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Mx F or NB Let's Dive Into a Pool of Sin Together, Shall We? - [NEW Plots as of 3/27/25!]

Mar 24, 2025
Good Evening, Everyone of BlueMoon

About Me:

- I tend to lean more dominant, but I am not opposed to submissive scenes as well. I'd say it goes 65% dom, 35% sub for me.
- I have been roleplaying for about 6 years now.

- I can write anywhere from 200 words to 1000 or more per reply.
- I am a cis man, all women are welcome, including trans women :)
- My favorite color is
- I may not reply every single day, but I will also try to not leave you in the dark for extended periods of time.

Writing Samples & Ideas:


Wendy left her final class for the day with a smile on her face, but only until she had gotten away from her classmates and had gotten off of campus. Once she was far enough away, Wendy's smile faded into a look of dread and agony, because it was not an off campus apartment or her parents home that she was walking to... No, it was to His house. A man who is vile, far from what Wendy ever expected of a man in her life. She always dreamed of a man who was tall, strong, caring, and who treated her like an equal. He was the opposite of everything... Fat, early 40's, a cold and abusive demeanor, lazy, and an aggressive alcoholic who treated Wendy like an object. She was forced to clean, cook, and "service him" however he saw fit, and there wasn't a damn thing Wendy could do about it. He had gained access to nude photos of her via internet chatrooms, where Wendy would secretly post herself for admirers who would never recognize her. He was however, fortunate enough to have noticed a small butterfly tattoo on Wendy's ankle, one day when he saw her walking by in a sundress on her way to class... He quickly compiled a file of her photos, and the next day when she as walking by, he ran out and handed it to her with a sickening smile across his face... And from that day on, Wendy was his... Serving his fat cock whenever he desired...

A loving couple of five years, slowly divided by the wife's career path. As she was climbing up the corporate and societal ladder, he remained at his lowly job in a cubicle. She was being wined and dined by the wealthy and powerful, while he was sorting through code and spreadsheets. She quickly became the overwhelming breadwinner of the two, and over time she began to think so, so much less of him. He was no longer what she desired, and this quickly drove her into the arms of other men... Men who were wealthy and successful, confident and commanding, exactly what she craved. The poor husband tried to bring the spark back, promising to do whatever it took to rekindle their love... but she only laughed in his face. She said he could leave if he so wished, or he could just accept her desires and suck it up. For a few weeks, that is exactly what he did... He never knew if she was going to work or a hotel room when she left the house, sometimes not returning or multiple days... He drank himself into a deep depression, and it cost him his job in the end. That was however, the final straw for him. He wasn't going to let her ruin his life and treat him like this... He wasn't going to sit back and be her punching bag, her mule to laugh at and abuse... And so, he pulled $2,000 from the joint bank account and hired a private investigator to follow her around for 4 days. When the PI came back, he had a mountain of evidence and footage. Hundreds of photos and videos of her with various men, at various restaurants, bars, and hotels, clung to various men for dear life... And of course, plenty of proof of her adultary. While she may be fine with it now, it'll possibly ruin her career if the press gets ahold of this. All it would take is 1 email, and her career would be ruined... But where's the fun in that? He was tired of being stepped on and abused, and figured that now it was his turn to be the antagonist... To be the one who shamed, mocked, and humiliated her for his enjoyment... If she didn't want this powerful proof getting out, she would be forced to do whatever he said or desired, whenever he wanted it, or else... Everything would be ruined. And who knows? Maybe after a while, she'll fall in line and love the abuse...

Amanda's entire family, from cousins and parents to her boyfriend, thought that working as a security guard in a prison was a bad idea. She wasn't some dainty little flower, but she wasn't built like a cage fighter either. Amanda had taken several months of self defense classes, was a purple belt in jiu jitsu, and spent much of her free time working out in the gym. She wanted this job primarily for the pay and benefits, as in her state, female corrections officers are paid 50% more due to the difficulty of the job. Female corrections officers are usually assigned to the female only prisons, but that wasn't the case for Amanda, who found herself on day 1 at the state's high security prison. Murderers, rapists, and gangs were all kept here, mostly all sectioned off on their own into different groups that fought for control of the prison. The first few weeks went by fine for Amanda. She ignored the lewd comments and chirps from the inmates, and even got to crack a few in the hand or over the skull with a club to keep them in check, and to establish that she won't take shit from anyone. However, that all changed on one fateful Wednesday, when Amanda had just arrived to work... She got to her locker and swung it open to deposit her phone and personal items, but she found a folded piece of paper there already. Amanda opened it with curiosity, initially expecting it to be a note from the warden or something of the sort. As Amanda opened and read the note, she suddenly felt a cold spike drive down her spine, and the world around her came to a screeching halt. The note had her address, her husbands name, your parents names, and their address, followed by "Come alone to Cell C-307. Tell no one or else."

