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The human centipede (first sequence)


Oct 13, 2010

I was watching the scream awards and there was a winner that really intrigued me. Is the winner for 'The most memorable mutilation' and this movie won. I was wondering who saw this movie and if it's good so I can look for it, I kinda find interesting the way the doctors attached each other, kinda gross but also make me want to watch the movie hehe
Wow, did this movie seriously won most memorable mutilation? From what I can recall, the gore in it is quite minimal, to a point where it gets disappointing. I'm now suddenly curious to see what were the other contestants.

Yes, the whole idea of the Human Centipede is genuinely awesome, but that's pretty much what the movie is, a great idea. It's still somewhat enjoyable as campy fun if you have low standards for horror (like I do), but it's pretty much impossible to finish watching it and not shrug off that "oh well, they could've done a lot more with this concept" feeling.

A shame, if you ask me.

      • I was rooting for Saw 6 to win most memorable mutilation ... 'twas
        rather gruesome, that one scene. It was an original movie. But it has
        nothing on The Antichrist.
My friend had a nightmare the night he saw the trailer for the first movie. He showed me it and I was just like, "... the fuck." The idea is interesting and disgusting. I'd see it, yeah, but I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy it, lulz.
A week or so ago, I showed the DVD to my hubs b/c I thought it might be an interesting horror flick to see. I handed it to him and told him to read the back. Afterward, he just looked at me like I was insane and said something like, "This is sick shit. What the fuck!"

hehe... my hubs loves me so. XD
I have a really strange need to see the film, as gross as it looks. I don't even know what it is about the fact that the man in it is so psycho that he felt the need to create a human centipede, or the fact that he did it with a dog first and it's also so totally gross but I wanna see it.
I watched it and enjoyed it. It's definitely not one for the faint hearted or weak minded as even though the gore itself might be minimal the idea around it can be pretty disturbing. I'm not sure if I saw an uncut version or anything but there were parts where you visibly saw the results of the surgery and you saw when certain other bits happened. I would watch if you liked the Saw series.
I really liked the movie :)

The ending was horrifying D:

Supposedly, the next one is supposed to be even worse. I am excited ^^
It is pretty terrifying. The psychological trauma these people go through is amazing.


It sucked for the girl in the middle :C Her friend died behind her and the Asian in the front killed himself so she was left alone and unable to move. :C
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