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Jun 13, 2022



the character thread to the
main roleplay thread. down below is the character form. copy and paste it, fill it out, and send me a message with it filled out. i will then approve you and give you instructions. do NOT post here unless you've been approved.

xxxmain thread | character thread | interest thread

"Please complete the following form for identity verification. Any inconsistencies will be corrected accordingly."


  • Full Name: (You are sure this is correct, right?)
  • Assigned Role: (Captain, Psych Officer, Engineer, etc.)
  • Employee ID Number: (A string of numbers. Cold. Impersonal.)
  • Appearance: (Describe your uniformed, sterile reflection.)
  • Age: (Does it matter?)
  • Pronouns: (He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, etc.)


  • Personality Summary: (Summarize key traits. Compliance is valued.)
  • Notable Strengths: (What makes you useful?)
  • Identified Weaknesses: (Deviations. Vulnerabilities. Errors.)


  • Medication Status: (Do you take your Treatment? Have you ever refused?)
  • Past Health Concerns: (Documented anomalies. Episodes. Breakdowns.)
  • Cognitive Stability Assessment: (Are you experiencing intrusive thoughts? Memory lapses? Paranoia?)


  • (Any extra details, secrets, or hidden motives?)
  • (Relationships? This can be added later!)

"Thank you for your cooperation. Your compliance has been noted."
{td=border:1|bcolor:#32362b|300pxx@}[justify][FONT=courier new][size=20][color=#e8b9a8][b]CHARACTER FORM[/b][/color][/size][/FONT][size=3]

[b]"Please complete the following form for identity verification. Any inconsistencies will be corrected accordingly."[/b]  


[color=transparent]####[/color][b]☆・*。 BASIC INFORMATION[/b]  
[LIST][*][b]Full Name:[/b] ([i]You are sure this is correct, right?[/i])  
[*][b]Assigned Role:[/b] ([i]Captain, Psych Officer, Engineer, etc.[/i])  
[*][b]Employee ID Number:[/b] ([i]A string of numbers. Cold. Impersonal.[/i])  
[*][b]Appearance:[/b] ([i]Describe your uniformed, sterile reflection.[/i])  
[*][b]Age:[/b] ([i]Does it matter?[/i])  
[*][b]Pronouns:[/b] ([i]He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, etc.[/i])[/LIST]


[color=transparent]####[/color][b]・゜+ PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION[/b] 
[LIST][*][b]Personality Summary:[/b] ([i]Summarize key traits. Compliance is valued.[/i])  
[*][b]Notable Strengths:[/b] ([i]What makes you useful?[/i])  
[*][b]Identified Weaknesses:[/b] ([i]Deviations. Vulnerabilities. Errors.[/i])[/LIST]


[color=transparent]####[/color][b]☆・*。 MEDICAL HISTORY[/b]
[LIST][*][b]Medication Status:[/b] ([i]Do you take your Treatment? Have you ever refused?[/i])  
[*][b]Past Health Concerns:[/b] ([i]Documented anomalies. Episodes. Breakdowns.[/i])  
[*][b]Cognitive Stability Assessment:[/b] ([i]Are you experiencing intrusive thoughts? Memory lapses? Paranoia?[/i])[/LIST]


[color=transparent]####[/color][b]・゜+ ADDITIONAL NOTES[/b]
[LIST][*]([i]Any extra details, secrets, or hidden motives?[/i])
[*]([i]Relationships? This can be added later![/i])[/LIST]

[b]"Thank you for your cooperation. Your compliance has been noted."[/b][/size][/justify][/xtable]
i am going to make this look SO much lovelier later, but keeping this here for now:

i. Celeste Harlow [ Psych Officer + F ]
ii. Esther Ludlow [ Medical Officer + F ]
iii. Kieran McDonald [ Communications Officer + M ]
iv. Raya Silveth [ Navigator + F ]
v. Vincent Thompson [ The Quartermaster + M ]
Last edited:

"Please complete the following form for identity verification. Any inconsistencies will be corrected accordingly."


