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A History of Torture.


May 28, 2010
Ok, been thinking of putting this up here for a few days, if for no reason other than to entertain. It's actually a back ground for an older character of mine, that I've not brought here, yet. Kind of a personal spin on a modern-fantasy RP that had going with Erato some time ago, on a seperate forum. It's pretty lengthy and graphic.

-----------------------------Post 1 of ???----------------------------------

December 1995, Near Vail Colorado:

Day 1:

Gabriel had left home three or four days ago, packing up his snowboard and skis onto the back of his four wheeler and heading north. He knew his family would be looking for him, they always looked for him when he took off like this, so he'd headed further away from home than usual and slipped enough money out of his father's stockpile to keep him funded for a couple of weeks. He'd headed up to Vail to just relax and enjoy some skiing and snowboarding, away from the opressive environment his parents seemed to thrive in.

He'd gotten to Vail early yesterday, before the resort had opened and found himself a comfortable enough spot to sleep in an old abandoned wood shed about ten miles away from the resort, a quick drive on the four wheeler. He'd spent all of yesterday on the back of his snowboard, shredding the mountain and just enjoying his time alone. Well alone in a fashion, he'd spent more than his fare share of time hitting on some of the snow bunnies near his age, but that was part of the fun in being gone like this. No one here knew him and to them he was just some local ski bum kid that the more well off girls would think of as nothing more than a fun fling, just how Gabe liked it.

He'd started this morning much the same as yesterday, strapping his board on and taking the lift up to the top of the mountain, the first one on the lift. He'd made sure to be there early so he could get first tracks after the foot and a half of snow they'd gotten the night before. Now, standing at the top of one of the peaks he looked down at the untouched powder that lay out before him and just grinned. This was freedom, this is how people like him were supposed to live.

He savored his moment a little too long, for suddenly a pink and white form shot by him on a snowboard, stealing the run. Gabriel looked on in shock as the figure shot down his run, which just got his blood boiling, that was his run damnit and he'd be the first down it today, one way or another. He spun his board so he was aimed down hill. He leaned back to put pressure on the back of the board and help him gain control of the board before he dropped his weight forward and felt the sudden acceleration as he began to slide down the hill.

Gabe didn't hold anything back, for the intruder had already gained quite a bit of ground on him, but Gabe knew the run was long and his added weight and strength would allow him to push his board to greater speeds. The sound of the board slicing through the fresh snow was exhillerating as he hurtled down the mountain, in hot pursuit of the young woman who'd stolen his run.

He was suprised by how fast she was going, and even though he was gaining ground it was a real race, and that just made it all the more exciting. A rise to the left side of the run was what he aimed for, dropping down a bit and putting more weight forward to speed up his descent. He watched the young woman jog around the rise, carving hard to make a nice C-shaped curve around the terrain.

Gabe on the otherhand shot right up the natural rise and at the crest of it had enough speed that he caught air, a lot of air. He rotated in the air, lifting his board up towards himself, right hand grabbing ahold of the inside edge of his board as he sailed through the air, passing right over the young woman as she straightened out to continue her descent. Gabe's whoop of excitement drew her gaze up and a he saw a slight scowl on her face at the fact that she'd been caught up to and passed.

Gabe hit the snow on his board, knees flexing to absorb some of the blow and resumed his crouch, careening down the hill, carving shallow S turns as he went, keeping his speed up. He glanced back to see the young woman mimicing his crouch in an attempt to catch up with him. So it really was a race. Gabe grinned at her and then returned his attention to his course down the run. The trail swung a rather hard left and he did a flat spin over the surface of the snow so he could be facing the inside of the turn and have better control when he went into it.

As he entered the turn he saw the girl gaining ground having angled in early to try and pass him in the corner. He laughed a bit as he cut into the corner and glanced back to watch her. He was suprised by the fact she'd caught up and was passing inside, on the higher terrain of the corner. She then cut down infront of him, cutting him off and sending up a spray of fresh powder at him. Her voice was pretty, yet there was an irritation to it that he noted. "Quit trying to steal my run you ass.. First tracks are mine."

Gabriel reacted first to her attempt to cut him off by carving hard into the side of the turn and then arching back out, his back towards the girl as he carved along the outside edge of his board and came back down behind her, turning the board to aim back down the run, crouching down to maximize his speed. He passed to her back and then did another flat spin so he was facing her and cut right infront of her, leaning towards his outside edge in the middle of the turn, changing the direction of the turn and sending a spray of fresh snow up into her face in return. "I don't think so sweetie, you gotta be the first one down to claim first tracks."

The girl threw an arm up and wiped off her goggles from Gabe's spray of snow and then growled as she pursued him down the hill. Gabe glanced back at her, watching as she fought to catch up to him, their speeds almost equal as they continued on their crash course down the hill. Gabe looked ahead, to where the run took a long C-like route around a small cliff face, which was blocked off by a thin hunter orange rope, meant to keep skiers and boarders from dropping off the edge.

"Screw it." Gabe glanced back at the girl and waved goodbye as he aimed right for the edge of the cliff, which dropped probably 15 feet or so, not a bad drop, especially with all the fresh powder that would surely be piled up at the base. Right before he got to the rope he leapt, his powerful legs launching him over the rope. He did a nose-grab on the board and quickly executed a 360 degree spin as he began to fall, keeping the nose of his board up so when he landed he didn't lose control and crash. He let out another whoop of excitement, and almost lost his concentration during the spin when he saw the girl leaping the rope right behind him, executing a tail grab in opposition to his nose-grab.

When Gabe hit the snow she was right behind him and to his left, and the two continued their race the short distance to the base of the run. The two ended up facing each other as they made their way down the run, both checking the other's progress as they fought for position. They were neck and neck down the hill, both trying to push for more speed. Gabriel just barely got the edge with about 100 yards to the base of the run and he used it to his advantage.

Risking a rather nasty crash he swerved in at the girl, forcing her to slow down and swerve to avoid colliding with him. "You fucker!" Ah it was sweet music to his ears as he swerved away from her and sailed casually off of the run, having won the right to brag about first tracks on it. He merged out onto the nearby main trail and slowed down, balancing comfortably on the board, now straightening up a bit to keep from pushing such extreme speeds.

Within another minute or two he was back at the bottom of the hill and had just reached down to unbuckle his boots as he heard another boarder carving towards him. He glanced up to see the girl in pink and white aiming right for him. She didn't hit him, but instead spun the board 90 degrees and put her weight on the outside edge, spraying him with snow. So suprised was Gabriel that he fell backwards onto his ass, his foot popping out of the loose bindings.

"What the hell?!"

He wiped snow from his face as he pulled his goggles off and looked up at the girl who was glaring at him with pale blue eyes, her own goggles having been pulled off. "That's what you get for cheating and stealing my run you jerk!" She smirked and then reached down to unbuckle her own boot as Gabriel pushed himself back up, leaving the board on his left foot so he could slide over the snow.

"Hey it's not my fault you couldn't keep up." Gabriel said as he slid by her, smirking when she looked up at him with a glare. "But hey, it'd be unfair of me to not at least give you a chance to eat my dust again sweetie, but I expect a good prize for winning twice."

He didn't stop to see her reaction, instead he slid up into the lift line with the rest of the skiiers and boarders heading that way. He figured she'd just give up and take a different lift, until he heard her pretty voice asking people if she could go up with her 'boyfriend'. He glanced over as she slid up next to him, giving him a murderous glare, her pretty face not really the right type for such looks, in fact he thought she just looked cute looking at him like that.

