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The Princess of Orb (stormgale and Mera)


Jan 16, 2009
Cagali thought for a moment, then sighed. The EA was already pressuring Orb once again. "It's too late for that, we need to look at the bigger picture." she said and turned off the cameras in her office. She made sure to look into them so the person at security knew not to act. What she was going to say next had to stay between them.

"However the earth forces have already started to demand that we join them and if the last war is any indication they will stop at nothing. Orb alone isn't strong enough to hold them off and signing up with ZAFT is foolish since they're simply too far away to properly protect us and I'm not so sure if Durandal is the good guy he's appearing to be. He gives me the creeps, just too slick you know.

This means that there's no way we can avoid officially signing with them, however I can't let them use Orb's resources to fight against ZAFT. So before we officially sign with them we're going to destroy all weaponary the Orb army has and ask as many soldiers as possible to retire. With no mass driver, ships or mobile suits that can be used in the war their interst will drop and it will just be a signature. And when I say destoryed I mean destroyed beyond repair and every ship and every single mobile suit, every tank etc. No way will Orbs weapons be used in that war, even if we can't avoid signing with the Earth forces.

Also I want you to poison the Seyrants, father and son. Use a poison that's quickly broken down by the body and can't be detected after 24 hours. Once their bodies are discovered after that period, seperately of course they can only assume their deaths were natural. With no evidence of foul play, that chapter is closed. Oh and make sure that when you dump the bodies to place them in the same position they fell in, otherwise they'll know the bodies were dumped." Cagali said. She hated the Seyrants, they annoyed her to no end and the idea of having to marr Unaroma made her sick, of course if he were dead she coudln't marry him. "These two have an agenda of their own that's dangerous for this nation, I can't fire them and it's unlikely any court would ever convict a family as influencial as theirs.

I hate to stoop to their level, but it can't be helped. I know I can trust you with all of this. Also to push the final button Captain Todoka is the best man for the job, I'm sorry to have to have him do something like this though. Are we clear?" Cagali said.[/color]

Athrun picked the girl up, using his shoulder to help her walk, guiding her back out of the base, his free arm keeping cover as they planted the charges. They made their escape, Shin providing cover again as their transport lifted off, returning to the minerva. The pilot did his best, giving her basic medical attention before wheeling her off to the doctor.

"As you wish miss Cagali." He said as he stepped out, already formulating a plan. To deal with the tanks he had the various power cores and engines suffer catastrophic failure, overloading main electrical systems and Causing damage in the explosion, easily scuttling their technology, though he kept the static gun emplacements (as they could not be used for offense).

For the family he had to be a little more subtle, they would detect most poisons, so he broke the toxin down into multiple components, each one innocuous unless combined in the body. He had to seduce one of the wait staff but managed to poison their various meals, the poison would make it seem the father had a heart attack and cause the son to degrade into catatonia... one death and another injury would be less suspicious than 2 deaths, especially if the son was infected with a disease that had such effects (It mustn't have been caught).

It took him a while but he returned "I have done as you asked" he said matter of factly, leaving it at that.

Eva heard someone at the door, she panicked somewhat, but was too weak to really do anything. But her fear soon stopped, it was the red color of their uniforms that she recognised.She wasn't really thinking at all, her body seemed to move to move by itself almost. She felt relieved when they finally arrived on a ZAFT ship, she didn't know its name. She finally passed out on her way to sickbay.

"You've done well, thank you." Cagali said. She had to deal with the political aspect. Speak at he funeral, pretending to be close to them. She signed the petition, but with no weapons ready for use they were useless to them. One other thing had happened. When checking the base they found a golden mobile suit, Akatsuki. She had it shipped to the Archangel and the Archangel had launched after an attempt on Lacus' life. She also used the deaths of the Seyrants in another fashion. Saying she would have to deal with everything from a secure location, afraid for her own life. This location would become the Archangel. "Now everything is in place, come with me." She said, their transport was waiting.

It had been a couple of hours since eva had been brought in. Captain Gladys entered sickbay. "How is she doctor?" She asked.

"Slowly improving. But she's going to be out of it for three more days. The scan I made showed incredibly low melatonine levels, the drug given her I believe was to keep her awake. Sleep is what she needs now. I stitches up and cleaned up her injuries, which fortunately were superficial. The IVs are providing her with the fluids and nutrition she needs. Her recovery is gong to take a while though aside from her psychological state." The doctor replied.

