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Aphrodite Complex (SilverRose x Osamu Oboro)

And that was just what Emma needed. The second she felt his hot cum shooting deep inside of her, her head fell back and she let out a loud moan, almost like a feral howl as she bounced up and down Sam's cock, her body violently rocking on top of him as her pussy juices came gushing out of her. "Ahhhhh!" she screamed, falling over on top of him when she was finally finished.
Sam grunted as Emma fell on top of him, his face being sandwiched between her breasts. He lifted her off of him and placed her gently on the bed she had pushed him from. He rebuckled his pants, then left to run the blood tests and brainwave comparison. He made note that Emma's breasts were the physical trigger; he still needed to figure out what that trigger caused. He took the brainwave reader and printed out a copy of the integrated signal. Comparing it to her baseline readings, he saw that there were definitely much higher levels of activity. He then placed the reader next to a special machine; the reader took signals from the six regions of the brain and integrated them into one reading. The machine he used resplit the signals and showed six different wave spectra. Almost all the regions were normal, except for one: the brainstem/cerebral precortex region readings were off the scale. The patterns of peaks and troughs indicated a high-magnitude stimulation of the limbic system; this proved that the pleasure center of the brain was being overstimulated. His tests of finding the trigger disproved his theory of the procedure heightening the pleasure receptors as a whole; it seemed that only one set of receptors was affected.

Sam rationalized that whenever Emma's breasts are handled or touched sensually, it triggers the limbic system in its entirety to go into overdrive. Sam still needed to see about the blood tests, but then remembered Emma. He ran back to see she was still passed out in the bed, laying deathly still. After checking her pulse and finding she was thankfully still alive, he said quietly as he returned to his workstation, "Don't worry, Emma. I'll fix this, I promise."
She heard him, just barely. Blinking her eyes open, Emma stared up at Sam, smiling, feeling strangely refreshed, though her body felt a little sore. "mmm, did it work?" she asked, stretching her arms up over her head before sitting up on the bed. She could tell from his eyes that Sam was a bit worried. He looked a little worn out as well, which lead Emma to conclude it had happened again. The last thing she remembered was him massaging and caressing her body, clearly he had found her trigger and it had happened again. "You look a bit tired." she said, reaching out to hold his hand, feeling guilty he was like that because of her.
Sam felt Emma squeeze his hand; her tight grip was indicative of a guilty conscience. He turned his head towards and smiled, "Emma, I assure you that I'm fine. I don't want you feeling guilty, ok? What happened was what I wanted to happen; and you'll be happy to know I got the results I needed." He cleared his throat and relayed his findings, "The brainwave scan clearly indicated your limbic system goes into overdrive whenever you are stimulated. The limbic system is the main part of the brain that controls pleasure. I also finished the blood tests, and I'm sure I nailed it. "

He then pulled up a chair and sat down; his back was hurting slightly from fucking Emma while standing upright. San continued, "I found high residual levels of a precursor hormone that triggers the hypothalamus to send out a chemical signal to your ovaries and adrenal glands. This hormone has to reach a certain critical level in your blood before it can hyperstimulate the hypothalamus. The signal the hypothalamus produces is responsible for the elevated release of sex hormones, adrenaline, and endorphins. I have theorized a couple of ways to cure it, but one is far riskier than the other."

He took a deep breath and said, "The first way is to introduce specialized enzyme-releasing bacteria into your body, ones that upon detecting, will seek out this precursor hormone and subdue it only slightly, which still allow you to feel pleasure, but your brain won't go into overdrive. However, the risk is that it could accidentally release too much of the enzyme and potentially destroy any ability to feel pleasure at all."

"The second way is kind of the same thing, except now it is a pill. So instead of releasing the enzyme into your body constantly, this pill contains a set amount of the enzyme. The drawback is that means you can only trigger the nympho state a certain number of times, and if you forget to take your pill, then you run the risk of turning nympho." He then smiled again, "But don't worry, I am still working on it. I should have it perfected, but I'm afraid that we may have to trigger the nympho state again. I want to get a blood sample when it is just after you experience the release. Just not today."

He then paused for a moment and said very quietly under his breath, clearly losing his awareness of Emma's proximity, "There is potentially a third way, but it's far too risky to even attempt. I wouldn't want to do that."
Emma listened intently as Sam explained how everything worked. Most of it flew right over head, but from what she understood, he had figured out what was wrong with her and had an idea of what to do to make it better.

