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Mission Codename: Cannon Fodder (BlisteredBlood & Devxx)

"Ugh, I don't even want to think about the other checkpoints. So far I've had to feel you up and act like a total and complete bimbo. I can only see it going downhill from here." Eris moaned as she stepped on the gas in order to get past the cars in front of her. Even with the stops and the little run in with Loki they were making surprisingly good time. At this rate they might actually be able to reach Chicago without too much going wrong. Of course that was probably asking for trouble but for right now she would take it.

"So did we have fun hiding out in the trunk while leaving the lone girl to deal with those mean policemen?" She was grinning now as she looked over at him. No doubt if things had gone bad Thanatos wouldn't have hesitated to pop out and start slashing but the didn't mean she couldn't tease him about the fact that he had to hide while she dealt with the cops. He might be able to kill anything within a hundred foot radius but she had him beat when it came to people.

Surprisingly, she might actually miss him once everything was said and done. Eris had grown used to the back and forth banter the two shared and he could actually be pretty good company when he didn't have a proverbial stick up his ass. Though he had promised to go visit her every once in a while and maybe she could even convince him to spend a fun day at the beach. Yet before that happened they would have to deal with the issue at hand first. Sai and Abassi were gone but Loki was still hanging around and there were still three other CROSS members yet to be dealt with. They wouldn't rest until they had Thanatos and that would put quite a damper on their plan.

Eris tried to stifle a small yawn as she weaved in and out of traffic to get by as quickly as possible. It had been a long day and even though it was only 6 pm she could feel herself getting tired. Guess that was what happened when one spent the day being chased around by homicidal maniacs.
"Hey, I didn't complain about it." Thanatos answered with a grin and a laugh. "I at least made sure I got you back for it with a grope. But that feel up is going to cost you something. But what as of this very moment isn't exactly known to me right now. But you bet your ass that I'll think of something." He added with a wag of his finger and a teasing smirk on his face before he looked straight ahead. He also found it rather surprising that the two of them were making good time considering their run ins with Loki and all the checkpoints thus far, but he wasn't one to complain about it. As far as he knew, they'd probably be in town before the two of them knew it.

It'd also be a bit of a crying shame once it was all sad and done. Considering all of that the two of them had done at this point, Thanatos actually felt as though he was going to miss her. But, there was a task that needed to be done first. The one thing that Eris had made a plan of ever since the beginning, this being taking a plunge off of the Sears Tower and fall all the way down into the river below. But such a plan wasn't without its far share of hitches, this being in the form of three other CROSS members that were still alive out there and Loki being one of them. He knew for a fact that there would be no rest for them up until the very last ones were delivered straight into their graves, no matter what the cost would be. If it had to be paid with his blood, then so be it.

Thanatos's ears were soon directed towards the sound of Eris giving a small yawn os sorts, causing him to glance over to her and smiled a bit. "I think someone's getting a little tired from the long day we've had." He said with a little bit of humor in his voice. "What say we find a rest stop and you relax for a little while, eh? I'll keep lookout." He said.
"Don't make threats you can't cash buddy or else you might force me to retaliate. You've been pretty much no touchy for most of this time while I'm pretty sure I've shown to have no qualms about pushing your buttons. Now do you really want to get into something like that with me?" Eris asked as she spared him a sideways glance. The teasing could evolve into something else entirely and then for the sake of her honor she would be forced to prove to him just how right she was. Besides, chances were she could push his buttons a lot better then he could push her's in that respect.

"Mhm, I think you're right. It's been a pretty long day and I'm beat." She nodded her head in agreement while keeping on a lookout for any places they could stop in for a bit. After another two miles she could finally see a bright green neon sign advertising such a place for their disposal. Taking a sharp turn to the left they came to a rest stop which offered gas, food, a motel and even an information booth if they so chose. At least this way they could actually get off the highway for a bit and stretch their legs while they thought up their next plan of action. They couldn't keep pulling the same stunts at the checkpoints and eventually someone would call them out on it. Yet it was getting late and that made the side roads more dangerous if they happened to run into Loki. There was still a lot to figure out but she was too tired to think of that right now.