  • Full Name: Celeste Harlow
  • Assigned Role: Psych Officer
  • Employee ID Number: 21749062
  • Appearance: Celeste Harlow stands at 5'6", her deep brown skin flawless, her dark eyes sharp and unreadable. Her sleek black hair is always perfectly kept, much like her pristine uniform. She moves with quiet precision, never rushed, never uncertain. Despite the ship's grueling conditions, she never appears tired—no dark circles, no signs of stress. A small silver pin rests on her collar, its insignia unfamiliar. When asked about it, she only smiles.
  • Age: 27
  • Pronouns: She/Her


  • Personality Summary: Soft-spoken and unnervingly articulate, Celeste has a way of making every conversation feel like an evaluation. She listens intently, tilting her head just so, nodding in a way that suggests she already knows what you're going to say. She is kind—almost too kind. Her reassurances feel like scripts.
  • Notable Strengths:
    • Exceptional ability to analyze and influence behavior.
    • Displays no visible emotional distress, even under pressure.
    • Highly persuasive; her words tend to linger in the mind.
  • Identified Weaknesses:
    • Detached; struggles with genuine emotional connection.
    • Some crew members report memory inconsistencies after sessions with her.
    • Has a habit of watching people just a little too long before responding.


  • Medication Status: Fully compliant. She prescribes Treatment to others, yet no record of her own dosage exists.
  • Past Health Concerns: No documented illnesses, injuries, or anomalies. Medical records indicate perfect health.
  • Cognitive Stability Assessment: "I am stable. I am dedicated to your well-being. Please, relax."


  • Rumors suggest that Dr. Harlow has access to restricted files and classified psychological reports that no one else does. Some crew members claim that, after sessions with her, their thoughts feel different—like something was rewritten. Of course, no official complaints have ever been filed.
  • (Relationships? This can be added later!)

"Thank you for your cooperation. Your compliance has been noted."
Last edited:


Esther Ludlow

Full Name >Esther Ludlow
Assigned Role >Medical Officer
Employee ID Number >8008135
Appearance >Doctors coat, usually has a stethoscope around her neck. Big curly red hair, one brown eye and one blueish green (Heterochromia)
Age >31
Pronouns >She/Her

Personality Summary >People would describe Esther as serious and professional, but will always greet you with a smile.
Notable Strengths >Dedicated to her work.
Identified Weaknesses >In her adult years she kept to the script and never stepped out of line or place. She could be considered a workaholic and a little cold.

Medication Status >Always takes her medications on time and has never refused.
Past Health Concerns >Has had some reactions due to the medication, but never really noted it down as serious side effects.
Cognitive Stability Assessment >No intrusive thoughts, has experienced mild confusion.


She used to run a small clinic on earth before she got drafted to join the crew on the USSC Concordance. Both of her parents were in the military which meant her childhood consisted of moving and strict rules.

(Relationships? This can be added later!)


"Please complete the following form for identity verification. Any inconsistencies will be corrected accordingly."


  • Full Name: Vincent Thompson
  • Assigned Role: The Quartermaster
  • Employee ID Number: 0294301
  • Appearance: : Vincent stands at 6'1 with medium length, chocolate brown hair that curls upward, with piercing, sapphire blue eyes to match, and a hint of a beard. Body shape, he's primarily on the skinny side, with some small hints of muscles due to his various jobs. When not in uniform (if ever), Vincent opts for long sleeves and blue jeans, or pajama bottoms. Gotta be comfy, right?

    Age: 29
  • Pronouns: He/Him


  • Personality Summary: If Vincent had to describe himself, he would only answer with "Introverted" before going back to keep to himself. But for others who've met him? They could offer a whole novel. While seemingly bare at first glance, Vincent offers a heart of gold, often doing his best to sympathize with those who confide in him. While often one to follow the rules, he can be known to bend them ever so slightly if it means the best for the crew. Respectful to his fellow crew members, he's often easy to get along with, if one can get past the wall he's erected around himself.
  • Notable Strengths: Vincent has a good eye for the small details and good deductive reasoning. While some of his reasonings might be "out there", he's often on the right track. This leads to Vincent being an expert at reading body languages, and making sure everything with his work is correct.
  • Identified Weaknesses: Vincent tends to second guess himself, especially if several other people question his decisions, leading to him hesitating on decisions, or providing his input on matters. Along with this, Vincent often places priority of himself rather low on the totem pole, often sacrificing his own health for the betterment of others.


  • Medication Status: Yes, Vincent always takes his medication and any treatments he's provided without question.
  • Past Health Concerns: In the past, Vincent has been subjected to panic attacks, often from making large mistakes that could lead to dire consequences (even if the consequences are nothing at all). These panic attacks often cause Vincent to isolate himself and berate himself to the point where he grows agitated with others.
  • Cognitive Stability Assessment: There are a few things he swore he did whenever he's been working...maybe he simply overlooked it? Yeah, that has to be it. He'll make sure he's better next time he's working.


  • (<insert backstory notes for when it's revealed?>)
  • Vincent has a mother, father, an older brother and a younger sister. While his older brother and younger sister have spouses of their own, Vincent remains painfully single.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Your compliance has been noted."
I stole Cat's code because I'm a thief.