Just 8 hours ago, you had gone to bed in the safety and comfort of your own bedroom, within your apartment in a densely populated area of the city. As you wake up however, the fact that your walls are now four transparent glass walls, with only one door that is heavily locked and secured, tells you immediately that something horrible has happened. Not much can be seen beyond the glass prison that now houses you, aside from a dim, dangling light beyond the door and a stairway that twists away from your vision. As anyone would in this scenario, you bang on the walls and scream until you strain your throat for help, but either nobody hears you, or nobody cares to help you. You are trapped and all alone, for now that is, completely at the mercy of whoever is behind this... (Think the cube from the show You, but even more mainpulative)

If this old "Book of the Damned I picked up from my grandfathers old library is correct, then I should be seconds away from spawning an Angel. All I needed was a fairly large, empty room and to draw a few of these strange, latin-ish symbols all around the room. The worst part was that they had to be drawn with "virgin blood" and unfortunately, I have plenty of that. After I recite this old latin passage, if all goes according to plan, a beautiful, serene Angel will be ripped out of heaven, and delivered to me... And then, the spell should etch runes into the flesh of their neck, making them unable to harm me and completely at my mercy... God, I hope this works...

The Viltrumite invasion went about as you would expect it to go. Four of those godly, human-like beings descended upon Earth and, in less than 48 hours, had sent every single country on the planet into total chaos. Millions died by the hour, and every president/dictator/parliament was slaughtered before the sun rose on day 3. Every military base and nucleae warhead had been destroyed, and truthfully even at our best we stood no match against them. Humanity had to accept Viltrumite rule or die, and to ensure the continuation of Humanity as a whole, our species surrendered. From that day on, men were forced into a life of labor, building whatever the Viltrumites requested, and working until they died, essentially. The women however... Their fate was worse than that of the men, one could argue. Due to how relatively similar the human species and Viltrumite species are, top Viltrumite scientists concluded that humans would produce the closest thing to pure blooded Viltrumite offspring. And thus, women were rounded up by the hundreds... By the thousands... And subjected to rigerous testing before being labeled as ""Caretakers" or "Livestock". Caretakers would, as the name suggests, raise young Viltrumites into the living weapons that they are. Those labeled as "Livestock" would be 100% free for any one or multiple Viltrumites to claim as a sex slave, inevitably becoming impregnated by the Viltrumite, and kept in a harem of female slaves ranging anywhere from a handful to thousands. But alas, not all hope is gone... Small pockets of humans do exist out there, who act as a "Rebel Alliance" against the Viltrumites. They of course can't cause much harm to them, but they sure can annoy them. Planting make shift explosives onto buildings and monuments, even bombing "Care Centers" where young Viltrimutes are raised. Unfortunately for you, you are a member of a rebel group who would rather die than be reduced to a breeding slave... But alas, we shall see if that is true when you are caught by a pure blood Viltrumite, who finds your body appealing enough to be added to his collection...

