Flagg was about to speak up at the plan the xenos had, perhaps a bit reflexively wanting to argue. However her fellow human chimed in with support and with a sage quote that undercut the argument. The trooper sighed and rubbed her temple, though the dull grind of leather on metal did little to satisfy her headache. Perhaps her time as a Scion had taught her to be a bit more conservative with resources like this. So rather than speak, she stepped back into the Rhino.
A few moments later she came out, carefully cradling three of the bombs while a fourth was strapped to her belt. She handed them off, one to the serpentine xenos while the last two went to her fellow human, seeing as the Drukhari had no interest in their weaponry. She eyed the Ssylth and carefully gestured to a red button near the top of the black oblong that was the bomb. "I've set them to a ten second timer, that should be enough to get out of the blast if you drop the thing." It seemed like she didn't really trust him to handle the bomb correctly. "I think this will be a little wasteful, but who knows, maybe these gates are tougher than a standard tank." With the explosives handed off she retrieved and fully hooked up her primary weapon, a hefty Volleygun that she handled with relative ease. "After the rest of you, if you please."
As the group proceeds forward, the scions and Rhino following slowly behind, they'd see the carnage in closer detail. Destroyed bunkers, charred chimeras and bodies, loyalist and foul heretics alike. All is quiet now, just their marching feet and the eerie creaking of the gibots swinging from rusted chains.
The souls inside were pitiful things, wasted, diseased and starved with only a few more recent bodies looking like battlefield captives. Almost each and every one has a clean hole where a certain Commissr efficiently executed each and every one, regardless of original origin. Well, all except one apparently.
Looking pathetic and extra wretched, skeletal hands spring to life and reach down towards the group, the gibot swinging slightly towards them. At once maybe a dozen hellguns all point up and towards the sudden movement. "Lords! Thank the Emperor, you're here to save me, save us from the army behind those gates! Yes thank the Emperor!"