Alchemical Rivals {Jugger+Cinn}

Soon the cab arrived and Nathan got out. He didn't bother waiting for her as he walked to the station to give the tickets to the person they were supposed to. He got on the train and found their private booth as he sat down and looked out the window. It'd be another half hour before the train would get going.

Nathan- Better hurry up before they leave you Cinny.

He mumbled to himself.
Cinny glared at him, he obviously wasn't about to wait for her, so she slipped out of the car on her side, and slammed the door shut behind her, walking around behind the car to follow him to the train. He wasn't patient at all. She sighed softly, as she walked onto the train a few moments after Nathan, walking into another passenger, and making the other passenger drop his things. "Oops! Sorry!" She squeaked, nervously, kneeling to help pick up the things he'd dropped.
Nathan peered out as he heard some things falling to the floor and his guess was right. Cinnella's fault. He chuckled seeing the pitiful sight before him.

Nathan- Good job Cinny, keep this up and we might get kicked off the train haha.

He got out and helped the man pick his stuff up. When all was good, Nathan went back into their booth and sat down.
Cinny stiffened at his insults, as she handed the man the rest of his stuff, grumbling softly beneath her breath in irritation. "Sh-Shut up!" She hissed in response, at Nathan. "Why are you such an asshole...?" She mumbled under her breath, as she turned and stalked the other way, down the train to stand against a wall, lost in thought. She didn't want to be sitting with Nathan, he was just such a jerk!
Nathan chuckled hearing her call him what he was. Seeing as how she wasn't going to be in the booth, he laid down for a bit instead. It'd be a few hours before they arrived in town so he might as well try and find something to do. Shortly afterwards, sleeping wasn't going to happen so he got up to go see what Cinnella was up to. He walked over and leaned against the wall next to her.

Nathan- Hey there Cinny.
She was still annoyed, and glared at him, "Just leave me alone!" She snapped at him, not looking at him, her arms crossed and glaring the other direction. She was completely pissed off and didn't want to be speaking to Nathan. Man! This was going to be a hellish trip for her. She bit her lip quietly in frustration as she turned on her heel and began to walk past him again, trying to avoid him was hard when he kept looking for her.
Nathan- Damn girl...just trying to make small talk.

He walked after her and caught up, though she was annoyed he didn't really care. He kept on following.

Nathan- Alright alright I'm sorry okay? Cmon Cinnella, I hardly know about you and I'm sure you hardly know much about me. Lets chat.
Cinnella glared back at him, but kept walking, "Just leave me the hell alone!" She hissed back at him. "I don't feel like talking to an asshole like yourself!" She snarled in response. She wasn't sure that she wanted him to know anything else about her...He might figure it out. She sighed softly and shook her head bitterly. "No thanks. I don't need to know about you." She said, the bitterness fully audible from her voice this time around.
Nathan sighed.

Nathan- Cmon Cinnella, there can't be bad blood between partners. I know I kinda went over the edge lately, but what should I do to make it up to you? I really really don't want us to become enemies.

He continued to follow her.
Cinnella sighed as well, "It's fine, I just don't want to get to know you." She responded, hastily turning away again. She didn't want him to find out what she was, really it just wasn't that appealing to her to be found out. She sighed and bit her tongue in thought. Maybe she could get him to tell her more about himself, but not having to tell him more about herself...She sighed. Well, either way....

"Fine, what do you want to know?" She asked, sighing.
Nathan shrugged but was surprised she actually gave in. He put his hand on his chin and looked off into space as if he was thinking. Without looking at her or moving from what he looked at, he mumbled.

Nathan- Dunno actually...maybe if thats your real haircolor, what movies you like, I dunno I was hoping you could tell me something.
She blinked back at him, blankly, before glancing to her blonde hair, and then glancing back up at him with her blue eyes. "Real hair color? What are you talking about? This is a pretty normal hair color, but yes it is." She explained, with a shrug. "Kinds of movies? I mainly like action and mystery..." She said, shrugging slightly. "Uhh..." She glanced back at him once more when he mumbled about how he was hoping she could tell him something and shook her head. "Well, if you're going to say we should get to know each other, you should come with prepared questions." She said, shrugging it off.
Nathan backed off a bit seeing how she snapped at him. He sighed and turned around.

Nathan- Jeez...we can never have a nice little chat without someone having to get smart do we? Now who's the asshole...