"Lets stop in for a quick nap." Eris said as she nodded her head towards the motel. That way she could at least get an hours worth of shut eye and be more alert for the rest of their trip. Getting out of the car she ran inside the front desk and got a room for the next couple of hours. The manager probably thought she was a hooker or something but right now she couldn't care less. All she wanted was a comfy bed where she could actually rest her head. Flashing the key at Thanatos she motioned to where the room was before going in ahead and opening the door.

It was cleaner then the last one though it would probably glow like crazy if you flashed an ultraviolet light at it. Still, it had a functioning bed and that was all her sore bones wanted right now. The blond unceremoniously jumped on the bed before letting herself get sucked into the warm mattress.
"Oh really?" Thanatos answered with a quirk of his brow and a grin. "You keep pushing me in the right direction, and I'll show you how much of a bastard I'll be." He added in a teasing tone of voice before he emitted a lighthearted laugh before smiling at her genuinely. "Don't think I haven't forgotten about all those things you've been doing to me since we've been out on the road. As far as I'm concerned at this point, you owe me for quite a lot, you little brat." He concluded as he then poked her in the shoulder.

Upon arrival at the rest stop, Thanatos soon got out of the car and stretched his arms out wide, groaning a bit in relief now that he was out of it. Not for nothing, but gee whiz, it could get kinda cramped in that rig. "Sounds good to me." He said aloud as he then followed her into the motel in question, but not before he took his katana with him and attached it to his hip. That would be a bitch for him if just just left the thing out in plain sight for someone - anyone, for that matter - to just snatch up. Once inside, he looked over to the same manage that had glanced away before following her over to their assigned room.

Once they were inside, Thanatos smiled as he watched Eris basically flop herself down onto the bed, much like in the way a small child would after a long day at school. He would soon join her at the side of the bed before detaching the katana from the belt loop and laid it by the head rest followed by the two crosses, resting them on the handguard before he plopped himself down onto the bed then laid back, groaning in comfort. "Ah, geez..." He muttered.
"Oh, because up until now you haven't been a bastard? Last I counted you tried to kill me at least three times. As far as I'm concerned I owe you for a lot more then you owe me." Eris shot back as she watched him lay down on the bed. The mattress squeaked a little under them from the added weight. It felt nice after this hellish day to finally lay back a little and relax without having to worry about a bullet sailing into your skull if you turned your back for just one moment. That didn't mean that she was tuning out the obvious threat that Loki still possessed but for her own sanity it didn't hurt to just relax for a moment. God she couldn't wait for all of this to finally be over and done with so they could get their money and then quit this whole game.

She moved closer to him as she felt a small shiver pass over her. "It's cold, you're warm and I have no intention of going under the sheets where god knows what has happened." Eris moved closer until she was all but snuggling up next to him. Funny, a couple of days ago she would have given anything to get as far away from him as possible and now she was resting her head on his shoulder. Go figure that she'd actually feel safer with a serial killer then she did without him. At least he was honest with his desire to kill and didn't beat around the push when he had an enemy in sight.
"Hnn." Thanatos answered thoughtfull, having now been reminded of this. "I guess you're right about that." He added as he glanced over to Eris as she snuggled closer to him. "Still, what would it be that I would owe you for? Besides, I've been doing a lot of the grunt work around here." He added as he guided a hand under Eris and curled around her back so that she was pressed up against his body. It turned out that her comment of being cold was correct. She had to be colder than death itself if she had to be like that, Thanatos thought.

"Alright, I'll let you get away with being all snuggled up to me. Besides, you feel like ice." He commented as he looked at her with some degree of concern on his face while rubbing his hand up and down on her back.
"True. You did take care of both Sai and Abassi not to mention taking a bullet for me." Eris mused as she curled up closer to him. He had definitely been pulling more then his fair share of things around here and she did still owe him for taking a bullet that was meant for her. "How about we just call it even?" She suggested as she looked over at him. They both managed to deal with a separate part of getting the job done and somehow it had all managed to work out. Even though she could hear the cars honking outside and people talking it still felt peaceful in the room away from it all.

