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𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔟𝔯𝔢
Staff member
Jan 8, 2020




The sun slipped below the far horizon, the last rays a muddy orange brown, died behind a lazy ashfall as night slowly crept along the city. Fingers of shadows stretched their way along the roofs and city streets below and not far behind came the dewy tendrils of mist. The high walls of Luthadel offered protection from Skaa rebels, raiders and the like, but not even the monolithic walls could keep the mist out. Few ventured into the mists, no matter their societal rank and most Skaa refused to leave their homes to travel through the mist unless they absolutely must. Even those who were the bottom of society hesitated to stay in the mist too long.. It mattered not that within the city that mist wraiths did not exist. Skaa supersition and the fear of tall tales held people within their shuttered houses, with candle burning through the night. It was as if those little flickers of light could prtoect them from the monsters.. Not all could avoud the mists however, for gaurds were forced to patrol for the good of the city. Even they though, kept to the lamp glow, for they knew that it wasn't the myths one needed to worry about in the mist kissed night.. But the mistborn. The spies and assasins of the great houses. The mists and the night were their domain and to interfear with them was a folly of its own.

Mistborn were a gift from the Lord Ruler. Made to protect the cities from creatures in the mists. To control the nobles. Not much was known about mistborn and very few really knew of their existence. They came after the Steel Ministry, a failed experiment of the Lord Ruler. Odd that a god could fail.. And yet he did. He failed and made mistakes, almost as if he was mortal. Not that anyone was brave enough to mention such things openly. To do so was a good way to lose your head.

So the mists were feared by all and yet a young woman by the name of Melione sat on a balcony as night truly claimed the city with a handful of flickering candles creating a bubble of light within the darkness. The mists toyed with the flames, making them sputter and spark. Around her, they swirled, as if they were alive. The mists were beautiful to her and they were the only time in which she felt truly free. The daughter of a Lord, one might have thought that Melione's life would have been a charmed one. Yet, she lived almost the life of a Skaa. Less than, for most Skaa were allowed to leave, visit other places. Melione never left the small fortress that sat on one of the dominating hills.

There were whispers of her among the other high houses. Of the daughter of Lord Revenwood. A pale beauty, too frail to attend the parties.. To leave the house. Little to nothing was really known and much that was known was false.. Had they known, they might have been appalled. Yet, this was all Melione knew. For the most part Melione was happy. Without knowing what was kept from her, why wouldn't she be? Her favorite time though was when the mist came.


Humming softly Melione brushed a stray lock from her hair as she sketched in the small journal that rested along her thighs. Her dove grey eyes danced with the life of the flame as she looked up, watching the mists for a moment. Sometimes, she could swear she saw creatures taking form in them and yet when she focused the vanished on a current of wind, fading back to whence it came.

No one knew of these little moments that she stole for herself. The golden bubble of light tucked behind the keep and kept from view. Her small form curled into a ball tucked into a corner of the balcony as she read, sang and sketched. Where she finally found sleep in the chilly air, kissed by droplets of mist. There was no comfort to the small little sanctuary that she made. No blankets, cushions or otherwise.

Shifting she laid her sketchbook aside and yawned, one small hand rising to cover her mouth. Her eyes felt heavy. Weighted down with the desire to sleep and yet she fought it. Not ready for sleep. Her hands fell into her lap, nails picking at little thin strips of skin. The pain was sharp, bright and faded into a sweet ache as she pressed her finger to the wound. The salt setting it stinging. It helped keep her awake as she watched the mists. Somewhere high above the stars shined down on her and though she looked for them, she couldn't see them. No one could. She had heard tell of them, but it was a fanciful story and likely no more true than what they whispered of the mists. All pretty lies and scary tales.

Her lashes drifted closed for a moment and she curled into a ball, shivering against the cold. She was always cold.. It didn't matter if she was here or in her room. Why not sleep where she felt safe. Cared for? Silly.. To feel safe when so many avoided them. The mists. She liked it though, feeling little beads of water kiss her cheeks. Lifting a hand, she Lifting a hand, she slipped it past the barrier of light that her candles made, swirling her small, delicate fingers in the mists.

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The Lord Ruler, their great God and creator, was dead.

It was the world's biggest secret. Now decades past, the Lord Ruler had known his end was coming. After a thousand year wait, he had intended to take up the power of the Well of Ascension once more. Time was more patient and cunning, yet he had enough left to mold his heir, his second in command, one of his personal mistborn. With his plans in place, he had left Reverence to serve his interests, to enact his plans. Now, the sun was further away, the ashmounts less active. All of those great mistakes he had made before were rectified. At least, they were improved. Just as when he had taken the power of the Well the first time, Reverence could not comprehend the scale of things in that brief moment. Improved, not mended. Most importantly, he had seen the weakness of his master, his god, and planted seeds to correct them.

