and asked them both for a glass each of Jack Daniels/Vodka combo. She took her and handed Nathan hisas a show of good will.
Nathan glared at her as she walked over and sat by him. He wasn't glaring out of hate, rather than fear and trying to provoke her off with an empty threat. Seeing her hand him a drink, he took it thinking it was some sort of peace offering as he slowly drank the bottle until the contents were gone.

Nathan- Why the sudden change of heart? You seem...different and not like some crazy psychobitch.
Alex smiled albeit a fake smile but a convincing one. "Oh that's just who I am in he arena. You need to put your all in the fight so everyone knows who they are messing with and so you can get the best fight you can out of someone." She down her entire drink without taking a breath. "Besides I can tell you were holding back on me" She smiled in a semi flirty way "Were you afraid to hit a girl" she took her finger and held it under his chin. "How noble of you... and they say chivalry is dead" she fake giggled but again a passable giggle.
Nathan was too buzzed to react to her small time flirting. He moved her hand away from his chin and remained a strong male to not give in to urges that he could feel coming over him.

Nathan- Chivalry may be alive yeah, but if I was truly holding back...

He shuddered. If he hadn't held back, if he truly hit her with all his might she might've actually killed him on the spot for that rather than suddenly leaving.

Nathan- This is a weird...encounter. Strange how you're all bubbly now.
Alex smiled "Like I said... it's all for show" This sickened her to have to act like this but it was better then having to be punished by her father. She started to up the ante by putting her hand on his leg near his crotch. "Come on now..." she started to whisper into his ear "... Why dont we go somewhere more private" she pressed her hand on his crotch momentarily before putting her hand back on his leg. She was starting to feel the buz now herself but she knew how to hold her alcohol unlike alot of people. She purposely adjusted herself to where he could seee down the open part of her shirt.
Nathan blushed and looked away feeling embarrassed as she put her hand on his inner thigh and crotch, but he didn't move them. He erected slightly to her touch and the view down her shirt wasn't a bad sight whatsoever. But Nathan remained strong though his will to hold out was slowly thinning in.

Nathan- Whats with you? Nearly kill all the tournament entries and then me, then you try and sleep with me? Trying to take revenge when I least expect it?

He was still trying to figure out her game but his wild side was making him go crazy. Whatever it was that made him hold out was nothing short of a miracle.
Alex smiled as she stood up "Just that you are the only one to ever survive that long against my attacks" she turned him in his seat and put her hands on his knees and supported her upper body weight on them positioning herself in such a way that yet again you could see down her shirt. "Come now... you wouldn't want to disappoint me now would you... unless you have something to hide" she giggled as she put her hand on his hardness.
Nathan- There isn't anything to hide, just something I don't want to use. If you really want to do this, at least tell me what you're thinking right now. Its almost kinda slutty of a fighter to randomly choose a guy, or even someone you just fought because he lasted, to have sex with you know. I think some more convincing is in order. Right now, stand on the bar table and do a strip tease for all to see and then I'll truly believe you just want nothing more than a one-night-stand.

The booze was affecting his way of thinking so some stuff might've came out confusing, but to him it seemed right. HE didn't trust that she just wanted to have sex with him or that that was just a stage. If she truly was faking it on stage, she wouldn't mind being all bubbly and impulsive in public for all to see...would she?
Alex's hand charged up and she gave him a slap that was heard all over the room and thepsycho energy added to it giving an effect that would seem more like a punch."DO YOU THINK IM SOME KIND OF WHORE?!" she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the alley way tossed him toward the wall. "Show me what you have now... cuz I'm not holding back" she had an angry look on her faceand the white eyes she currently had matched it. She aimed a punch at the guys stomach with her right hand charged full of the psycho energy. She wanted to show this guy she meant business when she decided to bring him to her father.
Seeing her yell at him, he chuckled.

Nathan- I knew i- waaah!

He was dragged off and thrown into an alley. When he got up from the hit from the wall, he rubbed his head.

Nathan- That could've gone better....Woah!

He just barely dodged her attack to his gut. Seeing her fighting him, he dodged all the others but the booze affected his speed.

Nathan- I knew it, you haven't changed ya liar.

His hand went back to gain momentum as it swung forward to try and deck her across the chin to temporarily stun her while he tried to make his getaway, but he apparently had too much to drink and the attack missed without her having to move. He fell onto the ground as the world began to spin.

Nathan- C-Crap....
Alex looked at the now drunk man watching him dodge and kinda laughed a bit as he fell down after trying to punch her. She sighed and said "Geez you're drunk as a skunk"

She knelt down and helped him up "Come on now let's get ya to a room or something" She wasn't about to bring back this guy until she could be certaing of his power and that her father would be pleased with this body. How he planned to do it she didn't know but she learned early on to never question him. Either way she decidedto look for a hotel room for now.
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