"I feel like ice? Funny coming from someone who could pass as the living dead." She teased back as she stuck her tongue out at him. With his deathly pale skin and dark hair he could easily pass for the recently deceased rising up to overrun the world in a search for brains. Already she could feel herself getting warmer as she soaked up the heat coming off of him. Who would have though that this day wold end with her using Thanatos as a blanket of all things? Not only was he a super soldier who could accomplish amazing feats of strength, speed and healing but he could also double up as a portable human comforter.

Sitting up a little she turned around she she was looking directly at his eyes. "I know you're going to give me shit for this but it's actually been kind of nice hanging with you. You're not so bad once you get rid of the the cold, serial killer persona. I think I might actually miss you when you disappear." Eris smiled a little before leaning down and placing a kiss on his forehead. Is was going to be sad having to say goodbye after all of this was done but at least she had a good story to tell when it was finished.
"You know, it doesn't always have to be good bye." Thanatos answered after receiving Eris's kiss on the forehead then smiled at her softly before he leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Come to think of it, if I survive the fall from the Sears Tower, I'll let you scoop my body out of the ocean for you to keep until I wake up. The way I see, it'll be a consolation prize for all your hard work." He added with a snort and a small laugh of sorts before he looked at her with the same smile on his face before he turned onto his side then rested the side of his head in his hand to look up at her better.

"And yes you do. You honestly need something to keep you arm and that corset and jacket combination ain't exactly doing it for you." Thanatos added as he then moved around to sit up on the bed also. "Might I suggest giving you my jacket or something?" He asked.
"Now would you really trust me to watch over you unconscious body? You might just end up waking up with makeup on your face while in a frilly dress." Eris said while chuckling as she tried to picture that scene. Actually, he might just kill her if she tried to pull something like that. At least then they could safety assume that no one would be looking for him while he wore a dress. She buried her head in her hands to keep from bursting out laughing at the mental picture. He'd be really pissed off but it might just be worth it for the pictures.

"I'm fine. I just need to get some sleep and then I'll be fine." Eris said as her eyes started to get heavy and she curled up close to him. All it would take would be an hour nap and then they could get back on the road and finally get to Chicago. Hopefully by then the checkpoints might be a fewer and far between and the policemen would be too tired to really bother doing a close check on them. Besides, the sooner they got the Chicago the better their chances against Loki would be. He couldn't hide as well in a crowded city and she could meet up with the rest of the members to decide what to do with what was left of CROSS.

Yawning again her eyes closed before heavy breathing could be heard coming from her. She was out for the next hour and hopefully when she woke up she'd actually be refreshed enough to get back on track.
"That is, if I'm alive long after the fall. Besides, a 1500 foot drop into the river wasn't exactly in the training manual." Thanatos joked as he watched Eris move closer to him. "But, I guess there's a first time for everything, isn't there?" He then asked with a smile on his face. Sure, it was a bit of a throwaway move to just let her take his body to wherever it was, but what else was there for him to do? Chances are, he could be out for days, maybe even weeks before he finally regained consciousness. But when she made the comment that he would end up in a dress and make up, Thanatos narrowed his eyes at Eris and gave her a little punch in the shoulder. "You do and I'll choke you." He teasingly threatened.