"Alright wise-ass, you're on. When I beat you this time I get what ever I want." The way she said that made Gabriel at first curious and then made him fidget slightly as her eyes trailed down over him and she got a devilish smirk.

"Alright girlie, and what if I win?" Gabriel arched an eyebrow as they slid up to the lift and the chair came around and scooped them up off of the snow.

The girl seemed to think for a moment and then smirked looking back at him with a shrug. "Anything you want, anything at all." She winked at him and then put on her goggles and looked straight ahead.

Gabriel just gulped a bit and put his own goggles down as he looked down at the runs they were passing over. Well that sure was an open ended prize and Gabriel wasn't quite sure what he'd ask for when he won, but she did say anything and that made things even more interesting. He found himself grinning like a school boy as he leaned back in the lift and watched the soft white world pass under them.

The ride up the hill wasn't quick and while Gabe usually liked silence he found himself wanting to talk to this pretty young thing next to him. He glanced over at her, catching her sending a curious glance his way. "I'm Gabe, so what's your name?"

She looked back over at him and smirked a bit before looking back out at the top of the hill. "If you win maybe I'll tell you."

"Alright, be like that, I'll just keep calling you Sweetie and Girlie.. works for me." He replied in a cocky manner, leaning back amiably in the lift and looking back up at the hill infront of them. He heard her grit her teeth together at the mention of what he'd call her, but she kept quiet, just shooting him another irritated glance before shifting so she was ready to get off the lift.

Gabe adjusted a few seconds later, helping her push the bar infront of them up so they could get off the lift chair. When they got to the top of the lift both of them slid off in unison their rear foot, coming to rest on the board infront of the open binding so they could slide away from the lift and not bottle up traffic getting off. They slid to a stop 20-30 meters away and both leaned over, putting their loose foot in the bindings, buckling themselves into the board.

Gabe straightened up first and glanced up at the sun, which was rising higher in the sky. It was getting warm so he pulled off his hat and tucked it into a pocket in his coat. He reached up, ruffling his hair a bit as he looked over at the girl who was straightening up as well. She glanced over at him and smirked before pulling her cap off and putting it away too. Her thick brown hair fell down around her face, framing it nicely, which made Gabe stare for a moment before collecting himself. She was one hell of a looker, that was for sure, but that didn't change the fact that she was his competition.

Once the girl'd put her hair up in a pony tail she glanced back at him and arched an eyebrow. "So you ready to get your ass kicked there pretty boy?" Her tone was mocking as she looked at him, full lips pulling back into a smirk.

Gabriel just arched a brow and snorted in amusement. "Lead the way Sweetie. Oh, and just so you know that'll be the only time I'll be enjoying looking at your ass, the rest of the time you'll be eating my powder."

"Oh we'll see about that." She replied before she turned towards the run they'd just raced down, stopping at the edge and waiting for Gabe, who lingered a little bit, good as his word and enjoying the sight of her shapely behind as she made her way down to the top of the run they were going to take.

He slid up besid her and looked down over the edge before glancing back her way. "When ever you are ready Sweetie." He smirked at her as he said it and watched her face flush in irritation before she readied herself.

"Ready.. Set.. GO!" When she said go they both rotated their boards and leaned forward, almost in unison. They started their descent right beside each other, picking up speed as they started down the run, both staring intently down the hill.

They remained side by side, separated by only a few feet for almost a minute, carving side by side as they wound down the hill side, each guaging the other one in an attempt to figure out where they could make their move. A few people that had come up the lift before them were on the run and most got out of the way as the two racing teens shot down over the snow.

Gabriel made the first move, dropping his weight down and back on the board to lift the nose and pick up speed, though with less control than if he'd leaned forward. The board shot forward a bit, giving him some ground on the girl as they headed towards the first turn, where she'd tried to pass him before. He glanced back to see her trying to cut the same angle as she had before, which made him laugh. He cut hard to the left to get infront of her and slow her down, but found that when he did so she jogged right and picked up speed, passing him easily.

Gabriel swore and spun his board, crouching down to make up for lost time. The two were now hurtling down the hill at break neck speeds, aimed right for the same cliff they had jumped before. She'd actually gained some ground on him and leapt off of the edge of the cliff a couple of seconds before Gabriel.

As Gabriel cleared the lift he watched her rotating in a flip and angled his board down to drive himself down faster, so he'd hit the snow faster and be at a greater speed shortly after hitting. At least that was his plan, and that went to shit as he watched her fully invert infront of him and reach to the bottom of her coat, jerking it down over hear head, along with her shirt and revealing large, bare breasts to his view. He totally lost concentration and forgot what he was doing.

It cost him as he hit the snow, too busy thinking about her amazing breasts. He hit the snow with his board pointed down too much and lost control, flipping over and hitting the snow painfully. "SHIT!" He heard her laughter as she continued onward down the slope. Gabe pushed himself up and resumed the chase after her, going as fast as he could to make up the lost ground, but it was a losing battle. When he reached the end of the run she was standing there watching him with an amused look on her face.

Gabriel stopped beside her, glowering. "And you call me a cheater! What the hell was that?!" His accusation just made her laugh as she stood there on her board, arms crossed under her full breasts, watching him in amusement. "Hey, you were the one that said it's not unfair if you can't keep up. Should have been watching the snow and not my tits."

"Ha ha very funny. Alright so you won." Gabriel said, glowering and hating the fact he'd lost. His competative nature didn't deal well with failure and loss and now he was sure she'd do something to embarass him, probably making him board naked down the hill or something.

"Yes I did.. First and foremost, how long are you going to be staying in Vail?" She asked, an eyebrow arching a bit as she watched him, those pretty blue eyes staring intently at him.

"I dunno, a few more days maybe. Why?"

She just grinned a bit and slid closer to him, leaning up and in so her lips were almost touching his ear. "Because my prize for winning is the fact that you are now my slave, and since you said you were staying for a few days you are going to be my slave for the next three days."

Gabriel almost fell over when she made that statement, looking at her in shock as he relaxed his body a bit and slid back from her a few inches before stopping. "You have got to be kidding! No way am I gonna be your slave for three days!"

She arched an eyebrow and looked at him threateningly. "Oh really? So I guess that I should just call my parents, who are down in Denver and tell them that I found the wayward son of the Kwatee. Yep, before you even ask I am Tocho, suprised you didn't notice, but my parents did say you only worry about yourself. So, I've got my parents condo nearby and they won't be coming up for at least three days, maybe more. So either you are my slave for those days, Gabriel Harrison, or I'm going to call my daddy and tell him where you are."

Gabriel did fall over now, so shocked that he forgot to pay attention to keeping an edge on his board and slipped, crashing down onto the snow. "You've got to be kidding me! You're blackmailing me by threatening to call my father if I'm not your slave?"

She nodded with a smirk and put her hands on her hips. "Yep, that sounds like a pretty fair deal don't you think. You get your freedom from your parents for a few more days and I get a pretty-boy slave. Last chance 'Sweetie' make your choice, or I'll get my cellphone out of my pocket and call right now."

Gabe just sat there staring at her for a moment, not really processing exactly what he was going to do about the situation. He could run, but then he'd eventually end up being caught by his parents or one of the other Tocho, especially since they'd realize he was traveling well outside of his usual haunts. He took a deep breath and looked down at the snow between them, chewing on his bottom lip for a second.

"Alright fine.." He looked back up at her as he said it, pushing his goggles up ontop of his head as he locked eyes with her. "I'll play along for the next couple of days, but if you let it slip that I'm here the deal's off."