"Please complete the following form for identity verification. Any inconsistencies will be corrected accordingly."


  • Full Name: Raya Silveth
  • Assigned Role: Navigator
  • Employee ID Number: 1152756
  • Appearance: Dark hair down to my shoulders, Blue eyes, pale skin (Blame the lack of sunlight for that one.) 171cm tall. An old officers coat that I got from my last assignment, although I remember it been much... dirtier. No... Older... More crumpled than this, I guess someone must have cleaned it in cryo-sleep. Regulation Dog tags, Non-Regulation ear piercings (I'll take them out any day now, I swear)
  • Age: Twenty-Nine... I think. Twenty-Eight... Time seems to have lost all meaning in the void., It's not important anyway... (Right?)
  • Pronouns: She/Her


  • Personality Summary: I've served as a navigator for years now, or decades... like I said, hard to keep track in the void.... I'm a relaxed, capable officer... As a navigator, you have to keep a cool head when you're talking to the captain every day, you never know what impossible task they're going to give you next... But you have to problem solve, plot the fastest routes without getting us all killed... and I don't intend to lose anyone on this ship, unlike the last one, but that was commands fault... Not mine...
  • Notable Strengths: Loyal to a fault, Reliable, and relaxed off-shift, I tend to get on with most people.
  • Identified Weaknesses: I was conscripted into this job... I'm not going to pretend it was easy, there were days when I just wanted to scream and lock myself away in my room... I still do sometimes.


  • Medication Status: I've never refused medication, but you know... the medical team is all about timing, and sometimes I'm a bit late! the ship's course won't plan itself!
  • Past Health Concerns: <Raya has had one recorded mental breakdown on the USSC Defiance, her previous ship, for a week she locked herself away in the navigator's quarters, convinced that the crew was drugging her, she went so far as to steal a sidearm from the armory and threaten to 'Blow a hole clean through anyone's skull' who tried to dose her with her usual medication, she was eventually talked down and accepted her medication after an eight-day standoff. She has no memory of the incident.>
  • Cognitive Stability Assessment: Nothing out of the ordinary really, time seems to pass differently aboard starships, and sometimes you hear noises... Noises that you shouldn't be able to hear on a ship, animals, and such... I blame the HVAC system... but I'm fine, really!


  • Raya has a distaste for authority that she sees as 'illegitimate' that could be anything from orders not making sense in her eyes or asking her to turn on a fellow crewmate who is 'non-compliant'. Once she has formed a bond with the crew, it will be very difficult to make her betray them... (I'll probably add more here as we go!)
  • (Relationships? This can be added later!)

"Thank you for your cooperation. Your compliance has been noted."
If there's any issues with this, let me know and I'd be happy to change some/all of it.


"Please complete the following form for identity verification. Any inconsistencies will be corrected accordingly."


  • Full Name: Kieran McDonald
  • Assigned Role: Communications Officer
  • Employee ID Number: 5868507
  • Appearance: With short, spiky, red hair shaved at the sides, piercing green eyes and a well kept beard and mustache, Kieran may look like he's stepped right out of an Irish stereotype. Coupled with his pale skin and his slight but muscular 5'7" (170cm) he's earned the unwelcome nickname of 'Leprechaun'. Does anyone still call him that? Has anyone ever seen him wear anything green? The only things outside of the standard uniform that he wears are an old gold cross necklace and a small, plain gold earring in his right ear.
  • Age: 24
  • Pronouns: He/Him


  • Personality Summary: Outgoing and boisterous are often used to describe Kieran, but fierce may be the best. Fierce in his duty, his friendship and his beliefs. Questioning any of these have been known to cause him to show how fierce his temper can be.
  • Notable Strengths: Aside from his loyalty, Kieran has an uncanny knack with machines, able to jury rig almost anything to work at least once.
  • Identified Weaknesses: Brash, almost to the point of abrasiveness. His temper has come close to causing issues previously. His accent sometimes come through heavily when flustered or drunk. When was the last time he was drunk? Simple things from his past tend to slip his mind.


  • Medication Status: Kieran takes his treatments as required, but has been tempted more than once to stop.
  • Past Health Concerns: He has a small, circular scar on the left side of his chest and a longer one down his right shin. Both from a childhood accident. Is that right? He also walks with a slight limp.
  • Cognitive Stability Assessment: His memory lapses are becoming more frequent, and continues to have the thought that this is not what he should be doing, or where he should be. So far he just chalks this up to the isolation of deep space.


  • (Picture and top up coming soon.)
  • (Relationships? This can be added later!)

"Thank you for your cooperation. Your compliance has been noted."
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