"You do that then. I'll keep my eye on you." Thanatos then said as he watched her eyes closely and not long afterwards, he could hear her doze off to sleep. Sleep tight, Eris... Hopefully you'll be better rested for when we make our last move over to Chicago. He thought as he then laid back slowly while keeping Eris close to him as he relaxed on the bed with a sigh. It had been a pretty long day, with all things considered. But at least now they were in a place where they could at least lay back for a while and relaxed.
Eris shifted slightly in her sleep as a loud noise broke through the shadowy curtain and startled her awake. Blinking suddenly she stood up in her spot and looked over at Thanatos. The loud noises she had heard before seemed to have doubled and she could have sworn she hear screaming outside. Even though it was late at night an eerie orange glow filtered in through the curtains in the window and cast a shadow all over the room. There was another loud noise that seemed to shake the entire room with a thunderous boom. "What the hell was that?" Eris asked Thanatos before pushing herself off the bed and walking over towards the window. Pulling back the curtains she gave a soft gasp as she saw just what was going on outside their quiet little room.

All around people were screaming and running as if trying to get away from their own shadows. There were fires everywhere with cars turned into nothing more then piles of burning metal. Their own car was now just a hollow frame that had been burned beyond recognition. Everywhere there were screams of chaos and confusion as people were trying to get away from danger and get the hell out of there. Even through all of this, Eris had no doubt who had caused it all. The three spheres in the parking lot that were blinking quickly before exploding only helped ot confirm her suspicions.

"Shit! Loki's found us and he's trying to smoke us out." She said as she turned to Thanatos before grabbing her own weapons and pulling out her gun. Who know how many innocent people he's killed just to try and get them out of hiding. He must have been following them this whole time and was just biding his time until they lowered their guard so he could strike. Opening the door she angrily ran into the parking lot trying to figure out where he was. "Come out here you little bastard." Eris said through gritted teeth as her eyes moved wildly around trying to catch some sight of him.
At the sound of what could be considered an explosion or a really powerful gunshot, Thanatos's eyes looked over to the window as well before he glanced back up at Eris in confusion. Before he could even ask her the same question, he soon found Eris moving over to the curtain and caught her gasp. Soon enough, yet another explosion of sorts rocked the place with the force of a sudden earthquake, causing Thanatos to jump out of the bed and back onto his feet. Not even bothering with asking her anything, he then moved over to his katana and grabbed it by the sheath and quickly attached it to his belt loop before he then joined her at the window.

Peering outside, he could see what it was that the people were screaming about. Someone had to be behind all of these explosions, and he began to bet that he kne who it was. Growling under his breath, Thanatos's hands had balled tightly together into fists before his infamous scowl began to form on his face. "Never a dull moment." He muttered angrily before he dashed outside joining Eris by her side. But before she had a moment to react, Thanatos extended an arm out to Eris before glancing to her. "Go get us a vehicle. It's me he's after and he doesn't care who it is he's gonna hurt. I'll lure him away from here before he's given the opportunity to hurt anyone else." He demanded before setting off after Loki.
Eris nodded her head at Thanatos before parting ways to try and find a suitable car to replace the one they had just lost. Plenty of the other cars had been abandoned by people who had decided to run as far away from the scene as they could instead of being human targets. Eyes shifting she managed to find a black sports car that had been abandoned and would probably be able to take them to where they need to go, fast. Now all she would need to do would be actually break in and start it so they could get the hell out of here.

People were scattering this way and that not even bothering to remain even the least bit calm. Others were getting trampled in the mad rush as the mob hurried as far away from the danger as they could possibly get. Yet in the middle of all of this stood one lone man just watching all the action from his position leaned up against a car. The man couldn't have been older then his early twenties with fine sandy blond hair with deep brown eyes. There was a little bit of hair growing on his chin from not having shaved in a day and a lit cigarette was firmly in his lips. Taking the cigarette out he blew out a puff of smoke while watching the scene around him. A small smile spread to his face as if he was watching some sort of movie instead of real people running for their lives.

"Careful, you never knew when another explosive is going to go off. Aye Thanatos?" He called out with a good natured chuckle as he saw the man approaching him. Loki didn't make any move to get up from the car or to even grab a weapon as he kept smoking and just watching the other man get closer. "People, huh? One tiny little explosion and they start running around like animals to the slaughter." He reached up and scratched his chin a little as if not even bothered by the impending threat.
"Fancy yourself to be pretty confident, eh?" Thanatos answered Loki as he stopped in place with his katana lowered to his side and glared at Loki with a deathly glare in his eyes. "Though I thought for your own sake that that one grenade I slapped back at you might have done the trick. Apparently not, you unrepentant sick fuck." He added as his eyes narrowed.