The girl just grinned happily and nodded. "Sweet! I've always wanted someone to do everything I want, and I promise I won't tell on you as long as you are a good slave and do everything you are told." She giggled and reached forward, putting a hand out to help him up. When he took it she helped haul him up onto his feet and smiled at him, leaning up and kissing him lightly on the cheek. "There, now the deal is sealed. I'm Angelica by the way, but for the next few days you are only allowed to call me 'Mistress'. Got it?"

Gabriel rolled his eyes and glanced back up at the hill. "Alright, 'Mistress', so what's your first order, want me to let you win a couple more races or what?" Gabe glanced back down at her and then felt a suspicious itch crawling down his spine at the devilish look that was shining in her eyes and the smile on her face.

"Nope. Come on, we're done boarding, I'm not going to waste three days of having a slave snowboarding." She grinned and turned, leading down the hill towards the base of the lift. Gabriel on the other hand looked in the direction of where he was staying and almost took off in that direction. By the time she figured out he wasn't behind her he could have changed form and be most of the way back to the cabin.. He'd be on the road within an hour or two and probably able to stay ahead of the rest of the Pride for at least 3 days.

"Aw fuck it." He shook his head and turned his board downhill, following her to the base, to find her standing there, already out of her bindings and giving him an irritated glance. "I said to follow me, you've been my slave for 5 minutes and you are already screwing up.. Tsk tsk.. I might just have to make that call if this is the kind of service to expect from you."

Gabriel yanked his bindings off and picked up his board, glaring at her a moment. "What ever, you're too excited that I said yes to make that call yet. You'll at least make me squirm first." Gabriel said as he walked away from the loading area for the chair lift and down to the trail leading back towards the lodge and shopping area.

Angel was beside him almost instantly, smirking up at him. "You know you're right.. and believe me I am gonna make you squirm." Her saying that didn't make Gabe feel any better about the situation, in fact it made him flinch ever so slightly as he wondered exactly what her plans for him were.

"I need to go back to where I'm staying and grab some clothes, it'll take me maybe half an hour." He said as he glanced in the direction of the woodshed he was staying at, still wondering if he could escape. That'd give him an even better chance.

It was like she was reading his mind as she looked up at him with a smirk. "Nope, you're not going anywhere. I've got my parent's credit card and permission to use it for buying clothes and what ever I want, so guess what?! We'll buy you all new clothes. Come on."

Angel grabbed his hand and led him towards the rows of boutiques that had clothing for every occasion, from skiing to dressing up for formal events. Gabriel felt her dragging him along and just shook his head. 'Great, this is going to be a wonderful few days, being led around by some crazed chick with a superiority compex. Fuck my life!' Gabriel thought.

Angel stopped before they got to the boutiques and went into one of the condo lobbies, leading Gabe through to the ski/board lockers. She put her board in one of the lockers and then his. She then peeled off her pink and white jacket and hung it inside before looking over at Gabe. "C'mon, off with the jacket, it's not like you get that cold without it."

Gabe had really not heard her speak, instead he was looking at her upper body, which was rather nicely displayed by a skin tight sweater. She wasn't your usual anorexic looking teenage girl, instead she was nicely filled out with an hour glass shape, full breasts and a narrow waist. He felt himself salivate slightly at the sight and then twitched as he looked back up to her face and her outstretched hand. He realized she wanted his coat and pulled it off, handing it to her.

At 15 Gabriel was rather well formed for his age, his slim build well toned and rather muscular, nothing compared to the way he would be as an adult, but still an impressive specimen for one so young. He felt Angel's eyes looking him over appreciatively, and caught her licking her lips very briefly. "Well glad to see I didn't end up with a skin and bones cub for the next few days. Yeah you'll do nicely."

That made Gabriel squirm slightly, which just made Angel grin more as she pressed up against him and leaned up, lips brushing his ear as she whispered. "See I told you I'd make you squirm, but believe me, there is a lot more to come." Her breathy whisper stimulated more than his mind as he felt himself become aroused, even more so when she gently nipped his earlobe and then pulled back.

"Alright then slave, lets get you some new clothes. Follow me." She took his hand and led him back out the door. Gabe followed her, his eyes now fixing themselves regularly to her gorgeous form as she led him down the row of boutiques. She stopped from time to time to look into some of the windows until she found a store that seemed to tickle her fancy. She led him inside and smiled at the young woman that was there to help customers.

The young woman approached, looking over the two teens almost distainfully at first, as if they weren't really supposed to be in a place like this. Angel didn't act like she noticed, but Gabriel did and it irritated him. Angel responded to the woman's snippy "Can I help you?" with a friendly smile as she held a hand up towards Gabriel. "My boyfriend here needs some new clothes, shirts, slacks, sweaters, a jacket, some swimming trunks, shoes, the whole bit."

"I see.." The woman said, arching an eyebrow as she looked at Gabe who was staring intently at her, his predatory nature adding to the intensity in his gaze. The woman couldn't keep eye contact for more than a second and she looked back towards Angel. "That won't be cheap young lady, are you sure you have enou..." The woman suddenly shut her mouth as Angel pulled out a platinum Visa and handed it to the woman.

"Yes, I'm sure I have enough, thank you." Angel just smiled at the woman in an almost demeaning manner and the woman stumbled over herself to apologize as she took the card and gestured for them to look around and that she'd be more than happy to help them if they needed anything.

Angel led Gabe through the store, picking out clothes, stopping to ask sizes for the different articles and then finding ones that she fancied and dumping them into Gabriel's arms. With each arm full she'd send him into the dressing room and have him try everything on, telling him what to keep and what to put back. She'd then do it over again.. It felt like an eternity for the earthy young teen, who detested shopping, and about an hour and a half later they were done, with Angel leading him out of the store, waving to the ever so helpful young woman.

Gabriel was now wearing an alpaca wool sweater of earthy tones, a pair of chocolate brown slacks and italian leather shoes that were lined with wool to keep his feet warm. His arms were practically loaded down with bags of clothes, but it seemed that Angel wasn't about to finish shopping. They went to another couple of boutiques, one selling jewelry where she bought a few things for herself and then spotted a platinum and ivory feather pendant. She had the man behind the counter pull it out for her. After looking at it for a few minutes she had Gabe put down the boxes and bags and clipped it around his neck, looking at it speculatively for a moment before nodding and giving the man the credit card. That necklace was the one thing Gabriel always kept, only taking it off when he planned on being in Cougar form, even as an adult Gabriel kept that trinket, often toying fondly with it.
---------------------Part 2--------------------------------

Within three hours Gabriel was thankful he wasn't human, because he had to have been carrying close to one hundred fifty pounds of clothes and other trinkets that Angel had picked up. His arms were loaded down with bags and boxes and Angel had to guide him by keeping a hand on his arm so he didn't run into everything. Once they were back in the condo she had him put the clothes in the living room as she wandered into her bedroom.

"Gabe, you can leave your clothes out there for the moment, I want you to bring mine in here and put them away." Her voice called out from the bedroom, making Gabe just groan as he picked up the majority of the bags and boxes and carried them into her bedroom. She was looking at herself in a full length mirror when he walked in, putting her hair up in different fashions before shrugging and turning to look at him.

"The underwear goes into the dresser over there, as well as the t-shirts. Put the dresses on the right side of the closet, the jackets on the far left and the pants in the middle. Then you need to organize the shoes by color. Black, then brown, then white, then red, pink, blue and green in that order and make sure they look neat."

Gabriel just stared at her a moment and almost told her to do it her damn self, but he didn't want to have to run from the Pride so he just nodded and began to lay all the clothes out on her bed so he could sort through them. First he put all her underwear in the appropriate spot in the dresser, feeing rather uncomfortable handling her unmentionables.

