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Mx F or NB Drink the Kool-Aid by the Jug..

Mar 24, 2025
Welcome to the wonderful world of manipulation and religious trauma!

Jokes aside, I am going to keep this portion short and sweet. Below, you will find a series of plots that dive into the world of cults, ranging from ye olde colonial times, to the psychedelic drug induced paranoia of the late 60's and 70's, the modern day social media era of influence and control, and even into a cyberpunk future of body augmentations and temporary viruses that replace drugs in those who are augmented by technology. If any of the plots jump out at you, feel free to send me a message at any time. Likewise, if you would like to craft something more unique between us, or something based on one of my existing plots, I am happy to do that as well. Lastly, if you would like to see other plots of mine outside of the cult topic, you can check out my Request Thread.

His name was Elijah Morningwood, 25 years old, and was known far and wide across modern day Maine as THE con man above all con men. He'd steal from the blind and sick just to pay off his debts to the rich and powerful, which nearly got his hands cut off on multiple occasions. Once the law had finally decided he was too much of a headache to keep dealing with, they decided to put a $500 bounty on his head, dead or alive. Not wanting to end up captured or dead, Elijah hopped on a horse with what few belongings he had and went as far south as he could, ending up in Virginia. Fortunately for him, his bounty hadn't traveled south yet, and this gave him time to drastically alter his appearance. Elijah let his dark brown hair grow down to his shoulders, which ended up giving it a natural amount of waviness. He also shaved his thick beard and mustache, opting to stick to this clean shaved look. He was known for his unkempt beard, so a lack of beard would help him to hide. But now, Elijah had to do something to earn some cash, and fast. He wanted to start running his usual schemes, but he then ran into a moment that might just be a jackpot. A traveling pastor, who he ran into when he first arrived in a small Virginia town, was just about to set up a small site for his preachings... And before he knew it, Elijah clubbed him over the skull with a rock, and dumped his body into a river to be carried away and hopefully eaten by wildlife. Elijah did keep his bible and robe however, now dawning himself as a righteous man of god who would spread the good word, which just so happens to align with Elijah's personal gain. He's never been a religious man, but he'll have to learn and adapt on the fly if he doesn't want to end up stoned for besmirching the lord...

In 1965, your sister Deborah at the age of 18 ran off with a local man, 24 year old Jack Jacob Johnson. Jack was, among other things, known for his serpent tongue. He'd tell the wildest stories and tales, and spin them as fact if it benefited him. He'd swindle local elderly out of money for odd jobs, and rumor has it he was involved in robbing 3 different banks across the state of Texas, but they were never able to pin it on him. Why did your sister run off with him so abruptly? Unfortunately, nobody really knows. Everyone in town knew that she had "a thing" for him because he was seen as a bad boy, but there was no indication that she was going to up and abandon her life and family back home. Your parents tried to get the police involved, but as an adult, they could only do so much. Police in Kansas did eventually locate Deborah and Jack, but all signs pointed to them both being fine, having recently purchased a small ranch together. They requested that the police not disclose the address to her parents, as she allegedly feared that they would come down and kidnap her. The police were skeptical, but also didn't want a legal mess on their hands, so the wishes of Deborah and Jack were ultimately honored. Your dad did eventually go down to Kansas for a week to look for them, but he had no luck. There was just too much land for one man to search top to bottom in one week, so he eventually had to return home empty handed.

Fast forward to 1970, your 19th birthday. Out of the blue, you received a letter from your sister Deborah, and both you and your parents were shocked to see it. Your dad protested, but your mom stopped him from tearing it open and allowed you to read it first. The note inside was short, as she wished you a happy birthday and explained how she missed you so, so much. The most shocking part was an address at the bottom of the note, with an invitation from her and Jack to have you personally come up and visit them. She even included money for you to buy a plane ticket, and to buy yourself a nice dress or two to wear while you're there. The only request was that you don't share the address with mom and dad until after you visit and see for yourself that she is healthy and happy. It was risky, especially after you explained it to your parents, and hid the note so that neither of them could find it and get the address, but in the end they agreed to let you go visit. What Deborah left out is that she and Jack don't live alone... They live in their own little community on "Sunnyland Ranch". No, it's not a cult, why would you ask!?