"But allow me to give you some idea of what you're in store for. You know how you claim you're some hot shot bomb expert? Well, let me explain something to you, asshole. What I am is the equivalence of a hydrogen bomb, provided if you piss me off to a certain point. Unfortunately for you, I've already had enough of you since this got started. Unless if your life is that meaningless, I'd suggest you leave this place right now before I take one of those grenades and stuff them in your mouth and watch as your head explodes off your shoulders." He warned as his irises began to glimmer with the familiar golden glare.
"Woah, easy there buddy." Loki said as he threw his cigarette to the ground and pushed off against the car. "Now do you really think you're in any kind of position to call me a sick fuck? Hell, you've killed more people then I have and I don't remember ever disemboweling someone unlike some people here." The man gave a pointed glance at Thanatos as he brushed his hands off on his pants and stretched a little. Everything about his demeanor was completely calm and even friendly. Loki still had a smile on his and even though he could see Thanatos' katana he didn't make a move to produce any kind of weapon of his own.

"Well, I'm not really a bomb expert per say. I like to think of myself as more of a builder. Sure half the stuff I build would easily kill someone but it's not my fault if people decide to do bad things with my inventions." Loki gave a halfhearted shrug and scratched his chin again. The place was damn near empty by now and even the dust from all the explosions was starting to clear. "Anyway, I'm not really looking for a fight, I just wanted to get you alone really. After seeing what you did to the other two and how you handled my toys in the forest I'm not really keen on the idea of having my head explode."

"Too bad, I actually kind of like ya. You're pretty straight forward and get right to the point without any of that bullshit added in. I actually just came to tell you to watch your back. There are still plenty of people out there who want your head and you should be really careful with who you trust. Anyway, I think that's your ride and my cue to exit." He said as he nodded his head towards the car which was coming towards them with Eris in the driver's seat. Loki flashed him another grin before letting go of one more of the smoke balls and fading into the cloud of smoke.
Another growl came from Thanatos as he listened to Loki basically mouth off to him, further enticing him to just lash out and kill this guy without any further hesitation. "Actually, I like to consider myself a tactical killer, where you are just throwing whatever it you want and not have any other regard for who's in your way." He said with a warning glare in his eyes as he listened to him.

"That's it? That's all you wanted to do, especially after trying to shoot a dart into me god-knows how many times? I'm surprised I didn't let you hit me with any of those things. How about I just kill you here and now?" Thanatos answered as he began to approach before he stopped after one step when he heard both an engine coming his way and Loki informing him that there were still people out there looking for him and also that he should be careful. At that point, Thanatos began to think about Loki's comment before he looked off to the side in thought. He knew he was being target by CROSS, but who else was he referring to?

Soon enough, he was met with a smoke bomb, obscuring his vision once more. In the smoke, Thanatos raised a hand up to his face, growling lowly before he went back into the hotel to gather his jacket and two croses before he came back outside, meeting Eris as she pulled up. Without another word, he got into the new vehicle through the passenger side wordlessly.
Eris looked out of the windshield in confusion trying to figure out just what happened. A minute ago she could have clearly seen Loki talking to Thanatos and then the next moment there was another smoke screen and he was gone. If Loki was involved things couldn't be good but the man wasn't an outright fighter if he could help it. He preferred playing mind games and getting others to do his dirty work for him.

"Hey, what happened?" She asked as got in the car. From the looks of it it didn't look like they'd have a very fun conversation and he looked like he was ready to do some real damage to someone or something. Whatever it was, she didn't want to just stay there like a sitting duck waiting for Loki to try something. Stepping on the gas she got the hell out of there while they still could. No doubt the owner of the car would be back eventually and be very disappointed to find that his car was nowhere to be seen. With all that happened she wanted to get to Chicago before anything else went wrong this night.