While Gabe was busy with that Angel decided to see how well he could concentrate on what she'd set him to doing, that and she was tired of the clothes that she was wearing. She began to undress, slipping out of her sweater and tossing it into the hamper before sliding her pants off. Gabe didn't notice at first, until he turned around to get the t-shirts to put in the dresser.

Angel was standing there naked as a newborn babe, admiring herself in the mirror. Her eyes darted towards his reflection and she smiled devilishly. "Yes?" She was enjoying watching Gabe be so uncomfortable, and uncomfortable he was.

Gabe had to avert his eyes and grab the shirts to keep from staring and drooling all over himself. Angel just laughed and continued her torture, walking over to Gabe when he knelt down to put the shirts in the dresser. She leaned back against the dresser and gently ran a hand up one of her thighs, right in Gabe's peripherial vision. He looked towards her shapely thigh as she caressed it, squirming and nearly dropping the shirts he was holding.

He forced himself to look right at the shirts, but that didn't work when Angel leaned down infront of him, her full breasts hanging infront of his face as she reached down and plucked one of the shirts from his grasp and straightened up. "Thank you, I think I'll wear this. Wait, there are tags on it, take them off." She dropped the shirt back into Gabe's hand.

Gabe snapped the tags from the shirt and pulled all the plastic out of the shirt before going back to hand it to her. She didn't take it and giggled a bit as she stood up straight next to him. "No, put it on me." She grinned evilly at him as he just stared at her in disbelief.

"You must be kidding. I'm not putting a shirt on you, you can do it." Gabriel retorted, almost slack jawed and really not too coherent when he spoke, so stunned was he by the naked young woman standing there waiting for him to dress her.

Angel arched an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips as she glowered down at Gabriel. "Do I look like I'm kidding. You are my slave and promised to do 'everything' I want.. and I want you to dress me, so dress me."

Gabriel grumbled a bit and straightened up, holding the t-shirt in both hands and pulling the bottom open. Angel just grinned victoriously and held her hands up over her head, posturing so Gabe had no choice but to look at her lucious body. He tried to not look at her as he started to pull the shirt down over her body, but realized that he couldn't keep from looking at her as he pulled the shirt down.

When his hands brushed over her breasts he almost jumped, feeling the warm soft flesh against the backs of his hands as he pulled her shirt down. Angel was grinning at him when he finished pulling the shirt down.

"Mm, see now that wasn't so bad was it?" She asked as she pressed up against him, arms going around his neck as she pressed her full breasts against his chest, which just made his arousal even more frustrating. She glanced down at his groin and grinned a bit as she traced a hand down his chest to the top of his pants, tugging lightly at his belt. "Well well, what do we have here? Someone's excited, too bad for you. That must be uncomfortable."

Angel just giggled at her cruel joke and walked over to the bed, sitting down on it and leaning back, legs slightly apart as she watched Gabe shut the drawer that had the remaining shirts in it. "Hmm, I need panties, get me the black thong that I bought today."

Gabriel opened the drawer and pulled the panties out, tossing them over his shoulder to her. Angel caught them and then coughed suggestively. "What part of dressing me don't you understand Gabe.. That means every piece of clothing I want put on you are going to put on me."

Gabe froze for a second and then turned around slowly.. "You want me to wha....?" His vocal chords just stopped working seeing her sitting there, legs slightly apart and her pussy lips visible, a thin dark line of hair leading down to those promising lips. She had her underwear hanging off one finger of her left hand as she leaned back against her right hand. She gestured him towards her with the finger holding the underwear.

"That's right big boy, I want you to put my underwear on me." Angel said as she watched Gabriel straighten up and walk towards her, stopping at the edge of the bed and reaching out to take the panties from her. She moved quickly then, sitting up and grabbing the front of his sweater, pulling him close so his lips were almost touching hers. "Like I said earlier, I'm gonna make you squirm. Oh this is soooo much fun." She grinned and nipped his bottom lip before letting the panties slip into his hand and leaned back, rubbing the inside of her right thigh with her left foot before she straightened both legs out, keeping them parted so her sex was visible the whole time to Gabriel.

Gabe gulped and took her panties, having to find where they were marked so he knew which side was the back. He gently slipped them on over her silky smooth thighs, pushing them up over her legs, the soft silk making her groan happily as he slid them up. He paused when the panties were about half way up her thighs, eyes locking on her sex for a moment before he took a deep breath and finished sliding them up, until her sex was concealed from view, thankfully.

With her panties now on Angel laid back and just grinned as she stared up at Gabriel and then looked over at the pants laying on the bed. She picked up a tight pair of jeans that she'd purchased, ones that were snow white, like the top she was wearing. "Hmm, I think I'll wear these, put them on me as well."

Gabriel took a deep breath and picked up the pants, snapping off the tags and removing them before he slid the pants over her feet and up her legs. This time Angel made him stop when he was halfway up her thighs. Her right hand dipped down into her underwear and he watched her finger rub over where he knew her slit to be. She grinned at him when he looked up at her, their eyes locking together as she drew her finger out and leaned forward, one hand grabbing his hair as she pushed that moistened digit into his mouth.

Gabe could taste her arousal on that finger and almost lost control of himself as she ran her finger over his tongue and then pulled it out. "You kept looking at my pussy like you wanted a taste, so I figured I'd give you one. You can finish putting my pants on now."

Gabe didn't move for a few seconds, her taste lingering on his tongue as he just stared at her smiling face. This girl was just.. just evil! He shook himself, a cold chill having run rampant up and down his spine for the past few seconds. He pushed her pants up and buttoned them in the front before zipping the fly and stepping back.

Angel was just grinning at him as he stepped back from her. "Very good Gabriel, I'm impressed that you did so well. You can finish putting the clothes away, I'm going to go get something to drink. Once you are done you can put your clothes in the guest bedroom."

Angel slipped off the bed, making sure as she got up she rubbed her body against him in a very feline manner, gently kissing the side of his jaw before biting his throat agressively. That done and Gabriel standing there shaking as he tried to deal with the feeling that he was about to come apart at the seams, Angel walked out of the room.

Gabe just stood there for a couple of minutes, collecting himself before he put the rest of the clothes away in the manner she'd described. The damned shoes took forever! Finally everything was organized and he walked out to the living room to collect his clothing. Angel was sitting on the couch watching television and just smiled at him in a sultry manner as he picked up the clothes and took them into the bedroom. He put the clothes away, pants, sweater and jacket first, hanging them in the closet.

After he'd put the t-shirts away he was about to put his last pair of swim trunks away when he heard Angel step into the room. He glanced over at her, seeing her smiling at him as she leaned in the doorway. Her tongue danced over her lips for a second before she stepped closer and gestured for him to stand up and step back. "Strip."

"What?!" Gabriel was almost about to panic as Angel stood there infront of him, just grinning.

"You heard me, I said strip. You got to see all of me, now I want to see you. Don't worry, I won't make you walk around naked, I'll let you wear a pair of swim trunks." She had that evil grin again as she spoke, one hand coming up to brush against his chest. "I know there's a nice body under there, and I want to see it.. Now."

Gabe took a deep breath and stepped back from her, eyes locked on her face. He sighed and shook his head as he reached over his back with both hands and grabbed ahold of the back of his sweater. He peeled it off and tossed it onto the bed, then repeated the process with his t-shirt.

Angel's appreciative whistle when she saw his bare chest made him pause for a second and look at her. The devilish look was still there, but lust now burned in her eyes, though she did well containing it. Angel wanted to rip the rest of his clothes off and fuck him brainless right then, but she resisted the urge, she was having too much fun torturing him.

