Alchemical Rivals {Jugger+Cinn}


Oct 7, 2010

The fifteen year old girl was simply annoyed. She let out a sigh of anger as she walked through Central. Her bright blue eyes were scanning the area about her, in annoyance. The young blonde girl wasn't sure where her rival was at the moment, but he was sure as hell getting a surprise beat down from her, when she got a hold of him!

Still very annoyed, as she tried to find the boy who was seventeen years old, as well as a skilled alchemist, a prodigy they used to say. Honestly, whoever heard of playing a prank on a defenseless girl! So to say she wasn't that defenseless, and was quite the fighter. But hell she thought it was still completely unforgivable. The girl whined lightly as she began to walk around again, looking for that unforgiven bastard, with her annoyance and wrath at it's height, and plateauing, before finally beginning to go downwards again. She was taking quite a few deep breaths, before finally calming down to a sane state of simple annoyance.

The prank that had been played on the poor, unsuspecting, ditzy girl, "What was it?" One might wonder. Well that was a simple question, about an hour or two ago, the young girl had been listening intently to the radio, at her quarters in a military hotel. She had been silent, and on the edge of her seat listening to the drama, when of course, all of a sudden...A certain shorty had to cause all of the fucking powerlines in the entire CITY to go down. She had been so annoyed she had run out of the hotel to try and find him, which would bring us to now. The girl is now sitting on a bench with an annoyed grumbling coming from her as she sat there, what more could go wrong now?

The pitter patter of rain drops suddenly began to come down from the sky, and the girl let out a groan of despair. "....AAAAAAUGH! Great! That brat is going to get. SUCH. A beating when I find him!" She howled out to the wind, as it began to pour, and she dashed to try and get under an overhang.

Watching her from a distance and all the while hidden as she sat on the bench, Nathan listened intently on every word she had said. From the looks of things she didn't take the joke he had given her earlier too well. She seemed pissed beyond belief and Nathan could feel a small chill come down his spine, unusual because usually he and she would most likely just get into a small scrap but she seemed serious this time.

Nathan- Better be careful. Next move I make could be my

Upon seeing her dash off, Nathan arose from where he was hiding. He treaded slowly after her, silently and stealthily through the rain, and was careful not to become noticed or to make a loud sound that would make her turn around suddenly. Though, as he ran he slipped over the slippery tiles that were wet from the rain and Nathan crashed into a merchant's stand that had flower pots on them. This caused some of the pots to fall and shatter on the ground and the owner began to yell at Nathan calling him a short excuse of a human being.

Nathan- Shh!!! Not so loud!
The young girl groaned, as she reached an overhang, and blinked, her attention shooting backwards, as she heard someone complain about their cart, and narrowed her eyes at Nathan, as she spotted him. Great. Her tormentor was here as well...She glared at him, and crossed her arms, but didn't budge. "You're lucky I hate this fucking rain!" She cursed at the young male, "If I didn't hate water so much, I would kick your ass here and now!" She snarled at him, angrily, as she crossed her arms in frustration. How annoying! He was following her, too!?
Nathan had already stopped arguing with the cart owner for Nathan's slip not being his fault because of the damn rain. He shot a small glare out the corner of his eyes upon hearing what she said and he scoffed. Soon when the damage was paid and he was flat broke, he turned to her after the cart owner wheeled his cart away to another area where he could set up with an overpass to keep rain from flooding his flowers.

Nathan- Calm down damn. You think you could've taken a joke earlier but nooo you had to come and hunt me down just to give me an earful huh?
The girl glowered back at Nathan, and crosses her arms in a stubbornly angry gesture. "Sh-Shut up! I'm mad at you, and I'm going to beat the crap out of you when this rain lets up!" She hissed in response, before glaring at the ground. She was pissed, to say the least. she couldn't stand being teased or made fun of. She smirked slightly, though as she glanced back over to him, "I guess you being so short means you have very little brains, too!" She hissed at him, crossing her arms. She was still rather pissed off. Sure she loved to insult him, but sometimes she didn't.
Nathan- Erk...!

He grew a small pink red of embarrassment and anger before yelling at her about how he isn't short and how he could prosper from being his height. Soon he caught his breath and calmed down before glaring at her, the rain now let up but it dripped every now and then.

Nathan- Well? The rain's gone, fight me little miss hot shot.
A slight smirk crossed the younger girl's features. She was still taller than he was, even if it was only by a few inches, and smirked at him, dashing out from under the ledge, her fist back, and swung it at his face as she ran for him. "You're such an asshole!" She hissed at him, angrily. "Stop being such a cocky, little brat!" She shouted.
Nathan smirked and caught the fist with his metal arm (forgot what it was called again sorry >_<). He laughed as he pulled her close so he could glare into her eyes.

Nathan- Its gonna take more than that to beat me you know. They don't call me the Silver Wind Alchemist for nothing.
(Automail! No worries!)

She blinked when he caught her fist with his automail, and hissed again, flailing her free arm about, "Let go you jerk!" She growled, glaring down at him slightly. "Augh! You're such an ass!" She snarled, stomping her foot on his, as hard as she could. "Now let go of my hand, if you wanted to hold hands you should have just asked~" She joked, with a smirk.
(Ah, I was close. I was gonna say Armormail. lol)

Nathan cried out in pain as his foot was crushed under hers. He threw her into a nearby fish stand but was careful not to hurt her. He made sure of it that she landed on the pile of fish rather than the wood.