Your 22nd birthday was perhaps the worst day of your life, as it was the day that your mother tragically passed away in a car accident, t-boned by a semi truck driver who was looking at his phone. You, an only child, were understandably upset, but so was your step-dad. The man you just called Dad for half a decade now, who cared for you and your mother more than your sperm donor biological father ever tried to. After he saw her casket get lowered into the ground, he changed as a man... He got a hefty life insurance check after her passing, which is probably the worst large sum of money and human could ever receive, and he unfortunately turned to heavy drinking. This lead to him being put on an "extended leave of absense" from the lawfirm he was a partner of. He practically became glued to the couch, with beer cans and liquor bottles slowly forming a barricade around his feet around the couch. You were fresh out of college at the time and, not wanting to lose both parents, moved back home to help care for him and get back on his feet. You'd clean up the cans and throw out the half eaten fast food wrappers he would leave out, but he was always grumpy. Even when you'd do the smallest, simplest little gesture of kindness, like bringing him a new beer or a freshly baked muffin, he would snap at you and occasionally say some awful things. The venomous words he spat your way did hurt, but you knew deep down that this wasn't the "real" him. Little did you know however, but more than just his attitude was changing during this time. When you'd walk away from him, he would take extra notice of how nice your ass was. When you would occasionally lean forward to yell at him, his lustful eyes would fall upon the swaying sacks of flesh that hung from your chest. He just couldn't get over how much like your mother you looked... And with every passing day, he wondered if you felt and moaned like she did as well... And soon, he won't be able to stop himself from finding out.

Supergirl, one of Earth's strongest and mightiest, was the first to fall. Having received a distress signal back at the Hall of Justice at a time when the others were off dealing with the aftermath of an attack by six versions of The Joker from other dimensions. Rather than bothering any of them, Supergirl believed that she could handle whatever issue this was, and flew off through the depths of space at a speed surpassing light, eventually arriving on an enormous planet in the Corbin-49 system. The planet was being torn apart by a strange woman, someone who Supergirl did not recognize. She had a typical humanoid woman's body, with hellacious wings like a gargoyle ejecting out of her back, arms that could extend outward like they were elastic, sharp claws ejecting out of her fingers on a whim, and dark purple skin with glowing purple eyes. As Supergirl arrived, the mysterious woman had her arms extended for hundreds of meters, wrapped around the throats of hundreds of the planets' native species, snapping all of their necks one by one. When Supergirl came into view, the woman looked intrigued, and quickly snapped the rest of the necks before turning her attention to the visitor. The battle between these two was violent and bloody, with the hellacious woman slaughtering hundreds even as she battled with Supergirl. In the end, Supergirl was victorious over the twisted woman, but she had one last trick up her sleeve. Downed on the battlefield, she suddenly opens her mouth wide and lets out a loud, almost ear splitting screech that sounds and feels like it's carring endlessly. The screech lasts for almost a full minute, and does slightly disorientate the tired Supergirl, but she is fine once it ends. After several seconds of an almost "calm before the storm" level of silence, an enormous crack of purple lightning strikes the ground between the twisted woman and Supergirl, and standing there when it dissipates, a tall, brooding being stands facing Supergirl. Muscular and dense beyond even the appearance of Thanos, over 9 feet tall with purple skin darker than the winged woman's skin, snow white hair flowing back and down to the middle of his spine, and wielding a massive sword and shield that look to be made out of spinal bones from unknown creatures. He is Purafis, the Ethereal God, and the purple woman is Talia, the Ethereal Ones' Pawn. Supergirl felt a shift in the air... His presence... His aura... He was immensely powerful, and even she was a bit worried if she fared well in battle right now after taking down Talia, but the last thing she wanted was to lead this being back to Earth...