And embarassed is exactly what Gabriel was, his face and neck were flushed bright red and he couldn't keep from squirming under her gaze as he leaned down and untied his shoes, slipping out of them and then pulling off his socks. He put the shoes by the bed and tossed the socks ontop of his sweater and shirt.

When he didn't immediately pull his pants down she snapped her fingers and gestured towards his pants. "Come on, all of your clothes. Right now."

Gabe grumbled a bit and unzipped his pants before pushing them down, along with his boxers. As he became revealed to Angel she felt her mouth water and her body flush with desire as she stared at the impressive specimen. Gabriel was only fifteen, a year younger than her, but he was one hell of a specimen. His entire body was covered in lean muscle and smooth hairless skin, unscarred and a soft natural bronze color.

She stepped closer to him as he straightened up and ran a hand down over his pectoral muscles and abdomen, not going lower than his navel. That didn't help though, because Gabe felt himself growing very aroused at her touch and fought with himself to try and keep his arousal from becoming too blatant. Angel saw the struggle he was going through and grinned, pressing up against him and nipping at his neck as she drug her nails up the front of his chest, leaving a small trail of white on his skin before she stepped back and looked him over again.

"Very nice Gabriel, you take great care of yourself. Now you can put some swim trunks on, but that's all, I want to enjoy seeing that hot bod of yours." That said she moved back to the door and leaned against it as Gabe pulled on a pair of swim trunks and tied them in the front.

"Come on then my pretty little slave, I'm hungry and I just ordered some room service, it should be here any minute." Angel then walked back out to the living room and Gabriel followed, his left hand going to the pendant that she'd given him, toying with it in an attempt to keep his mind off of how uncomfortable this situation was.

She sat down on the couch and pointed to the floor infront of her, grinning when he sat down and leaned back against the couch, eyes going to the T.V. Gabriel almost jumped when Angel draped her legs over his chest and slid forward so that her crotch was against the back of his neck. The warmth there was enough that Gabriel could feel it, as well as the slight moisture seeping from inside of her. She grasped his hair with one hand and then ran her fingers through the brown locks, enjoying the way he squirmed at her touch and close proximity.

"Mmm.. this is so much fun. A shame that room service should be here soon, otherwise I'm sure I'd find another fun way to really make you squirm." Angel's tone was sultry and full of carnal meaning as she continued to press his neck against her sex and toy with his hair, enjoying having him this close and how easily she made him squirm.

A minute or two later there was the sound of a knock at the door and Gabriel nearly jumped out of his skin, making Angel laugh as she released him and stood up, walking around the couch. "Stay there, I'll be right back." Gabriel just watched her go to the door and open it, speaking with the man who'd brought up the room service. "Oh thank you, yes bring it in and set it right over there."

The man walked in, glancing at Gabriel and arching an eyebrow but not saying anything as he set the large tray down on the coffee table and then turning back around to Angel. "A man from one of the local boutiques also brought this miss." He picked up a small parcel on the tray and handed it to Angel, who grinned even wider and glanced over at Gabriel before she paid the man and thanked him.

Once she saw the man out and had shut the door she walked back over to Gabriel and dropped down onto his lap, pulling open the box and grinning evilly at him. "Good, the special gift I got for you came already." She reached into the box and pulled out a thin leather collar with a gold loop on the front, on it was stitched "Gabriel". Gabe nearly knocked her off of him as he struggled to get up, but Angel grasped him by the shoulder and pushed him back down.

"Don't even think about resisting Gabe, you're mine and as my slave and my pet you are going to wear this, or you are going back to Denver, if I have to tie you up and deliver you myself. And I don't want to do that Gabe, I'm having way too much fun.. and deep down I think you are too." Angel was looking at him seriously and when he just let out a low growl she smirked and wrapped the collar around his neck, securing it with the buckle. She then pulled a thin gold chain from the bag and clipped it onto the ring.

"There we go, now you look like a proper pet." She said as she grinned, holding the chain and pulling him up towards her. Gabriel figured she'd just gloat in her control, but when she kissed him he didn't know what to do, except kiss her back, hungrily. She ground down against him for a second before breaking off the kiss and climbing back up onto the couch, letting the chain dangle over his bare shoulder as she hooked the other end to one of her belt loops.

"I'm hungry, let's eat." She said, obviously trying to control her breathing as she leaned forward over him and pulled the stainless steel lid off of the tray and set it aside. There was venison, elk, salmon and what Gabriel expected was buffalo on the tray, along with assorted greens and fruits. He felt himself salivate as Angel cut a piece of the elk and quickly took a bite. She then cut another piece and held it out for him, taking it in her fingers and dangling it over his face and grinning when he leaned up and took it from her fingers. He bit down onto it and then chewed twice before swallowing.

Angel smacked him lightly ontop of the head for eating so fast. "For God's sake Gabe, try not acting like an animal when you eat. This is good food, not a fresh killed deer that hasn't been cooked." She cut another piece and ate it before holding a second piece for him in the same fashion as before. This one he took from her and chewed a few more times, slowly before swallowing. "There, that's better. You must spend a lot of time as a cat, because you sure do eat like one."
Angel continued to eat and feed Gabe like that for a while, until the elk was finished and they'd had most of the salmon. Then she had an idea and she cut a larger piece off of the venison and put it between her lips and looked down at Gabriel, winking as she gestured for him to come up and get it. Gabriel didn't really know what to do, but when she tugged up on his collar he leaned up and tried to take hold of the bite without his lips touching hers. That didn't work when she moved her mouth down, taking a bite out of the meat and letting him have the rest. She swallowed the meat whole, as did Gabe.

She didn't move away either, instead she pulled him up insistently and kissed him deeply, tongue slipping into his mouth to taste the venison as well as Gabe. She kissed him long and deep until she broke off the kiss and released him, running her index finger over her bottom lip and grinning. "Mmm, isn't that good?"

Gabriel could only nod as he looked up at her, actually leaning up on his own accord towards her. That made her laugh as she pulled down on the collar, shoving him back in place. "Mmm, you sure are eager for more, but you aren't getting any yet. Remember, it's all about what I want." She grinned at him and then cut off another piece, feeding it to Gabe with her fingers again before taking her own bite.

The meal ended in that fashion, though Gabe kept looking up to her lips when ever she'd take a bite, longing to taste her lips again, but she kept him at a distance, just smiling at him when ever he'd look towards her. With the meal finished she untied his leash from her belt and told him to go get rid of the remaining food, telling him where the trash can was in the kitchen. Gabe got up and walked to the kitchen, carrying the tray and cleaning it and the plate off.

He put the trash in the garbage and started to run water to clean off the dishes when Angel walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" She asked him curiously as she leaned in the doorway to the kitchen, just watching.

"Cleaning the dishes to put them in the washer." Gabriel responded.

"Hmm, you are a keeper, I might have to change the wager so I keep you forever, doing dishes and all. Do you wash windows?" She asked teasingly.

Gabe put the dishes in the washing machine and smirked looking over at her before shaking his head. "Nope I draw the line at washing windows." That made Angel giggle and Gabe grin as he closed the dishwasher. Angel walked up to him and grabbed the leash leading him back out to the living room and then pushing him down infront of the couch again.

She didn't sit right away, but walked over to the small bar that was in the living room and reached into the small refigerator there, pulling out a bottle of champagne and a single glass, which she filled before putting the bottle back. She took a sip of the champagne and walked back over to sit on the couch behind Gabriel, enjoying her beverage while she watched the television, occasionally running hand through Gabe's hair.