A thousand years was simply impossible for anyone to survive. So, the Mistborn had been made. There had been mistborn before The Death and the retaking of the Well, an event so pivotal and yet so secret it had no imposing name. They were diluted, weak. The Mistborn were the apex. Preservation's power condensed into a superior vessel. With the Lord Ruler gone and Reverence in need of a way to control the empire thrust into his lap, the Mistborn had been left in control, with himself as one of them, reshaped into something primal, dangerous.

Just as the skaa outnumbered the nobles, the Mistborn were few in number. Most cities could boast a single Mistborn protector. Some a pair. Luthadel had only Reverence, feigning obedience to a dead man. However, Mistborn was all that they were known as. They were not God. They were simply his hand, his finger tips, guiding the world as it grew under his improvements, if only slightly. They kept the mists at bay, destroyed the creatures that would take souls in the night. All they asked for was that any Mistborn, a true Mistborn, be surrendered to them.

The truth was more simple. The Mistborn kept the nobles in line. They snuffed out troublemakers and made sure that allomancy was not allowed to spread to the skaa. They did their duty and took their payment, the one thing the Reverence had given them to truly want. The power of Preservation drew them to each other. For every Mistborn, there was an opposite, a fated second half. They were to meet and continue the line of power. Reverence had thought that he was exempt, shaped by the mists as something different than the true Mistborn he had seeded among the population. There would be no other half, and when time finally caught up to him, after however long the Well had deemed to give him, he would find another to shape in his image. Reverence was to be alone.


Rumors were useless. They were made up to buy real information, to weaken opponents, to turn the Mistborn into would-be assassins. No, Reverence only worked on fact. And the fact was that he had caught a scent in the markets.

Reverence always burned Tin. His faces were not something that everyone knew, but enough had a general idea. It made the possibility of an attack far too high to let their senses be as dull as a human. Normally, it was his hearing that mattered. Today, it was his nose.

A woman brushed past him as he crossed a street. Annoying, but nothing he would take action over. She would fade from his memory before he left this street. Then, it hit him.

The scent was a brick wall, making those walking behind him ram into his back. He burned Pewter out of instinct as they nearly toppled him. He could care less. All he could smell was sweetness. Not cloying, but subtle and natural. Like someone had added a drop of honey to a bouquet of flowers. If it had stopped there, he might have ignored it. The scent went deeper. It curled around his heart, squeezed his lungs, made his blood pound in his veins. It was a Mistborn.

When he turned, flaring Pewter as he threw the crowd to the side, the woman was already gone. It had not been her scent anyway. If it was her, Reverence could have tracked her with ease. It seemed that his assumptions about his nature, about what the Well had done, were fundamentally wrong all these years. Reverence was on the hunt.

That was how he had ended up out so late into the night. Not that it was strange. Mistborn were more Preservation than any other allomancer. The mist was like their own flesh and blood, a welcome companion. He had needed the company. A dozen rooftops, a dozen dozen. Every where he had hunted for that scent. But, this was the best time to search for her. She would be drawn to the mist just as much as he was.

The myriad tassels of Rev's cloak whipped in the wind as he moved from object to object, Steelpushing and Ironpulling his way across the noble fortresses of Luthadel, even daring to go within their walls. It was when Rev nearly considered giving up for the night, returning to the tower and finding some outlet for his anger.

However, there was one fortress he never fully explored. One face was cut off from the public, hidden away by the walls. Pushing and pulling would never get one there alone. There was only one way to look.

Reaching into his pouch, Rev let a single coin slip out. He Pushed it, sending it blasting to the earth below. Then, the moment it made contact, Rev was airborne, moving in great leaps and bounds with each coin he dropped. As he closed the distance with the building he had in mind, the Mistborn went over what he knew. A well behaved family, never drawing Mistborn attention, rarely lashing out at any others. The rumors, as unreliable as they were, said they had a daughter who never made appearances. There was simply no way it was this obvious.

So, Rev decided to make rumor into fact.


As Melione extended her fingers into the mist, into the cold night air, there was a sudden rush of air. In a blur of black tassels, shreds of cloth that draped over the rough shape of a man, the hand was met with something warm.

As the light managed to pierce the mist and the dark, Melione was greeted with the sight of a much larger hand wrapped around her own. It held her like she was made of glass. Attached to the hand was an arm, wrapped in the same black cloth. The cloak was tight around his shoulders, a high collar clipped to obscure most of the face. The hood was pull high and in the low light of the candle there was nothing visible, not even the eyes of this new person.

