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Devil May Cry?~ ♥ (Vergil?~)

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Oct 7, 2010
EDIT: Since this was getting ridiculously long, I've just cleaned out the pairings I no longer have interest in! ^^;

So hey there! I suppose I should start off with an introduction, I am Kitty, Cinnella, Cinny, or any other such nickname that makes sense. Feel free to call me any of the above or even create your own nickname for me!

Also, just so you know, I reeally prefer to have some sort of plot behind the role play, as that's what keeps me interested. ^^

The information for the role play is in the beginning of the post after this one. So read that before you look at the pairings I have listed, because otherwise you might be confused! ^^

Short Key:
X=Character one has a romantic interest in Character two, may entail force.
/=First character is using the second character for informational purposes, or just platonic relationships, could include rape, torture, and other violent things as well. It can also start before or after she's captured.
X/=It can be either or of the above two ideas. Can lead from force to willingness, as well~
Plot~!=I have a plot for this pairing!
(x♥♥♥♥♥)=How much I want this pairing! 5 heart max! Infinite=Craving!
(x#)=How many plots I have for this pairing.
(M)=Male OCs only
(Notes)=Any extra information I feel like putting in! 8D
Pairing=No longer wanted!

Devil May Cry Pairings!:
VergilX/OC/XDante (xInfinite♥)
VergilX/OC (xInfinite♥)
DanteX/OC (xInfinite♥)

VampireXFemale werewolf/Vampire Slayer (xInfinite♥) (Not much of a plot, but sounds fun. 8D;

BlazBlue Pairings(Phase Shift, Calamity Trigger, and Continuum Shift, AU even):
Hazama(Terumi Yuuki/Kazuma)XOCX/Jin Kisaragi (xInfinite♥) (I have a plot, so yeah. Random craving. orz)
Hazama(Terumi Yuuki/Kazuma)/OC (xInfinite♥) (Ploooooooot~)
Hazama(Terumi Yuuki/Kazuma)/OCXRagna the Bloodedge (xInfinite♥)
Jin KisaragiX/OC (xInfinite♥)
Jin Kisaragi/OCXRagna the Bloodedge (xInfinite♥) (Pretty please~?)
Ragna the BloodedgeX/OC (xInfinite♥)
Relius CloverX/OC/XHazama (xInfinite♥)
ReliusX/OC (xInfinite♥)
Villainous Male OVX/Female, Vigilante OC (xInfinite♥) (D: Please...? I think it would be fun to break my character, so yeah...> >; )
Anyone else? Offer~?

D.Gray Man Pairing!:
Cross MarianXOC/XTyki (xINFINITE♥) Plot~!
CrossX/OCXAllen(Older) (INFINITE♥)
AllenXOCXLavi/Kanda (INFINITE♥)

Final Fantasy VII Pairings:
Rufus ShinraX/Childhood Friend OC (xINFINITE♥)
SephirothX/AVALANCHE OC (x♥♥♥♥♥)
Kadaj/Loz/YazooX/Traitor, female Remnant (x♥♥♥♥♥)up to(xInfinite♥) (Can be just one of the three remnants, or it can be two of them, or even all three.)

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Pairings:
VanitasX/OC (xInfinite♥)
VanitasX/OCXVentus (xInfinite♥)
IsaXOCXLea (xInfinite♥)
IsaXOC (xInfinite♥)
LeaXOC (xInfinite♥)
EvenXOC (xInfinite♥)

Kingdom Hearts Pairings:
OC Organization Member(M)X/Keyblader/Organization OC (x♥♥♥♥♥)
Canon Organization MemberX/Keyblader/Organization OC (xInfinite♥) Plot~! (Kind of!)
Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Powerful, humanoid Heartless OCX/Keyblader/Organization OC (xInfinite♥)
KH SephirothX/Keyblader OC (x♥♥♥♥♥)
Heartless OCX/Organization/Keyblader OC (x♥♥♥♥♥)

Tales of the Abyss:
Asch the BloodyxOC(xInfinite♥)
Sync the TempestxOC(xInfinite♥)
Jade the NecromancerxOC(x♥♥♥♥♥)

Soo, yeah. XD; I have a ton of pairings up there, and if you see maybe a fandom that you like, and I didn't list a villain canon/OCx/OC type that you'd like to play, feel free to ask! I don't bite! ♥ Also I simply listed who I like, not necessarily all of them though! x3

IM contacts! Because I forgot them! XD;

AIM: CursedLeorina
YIM: (not used very often, PM me to get me on)
RE: BlazBlue?~ ♥ (Hazama/Villain OC?~)

♥ Bump. I'll get to it soon, if I can think of anything, then Akiriu.
RE: BlazBlue?~ ♥ (Hazama/Villain OC?~)

Haha. xD; Yeah, they're both pretty epic. And I've also got a hankering for a Dante, now. Agh...;
RE: BlazBlue?~ ♥ (Ragna/Dante?~)

Which one? There are a bunch of games with a guy named Dante...well only two I can think of.
RE: BlazBlue?~ ♥ (Ragna/Dante?~)

Devil May Cry. xD;; I fail at specifying. Ugh...;;
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