Biting her lip nervously as she listened to him explain the options she had, Emma feared the idea of never being able to feel pleasure again. But if it was an option, there had to be something useful in it. "So, which one do you think I should take?" she asked, wondering what the better option was in his professional opinion.
Sam sighed, "That's just it. I don't know what option is better. They're both good solutions, but they also carry equally high risks." He then sighed; the third option was the most dangerous of all, but also had the promise of doing the best job of curing Emma's condition. He then spoke up, "There is a third option, but it is even riskier than the other two. Direct gene therapy, but I would need to do more research before even considering that. I could create a plasmic serum that returns the pleasure-sensory functions of your body to normal, but the risk is that I could destroy your pleasure capacity completely, or amplify it so much that your brain overloads."

He then said to Emma, "Truth be told, I still need to do more research anyway. So for me to say there is a 'best option' would be an outright lie." He then held Emma's hand and squeezed it lightly, "I'm just so sorry you have to go through all this. This isn't fair for someone as beautiful and talented as you are; I promise I'm going to cure you, Emma. You will be normal again, I guarantee it."
"Oh." Emma nodded, remaining silent as she let what he said sink in. Her hand was limp in his, until he promised her he would help cure her. It touched her that he cared so much, knowing it probably hurt his heart more than his pride, that he couldn't figure it out. "It's okay," she put her other hand over his and squeezed down. "I trust you." Emma smiled reassuringly. Her smile grew even wider when it finally hit her what he'd just said. "You think I'm beautiful?" She giggled, smiling bright and cheerfully.
"Of course I do. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of knowing" Sam replied. He knew it was extremely corny, but he didn't care. Sam was one of the few who spoke his mind, unafraid of the consequences it might bring. It got him in trouble a few times, but overall it worked out largely to his favor.

Sam then got up and said, "Alright, Emma. I think that's enough for today." His back ached, and he was hungry. He looked over at the clock and saw that it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. "Wanna grab some lunch?" he asked her; she was probably hungry too, having not eaten since the testing started.
Emma giggled at his response, before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. It was corny, but it was sweet. In a strange way, that pretty much summed Sam up. He was a little on the dorky side, being a passionate scientist and all, but it was what made him endearing. It was what attracted her to him. "Yeah," Emma nodded, getting up off the bed and standing in front of him. "I could use a bite," she smiled, taking his hand and walking out the door, both of them smiling hand in hand.
(Time for that little surprise I told you about earlier)

As Sam and Emma walked out the door, they were greeted by a couple of police officers approaching them. They laid eyes on each other and stopped. One of the cops, a female officer in uniform with at least C-cup breasts, long red hair, and deep green eyes, looked at Sam and said, "Excuse me, but are you Samuel C. Hensen?" Sam replied, "Y..yes. Can I help you?" The female then smiled and said to her partner, a skinny pale-skinned man in police uniform with short black hair topped by a standard issue police cap, "Alright, Joe, book him."

The male officer stepped forward and roughly threw Sam against a nearby wall, placing him in cuffs. "What? What am I being arrested for?" "You'll find out when we get to the precinct. You're in a whole lot of shit, buddy" Officer Joe replied. He led Sam forcefully to the back of the nearby squad car and forced him in. He then got in the driver's seat and shouted to the female, "Oi! Jackie! You coming?"

(Told you it was a surprise XD)
Emma was completely caught off guard by what was happening. "Hey!" she shouted as the male officer forcefully pulled Sam away from her. "Sam, don't say anything." She advised him, hoping nothing serious was going on. "I'll get you a lawyer!" she add, "I'll be following right behind you ok?" Emma wasn't sure what was going on, but she wanted him to know that no matter what, she would be there to support him. Whatever was going on, she wouldn't let him go through it alone.
Sam was struggling against his cuffs, "Just what the hell is going on here?" Officer Joe turned around and looked at Sam through the metal shield, "Just shut up and we'll explain everything at the precinct." Sam was taken aback at this, and just sat there quietly. He had never been arrested before except for those two incidents involving his female patients; still he had done nothing wrong.