"Can you give an estimate?" The captain asked.

"Well she hasn't eaten in ten days, which means we have to get her digestional track functional again. She lost all fat and a lot of muscle tissue as well. I think that she can be physically functional in ten days to two weeks, but it can take up to three months to regain her former physical condition. And again that's leaving her mental state out of it." The doctor replied.

"Thank you doctor." The captain said and went to her quarters to contact the chairman and relay the news.

He followed miss Cagali, using her other security staff with decoys to ensure her safety... their transport would be much smaller and low key than the Decoy.

Athuran sat by her side as she slept, not wanting to leave the soldier alone... she had suffered enough at the hands of the Alliance... those bastards.

It was nice of Athrun to stay, but it took about three days before she finally woke up. at first sh ehad no idea where she was, but it was the red uniform that once again made her calm down. She knew she was back, but wasn't sure how to react. The doctor immediately came over for a check-up. He smiled at her. "You're steadily improving." He said. the walked over to inform the captain.

Things were going smoothly. "Let's hope they don't make too much of a mess. You've done very well." Cagali said as they arrived at their destination. She got out of the car and boarded the familiar ship. After saying hello to everyone and almost getting knocked over by her brother it was time to settle in. She had a room to herself of course.

"Back with the living" Athrun joked, the worry showing on his features... slowly relieved, shifting his loose coat as he sat back down "How do you feel?" he asked.

He checked the room as he kept back... not wanting to get in the way of her reunion "Would you like me to leave you in peace miss?" he asked, moving to leave her in peace in her quaters

"Guess so, looks that way." She said and smiled a little at him. "Like someone pulled me through a wringer. How long have I been out for?" Eva replied, she was curious as to what had happened, her memories were rather fuzzy.

"You should get settled into your own quarters. We'll be here for quite a while." She said. His quarters of course were right next to hers. For the first time in months she had some peace and quiet, but that couldn't last long.

((Also how much smut do we want))

"A couple of days, you had us worried" he said, brushing a strand of hair out of his face as he smiled "At least you can still feel." he added with a slight chuckle.

"Sure" he said, leaving her as he went to go rest in his quaters, laying down awake... not wanting to sleep and leave her unguarded just yet.

She tried to smile, but the best she could manage over this lousy joke was that the right corner of her mouth jerked a bit upwards. She still felt tired. The nurse came around and put a cup with what looked like some sort of shake down. "Take a sip every five minutes or so." Eva nodded, the nurse didn't need to explain why to drink it so slowly. She took a sip and made a face. "This tastess worse then the vending machine coffee at Carpentaria." She commented.
"Sorry about that, but it should help you recover more quickly." The nurse said.
Eva nodded. "Can I please get a straw?" She then asked. Just because she had to drink it didn't mean she had to taste the damn stuff.
"Of course, I'll be right back." The nurse said. The file said she could be a difficult patient, but so far she'd been co-operative, sort of.

Cagali sighed when she was alone. Finally, some time to herself. But still the situation was bad and not getting any better. No one knew exactly where she was other then her bodyguard and herself. She would get messages relayed to through a specially programmed computer, the software designed to conceal location. She turned the damn thing on. It couldn't be long until the inbox would be full. Well hre were some messages. The supreme council had sent one in reply to the one she sent them about Orb joining the EA. They congratulated her on her smart move and hoped she'd stay safe, that was it. One was from their housekeeper who was worried and she sent a short response. She had expected more, but there wasn't. She signed off and drifted off into a light slumber now that most stress was gone.
((Well Eva hasn't been discharge from ickbay just yet. But Cagali and your OC could have some fun))

((Obviously, I just meant in general, do you want your OC sleeping around alot? and do you want to have some fun with Cagali and my OC?))

Athuran quickly moved away, grabbing a small packet and offering it to her "Sugar, Might make it taste better" he said, smiling at her as he sat back down "So why were you locked up there?" he asked, his inquisitive nature taking over.

He listened to the noises slow down from the room as he got up, checking she was alright and softly putting a blanket over miss cagali "Sweet dreams" he murmered gently.

"Thanks." Eva replied and when she got the straw she took another sip, making sure not to taste the foul liquid at all. "Because Seyrant Junior decided to go against Cagali and tried to make friends with the EA by handing me over. And what they wanted me for is confidential, even for you. FAITH or not the chairman is the only one I can talk to about this." She told him.