The head leaned forward, bowing over her hand like it was a religious relic. From inside the hood spilled rivers of black hair, an absurd blue mixed in. There was a small intake of air. The stranger was smelling her.

"It really is you. A Mistborn... mine."

All at once, the grip on her wrist changed. It became tight and the emotion was clear even as the cloak obscured body language. The hand of the mysterious man raised her wrist and held her small injury up for Melione's own inspection. His eyes glowed and ethereal, flame-like blue in the flicker of candle light.

"What have they been doing to you?"







The balcony had once been white but it was now stained an ashy grey. It stood out against the blackened stones of the keep. Melione didn't mind the ash, but she didn't want to sit in it. So once a day she cleaned it with the help of a Skaa servant. It was a stark contrast in the darkness, that grey against the ink of night and the blackened brick. The halo of light almost made it shimmer. It also made the young woman within with her icy features, seem to glow within. From the pale skin, to the snow white hair. The dove grey eyes so pale; at birth it had be questioned if she was blind. Melione might have been a phantasm.

Mists swirled toward her and she felt the brush of air, the coolness kissing her cheeks with little droplets of water. A warm hand wrapped around her own and it was this and not the sudden rush of mist nor the swirling of air that had a startled gasp leave her lips. Heart in her throat, ghostly eyes met the form of a man. As if the mists were the man's servant, they parted around him. Only his silhouette was visible in her cocoon of light. The hood and cloak obscuring him.

His dark head bent over her hand and she felt him inhale. Spicy, bitter notes mingled with a heady herbal scent with the lingering warmth of cedar and vanilla. It clung to her like a second skin and filled his senses as he breathed in. He could taste her on his tongue, the piny taste of herbs mingled with a sweetness. The hand tightened and it scared her, a small little sound leaving the female. Pale ears laid flat to her hair, and her tail curled around herself, protectively.

The heat of his gaze did not help, as the blue embers blazed into her own. There was anger there and Melione was not used to anger not being directed at her. Her father was a cruel man when angered. Melione knew this all too well. While her life was simple, there was a darkness that clung to her and it was noticeable in the way she flinched away from him and his anger.

The movement was at odds with the pull she felt as his citrus scent washed over her. Grapefruit and sage with the spice of pepper and clove. "Who?" The husky tone of her voice was low, whisper soft and her brows knit together. Shifting, Melione settled on her knees, her free hand rising, tentatively. When he didn't pull back, she pushed back at the hood that covered his hair. She needed to see his face. Blue eyes and dark brows greeted her and she tilted her head, curiously. Leaning up, she inhaled, her ears perking forward for a moment and her tail shifted, wagging slightly as a sound left her throat. A purr. Pleased and sweet.

"Who are you?"
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There had only been one living being that dared to tell Reverence no, and he was dead for so long the Mistborn could barely remember his face. No, Reverence was the god of this world now, and whatever he wanted, he took. Normally, that meant very little in the way of material items. He cared little for taking more than he needed, and the atium that had been hoarded to protect it from Ruin meant that he could buy the entire city if he wished. Greed was not the dangerous part about Rev. It was the dark anger that loved inside of him. Like a secret thing that always watched and waited. It did not burn, destroying everything it's path. Nor did it chill like ice, spreading slowly. It was steel. Unyielding and precise as a spear. When he became angry, he carved a narrow path to the source. Looking at this pale creature's torn skin made him angry.

Right now, he was content to sit on the edge of the balcony, mists running up his spine like they were pushing him forward. The flinch at his words made it even worse, made him want to take all of the hurt he saw in that gesture and deliver it all back to the source. It took a reasonable amount of control to keep himself from simply dropping off the ledge and walking into the fortress proper to kill them all. All of that focus meant he did not move as her hand rose and pushed the hood off. The gesture would have usually been met with pain, but Rev did not move an inch as she revealed his face. Just like the little pale creature, he had long ears that stood at attention when she freed them, his mane of blue and black spilling out and down his shoulders. The death in his eyes was still all-consuming when she asked for the first time who he was.

It melted away, steel evaporating beneath the sweet fire that kindled as he watched her scent him. The girl seemed to respond immediately, instinct taking over as she purred, tail unfurling to wag as her purr reached his ears. The ache inside of him was agony. Her voice filled the quiet space and he moved down to her level, eye to eye. "I'm Mistborn, just like you. I serve the Lord Ruler." Rev leaned closer, their faces only inches apart as he scented her again. He found he hated lying to her and that scent calmed him. The sweet and earthy smell of her filled his head so completely that there was no room for anger.

The only thing left was want.