They sat in silence for quite a while, just watching the television, which was playing one of the more recent Warren Miller films. Angel finished her glass of champagne and put the flute down on the end table. She glanced outside, noting that it was already getting dark and just grinned.

"Hmm, good it's getting dark, let's go to the hot tub." She stood up and moved infront of Gabriel, standing over him and smirking as she gestured for him to get up. He stood up and found himself almost pressed against her. "Now, undress me."

Gabriel blinked and went to open his mouth to speak, but Angel was obviously not in the mood for more denials because she jerked on his collar and leaned up, looking at him intently. "I said undress me Gabriel.. right now."

Gabe just took a deep breath and nodded as he lowered his hands down to her waist, gently grasping her shirt as she pressed closer to him, grinning as she leaned up and nipped at his throat. Gabe slowly pulled her shirt up until she had to lift her arms over her head and allow him to pull the shirt all the way up. He laid it down on the couch and looked down at her bare torso, eyes affixing on her breasts for a moment.

To make matters worse Angel reached up to her breasts, cupping them and gently pinching her nipples. She let out a soft moan and Gabe felt his sex start rising to the occasion. "Keep going Gabe, that's only my shirt."

Gabe nodded and knelt down infront of her, unzipping her pants and then going to pull them down with thong. She stopped him and shook her head. "No, one piece at a time Gabe." He sighed and pulled her pants down, sliding them over her smooth legs, his face close to her sex as he slid the pants down and she stepped out of them. He began to move his hands up to grasp her thong until she grabbed him by the wrists.

"Put your hands behind your back." She said with a smirk.

"Then how am I going to get your thong off?" Gabriel asked, somewhat confused by this demand, though he did as she told him.

"With your mouth."

Gabriel almost choked and started to lean back, but she grasped his hair and pulled his face so it was almost touching her sex. She rocked her hips suggestively towards him and laughed. "Come on big boy, you put them on me, now take them off.."

Gabriel gulped and leaned up a little, taking ahold of the fabric tenderly with his teeth. He bit down lightly on the waist of the tong and slowly began to lower it, pulling slowly so that he didn't rip the fabric. Within seconds the thong slipped down to reveal the neatly trimmed line of hair leading to her lower lips, then he had his mouth by them and he could almost taste her.

As he slid her panties lower the full smell of her sex hit him, her arousal very apparent, as was his. She moaned as the cool air of the room hit her damp nether lips, but didn't stop Gabe as he slid her panties further down. Once he got far enough down that they'd fall without his help he released them and Angel stepped out of her panties, kicking them aside.

"Very well done.. So did you enjoy that? Because I certainly did." Angel said as she stroked down his face, grinning. "Now, go make sure the hot tub is running, I'll be out there in a few minutes."

Gabe just nodded and slowly slid himself up, having to brush against her naked form as he did so, his sex throbbing with desire as he brushed against her. She grinned and ground her body against him briefly before she stepped back enough to let him walk past and go out onto the balcony of the condo to the hot tub.

Once outside Gabriel almost freaked out, so wound around the axle that he felt like he was going to explode, and the cold air didn't help as he'd hoped, it just felt like ice against his skin and brought up images far more carnal than he wanted. He tested the heat of the water by splashing a hand through it and then turned around, glancing towards the door.

He figured Angel was going to be putting on a swim suit, saving him the torture of having to dress her in that. But he was wrong, instead she walked out, as naked as ever carrying a bottle of champagne in an ice bath and a glass. She smirked at him as his eyes crawled over her nude form and then put the champagne and glass down on the edge of the hot tub.

"Help me in." She said as she stepped up to the edge and put her hand out to him. He took her hand and carefully assisted her into the hot water. Once she was standing in it she reached up and unbuckled his collar so it wouldn't get ruined in the water. That she set outside of the hot tub, away from where they'd be. She then sank down into the center of the hot tub, sighing happily as the hot water washed over her body.

Her eyes lifted to Gabriel and she lifted a hand, gesturing for him to get into the tub with her. He nodded a bit after swallowing, feeling like he was trying to swallow a deer whole. He hissed slightly when the hot water hit his skin, not expecting so much heat, but he coped with it and slid down into the tub when Angel pulled him down by the hand and pressed him back against the wall of the tub. She then lowered herself down ontop of him, stradling his thighs and sliding back, her naked ass rubbing over the fabric that was fighting to contain his errection.

Her laugh didn't make him feel any better as she reached down and pulled at the fabric of his boxers so his thick shaft was forced down and she could slide past it. When she released his shorts his thick sex rose back up, brushing just barely against a small portion of her slit. She groaned happily at his arousal and pressed her back against his for a moment.

"Rub my shoulders and back." She said as she reached out of the tub and grabbed the glass of champagne, taking a sip. Gabriel complied, scooting her forward just a little so he could place his hands on her smooth shoulders. His palms and fingers were calloused, but she found their roughness apealing.

Gabe began to rub her shoulders slowly, massaging them and making her sigh contentedly at his touch. She took another sip of the champagne and then set the glass down. She brought her hands up behind his head and laced her fingers together behind his neck, arching back slightly into his caress, her breasts pushing upward, so they were almost entirely out of the hot water.

Gabe's additional height and her posture made it so if he looked down he was guaranteed a view of those amazing breasts, which was exactly where Angel wanted him looking. He rubbed her shoulders and finally tore his gaze away from her breasts, just gazing up at the sky as he continued to rub her shoulder and then down over her back.

She felt like she was melting under his strong touch, her own arousal burning like an inferno as she rubbed herself against him, making sure that when she did she ground hard against his errect member. "Mmm, that's very good Gabe.." She opened her eyes to see him looking up at the sky and scowled at his attempts to keep from staring at her. She moved a hand up to the back of his head and pulled his face down towards her. "I want you watching me the whole time pet."

She grinned and leaned up, biting his bottom lip again before releasing him and putting her hand back behind his neck, occasionally giving him a pleased squeeze. And so Gabriel found himself unescapably staring at those lucious breasts as he continued to rub her shoulders and back, her moans and gyrations making it even harder to fight against the painful arousal that he was experiencing.

The whole time Gabe was watching her and rubbing her shoulders Angel was burning with desire. She hadn't expected that she'd want so much to feel this young man's touch. He was younger than her by a year and she'd always heard he was a real loner and not the type that most enjoyed associating with. But Angel felt drawn to this young man, not because of his family, but because there was just something about him. Teasing him was so much fun it almost hurt, but her initial intent hadn't been to sexually torment him, and herself in such a fashion, that was an amazing addition that she was plotting on taking even further.

Naturally dominant Angel loved people being submissive to her, and this young male was better than any she'd gotten to do what she wanted before. But he was assertive, strong and intelligent, and while at times he fought her dominance he was proving to be a very willing submissive. She wondered how far she could take things before he outright refused to go on. She probably wouldn't have called his parents if he'd refused to be her slave, but it was a good threat to keep him in line and following her obediantly.

Gabriel on the other hand was enjoying himself while at the same time almost in a state of panic. Angel had him wound so tight he felt like he was going to just explode, every fiber in his body longed to touch her, but he did so reluctantly, mostly out of fear of his inexperience. She seemed to be enjoying his touch and he was enjoying touching her, just like he was enjoying how she tortured him, an unexpected suprise. Gabe wasn't the type that was servile, but he found himself actually wanting to please Angel, and he couldn't explain why.

Angel's eyes opened and she looked at him to make sure that he was still looking at her. When he was she just smiled more as she ran a hand up through his hair and pulled his face towards her, her teeth caressing his bottom lip again, then biting down and tugging lightly before she released him. Her hand remained in his hair, stroking through it like an adored pet as she trailed her other hand over his neck and shoulders and then over her own body.