Cagali stirred and looked at him((what's his name again?)). Then closed her eyes again. "Thanks, you should get some rest too." She told him, the last month or so had been really hard on both of them.

((Well she won't be monogamous. That's for sure. As soon as she gets her own room things can get interesting))

"Sure sure" he said as he smiled "At least you are safe now" he said, sitting back down and taking a glass of water, sipping it.

"I''ll be fine" Rin said as he sat down next to her "I'll keep watch over you miss cagali" he added, tugging the blanket a little more over her... she seemed so soft when she was like this.

"So what's been happening lately? I'm a few weeks behind it seems." She said. She listened to Athrun's story, there was a lot going on. She already knew Orb was being pressured, but Cagali had solved the problem well. Now Orb joining was just a formality. The nurse came back. "Once you finish your drink I'll take you to your room. You'll be on liquid food for a couple of days, then you'll start getting normal food again. Please take it easy." She said.

"Don't worry I won't try to run a marathon any time soon." She said, joking a little.

"There's no need for that here. Get some sleep." She ordered and turned to her side. Hopefully he'd realize she was safe here.

"It is a tough time" he said as he sighed "I will take her" he offered "I think she has seen enough of doctors" he offered as he helped the girl up, walking with her to the room.

"Well then good night" he said, kissing her forehead "Sweet dreams miss Cagali" he added, going to try and get some rest.

"You got that right." She said to Athrun, but winced once her feet hit the ground. The cigar burns still hurt. But at least now it was no worse then walking on blisters. "Alright lead the way." She said, she had no idea which room would be assigned to her.

((Little idea, what if the first sex scene isn't for real, but in his dream?))


He sighed, drifting of to sleep as he dreamed of better times... when they were at her summer retreat in.

He lead her to the room, taking as much of her weight as possible as he led her to her private quaters, in a quiet part of the ship "Here" he said, helping her onto the bed "Anything else you need?" he asked.

Eva was greatful for his help, with not as much weight to carry it hurt less. "Thank you. Could you stay for a while? I'd go stir crazy in here by myself." She said, hoping he would.

It was her vacation, hopefully they could manage this long weekend without her. She had her bodyguard with her of course. It had been great, relaxing, taking a stroll in the woods surrounding the cabin. Tonight it would be really cold outside and she had made a cosy fire in the fireplace and was lying down on the rug in front of it, waiting for him to show up with their hot coco and soup.

"Of course I can" he said as he sat down at the head of the bed next to her "What would you like to talk about then eva?" he asked.

He brought the drinks, smiling at her as he slipped a blanket over her "Is there anything else miss Cagali?" he asked, admiring her regal beauty mixed with the cutness of a girl curled up infront of the fireplace.

"Well why did you return to ZAFT?" Eva then asked him. She wanted to know how he was doing, so much had happened, so much crap. It was time to check on her friends, but the only one here was Athrun.

"This is great. Join me." She said. The blanket was big enough for both of them. She took her cup and took a sip of her hot coco. "This is perfect." She told him. He had to tell her how he did that sometime.

"The war was going to happen and The best way to protect Orb would be to fight those earth alliance dogs" he said simply, sighing softly.

"Yes miss Cagali" he said slipping under the blanket as he pressed against her, holding her close as hs hands wandered just a little... how could they not.
"Makes sense. Though Orb has it own battle. The Seyrants were supporters of the Alliance and although maybe the most prominent among the people, probably far from the only ones. But Cagali did playit smart. Orb is of no use to the EA this way. It's basically just a signature." Eva said.

Cagali was surprised to feel his hands go to her breasts. She put her cup of coco down and closed her eyes, enoying the touches. Her nipples grew hard as he rubbed over them and she moaned softly.
"At least we add no more men to the meatgrinder" he said with a slight sigh "I would hate to kill soldiers forced into war like this". He special forces pilot sighed... war never ended it seemed and more people would keep on dying if they didn't end it soon.

"Does my mistress like my attention?" he asked, voice soft as he pinched and teased her hard nipples.
Eva nodded. "We all hate that, but when you're in battle there's no way of knowing who was forced and who wasn't. Either way forced or not if they attack you, you have to fight back. War is full of tragedies which is why I was glad we had peace. But apparently someone wants a war or we wouldn't be in one. All we can do now is keep our eyes and ears open at all times and do our best." She said.
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