Hopefully that little stunt that happened back there would draw most of the police to investigate and they wouldn't have to worry about anymore checkpoints. "God I can't wait for all of this to be over." She muttered as she pressed down on the gas pedal going way over the speed limit. It had gotten dark now that the sun was down and the cars had definitely thinned down on the road. Hopefully that meant they could get there even quicker.
"That son of a bitch Loki got away again," Thanatos answered, his less than pleasant fself returning for a moment before he angrily slammed a hand down on the dashboard for a moment before he glanced out the window. "There's something he's dabbling into, and where he thinks he's getting into isn't up for discussion unless if you had the proper security clearance." He noted as he leaned back into the leather interior for a moment with his arms folded across his chest.

"Somehow, he knows there's other elements besides CROSS is coming after me for reasons of their own, I know that for a fact. Besides, every branch of the military is out for my blood, something that's on that bullet I gave you." Thanatos added with a thoughtful look. "But I'm not gonna worry about this either. But as soon as I see him again, I swear to god, I'm going to rip his head off of his shoulders for fucking with me like this." He concluded with a sharp tone of voice.
Eris flinched a little as he slammed his hand on the dashboard out of anger. She had seen first hand just what could happen when Thanatos lost his temper and she really didn't want to be stuck in a car with him when he turned all gold eyes. "Relax, would ya? Loki gets off on fucking with people's heads. He just wants to get under your skin and mess with you to get you as angry as he possibly can so he can throw you off your game." Loki wasn't the type to fight with bare fists when he could disarm his opponent with just a few simple words. With her interactions with him she'd seen him do quite a number on people's heads before testing his toys out on them.

"Right now lets just worry about getting to Chicago and getting this whole thing over with. CROSS is going to come out of the woodwork to get to you and we'll just have to be ready. Besides, once the plan goes off then you'll be a free man." Eris reached out and patted his shoulder gently while trying to flash him what was a reassuring smile. They had no way of knowing that the plan would even go off without a hitch or if Thanatos would even survive it. For now though they'd just have to stay positive and hope it all worked out for the best.

Up ahead Eris could see clear roads and no signs of any other checkpoints any time soon. There were only about three other cars on the highway with them and none of them looked like police cars. "Well, it looks like we might be in the clear as far as checkpoints are concerned. At least you won't have to worry about me feeling you up anymore." She chuckled as she tried to get rid of the tense attitude in the car.
Thanatos nodded in agreement at that point. Besides, all that was going on at the moment was just more and more of those disillusion tactics that had been deployed in the past, so that wasn't exactly anything new to him. But then again, something about it did make him wonder about what he was saying. If he had to, Thanatos would have to employ some very harsh interrogation practices in order to get the answers that he sought from him. For one; who else besides CROSS was after him and two, how would they know where in the world he was? The more he thought about it, the more he became frustrated.

But then, the reassuring pat on the shoulder caused Thanatos to glance over to Eris with a thoughtful glance on his face and relaxed a little further when he saw that equally reassuring smile on her face. Perhaps she was right. Maybe he was getting a little too bent out fo shape and had to relax so the two of them can just get over to Chicago and get it over with. For that, he nodded his head in agreement before he eased back int the seat with a sigh. "Yeah, you're right." Thanatos answered with an acknowledging nod of his head.
She didn't say much for the rest of the trip and instead focused her attention on driving and keeping an eye out for cops. It looked like they had passed the checkpoints and wouldn't need to worry about being pulled over considering it was so late and dark outside. After a few more hours the highway started getting brighter and there were more cars on the road then when they were in the forested areas. A large sign up ahead told them that Chicago was only 20 miles away. "Hey, we're almost there." She said happily. The drive had been horrible and it was already 2 am but as long as they made it in the city they would have less to worry about.

