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W&G: The Inquisitor's Speartip

He turned his head to regard the brawny human female, cocking it slightly in mild surprise at her agreement with his suggestion. Humans usually either agreed out of fear, simply not wanting to disagree with him openly, or found that his methods and ideals were too... brutal. In any case, he didn't linger on this thought for long as he considered her additional suggestion. "I am not certain this... gate can strike from such distance as to threaten our throws, though I have little issue with igniting it all the same." Indeed his strength was such that he could likely throw the explosives just as far as his heavy flamer could spout promethium, though he supposed the others weren't quite so powerful.
Flagg was about to speak up at the plan the xenos had, perhaps a bit reflexively wanting to argue. However her fellow human chimed in with support and with a sage quote that undercut the argument. The trooper sighed and rubbed her temple, though the dull grind of leather on metal did little to satisfy her headache. Perhaps her time as a Scion had taught her to be a bit more conservative with resources like this. So rather than speak, she stepped back into the Rhino.

A few moments later she came out, carefully cradling three of the bombs while a fourth was strapped to her belt. She handed them off, one to the serpentine xenos while the last two went to her fellow human, seeing as the Drukhari had no interest in their weaponry. She eyed the Ssylth and carefully gestured to a red button near the top of the black oblong that was the bomb. "I've set them to a ten second timer, that should be enough to get out of the blast if you drop the thing." It seemed like she didn't really trust him to handle the bomb correctly. "I think this will be a little wasteful, but who knows, maybe these gates are tougher than a standard tank." With the explosives handed off she retrieved and fully hooked up her primary weapon, a hefty Volleygun that she handled with relative ease. "After the rest of you, if you please."

As the group proceeds forward, the scions and Rhino following slowly behind, they'd see the carnage in closer detail. Destroyed bunkers, charred chimeras and bodies, loyalist and foul heretics alike. All is quiet now, just their marching feet and the eerie creaking of the gibots swinging from rusted chains.

The souls inside were pitiful things, wasted, diseased and starved with only a few more recent bodies looking like battlefield captives. Almost each and every one has a clean hole where a certain Commissr efficiently executed each and every one, regardless of original origin. Well, all except one apparently.

Looking pathetic and extra wretched, skeletal hands spring to life and reach down towards the group, the gibot swinging slightly towards them. At once maybe a dozen hellguns all point up and towards the sudden movement. "Lords! Thank the Emperor, you're here to save me, save us from the army behind those gates! Yes thank the Emperor!"
Talshi squinted a bit at Flagg's insulting insinuation, clearly not approving of her belief that he would be so incompetent, but he examined the switches all the same to ensure he understood how to arm it; he'd never used one of these explosives before after all. "Would that I be so clumsy to drop it by your feet." He stated coldly, though the words were little more than just that as he took it with one hand and hung it upon his belt for the time being.

He moved forward with the others, not shy about being closer to the action, and examined the carnage closely but was otherwise unperturbed by the grizzly display. If anything it was pleasant, comforting to be around violence once again. Still, at the sudden movement and spoken words he too reacted, though not as harshly as the soldiers. He readied to defend himself instinctively but didn't level his flamer towards the wretched figure once his eyes took in the sight, instead he relaxed in the acknowledgement that there was no immediate danger.

It was not his place to judge the figure as sane or sound mind, nor to tell if they were corrupted, but the idea of an army inside the palace was interesting nonetheless. "What have you seen within?" Extra information couldn't hurt, even if it was potentially insane ramblings of a weak-willed fool; at least in that case it might be amusing.
Flagg seemed to hold Talshi's gaze, though the stylized helm hid her features. it certainly hid the slight smile she had as the xenos threatened her back, though she continued to resist the urge to try shooting the thing. She had her orders, and she was nothing if not a good soldier. A shame really, it would have been so easy to set those timers to 1 second...

The prisoner seemed to be a woman on closer inspection, though her hoarse voice had made it hard to tell. She nodded enthusiastically, as if happy that someone was questioning her, the fact it was a xenos didn't seem to register, perhaps her eyes or mind just weren't working right at the moment? "A company of motivated light infantry! Prepared emplacements with remote detonating mines! Static layered positions for mutual support!" Each statement spouted off quickly, leaving her mouth almost as fast as she could bring them to mind.
The Drukari was glad they had not tried to insist on her taking a bomb. She was very skilled with her weapon. Using strange primitive tech filled with explosives was not something she was keen on trying. Even if she had a back up plan in Commoragh. The pparoached and as they did they were stopped by what appeared to be a survivor or something. A skeletal hand was all she saw at first yet her Klaive was in hand ready to go immediately.

"Bloody Mon-keigh." she muttered to herself inside her helmet. The information was good though it did little for them at the moment. "Or perhaps this one is thoroughly insane or touched by the powers of the warp to relay false information." The Drukhari said lazily as if the situation did not concern her.
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