And so, she put forth a valiant effort in trying to take down Purafis, but ultimately, she was no match. Truthfully, she wouldn't have stood a chance against him at full strength even, he was just THAT powerful. With Supergirl defeated at his feet, Purafis could claim his prize... He reached down and clamped his hand around her throat, lifting her body off the ground with ease, and raising her up for her eyes to meet his. He had the most arrogant, cocky smirk across his lips... As did Talia, who was shockingly at his side, reaching down his pants and clearly stroking his cock. Purafis then opened his mouth, and pulled out a small glowing purple rock, oval in shape. And then, he forced it down the throat of Supergirl. Her body immediately began to shiver and spasm as he dropped her to the ground, and they stood and watched as her transformation began. Her flesh was rapidly beginning to show glowing purple streaks in her veins, all across her body, and the purple hue was rapidly spreading across her body. A pure white flame cascaded across her suit, melting the red and blue into black and white, and burning the red Super logo on her chest into a glowing purple version of the logo. Her breasts expanded within the newly forming suit, as did her hips widen and her glutes expanding. Supergirl was screaming out in utter agony, but as the transformation continued on, the screams slowly began to warp into ecstasy fueled moans. Her skin turned a similar purple hue to that of Talia, and Supergirl grew claws on her hands... Razor sharp, almost shark-like teeth in her mouth, and her tongue twisted and stretched into that of a serpent. Her blonde hair was now much longer, down past her new juicy ass, and it was split down the middle, half black and half white, matching her new, dare I say sluttified uniform that showed a lot more flesh than before. When the transformation was complete, she was no longer Kara Zor-el, aka Supergirl... She had been reborn, renamed by Purafis as Rakana, of Ethereal Order. Rakana presented both yin and yang, good and evil, actions and reactions, polar opposites. She would return to Earth on her own as a message for the humans and heroes who reside there, presenting them with two options: surrender to the might of Purafis, The Ethereal God, the one true God of all realms and worlds... Or, they can attempt to fight, and end up squashed like bugs beneath his feet. Before heading off for her mission, to either warn or help Earth prepare for his arrival, she offered her body to her new God, and he happily accepted before sending her off on her way...

A college sophomore with wealthy parents, who spends much of his free time on one of his father's boats. The smaller of the 3, of course, but a beautiful boat nonetheless. He took it out onto the Atlantic Ocean whenever he could, usually by himself, just to listen to music, fish, read a book, or just unwind and relax. On this one fateful day out on the boat, the weather was fine before he left. A few hours into his voyage however, he ended up dozing off with a book on his chest. Next thing he knew, he was soaked to the bone, woken up by a water bottle falling onto him, waking up in the middle of a raging storm. The boat was violently rocking from side to side as he sprung to his feet, and to make matters worse, the built-in radio on the boat was ruined by rain damage as well. His last resort was to dive into the main cabin and lock the door, but in an attempt to do so, the boat rocked violently to the side, causing him to lose his balance and crack the side of his skull off of a handrail, rendering him unconscious and completely at the mercy of the ocean...

But shockingly, he survived the ordeal. He woke up in a panic, feeling a splitting headache course throughout his skull as he sprung up, and found himself seated on a beach he didn't recognize. Seated beside him was a woman, a beautiful one at that, who he also did not recognize... And as he would soon learn, this was no ordinary woman... She was a powerful, manipulative, and deadly Siren, who saw him as her next play thing...

I was on my own in the world for the very first time, and it really was intimidating. 23 years old, working remotely from home for Google on coding and cybersecurity, I finally decided to move out of my parents home and venture out on my own. I probably could have gone for a single family home, or a quaint little ranch, I opted for a nice little townhouse a few miles away. My parents helped me in getting the place furnished simply, but from there, I was on my own for bills, utilities, issues, and so on. Admittedly, I was in over my head early on, but over time I definitely was settling in and getting comfortable. I never bothered to get to know any of the neighbors, outside of waving "hello" to them in passing or helping to shovel snow in the winter. However, I did know one neighbor a little bit more than I initially would've liked. Her townhouse was the one directly next to mine, and at face value she seemed like a kind and ordinary woman, and beautiful too. I never had an issue with her, but one random Friday evening, I couldn't sleep due to the sounds of hot, fiery sex bellowing through the wall. It was a bit uncomfortable, obviously, and if it was just a one time thing, I probably wouldn't have said anything about it. Unfortunately, it happened basically every weekend, and a few times throughout the middle of weeks as well. I was slowly growing frustrated, and baffled by how someone could have so much sex! After a month, I had finally had enough of it, and at around 6:30pm that evening, once I was done for the day and saw her car parked outside, I slammed back a shot of tequila for some liquid courage before marching over and knocking on her front door... Unaware that my night would soon end with me naked and strapped down in her bed…