After another forty minutes she could see the large buildings looming over them as bright lights glowed from the city even at such a late hour. A sense of relief washed over her as she waited for the stop light to change colors so they could finally get where they needed too go. It would be too dangerous for CROSS to attack them in the middle of a busy city without having to worry about drawing out media attention. The government still wanted to keep this whole thing under cover so they wouldn't attack them in public. They were safe for now and hopefully this would all be over very soon. Taking a left she pulled into the parking garage of a hotel before getting out of the car.

"We're meeting with the rest of the group at noon so we can go over the plan and get it implemented asap. Until then we can actually get some rest and wash up in a place where you don't have to worry about catching a disease just by breathing." The motels might be useful when you needed a quick place to stay but she hated being around all that dirt and gods knows what. They already had a room in this hotel set up so the two could finally get some peace before the big day. Grabbing her stuff she motioned for Thanatos to follow into the elevator and up to the fourteenth floor. They had a suite reserved with a view of the city beneath them. "Finally! Clean room, clean bed and I can actually take a nice shower without having to worry about roaches." There was a grin on her face as she unceremoniously dropped her bag on the ground and kicked off her shoes before climbing on the bed and jumping on it like a little kid. The trip getting here had been hell and she'd be damned if she wasn't going to enjoy the actual nice part.
The rest of the trip from that rest stop was definitely quiet for the two of them as Thanatos fell silentl for most of the way. It had definitely been one of those types of days where everything that could've gone wrong did go wrong, something along the lines of Murphy's Law of Physics, if you will. But at leqast when he saw the lights from various buildings outside of Chicago far off into the distance that he knew for a fact that this would be all over some time soon. But when, was a mystery to him even now. "I see it." Thanatos answered as he looked around for the building he was supposed to take that plunge from. He couldn't see it right away, but he knew he would see it at some point or another.

40 minutes in, Thanatos could now see the buildings just towering over them, causing him to look up at as many as he could. For now, he felt as though he could relax. For the most part, Thanatos relaxed into the seat, sighing mostly in relief now that he was here then closed his eyes for a moment, nly to feel Eris pull into a parking garage and come to a stop.

Thanatos opened his eyes also before he stepped out of the car as well then followed her up to the elevator which brought them up to the 14th floor of the very building they were inside of now then began following her to their reserved suite. This place was definitely better than the disease ridden filth holes they were in previously, but Thanatos walked over to the window and looked outside, getting a great view of the city below them. His eyes lowered to about half mast in contemplation as he listened to the gameplan that was to be laid out for them in the morning, meaning that they had perhaps not more than six to eight hours worth of rest before whoever it was would be here and go over the plan with them. Looking to his left, he would eventually catch sight of the Sears Tower and Lake Michigan just behind it some several miles off. Slowly, he then reached a hand over to the window and rested his palm on it mostly in thought as he began to wonder about what it is he was going to be doing tomorrow.

"Yeah." Thanatos answered in a neutral but mostly sad sounding voice as he continued to gaze at the city below him before he looked down at the streets far below before he turned away from the window and caught sight of Eris jumping up and down on the bed like a hyperactive child. It brought a bit of a smile on his face before he walked over to the bed as well and sat in it.
Eris stopped her jumping around once she heard his voice as he answered. He didn't look to happy about this and even looked a little sad after his view out the window. "No, you do not get to be sad." The girl said pointedly as she plopped down on the bed and moved over to where he was sitting. "Come on, your freedom is just a day away. You can finally stop looking over your shoulder for the next threat and actually get to enjoy life." She wrapped an arm around his shoulder trying to get him to lighten up. "No more sword fights, no more hiding in trunks and no crazy girls who drag you across the country and use you as a human blanket. You can actually do what you want."