He heard Emma shout something but couldn't make out what she said. He looked to see the female officer walk back to the car, leaving Emma standing in front of his clinic. She got in the front passenger side and looked at Sam, giving him a wink. Now Sam was really confused; he decided however that he would keep his mouth shut and hopefully learn what the hell was going. Something about the female officer looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. As soon as she got in, Officer Joe hit the accelerator and made his way to the precinct.

(Hmmmm, let's see, where to go with this. There's so many options :D)
Emma quickly ran towards her car, getting in and following the police car to the precinct. She was worried about what was going on, especially since the officers hadn't told Sam what he was being charged with, or read him his right. Emma was also a little nervous about the female officer. She had been looking at Sam rather oddly. Something about that woman made Emma anxious. "I don't like her," she mused aloud, chewing her bottom lip as she drove closely behind them, grabbing her cellphone out of her purse as soon as she parted outside of the police station. She quickly dialed up a professor of hers that happened to be a criminal lawyer and told him what had happened. The professor was kind enough to offer his services and come help them out. That at least made Emma feel a little more relieved as she waited inside the police station for any news of Sam's arrest.

(can't wait to see where you're going with this :D)
Sam was roughly led inside to a windowless interrogation room, and was seated forcefully. Sam merely looked at Officer Joe, "You mind telling me what the hell I've been charged with?" Officer Joe merely said, "Wait until the FBI agent comes in." Sam got surprised, "FBI? What the hell do they have to do with this?", to which Joe put his hands on the table and put his face just inches from Sam's, " You'll find out when they get here."

Just then, a blond, short-haired female in a dark trench coat walked in. She also looked familiar to Sam, but from where he couldn't place it. "Thank you, please send Officer Jacqueline in here as you leave." Officer Joe walked out the door and send the red-haired female officer into the interrogation room. He closed the un-windowed door and left the two females and Sam. The trench-coated woman then spoke up "Hello, Doctor Hensen. I'm FBI Agent Barbara Johnson. And you've met Officer Jacqueline Rhodes already, or 'Jackie' as many of her peers and co-workers call her."

The female officer stood next to the FBI agent and said with a small giggle, "Oh, Barb, the cameras are off, remember? You don't have to be so formal." Barbara then cleared her throat, "It's how I operate. First off, Doctor, let me say thank you. Your vaccines and cures have helped so many of my family members. My father was practically on his deathbed from cholera and typhus and you brought him back. Now he's playing with his grandkids and feeling better than ever." Sam then recognized the woman; her father was a powerful business owner who had fallen ill. When Sam had come to cure her father, she was crying horribly, fearful of losing her dad. After Sam had given him the cure he needed, he had instructed the then 27-year-old to keep ice on his head around the clock for six hours. It was good to hear that his cure worked, even he had already figured that it would. Sam smiled lightly and merely nodded in return, "Just doing my job, Miss Johnson."

The FBI agent smiled, "Please just call me Barbara. Anyway, let's down to business. We brought you in because the sources of your 'ingredients' have come into question. Not only that but we received evidence of your involvement in crafting genetic 'boosters', which are outlawed in the United States." "Boosters? What the hell are genetic 'boosters'?" Sam replied, not knowing what the hell she was talking about. The female officer then slammed her hands on the table, "Don't lie, Hensen! We've got evidence that you're the main supplier of Compound M!" "What the hell are you talking about? What is this Compound M?" Sam yelled in reply; this was getting out of hand. Barbara looked at Sam, "So you're telling me you're not supplying base genetic material?" Sam was getting frustrated but calmed himself, "No, I swear on my credentials, I'm not".

Barbara smirked, "Hopefully you won't mind if I ask you a few questions, then." Sam replied, "Not without a lawyer, I won't". Barbara giggled, "You say that as if you have any choice in the matter. We know all about Emma's criminal lawyer professor and agents have already been moved to intercept him. Just answer truthfully and you'll be free to go. Officer Jackie if you would." Sam then watched as Jackie unbuttoned her shirt to expose herself, then she walked over and knelt down next to Sam. Sam looked at her, got nervous and started to say, "Uh...Just what are yo...." before Jackie pushed her rosy red lips onto his own, forcibly kissing him and pushing her breasts onto his arm. She broke contact soon after, a smirk on her face, "This one's a fighter Barb. I may have to be a little rough with him." "Just what hell are you doing?" Sam interjected.