The hand trailed slowly over her breasts, pausing to massage each gently and tease the nipples, knowing that Gabriel was watching. She moaned pleasureably at her own touch, though in truth she wanted it to be Gabe's hands on her, but she'd make him wait for that. She wanted him so excited that he'd be begging happily if she asked him to. Her hand then continued down, dipping into the churning water as she trailed over her smooth stomach and then to the curls that led down to her sex.

She bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows teasingly at him as she slid the hand lower, extending her index finger as she reached her sex. She traced the digit slowly over the extremely sensitive bud of her clit, rubbing it in a slow circle. She moaned louder and leaned back, turning her face so she could bite Gabe's neck, teeth sinking lightly into his skin. She didn't bite hard enough to bruise him, but enough that he felt a sharp pressure from her teeth. She groaned against his skin as she pushed her finger over her clit and then traced it along the lips of her sex, making her squirm ontop of him, grinding against his throbbing member.

Gabriel squirmed under her, body tensed as he tried to keep focused on rubbing her shoulders, even as she bit down on his neck in such a sexually stimulating manner. When she pulled her teeth from his neck she smiled at him and then trailed her tongue over the fresh bite mark. Her breath was now becoming ragged as she worked her finger over her slit and then slowly pushed it inside of herself, stimulating her sex with slow smooth strokes along her inner walls.

Angelica's rapid breath and the moans that came from her mouth were driving Gabriel nuts and it took all his willpower to not just throw her against the wall of the tub and take her right then and there. He was able to control himself, but only barely and he felt that control slipping. He fought to retain his dignity and not let his feral side overwhelm him, but he'd never felt so increadidly aroused in his entire life. His body burned as if it were on fire and the only way to put it out was to have Angel for his own.

Angel groaned louder as she slipped another digit into herself and quivered around the intruding fingers. She ground harder against Gabriel's strong body as she looked up at him lustfully. She kept her fingers in his hair and pulled him down towards her. "Come here.." Gabriel happily moved his mouth closer to hers and was rewarded when she moaned and then kissed him, pressing her mouth firmly against his own, tongue sliding into his mouth and dancing against his as she ground against him passionately.

The kiss lasted until they both had to break apart to regain their breath, Angel panting and moaning as she continued to tease herself with her own fingers. "Oh god.. This feels soo good Gabriel.." She grinned teasingly at him between gasps as she ground herself on him, feeling him swollen and ready through the fabric of his swim trunks. She knew she had him when she rubbed against him and he moaned, the first pleasured sound she'd gotten out of him all night. He'd done well keeping control of himself and she was very impressed by his self control, now it was hers she was worried about.

Really what did it matter if she fucked the hell out of this young cougar? He was hot, willing and more than able. Even if her parents and his parents found out what could they say about it? They were both young teens, in a hormonal stage where there was almost zero chance of them concieving a child. Their monthly change would mae sure that Angel didn't have a kid, so as far as she was concerned Gabriel was fair game for her to make her personal sex-toy.

Angel's voice was ragged as she let out another moan, her mind now made up about what was to come next with Gabriel. "Do you want me Gabriel? Do you want to be my sex toy tonight?" Her voice was filled with lust as her sky blue eyes locked on his electric blue ones. Passion burned deep in her as she spoke, pressing hard against him, her fingers pausing in her sex, so she could regain just the slightest semblance of control over herself.

Gabriel didn't even know how to respond. Inside his mind was screaming 'YES YES YES!" But he couldn't seem to form the words, as if there was a block between his brain and his vocal chords. He gulped and could only force a nod, his voice just not functioning properly as he stared down at her, hands pausing in their caress of her shoulders.

Angel's brow lowered a bit as she tightened her grip in his hair and pulled his head down, her lips coming up against his ear. "Then beg me.. Beg me to fuck the hell out of you Gabriel, let me know how bad you want to be my fuck toy." She bit down on his ear and it was like a switch came on and his voice worked again.

He moaned loudly at her bite and bucked slightly under her, gasping for air as the block was cleared. "Yes, please Angel.. I.. I mean Mistress. Please fuck the hell out of me and use me as your fuck toy.. Please.." Gabriel was practically gasping between each word as Angel kept a firm grip on his ear with her teeth and a firmer grip of his hair in her hand.

She grinned from ear to ear as she released his ear and then his hair and stood up slowly rising infront of him and pulling her fingers out of her sex so he could see. She turned and looked over her shoulder at him as she climbed out of the tub, grabbing a nearby towel and wiping off her hands. "Come on then pet, get out of the tub."

Gabriel pushed himself up, wobbling like a new born giraffe as he stepped out of the tub. Angel came closer to him, picking up the collar and wrapping it around his neck, securing it in place. "Lose the shorts pet.. now."

This time there was no arguement, Gabe forced the shorts down over his thick shaft, an uncomfortable action but he felt better once the restrictive cloth was off. Angel watched him push the shorts off and let out a little gasp of appreciation as she stared at his fully errect sex, right there infront of her, staring her in the face. She wanted to just pin him against the tub and have him right then and there, but that wouldn't be appropriate. She was sure this was Gabriel's first turn and as much as she wanted to just fuck him right here and now she'd make it more special by taking him in her bed, repeatedly.

She trailed her tongue over her lips and the pried her eyes off of his thick member before leading him towards the interior of the condo. She led him through the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. He followed her willingly, eyes tracing over her body with every step that she made. Then he found himself before her bed as she turned him so his back was to it.

She shoved him onto the bed, her strength impressive as he landed in the middle of the bed and watched her climb onto the bed like a cat on the hunt. A cat she was and he was certainly her prey. Her tongue ran over her lips as she climbed over him, finally stradling him on all fours, her damp sex hovering inches above his engorged sex.

"Mmm, now you be a good pet and lay there while I enjoy this hard dick of yours. Don't move until I tell you, understand?" Angel was staring down at him hungrily as she moved to position herself over him. Gabriel just nodded and licked his dry lips, unable to really speak.

Knowing that he understood Angel just grinned as she reared up over him, rising off of her hands and tracing her hands up over her damp body, grasping her breasts as she remained there, hovering over his sex in anticipation. She looked down at his throbbing member and bit her bottom lip lustfully before she slowly began to push her knees apart a little, lowering herself down over the swollen head of his phallus.

She gasped when she felt the tip brush against the swollen weeping lips of her sex, her body quivering violently as she stopped for a second and lifted her eyes to look directly into his. He was just laying there panting heavily as he watched her lowering herself down onto him. He groaned at the feel of her silky lips brushing over his sex but didn't move, which just pleased Angel even more.

Bracing herself to feel his large member enter her she took a deep breath and then pushed herself down onto his thick phallus. She screamed in pleasure, nails biging into her breasts as she pinched her nipples and nearly lost control. She slid down his thick member rapidly, until her hips hit his. There she paused, gasping in pleasure as she began to rock her hips back and forth, the lips of her sex pulsing around his throbbing member.

Angel groaned and closed her eyes as she let her head fall back. Her hands kept playing with her breasts as she squeezed her thighs towards each other, sliding back up his thick member, rising up on him until only the bloated head of his member remained inside of her. Gasping she pinched her nipples again and squeezed her sex around the head of his cock, elicting a moan from Gabriel.

Gabriel was moaning and panting as Angel had her way with him, lost in the desire as he felt her use his member to pleasure herself. He loved the way she was using him, loved being her toy and wanted nothing more than this moment to last forever. He gasped when Angel slid back down him, this time controlling her descent so he felt her take every inch of his member in, nice and slow. Her sex squeezed his member as she slid down him, inching her way down until he was all the way into her again.