The words sounded sweet but in the back of her mind she knew that there was still so much that could go wrong. He might end up dying from the fall or from something going wrong. Or before they could even put the plan into action CROSS or another branch of the government could swoop in and capture him again. The future wasn't certain and with something like this there could be a hundred ways for it to fail with only one of it going right. Even if it did work and he did survive no doubt he would be really hurt from the fall and they'd still have to plant enough evidence to make it look like he really died or else people would keep looking for him. Not to mention that Loki was still out there and who knew what the hell he was up to in his twisted little mind. Those were all things that could go wrong but she didn't want to think about it right now. They'd just be worrying themselves over something they couldn't control right now and be adding to the stress. What they needed was to actually relax for once and take their mind off it.

"It's your last night as a wanted man. We should celebrate." Eris said as she tried to lighten the mood. "Could call room service and get enough alcohol to take down an elephant. Or we could go out to a club and mess with people who are already drunk off their asses." Somehow the idea of a drunk Thanatos dancing to loud techno music just didn't seem right in her head. The image was funny as all hell but she couldn't imagine that situation possibly ending well. "Or we could just relax here where you'd have to put up with me." Eris teased as she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"The night is young and tomorrow you're going to take a swan dive off of a very very large building so you might as well enjoy today."
Thanatos thought about Eris's words carefully when she referenced that he would be spending his last night on this earth as a wanted man. To tell the truth, it would make sense, see as how everything that had been done at this point was to get him out of existence with as little interference as possible. Considering if in fact that CROSS or someone else wouldn't dare show their faces within the city as a whole. One could say that he was still wondering about how the whole plan would go down, from beginning to end and how to pull it all off without so much as a hitch.

Her words would ring true in his ears as she continued to speak to him, causing Thanatos to nod slowly in agreement before he lifted his brows up for a moment then gave a sigh of sorts before he eventually laid back onto the bed and looked upward to the ceiling. These past two days had changed his mindset somewhat, from having to be a survivalist to be able to do just whatever he wanted and not have the slightest inhibition about it. It would be a major league change of pace, something that he would have to adjust to at one point or another. It would be a major challenge, no doubt, but after everything he's been through at this point, he felt that it wouldn't be so bad.

After receiving her kiss to his cheek, Thanatos smiled at her a little more naturally now before he laid back on the bed with a comfortable sigh. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I've just been overthinking this whole thing." He began as he looked up at her. "But you're also right about another thing, too. Maybe heading out into town isn't exactly the best idea at the moment. Besides, I feel like kicking back, maybe get a shower and sharing some champagne with you. The night is still with us and we can still have a little bit of fun where we are." He added with a little bit more of a sly grin on his face.

"So. That being said, what say we get some room service and relax." Thanatos concluded as he then swept Eris's arms out from under her so that she was laid down right over his chest with the same smile.
"Jerk." Eris said with a smirk as she found herself laying on his chest. Getting up she climb on top of him so she was straddling his hips before reaching over to the drawer next to the bed and picking up the phone. "Hi, room service? I'd like some champagne sent to room 1408. Mhm, that sounds great. Thank you." Smiling she hung up the phone before turning back to Thanatos who she currently had under her. "So I get to spend the night having fun with the most wanted man on Earth huh?" There was a mischievous grin on her face as she slipped off her jacket and threw it on the chair across the room.

Leaning down she pressed her lips against his as her hands ran over his arms before grasping onto his shoulders. "So by my count I owe you for not killing me when we first met, for taking down both Sai and Abassi and also for taking a bullet for me. Not to mention all the times I happened to invade your personal space and groping you." She chuckled slightly as she moved away from his lips and started kissing down his jaw line and to his neck. Her hands were moving over the rest of his body over his clothes though she had to stop and look up when she heard a knock on the door.

Getting up off of him she walked over to the door and peered out the peep hole before opening it to the waiting man. He had a cart next to him with a bottle of champagne, two glasses and a few other things they had thrown in. Thanking him she brought the cart in before closing the door and turning back to Thanatos. "So, should be make a toast to our ability to somehow go against the odds and make it over here alive?" She asked as she wheeled the cart closer to the bed. Statistically, they should have been dead a hundred times over with all that they had gone through just to get here. Yet amazingly they had made it to Chicago relatively safe and sound.
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