Barbara smiled again, "A new type of interrogation. For every answer you give that I perceive to be true, Officer Jackie will pleasure you. For every answer you give that I perceive to be wrong or misleading, Officer Jackie will cause you a bit of pain." At this Jackie grabbed hold of Sam's ear and pulled it. Sam let out a yelp, "That fucking hurt!" Jackie just smiled, "That's the point, big boy. So answer truthfully and I'll show you a time you won't soon forget." Barbara just smiled, "So then, if we're done explaining, let's begin. Oh and don't worry about intrusions or anyone interrupting. The walls are soundproof, the door is now locked in such a way that it can't be opened from the inside without a special keycard, and as you can see, no windows anywhere. So no chance of someone peeping on us."

(What do you think? Getting interesting, isn't it? :D)
Outside, Emma was growing nervous, wondering what was keeping her professor. She went up to the front desk and asked the officers if she could see her boyfriend, or even find out what it was that was going on, but the officers told her they couldn't release any information to her. She paced and called her professor but got nothing. Finally she decided to go across the street, knowing that there were always lawyers offices across from court houses and police precincts. She hired the first person she saw and quickly brought them back to the station, hoping that would be of some assistance to Sam. Emma wasn't sure why, but she was really growing nervous; something just didn't feel quite right.

(hahah yeah it's getting exciting)
In the interrogation room, Officer Jackie was now fully nude save for knee-high boots and red lace panties. She straddled Sam's lap, pressing her breasts against Sam's chest. Sam then heard Barbara say, "You've answered the control questions truthfully. So now let's get to the real deal." All the while Sam was fighting his increasing lust, trying his damnedest not to get hard. He fidgeted against his restraints, which consisted of the handcuffs he was put in earlier, but now arms were crossed across the back of the chair, so that he couldn't escape.

Barbara cleared her throat then said, "First question: Is it true that you are involved in developing an experimental procedure that may allow willful body manipulation?" Sam nodded, "Yeah I am. Everyone knows I am. I even put out flyers looking for test subjects." Barbara paused for a second, then said, "Go ahead Officer." With that Jackie started grinding herself against him, causing Sam's pleasure to increase slightly faster. He could feel his dick start to harden; Sam cursed his weakness of will under his breath, but nevertheless he fought it. "Oh, something's poking me. It feels big, too. You naughty boy." Officer Jackie said with a giggle.

Barbara ignored her comment and proceeded with, "Second question: Is it true that you are using a substance similar to stem cells to generate body mass?" Sam nodded, "Yes". Barbara paused again, "Reward him". Jackie stopped grinding herself and instead reached into Sam's pants, stroking the base of his dick and pressing her breasts against his face. Sam felt himself harden even faster and grunted, "Dammit". Officer Jackie let a sly grin creep across her face as she said, "You're so big and hot. Don't fight it, just let go and enjoy yourself." Sam wanted to snap at her, to tell her that she was letting go enough for the both of them, but seeing as she had her hand around his dick and said hand had rather long fingernails, he didn't want to risk it.

Barbara then leaned forward in her seat, resting her chin on top of her interlaced fingers, "Sam, you aren't saying yes to everything just to get out of here, are you? Because if there's one thing I hate more than criminals, it's lying criminals. You aren't lying, are you, Sam?" Sam tried to focus on her question, but Jackie's constant stroking made his mind foggy, not to mention his head was covered in Jackie's breasts. Then Barbara said, "Jackie, let him talk." At this Jackie stopped and leaned back a bit, giving Sam the room he needed to talk. "I assure you, Barbara, I'm telling the truth. What reason would I have to lie? I'm just a researcher trying to provide a service to people" Sam said, the frustration evident in his voice. Barbara sighed, "I want to believe you, Sam. But..." she then pulled a bundle of pictures and laid them on the table, "these pictures are pretty clear proof of your guilt." Sam picked one up and a look of shock came across his face; how was this possible? It was clearly him in the picture, but he wasn't near those places at the date and time indicated on the pictures. Of course, having been alone his whole life with the exception of these past few days, he had no alibi.

Barbara saw that Sam was genuinely shocked and knew he as telling the truth about not lying. She smiled and said to Jackie, "Officer, if you would." Jackie then got off Sam's lap and put herself between Sam's legs. She then unzipped his pants and exposed his erect and throbbing member. Sam tried to protest, "Wait a sec, that wasn't a relevant question!" but that didn't sop Jackie. "Wow, it's even bigger than I thought it would be" she said with a look of delighted surprise. She stroked it a few times, then put it in her mouth and started bobbing her head.

