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Dies's Media (Photoshop/Vocals etc)

Dies Irae

Sep 21, 2010

Roadside - Rise Against
Right Here In My Arms - H.I.M
Killing Loneliness - H.I.M

Tribute Cover - R.I.P The Rev, the world will never be the same without your drumming.
Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold

Bass Covers:
Feel Good Inc
1. I know i missed notes
2. I know i hit the fret board to much
3. I fucked up the end, my fingers were starting to cut.
4. i probably fucked up most of it.

this is mostly to hear what my bass sounds like, the A string is out of tune i think, its loose i think. i will re record once i get more practice and a better microphone to record with.

-current playing time with bass, 1 day.

I blew the dust off of my CS3 and made a quick 2 hour work.
Love it, Hate it, I'm proud of it.


Image used is Remillia Scarlet from the Touhou Series.


Sig for Tako, whoever drew the image has credit for it, i found it on photobucket.


For PK. Experimented with background a bit more.

2 More for people on Gaia.



Boredom Design.



RE: Vega told me to

Oh gotcha, wait what if thats a trick, what if your controlling my brain to make it think your not controlling it >.< get out of my head!!!
RE: Vega told me to

Let us be the judge of that. Yes? *nods*

This is my way of nudging you to post the others in this thread. hehe. <3
RE: Vega told me to

Moved these to videos to the first post ^^

H.I.M - Killing Loneliness
H.I.M - Right Here In Your Arms
RE: Vega told me to


Not too bad. The first of this pair is better. The only issue you really had with the second of this pair is that you were stuck singing in your transition range. Which is HARD to do for anyone. So your voice broke a few times. But ehh.... s'all good. That's cool. Makes them that much more endearing. You have a nice voice. <333

*claps, jumps up and down*
YAY!!!!!! Loved it!!!!!!!
RE: Vega told me to

HIM is bloody hard to get right. It was annoying but i got it done better than giving up cause it didn't sound right. I'll probably try Saosin tonight if i feel like doing it.
RE: Vega told me to

Indeedy! And you did kickass considering. Know that!!!!!!!!

Oooh...... you will be posting it, right? Right? hehe!!!
RE: Dies's Vocals (covers)

Coming Soon to a Dies Irae Music Thread near you. Bass covers.
First to be done once i get a camera/recorder of some sorts. Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
RE: Dies's Vocals (covers)

Added a really bad cover of Feel Good Inc, hear what my bass sounds like i guess xD.
Added my first photoshop signature in 2 years, its a practice so if anythings wrong with it, you have the reason there.
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