"Oh Gods... Gabriel you feel so good inside me.. and you are such a good boy, not moving. You just stay still and let me have some fun with this big dick of yours." Angel's voice was raw with carnal lust as she worked her way back up him, and then plunged down on him again, begining a powerful and fast rythm, their wet bodies slapping against each other repeatedly as she rode him.

As the tempo increased she released her breasts and put her hands on his shoulders, nails biting lightly into his skin as she continued to rear up and down on him, gasping and moaning as she opened her eyes and stared down at him. "Put your hands on my breasts Gabriel, squeeze them and then use your index finger and thumb to play with my nipples.. Do it now.. Now!"

Gabriel was more than happy to comply as he brought his hands up, his calloused palms and digits embracing her breasts. Angel gasped loudly as she felt his strong hands grasp her breasts. His fingers massaged her soft flesh gently before he moved the fingers she'd told him to. He gently pinched her nipples in his grasp and tugged at them lightly, making her gasp and throw her head back as she slammed down on him again. He then rolled her nipples between his fingers, groaning and gasping as she continued to ride him, their bodies slamming into each other.

Gabriel did everything he could to keep from moving his hips up to meet her when she slammed down against him, fearing she'd stop this amazing moment if he disobeyed her. Angel was so lost in her desire she wouldn't have cared if Gabriel had rolled her over and mounted her, but his continued obediance was thrilling and heightened her arousal even more.

Gabriel's stamina was amazing, she'd figured that he'd be like most young boys, that he'd last a few pumps and then be spent, but apparently Gabriel's amazing physical fitness contributed to this impressive sexual stamina. Angel continued to ride him as she felt her own release building, the fires that raged in her causing tension in her lower abdomen as she felt her pulse quicken even more and her breath grow tight in her chest.

Angel threw her head back and screamed when suddenly she felt the orgasm break free from her. It felt like the flood gates had opened as the fire burned through her body and stars flashed before her eyes. She'd had orgasms during sex before, but never this powerful. The built up tension in her abdomen instantly released as her loins began to throb around Gabriel's sex, her essence spilling out and soaking his loins as she slammed down on him and leaned forward, supporting her weight by pressing his shoulders into the bed.

Gabriel reacted to her orgasm by his own triggering. The sudden increase of tension in her loins and the way they contracted and released about his member as she took all of him inside of her sent him over the edge. He felt his lower abdomen lock up as his member pulsed violently, jets of cum spewing forth from inside of him and filling her warm welcoming sex. His back arched in ecstacy as he planted his feet on the bed and lifted his hips slightly, pressing harder into Angel and making her gasp as she tightened her grip on his shoulders, nails biting into his flesh and drawing small droplets of blood.

The two quivered as they remained locked together in that lustful position for what seemed an eternity, each suffering from a painfully powerful orgasm. Finally they collapsed down onto the bed, Gabriel going limp as Angel slumped against him. His hands slipped from her breasts and fell onto the bed as she lay against his chest, both of them panting heavily. Angel's nails were removed from his shoulders and he felt the wounds closing rapidly as she lay there, kissing his chest once before biting down on his pec and making him yelp.

He looked down to see her glowering at him, her blue eyes still burning with lust. "I thought I told you not to move pet. You moved when you came." She grinned evilly and bit his chest again before she pushed herself up onto her elbows, which she rested on his chest. "I guess I can forgive you this once.. since I'm sure this was your first time."

Gabriel groaned and nodded to her mention of his first time, which just made her smile more as she squeezed her sex around his still swollen and extremely sensitive member. He gasped and squirmed under her at the increased pressure on his member. She bit her nails into his chest and squeezed harder with her sex, nearly making him buck under her. "Didn't I tell you not to move? Why are you moving?"

"I... sorry.. but.. really sensitive.." Gabriel gasped, unable to really form the sentance properly. Angel just glowered teasingly at him and tightened her sex around him again as she pushed her hips down.

"That's not an excuse, I told you not to move and here you are moving.. I was going to forgive you for disobeying, but you keep doing it so now I'm going to torture you until you can control yourself and not move." Angel just grinned devilishly as she started to contract and relax her sex around Gabriel's member, making him cry out every time she did so. Gabe grabbed hold of the sheets and tensed every muscle he could to keep from moving as Angel kept torturing his over stimulized organ with her contractions.

Doing so was driving Angel wild, her sex was also very tender, but she didn't care, she loved torturing Gabriel like this and planned on doing it quite a lot. As she regained some of her breath and her heart rate slowed just a little she was able to increase the power of the contractions, thus making Gabe yowl louder and fight harder not to thrash around underneath her. Angel just laughed lustfully as she continued the torture, keeping up the contractions at irregular intervals for the better part of half an hour.

After the first few minutes she started changing up the pauses between contractions, and the duration of them. She'd wait maybe a minute and then tighten down on him, squeezing him hard inside of her body, keeping him errect, and then releasing to immediately follow with a series of soft contractions. Or spend a couple minutes just contracting softly to keep him moaning and shaking under her then pause, as if to let him regain control before tightening down on him.

Gabriel only lost control once more, after she'd kept up hard contractions for nearly two minutes and then paused to let him rest and then tightened around him harder than before. He'd bucked under her, making her laugh before she tightened back down on him and bit his shoulder, grinding hard against him as she squeezed him inside of herself.

After she'd finally finished torturing him she smiled and leaned down, nipping his bottom lip as she pulled herself off of his sex. "That's better pet, but don't worry, we'll do this alot so you get very very good at being still." Gabriel just moaned at the thought, but wasn't really against the idea, since it had been fun, if painful and cruel. Little did he know at the time, but in the future her lessons would prove useful in far different circumstances.

Sliding off of him she lay down beside him, draping a leg over his hips as she lowered a hand and gently stroked his damp member, grinning at how it quivered in her hand. "Mmm.. that was delightful. I'm going to enjoy the next couple of days.. Though I might have to change the duration.. You won't mind if I make our contract a little long would you?" Angel just grinned and leaned up, nipping his ear as she asked. Gabriel couldn't really respond except to shake his head slightly.

Hell he wouldn't mind if he remained her fuck toy for the rest of his life. He'd never put a lot of thought into losing his virginity, but he couldn't have thought of a better way to lose it. Angel eventually rose off the bed and gestured for him to get up, pulling the sheets back before she climbed back into bed and lay down, one hand caressing her abdomen and then up to her breasts as she looked up at Gabriel.

"Go turn off the life and then get into bed." Angel ordered him.

Gabriel complied more than happily, turning out the lights and then climbing into the bed next to Angel. She grinned and leaned in, kissing him as he lay down on his side next to her. She draped a leg over his thigh and pulled him close as she drew the covers up over them.

They kissed and held each other in the after glow of their amazing sexual excapade, both laughing softly and pressing close to one another. Angel finally rolled Gabe onto his back and lay her head on his chest, closing her eyes as she remained there, one leg draped over his lower abdomen, listening to the sound of his heart and being rocked to sleep by the rise and fall of his chest.

Gabriel lay awake for a while after Angel's breathing had slowed, signalling that she'd fallen asleep. He just smiled into the darkness as he put an arm around her and tucked another hand under his head, eyes closing eventually as sleep overtook him.

---------------------------- End of Day 1---------------------------

I'll put up more later, but this should be enough for everyone to digest for now.
>.>; Now everyone can see the awesomeness of your written word. ~Chuckles~
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