Nathan- Yeah right, like I'd want to do that with someone as hot-headed a brat as you. Cmon, stop sleeping with the fishes.
The girl glared at him again, and yelped when he suddenly threw her into the pile of fish. "Uwaaah!" She squealed, blinking, and sitting up, as she glared at him agian. "Ugh! You're such an asshole!" She snarled.

Cinnella was her name, she wasn't an alchemist, but she was sure as hell a member of the military. Only a Corporal, sure. But she was still pretty tough for her age of fourteen. She leapt out of the pile of fish, and shook herself free of any remaining attachments. She then glared back at Nathan again, and ran at him, low attempting to slam her fist into his gut. "Shut up!"
A smirk came to Nathan's face as he dropped his guard and stood there awaiting her attack. As her fist landed into his gut, his head jerked forward and he stayed quiet seeming like he had the air blown out of him but he began to laugh.

Nathan- Its gonna take more than that to knock me down Cinny.

Though, in his mind he was screaming in pain. It hurt a lot more than he thought it would but he refused to show the pain.
Cinnella growled again, and lowered her arms, panting and glaring up at him, from her crouched position. "...Just stop being such an asshole!" She hissed. "And it's Cinnella! Stop using that stupid nickname!" She grumbled back to him, in anger. She was calming down, that much was for sure. So she was beginning to be able to think clearly again. She let her fist drop and sighed, turning on her heel to walk away. "Fine, whatever."
(I'll brb. Getting my haircut I'll be back in like...20-30 minutes.)

Nathan- Aw why not? Cinny is such a name to give a girl who's got nothing to show.

At this, he made hand gestures as if gripped her breasts. Since she made fun of his size, he usually made fun of how small her breasts were compared to the other female officers in the military.

Nathan- How'd I get stuck with a partner like you huh? Haha.
(Haha! Alright. See you then!)

Cinny glares at Nathan again, her cheeks slightly flushed. "Sh-Shut up, Major!" She growled in response. He was a hell of a lot higher than she was in the military, sure. But she still treated him as an equal. "....." She quickly crossed her arms over her chest, cheeks flushing bright red when he commented on the size of her chest. "....Pervert, I-I'm still growing!" She snapped in response, not looking at him, so he couldn't see how much that really got on her nerves.
Nathan- Yeah yeah. You use that excuse every time. Ever stopped to look around ya? Girls are really developing early this generation.

A gleam in his eye as he said that. He smirked and held a hand to his chin as in thought. Sure he was perverted but he usually said whatever he did to annoy people, especially her. He'd never touch a woman without her consent though because thats the man he was.

Nathan- You done over there Big Red?
She glared at him, flopping her long blonde hair over her shoulder, still bright red. "Stop it, just leave me alone..." She glowered back at him, aiming a hand to smack him across the face. "You're always such a complete asshole, can't you just leave me alone for once!?" She was still glaring at him as she spoke, and then let her hands drop to her sides. "Hrmph. Whatever." She growled, turning to walk away.
Nathan chuckled and walked over to her. He patted her on the head and smiled innocently at her.

Nathan- Aw lighten up Cinnella. Cmon, we have to head back to HQ. We got a mission to do over in the desert town. Pack lightly alright?
Cinnella glared back at him, and crossed her arms, "D-Don't treat me like a kid!" She snapped at him in irritation. She was sure as hell younger than him, but she also hated being treated like a kid, like a dead weight! She sighed and slowly nodded in response. "Fine! I'll go get my stuff, just be sure not to weigh me down!" She hissed at him, angrily.
Nathan- Jeez...I wouldn't treat you like a kid if you're just three years younger than me damn. Calm down already. Meet me at the gate, I'll have a ride ready to take us to the desert town where we have to go meet with the major in charge there. Be ready in an hour, alright Cinny?

He chuckled and walked off toward HQ.
Cinny glared after him, and sighed in frustration as she quickly turned to walk back towards her apartment so she could pack. She ignored his instructions to calm down already, and fumed the entire time that she was getting her things. "Augh! That boy pisses me off!" She hissed angrily. It was so frustrating that he treated her like a little kid. She quickly finished up with getting her things together, and headed on back towards the gate he'd told her to meet him at, her lightly packed backpack slung over her back.
When she arrived, Nathan was already there. He had no bags, though he had his custom Automail on that had the transmutation circle on the palm for immediate use of alchemy. The circle was imbued into the automail's palm so that it couldn't be simply rubbed off.

Nathan- Good, you're here Cinny.

He opened the door and motioned for her to get in.

Nathan- I'll be in in a bit. I have to make sure our train tickets are valid...
Cinny sighed, and shook her head lightly as she got into the car, quietly and sat down, thoughtfully as she awaited for him to get in. When she heard what he said, she facepalmed. "Still good!? I thought you said you'd just gotten them recently to Liore! Honestly, how long ago did you get these tickets!?" She snapped, bitterness edging in her tone.
Nathan- Jeez calm down, its saying stuff like that is why they gave us tickets that are near expiration.

He got in beside her and closed the door as the cabbie drove toward the train station. Nathan was still looking over the tickets.

Nathan- We have...two hours before this expires so we should hurry up. At least yours does, mine is brand new.

He said just to tease her, though it was the truth.
She blinked, looking back at her partner, annoyedly. "Yeah, yeah. Just shut up, and stop being so annoying." She mumbled angrily as she stuck out her tongue at him. Cinnella was immature, that was for sure. Even if they were three years apart, she was still thoroughly annoyed at how he treated her. Sure she wasn't very woman-like, and nor was she very tall either, though she was still taller than he was at least that consoled her a little.
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