Reverence did not release her hand as he closed those final few inches and kissed this strange Mistborn. It was not a kiss full of lust, nor was it chaste and sweet. It was only a moment, but he echoed her purr as their lips touched for barely a second, fingers tightening on her wrist a fraction as he tried to keep himself from shattering and letting all of the things inside of him out into the world. When he pulled away, he licked his lips finding a taste to go with that scent.

"Why are you hurt? Who did this?" Then, the steel was back. The tone was cold and even, though he could still feel her lips on his own. The urge to touch her had just been too overwhelming to keep down. Now, he was back to the frightening monster of the mists.







The word was a whisper as his hood fell and his eyes lost their fire. Somehow, she knew it was for her, that that anger faded. Melione couldn’t have said why, but she seemed to know it in her bones. Mistborn. The second time he’d used that word. Unlike most of the populace of Luthadel she did not know the word. The Lord Ruler, this was a name she knew. Her lips parted and she exhaled, preparing to pose a question when his mouth claimed hers.

Melione’s body didn’t stiffen but she melted against him and that kiss. It was a desperate kiss with more hidden behind it. Over as soon as it began she was left leaning into him, her eyes confused and misty. Her tongue mimicked his own and his citrus taste made her purr again. For someone who knew little to no comfort, he made her want to curl on the warmed stones and bask in his presence. It mattered not that the stones beneath her were icy.

That flash of anger was back and she swallowed. Shifting uneasily before him. Part of the damage was herself. Melione had picked at her fingers, the small flashes of pain soothing. There were lingering bruises though, one along her cheek, the others though were hidden from his view. She lifted her hands, her pale eyes curious as her head tilted side to side.
“These?” When he nodded, she looked at them. “I did.” It was a simple answer. She pressed salty fingers to the little angry red lines, closing her eyes. Beneath pale lashes her eyes flickered and her lips parted.

His little mate liked pain. At least, this pain. Slowly her lashes lifted and she lifted a hand once more. This one curled into his soft hair. Dark locks twisted along her fingers and she made a soft purring sound again. She didn’t tell him about the bruise, as he’d not asked about it. A willful little thing, even in her prison of stone. “What is Mistborn?” She asked, fingers trailing toward his jaw, feather light and softer than silk.

Reverence watched her tongue flicked over her lips just the same as his did, only for her purring to increase in intensity. It seemed that she felt exactly what he felt. That, somehow made this more difficult. Difficult because Rev knew he could push her down onto the cold stone and make her belong to him right then and there. She would live for his touch, just like he felt starved for hers. It had all been so much easier when he thought he would be alone forever. He had been cold and efficient. This would likely not change that much, but it would push it aside to make room for something else. He did not like that idea. And he wanted to taste her skin again.

When she offered up her hands, he cocked his head, animalistic and sharp as a blade as his eyes drifted over the small injuries. They had been self-inflicted, it seemed. And, even as he watched her take her finger and press it to the small hurt, making it burn, her eyes drifted closed. Watching her lips part sent something dark and primal through him. That, he liked. Reverence was never going to be normal. He was part god and part slave, chained to Luthadel and the Well because he knew if he did not do his duty, Ruin would rip this world to pieces. So, seeing a little bit of twisted pleasure in the creature he would be inextricably bound to for their extended lifetimes, he found it brought out his own purr again. The bruise he would address in a moment.

Her fingers slipped into his hair and he moved to crouch in front of her so that they were even. The motion was so natural for him, so accustomed to hiding in the mists all night. Now, it was to he close to something that called to him just the same way. Her fingers drifted to his jaw as she asked her question and he did that animal head movement again, this time confused. How could she not know? He took her hand in his own, guiding it from his jaw to his lips.

"How do you not..." It was an unproductive line of questioning right now. Things were falling into place quickly and he did not like what they seemed to mean. So, he took a moment to bring her finger close to his mouth, giving her tiny injury a small lick. "We are the ones who enforce the Lord Ruler's will. We can use all forms of allomancy. There are others similar, who use the same name. But, they aren't our kind. We have..." Reverence moved the hand that was not holding her own to his mouth into her hair, fingers brushing against her ears. They were so soft under his touch that he almost purred again. "Whoever keeps you has hidden many things from you."

Reverence opened his mouth, unable to resist any longer. He put her hurting finger in his mouth and sucked softly. The taste of her skin and salt filled his mouth and he could not resist moving closer, practically straddling her as he pulled it out of his mouth. Knees close on either side, he thought about kissing her again. "My name is Reverence and you are my mate. I am yours. Tell me your name."

Instead of kissing her, he settled for leaning to the side and pressing his nose into the crook of her neck, breathing her in while he pressed a little of his own scent into her skin. Instinct was screaming in his blood, telling him to take her, claim her. His. His. His.



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