Being a secretary was never what I envisioned as my first "big" adult job. Fresh out of college and looking to carve my own path proved to be quite difficult, and as a result, I had to make some compromises with what I wanted to do for work. In the end, I chose to apply for this secretary job not because it sounded enticing or because I truly wanted this job, but rather because it offered a starting pay of $75,000 with full benefits, overtime opportunities, and more. After a couple of meetings with HR, I was offered the job and happily accepted. However, that's when things started to get... weird. First of all, multiple sets of a "work uniform" were sent to my home, color coded specifically for each day of the week, and they were almost uncomfortably tight. The khakis and pants sent over almost felt like womens pants, designed to make their ass look great inside of, and if I didn't know better I would've assumed that the tops included were womens blouses! It was odd, but I didn't know much about fashion, so I just went along with it. The most alarming piece of evidence came from my boss, the CEO herself who I was secretary for. It's like she was... predatory, around me. Always smirking and teasing me in different ways, making me march into her office and pick up a pen she "accidentally" dropped, but forcing me to bend over at the waist instead of kneeling down to pick it up. It felt so... strange, like I was some toy for her to play with. I couldn't really say anything about it because she was also THAT intimidating of a figure, and she could have fired me with as little as a snap of her fingers. I just hope things don't get worse…

After 13 days of a long, grueling, and bloody war, I was the only male member of my family who hadn't had their throat slashed and body hung in the streets. I, the 25 year old prince of the Kornictian Kingdom, now sat in a cold, damp cell with my wrists shackled above my head to an unforgiving stone wall for 23 hours of the day. I am not sure of exactly how long I have been down here now, but my guess based on my "sleep" is 3 days. I fully expected to be kept down here until I withered away and died due to a lack of food and water, but that's exactly when two armoured guards swung my cell open, clubbed me over the skull, threw a hood over my head, and then proceeded to unshackle me from the wall and drag me away. The next thing I knew, I was aggressively thrown onto my knees, and when the hood was pulled off, I was nearly blinded by the glistening light cascading down upon me from dozens of stained glass windows. As my eyes soon adjusted, I recognized the type of room that I was now in... It was a throne room, and smirking in her throne just a mere 20 feet in front of me... The Queen herself. Was she looking to slaughter me, the last male of my bloodline, with her own hand? Or did she have something more devious and twisted in mind…

Life comes at you fast... One moment you're drunk with your buddies, stumbling down the road to explore an old abandoned mansion that local lore says was the home of an old Satanic Cult back in the 30's, and the next moment you are pinned to a wall by a tall, unfathomably sexy Demon who could snap your neck, slice your throat, or make out with you at any second. Fortunately for me, when I was in this very scenario, the Demon Woman forced her split tongue down my throat and had sex with me that evening. At some point I blacked out, and the next morning I woke up in a house I didn't recognize, and the Demon from the night prior had taken a human form, asleep next to me. In all honesty, I probably would have at least tried to kill her at the time if she didn't cuff my wrists together behind my back, and lock a black ballgag in my mouth. From that day on, whether I wanted it at the time or not, I was the "boyfriend" of this twisted and horny Demon. Realistically I was more akin to a toy or pet to her, due to just how different as beings we were, but as long as she wasn't planning to snap my neck or slice the flesh from my still living body and feed it to her pet hellhound, I guess I couldn't complain..

It all happened so fast... One second I was in my car, about two-thirds of the way through a 6 hour trip back to my home, after spending an extended weekend visiting family. It was dark, and I was alone on a long, seemingly endless stretch of road in the middle of nowhere. The next thing I knew, my car was swallowed up by an unfathomably bright and oddly cold purple light that nearly gave me whiplash as it somehow forced my car to come to a screeching halt. I felt the wheels of my car go awry, as I was soon noticeably no longer driving on paved roads... I was instead being lifted off of the ground in my vehicle by a mysterious force, and then I blacked out. When I finally came to, for just a few seconds, I truly believed that it was all a dream. However, that dream died as soon as I noticed the predicament that I was in: I was naked and pinned down on an almost vertical table, pinned in place by what I could only describe as a powerful pulse of controlled gravity. The room around me was... Quite literally alien. Tech and machines unlike anything I had seen before. All of it truly did look like the kind of things I would see in a remake of Independence Day, but the possibility of this ACTUALLY being aliens still didn't cross my mind. That is, of course, until I got the horrific honor of watching one of them enter the room, immediately noticing that I was awake…

Prompts will be added & changed overtime, so if my writing prompts capture your attention, feel free to message me to chat, or at the very least keep an eye on me for any additions.
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