Day in and day out, you'd see beautiful women of different styles, backgrounds, and beliefs doing various tiktok trends... Receiving millions of views in less than a day, and subsequently earning thousands of dollars each week between ad revenue and sponsored brand deals. You looked at them, then back at yourself in a mirror, and wondered why you couldn't do what they do. You were a young adult woman, you were relatively hot, and you took dance classes as a form of exercise in your free time. And so, on one random Saturday, you made a brand new tiktok account, and recorded dozens of different videos of you doing different dances. You copied all of the actions and styles of many of the women you saw generating the engagement, and to no one's surprise, you did not immediately see success. For some reason, you expected to have thousands of views in only a few hours time, and thus you fell asleep pouting about your lack of success. When you woke up the next morning however, your phone was buzzing wildly with notifications from tiktok. Your videos had each garnered nearly 10,000 views, with one being as high as 135,000. Sure, it WAS a video where you were basically twerking, but who cares? You saw success, and knew that you had to strike while the iron was hot.

After a couple of weeks of this, you had gained nearly 20,000 followers, and your videos were getting nearly 50,000 views a piece. This wasn't bringing in a ton of ad revenue unfortunately, but it was a start, and you were proud of that. And then, you received an email from a man named Ben Parker, who claimed to be an agent for dozens of the top tiktok stars. You naturally didn't recognize the name, but a quick google search did verify the info, and that excited you. Ben Parker claimed to be a big fan of yours, and thought that you could be one of the biggest social media stars if you played your cards right. And of course, playing your cards right meant signing on to be one of his clients. He understood that you may be skeptical at first, and offered to fly you out on first class, all expenses paid, to visit him and the "Hella House", a mansion in LA where half a dozen tiktok stars are currently staying. It was an offer that felt too good to be true, but there it was, staring you in the face. You accepted the offer and quickly got to packing, blissfully unaware of the fact that you will never be returning to your current apartment and life once you get on that flight to LA...

The year is 2209, and in a world torn apart and put back together by corporate greed and political corruption, there isn't much to be "happy" or "excited" about these days. Everything you see or listen to is half a dozen different ads for the trillion dollar corporations that own and run everything. Hell, even the goddamn police and PD-Bots have ads on their uniforms now, it's truly a pathetic time. Many people augment their bodies to avoid the monotony of this world they live in, be it high tech organ replacements, entire limbs that enhance speed, strength, and stamina, or even weapon modules built into their bodies so that they can work as hired guns. Most citizens of America however, just augment themselves to feel something, and you, a resident of New Philly, Pennsylvania, are no exception. You live alone and work a boring job fixing billboards across the city. It doesn't necessarily pay well, not many jobs do anymore, but it pays just enough for you to get by. When you have something to do, it's easy to ignore how dreadful existence in this world is. When you're off work however, you alongside thousands of others across the US resort to dowsing. Dowsing is the modern day version of smoking weed or doing a little coke to perk yourself up. Dowsing involves installing a temporary virus into your augmented body, more like a computer virus than an illness, that stimulates the tech and your mind similarly to psychedelics of the olden days. The feeling when dowsing is truly indescribable unless you do it yourself... You feel like you leave your body and are turned into code, like you have ascended beyond mortality completely... But then, a couple of hours later, you crash and are hit with a wave of depression as you realize that none of the bliss from dowsing was real.

Last week, one of the few friends you had, a woman named Kelana, invited you to join her to a dowsing party the following Saturday night. You usually dowsed by yourself in your janky apartment, or on rare occasions with Kelana. You were skeptical about dowsing in a public space like that, but she promised that not only would it be safe, but that everyone in attendance would be sampling a new patch of dowsing, one that allegedly can last 6-8 hours. You were immediately captivated by this, and already began to speculate on how nice dowsing for that long could be. It would allow you to block out most of your free time in between work and sleeping, exactly what you needed. In the end, you accepted the invite and told her you'd meet at her place beforehand to go together. Surely this won't end poorly, right? Certainly this won't result in your dowsed body being manipulated and used for nefarious acts...

New plots will be added over time, so please be patient if you are waiting :)
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