He mumbled that last sentence to himself as he walked off back toward their booth not really wanting to continue the conversation.
Cinnella blinked in surprise at him getting upset, and looked down, flinching like a scolded puppy. "O-Oh...." She mumbled, backing off as well. She felt rather bad now for snapping at him so quickly. Maybe she should have been a bit nicer....She sighed and stayed where she was in the middle of the hall, shoulders drooping a bit. "Sorry...." She mumbled as quietly as she could, even though she felt bad, if he heard her appologize, she thought she would never hear the end of it.
Nathan stopped hearing her. He turned around to look at her, surprised at what she did. He smiled and chuckled a bit but turned back around and walked back toward the cabin feeling a bit happier. He laid down and looked out the window to see the environment change slowly from forest to sand.

(Gotta go in a while. Might be back in an hour or so when I leave.)
Staring at the ground, nervously, her cheeks were tinged with the color of bright red, making her sigh. She looked away from him, embarrassed that she had appologized, and just crossed her arms, looking the other way, embarrassed thoroughly.

((OoC: Alright then! Have fun with whatever you do! ^^))
Nathan sat in the cabin, still not fully satisfied from just an apology. He only made it look like he was just so she wouldn't feel guilty about it, and he didn't want to see her like that. Especially not for him, someone who would always show disrespect for her. But it was just because Nathan knew that she was the better of the two. She had great potential and Nathan knew, he only acted like he did around her so he could feel like he was and always will be the superior of the duo. He sighed as he looked out the window.

Nathan- Maybe she'll be happy without me...maybe I should switch out with someone more experienced...someone who'll treat her with the respect she deserves...She could use someone a lot better than me...

He thought out loud. He began to mull over whether he should or not.

Nathan- I'll leave that up to her...she's the one who hates me.
Honestly, she didn't hate Nathan, she was just easily angered, and he loved to insult her so she didn't like that. But the girl sighed, and slumped her shoulders. If they ever asked her if she wanted another partner, she would refuse. She didn't like him, sure, but she didn't hate him either. And she wanted to get to know him, too. Cinnella let out a sigh of frustration and crossed her arms, lost in thought.
Soon the train came to a stop at the station. Nathan got up and still didn't wait for Cinnella, though as he walked to get off, he passed by her. He didn't bother to look at her because he still couldn't bare to. Once off, he went to find a map so they could find the HQ of the city.

Nathan- Hmm...
Cinnella sighed as she silently slunk out after Nathan, her bag on her shoulders. She still felt horrible for making him feel bad, so she couldn't make herself go to apologize again. She let out a deep sigh, before she walked after him, getting off the train as well. "......." She frowned slightly, still feeling absolutely horrible. Maybe she could help him feel better somehow, but she wasn't sure. "Hey....Nathan...?" She said, suddenly, as she trailed along behind him, looking up at him, nervously as she awaited a response.
Nathan looked up from where he was reading the map. He looked at her and wondered what she wanted. Probably wanting to say something to start something but the way she seemed said so otherwise.

Nathan- Yeah?
Cinnella sighed, not looking back at Nathan, she took a breath, and glanced back at him, but still not looking him in the eyes. "Well...I wanted, to ask...If you're mad at me...?" She said, finally, as she glanced back to the ground, feeling suddenly shy. "Because...If--If you are, just tell me what I should do to make you not so mad..." She said, finally, and frowned a bit. She didn't like beating around the bush that much, but when she was nervous, she did it without realizing.
Nathan twitched mentally at the many things he'd love to see her do, all humiliating but he was a good man. He shook his head and lied.

Nathan- I'm not mad, don't worry about

He began to walk off in a direction toward town as he began to look for HQ so they could get rooms. They were to be stationed there for a few days so he had to check in to make sure everything was ready.
Cinnella blinked, when he said he wasn't mad, though she could feel his anger and sighed, "Fine..." She mumbled softly in response as she turned on her heel, getting slightly angry, herself. It was annoying to have him lie, as she continued walking, slightly upset that he wasn't telling her the truth. She let out a sigh of frustration as she walked, she was mad at herself quite a bit more than she was at Nathan, but she really didn't want to let him know that she was mad, or that she knew he was lying.
(I'll get his pic later, kinda rushing right now to get as many replies to RPs as possible due to small time.)

(Crap, Gotta go I'll edit this into a reply later.)
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