Barbara grinned, "Are you enjoying the interrogation, Sam? Doesn't it feel good to tell the truth? Well, I have one last question and then we'll see if you're truly guilty." All Sam was doing was trying to keep himself from groaning; even he hated what they were doing to him, his body was enjoying it thoroughly. Barbara then said, "Is it true that you get some of your imported enzymes from East Asia and the Middle East, and that some of these sources are former extremists and may be considered 'illegitimate'?" Sam paused for a second, then said, "No, my sources are legitimate. Yes they were ex-extremist operatives, but they've changed. They're respected scientists now who provide the material I need." Barbara sat there and scribbled one last thing on her notepad. She then looked at Sam, "Alright Jackie, finish him off."

At this Jackie picked up the pace, now using her hands in conjunction with her mouth to jerk and blow him at the same time. Sam quickly felt his orgasm build to its limit, then arched his back and thrust his hips forward as he blew his load in Jackie's mouth. Jackie seemed a bit surprised when he climaxed; she could feel spurts of his hot seed hitting the back of her throat. She swallowed it all down, then looked up at Sam with a smile, who hung his head over the back of the chair, panting and grunting.

(And this is when Emma bursts through the door :D)
After arguing with the officers at the front desk for what seemed like an eternity, Emma and the lawyer she had hired rushed passed them towards the room where she had seen the officers take Sam. They burst in the door, threaten to bring a law suit against the police department if they didn't let them in that room immediate. The threat was enough to get some officered to attempt to open the door, but when it wouldn't open from the outside, they got worried and rammed into the door, knocking it over. Emma was in utter shock, as she walked in on the female officer blowing Sam.

Her instincts took over and pulled the woman off of Sam, "Get the hell off my boyfriend!" she yelled, yanking the woman away, still with the presence of mind to not actually be attacking her as she knew it would only make matters worst if she ended up getting arrested for assaulting an officer. "Sam!" She called out, running to him. "Sam, are you okay?" she worriedly called out, not too happy to see that those woman had taken advantage of him, but more importantly, he seemed tortured. "Get these things off of him!" she turned to demand to the other officers uncuff him, and release him.

"You heard the girl!" The lawyer exclaimed, turning to the officers with the. "And I'd like to have these to women arrested for sexually assaulting my client." he authoritatively instructed.

Emma helped him back into his pants, waiting for the officers to uncuff him, then quickly helped him to his feet. "Sam, I'm so sorry I didn't get in here sooner." she somberly whispered, wrapping her arms around him, holding him up as they began walking out of the windowless room with the lawyer, as the man argued and yelled at the officers, threatening to take the whole precinct down for what had occurred.
Sam was somewhat out of it; he could hear everything that was going on, but his energy was zero at the moment. He heard Emma whisper something about being sorry, then he felt himself being uncuffed and lifted to his feet. He looked to his left and saw Emma; she wasn't looking too happy. Not that he could blame her, and the worst part was, Sam never really found out why he was arrested. Was using Jackie to get him off Barbara's way of thanking him for saving her father? No, that was for a different reason altogether. In any case, he was dead tired, his crotch and wrists ached, and his mind felt hazy.

Sam then replied in an extremely tired tone to Emma, "Don't worry about it. If you could just give me a lift back to the clinic, that would be great. I still need to run more blood tests. So much work to do, so much to do."
"Can't that wait?" She asked, concern evident in her tone as she looked up at Sam. "You look tired." she softly stroked his cheek as she held him up.

After thanking the lawyer she had hired and leaving the rest to him, Emma helped Sam into her car, where he soon fell asleep. She knew he wanted to go back to the clinic to take care of the blood tests, but he looked so tired, and seemed so peaceful now that he was asleep, that she decided to drive them to her apartment and let him rest. When they finally arrived she helped him, as he walked half asleep, into her place, guiding him to her queen-sized bed and laying him down.

