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W&G: The Inquisitor's Speartip (OOC)

They have something better: Melta guns. Especially the heavier version, multimeltas are for cutting through ship bulkheads and such. Fuck the meter thick door, fuck you, fuck the cover your hiding behind, fuck the wall behind that...
Okay since Khanzhar brought up suspicion in this figure, now is as good a time as any as run through how to make tests. Whatever dice roller you want to use, UnseenServant or another such program that lets you display, just make sure to roll each die individually.

So Flagg is going to roll her Insight which is only 3 die in her case


We'll always treat the first dice in the roll as the wrath dice, which will mark complications/criticals. Flagg gets an unremarkable 2 successes for her test.
While putting each die roll in separate brackets will work, I think Unseenservant has a limit to the number of individual rolls that can be made in a single command. I just tested it, yes you can only roll 8 separate commands in one message.

While we don't need the sum total, it's probably much easier and more reliable to put an underscore before the total dice pool so it shows all dice rolled like so.


That way everyone can see that Talshi sucks at Insight with only 1 success.
If you want to be really complicated and moderately confusing you can also add 's4' to tell the server to only count results of 4 or higher as successes. This doesn't account for 6's being 2 successes unfortunately so it's not the greatest.

[_10d6s4]=(2, 6, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3)=2=2

The above would be 3 successes but the s4 output counts it as 2 since it doesn't realize the 6 counts as 2.
As a aside its wild how shitty online dice rollers are these days. Ten years ago there were tons of good ones with all sorts of features, but after having a look because i didnt want to bother signing up to a dice roller of all nonsense i honestly cant find any that have more than extremely basic functionality, and while Unseen is slow loading with a shitty site that looks like it fell out of the 90s, it actually does have a mostly full featured dice roller.

Does everyone just use discord bots these days? I'm honestly kinda shocked bluemoon doesnt have a built in dice roller.

[_3d6]=(4+1+3)=8 One *waves a little flag*
The signup requirement for Unseen is because it saves your rolls which a lot of people find appealing so they can make sure someone isn't just re-rolling a dozen times until they get a value they like.

I understand the annoyance but it personally doesn't bother me too much because, like you said, I've not found any better online dice rollers these days. Most people I've dealt with do, in fact, use Discord for literally everything which is a whole 'nother annoyance that bothers me a lot more.
Yeah i know but like... a decade ago there were a bunch of sites where you just use a id. So like you put in a string of numbers (or a name, if it was unique enough) and it put all the rolls under that, so if you looked up the id you could see all the rolls made under it. No password, username, email verification stuff.

Anyway its just werid, i sorta expected things would be smoother and better, like discord bots are these days with so many options, instead it looks like the only dice roller sites that are left are absolute dogwater that somehow didnt die when all the good ones did.
As well as Discord bots, virtual tabletops are probably another big factor. Even outside live games, you can easily use Roll20 to log rolls for you. So ends up with more niche groups not using Discord or Roll20 servers.

Anyway, after making rolls you can decide to spend one of your 2 wrath points for a reroll. This reroll will only reroll failed dice, so you'll only ever improve on a roll. After deciding whether or not to use a Wrath point you can decide to spend the parties shaded pool of Glory dice for an extra roll per die. The pool right now is at 0, since nobody got a 6 on their Wrath dice or rolled high enough to get any shifts.
Surely this woman in the gibbet isn't lying to us or anything of course. Though, in all honesty, using a wrath here probably wouldn't be much benefit even if we did sus out a lie from her. I'll remain content with my inadequacy in this case. :)
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