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W&G: The Inquisitor's Speartip


Lone Knight
Mar 16, 2018
It is the 42nd millennium. The Imperium of Man, humanity's bleak and brutal refuge, stands on the brink of annihilation. A Great Rift splits the galaxy in two, a bleeding wound across time and space within which logic and sanity hold no meaning. From it pours an endless army of madmen, heretics, and daemons, hungry for the end of all things. Half of human civilization burns in the grip of Chaos. Half still struggles against the dying of the light, against all the myriad enemies of man. It is a dark time to be alive in this century, to fight after so much has been lost
For In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

~~Imperium Nihilus, Gilead System, Inquisitorial Strike Cruiser Unrequited Mercy, Orbit of Gilead Primus~~
Inquisitor Theodora.jpeg The Chamber of Mercy, that is what she liked to call this room. Forbidden to all without her personal invitation, even the ships Captain, though it'd be interesting to see if the naval officer would ever try and push against that little push on her power. The room was located a deck bellow the ships strategium and while that all important data center was the brain of this mighty vessel, this chamber was where its true fate was decided from one day to another. To look at it, one would just see an audience chamber, a place to gather around a raise dais where a black throne dominated the space, and a woman reclining on this seat of dark metal.

Inquisitor Theodora Tessa did not look intimidating at first glance. A seemingly middle-aged woman with stylish blonde hair and a corset that emphasized her generous bust between how it hugged her frame tightly and gave quite the ample display of cleavage. A closer examination would note the scar marring her beautiful face, a cross pattern that has been left untreated by any sort of facial surgery. The inquisitorial symbols both bellow her chest and worn as earrings are certainly red flags but perhaps not the most dangerous. It is those eyes, a pale blue and at first seeming sultry, but to be beheld by them for too long? To be weighed and deemed as an expendable tool to further her purpose, that is when one would realize that this woman is far more deadly than she seems.

Idly she smokes from a lho stick, a long extended version that let her slowly enjoy herself while she waited, watching the door. There are four individuals, who to one degree or another make the crew uncomfortable, frightened even, but not her. They are her spear, they are her personal monsters, and she is about to unleash them on their first mission together to deal with a dangerous threat. Perhaps they will survive and prove to be useful tools in the future, or perhaps they will be overwhelmed and die. In either case, it is no great concern to her.

Khanzhar could feel the fear from the crew as she made her way through the ship. Four Tempest Scions kept a close watch on the otherwise entirely unwelcome warrior. They too reeked of fear, if only Khanzhar had just an hour with them. The suffering they could produce would keep her satisfied for weeks. But it was not to be, the Incubus in full regalia made her way through the throngs of Mon-keigh going about their work. They were peons for the most part. Little more than chaff, even now her mind was running combat theorems. How to avoid gunfire, who to use as a meat shield. Who to cut and who to leave in agony as she left.

But her musings were cut short as she was escorted first into the Chamber of Mercy. The name was an irony that Khanzhar appreciated, Mon-keigh certainly did like their fancy titles. Stepping inside with the arrogance of a Drukhari she regarded the Inquistor waiting there. Her covenant bearer for the time being. Were it not for the Inquisitions near limitless access to information both legal and otherwise. There would be no need for her to deal with such a lower life form. But her task was too important to let her disdain be a hinderance. For now at least.

"Inquisitor." Khanzhar said offering a mock bow without any hint of sincerity. Yet the fact she even cared about to give that mockery, was proof that the Inquisitor was important to her for now.
It wasn't long after that Talshi slithered into the chamber, his scales whisper quiet as they slid along the cool metal to carry him inside. He had been aboard the vessel a bit longer than the others, having been collected by the inquisitor from another system, but that didn't change the discomfort the humans felt towards him either. Much like the drukhari, he was an imposing individual to behold naturally; primarily due to his size and raw strength but the cold, reptilian hunger that exuded from his gaze sent chills through those his eyes passed over without even needing to try.

In any case, he slid into position more or less alongside the incubus but kept a healthy distance all the same. He had experience working for their kind and knew well the social customs and expected personal space, even if it had been some few decades since he last served an Archon. That said, Talshi did not deign to speak as he took position and rather simply settled into an unnervingly still stance; his body barely shifting with the cadence of his breathing and the occasional flicking of his tongue past his lips. His frame bore no armor but he was far from exposed thanks to the toughness of his scales. Even now the light caused them to gleam with almost rainbow hues in certain spaces where it was reflected just right.
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