It had been a trying day, and though she wasn't sure exactly what had happened, and of course the worst of it had been whatever had happened to Sam, even Emma felt drained. Helping him into bed, she took his shoes off and covered him under her blankets, before then slipping in and cuddling up next to him, quickly falling fast asleep.
Sam felt himself being led up the stairs by Emma. He noticed that she had taken him back to her apartment. She led him inside and to her bed, taking off his shoes and putting thick covers over him. He then felt her snuggle next to him, draping an arm across his chest and pushing her body very close to his. The extra warmth of the covers and Emma's body made Sam fall deep asleep

When Sam awoke, he looked around, saw the bedside clock, and noticed that it was 9:30 at night. He still felt tired, so he turned his head a whispered to Emma, "Emma, I hope I'm not asking too much, but do you mind if I stay the night here?"
Emma, roused from her sleep by the sound of his voice, turned up to Sam, still cuddled into his side. "Not at all," she whispered, leaning forward and gently kissing his lips, before resting her head on his shoulder and cuddling closer. "I'd feel better knowing where you are and that you're okay," she added, honestly telling him how she felt. At the moment, the thought of being separated from Sam, when there was so much uncertainty about his arrest and whatever else those people may have had planned for him, it put Emma's mind more at ease to know that Sam was there with her.
Sam smiled and kissed Emma's forehead, "I'm right here, Emma. I'll always be right here." And with that he fell asleep until morning.

Sam awoke the next morning to the sound of knocking. HE looked over at the clock; it was 8:30 in the morning. He groggily got out of bed and went to answer the door. He opened and nearly shouted in surprise; it was Agent Barbara! Sam was furious, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?! YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL!!" Barbara put a finger to his lips and calmly said, "Sshh. Please let me explain......." but then Sam cut her off, his body visibly shaking with anger, "Explain what?!?! That you kidnapped me? Held me against my will? Faked an arrest? You're lucky you're a woman or I'd deck you right now."

With this, Barbara was in tears, "Sam, I'm sorry, but there was no other way. Please just let me explain." Sam was getting fed up, "Give me one reason why I should." Barbara looked up and said, "The FBI needs your help, Sam. GenTek is the one creating genetic boosters, and they've gone horribly wrong. We need you, Sam. More than you could possibly realize." With that Sam just stood there, dumbfounded.

(And just when you thought it was over........:D)
At the sound of Sam yelling, Emma had quickly woken up and rushed to the front door. Angry and visibly shaking, she walked up to the pair, and without a word, slapped the blonde-haired woman as hard as she could. And she could have done more, if not for the fact that she was still well aware this was a government official and she didn't want to get Sam into any more trouble than he already had been.

"And you couldn't have asked?!" Emma yelled at the other woman. "Sam is a kind hearted man, he would have helped if you'd just asked, did you really have to put him through all that!" she continued yelling, pulling Sam away from that woman, terrified and angry at her for what she'd done and for what she might still do.
Sam was dumbstruck; Emma had a point, why didn't she ask? There had to be more to this, no way it was as simple as a brute force interrogation. Sam took a deep breath and said, "Fine, explain why you faked my arrest and interrogated me. And more to the point, why you had know......" he turned beet red when he remembered what Jackie did. He felt really good when she sucked him off, but he also felt guilty and it showed. He felt like he betrayed Emma, even though it wasn't his fault. He should have put up more of a fight, and not been so weak-willed.

Agent Barbara then said, "I know you may hate my guts right now, I don't blame you. But if I could please come inside, I can tell everything. The real reason we went through so much trouble to fake your own arrest." Sam looked at Emma; he wanted to believe this woman, but he knew how Emma felt right and wasn't so sure she'd agree. "Emma?" he asked "Are you okay with this?"
"No," she answered truthfully, in a tiny voice. And she wasn't okay with it, Emma wasn't okay with it at all. It hurt her that Sam had had to go through something so scary and possibly dangerous for this woman's scheme. So what if some stupid organization had messed up and were now panicking? Was that any excuse for kidnapping and falsely imprisoning Sam?

There was also the tiny matter of what she had walked in on. It wasn't that she felt betrayed, but Emma would be lying if she said it didn't make her a little jealous to see someone else pleasure Sam. What made it worse, however, was the fact that they had forced it upon him. She could put aside her jealousy, but the pain she felt from seeing him hurt and misused, that she couldn't let go of so easily.

Unfortunately, Emma knew that if they wanted to get to the bottom of what had occurred, the best way to do that was to let that woman in. "Come in." she reluctantly stepped aside. She led them to the living room, sitting down next to Sam, across from the blonde woman.
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