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Dragon Age: the Pirate Queen's Downfall (alicettlg820 & Sheena-Tiger)


Mar 13, 2023

Full Name: Scarlett Lavallette
Age: 27
Hair: deep scarlet
Other info: Is a skilled negotiator with ties to the criminal underworld of Kirkwall. Became a futa as a way to reassert control over her life after a catastrophic loss of fortune.
Name: Isabela
Age: 32
Hair: Dark Brown
Other Info: killed her husband after he offered to 'share' her with his friends. She fled into the night with his ship, never looking back. Recently fallen in love with Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall, but disappeared for 3 years and has only just returned, working up the courage to see her again.

Name: Yrliet (?)
Age: ???
Other info: ???

The eldest daughter of the Lavallette family, Scarlett spent her youth learning to run the family's shipping business. Mostly imports and exports, each transaction proving her skill with the family finances, until she was eventually entrusted with jobs so important, a single piece of lost cargo could spell ruin for her family's growing trade empire. And she was good with that. She thrived off such an intense environment. And she held it together with grace, thanks to her "stress relief methods". On the side, she would spend her time from the bed of one woman to another. From one fling to another.

It was in such circumstances she met Isabela, the pirate queen of Thedas. A charming, voluptuous woman liable to steal your heart alongside your coin purse. Scarlett found herself smitten, and the two fell into bed not soon after. And the next morning, Scarlett awoke to see Isabela was gone, with a chest full of family heirlooms belonging to the Empress of Orlais. Scarlett was beside herself. Her family was forced to dismantle everything They, She, had worked so hard for. The next month, she was out on the street, and disowned by her family.

She spent the following years doing unthinkable things for money. Lending herself out and saving up more and more. Bit by bit she climbed out of that hellhole of a life. And so here she sat. A wealthy woman, in charge of her own fate once again. She only needed one thing to feel complete. The Pirate Whore mewling and broken and pathetic at her feet. And it just so happens that the whore in question is leaning against the same bar in the same tavern as she was.

She called the bartender close, whispering in his ear. After a brief exchange, he walked over to Isabela, handing her an entire bottle of top shelf run. "With the compliments of the pretty lady in red." Said the bartender, as Scarlett gave a wave and flirtatious wink.

She had heard Isabela of all people had fallen for the city's own champion, and, surprising no one, the selfish slut fled in the night not long after, leaving a mess for her lover to clean up. Now she's come crawling back to the city, but hasn't worked up the nerve to see the now famous mage in her hightown estate. It would be the perfect time to offer a night of consequence free fun. Scarlett couldn't keep the smile off her face at the thought of finally having the proud and cocky Isabela alone with her in a bedroom once again.

Scarlett had learned the secret to controlling others in her climb to the top. It wasn't money, or threats, or power that motivated people. It was pleasure. Give someone a little touch, a little kiss, a little finger tracing the edges of her wet cunt, and they'd follow you like a pet hoping for more. And Isabela was soon going to learn this.
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Name (going by):Isabela
Given Name:Naishe
Age:Old enough
Height:5'9 / 175 cm
Hair:dark brown
Other Details:
  • killed her husband after he offered to 'share' her with his friends
  • fled into the night with her late husbands ship, never looking back
  • fallen in love with Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall
  • disappeared shortly after the events surrounding Hawke and her group

Full Name:Scarlett LaValette
Hair:deep scarlet
Other Details:
  • Is a skilled negotiator with ties to the criminal underworld of Kirkwall.
  • Became a futa as a way to reassert control over her life after a catastrophic loss of fortune.
The last month had been a bit of a rough patch for the captain of the 'Siren's Call'. Most of it had been passed while she had once more confined in just another jail. Really not the first time she had spend time like that during the last couple of years and she always had a comeback. Her crew was a group of loyal women and it was nothing new to them that their captain had to lay low a bit. It left the dark skinned woman with little money and usually she was able to quickly find someone who would ensure a good time for Isabela within a day but not this time.

Her last coins would be spend for the cheapest drink available and for the evening meal she would likely have to skin a rat or more in some dark alley of Kirkwall. "With the compliments of the pretty lady in red." the voice of the bartender was pulling the young woman out of her rather unhappy thoughts. She looked up from her small glass of cheap booze to the bottle of 'The Dragon's Blood', a prestigious and expensive wine produced only in Kirkwall, with few bottles available outside certain circles. Her dark brown eyes followed the gesture of the man, they had not to wander far though, as the person behind this incredible gift was not far away.

The generous woman was a sight to behold. Definitely of the upper crust of society, if being able to afford a bottle of this wine was not enough evidence, the material of her dress was expensive and most likely imported from far away. Her figure was on the slim side as well and the skin well taken care of while Isabela was more along the lines of something her crew would call 'thick', in all the right places. With their different posture at the bar it was not easy to really measure the other person but Isabela was guessing that the scarlet haired woman was a bit shorter but she could be wrong. The cheap stuff was definitely messing with her senses and maybe even her judgement more than the good and expensive stuff but if nothing else, this was promising to be a good evening. If everything else failed, she was about to secure a good meal and then some extra fun with this stranger, and likely some pocket money for herself when she left in the early morning.

Her mood raised, Isabela grabbed the bottle and walked over to the, as of yet, unknown woman, placing it back down while smiling at her. "You know, it would be a real waste to empty this lovely thing all on my lonesome, how about we share it? Maybe in a more private place without distracting loud peasants hollering into our direction? My name is Naishe but friends call me Isabela." Scarlett might even know these words, having heard most of them in almost the same tone years ago. But unlike for Scarlett, there seemed to be no recognition, Isabela was very much unaware of who she was talking to, likely having forgotten the other by now.​

Name (going by):Isabela
Given Name:Naishe
Age:Old enough
Height:5'9 / 175 cm
Hair:dark brown
Other Details:
  • killed her husband after he offered to 'share' her with his friends
  • fled into the night with her late husbands ship, never looking back
  • fallen in love with Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall
  • disappeared shortly after the events surrounding Hawke and her group


Full Name:Scarlett LaValette
Hair:deep scarlet
Other Details:
  • Is a skilled negotiator with ties to the criminal underworld of Kirkwall.
  • Became a futa as a way to reassert control over her life after a catastrophic loss of fortune.


Scarlett smirked back at her, standing up off of her barstool and sashaying up towards the other woman. "Well, it's lovely to meet you, Isabela. Does that mean we're friends? With benefits?" She laughed at her rhetorical joke before reaching out to extend a hand towards her mark. "I have a room just upstairs. Best bed in this place." She said and her heart jumped for joy when the Pirate queen took her hand.

Making their way through the crowd, Scarlett couldn't help but appreciate the miriad eyes all checking out the pirate queen. Objectifying her. Scarlett couldn't blame them. She was planning on doing the same, but a bit more literally soon. Leading Isabela up the stairs and into the decent sized room, she closed the door behind her, locking it subtly while the pirate was distracted taking the room in.

"I shouldn't be surprised that something this small is the best room available." She said, almost wistfully, a smile on her face. It's clear she was a frequent patron, but hasn't visited for some time. So Scarlett's intelligence was correct. Gesturing to the nearest table, she looked to the pirate queen. "So, would you like to have that drink now? Or would you like to do... Something else?" She asked flirtatiously.
The Pirate Queen of Thedas
Name (going by):Isabela
Given Name:Naishe
Age:Old enough
Height:5'9 / 175 cm
Hair:dark brown
Other Details:
  • killed her husband after he offered to 'share' her with his friends
  • fled into the night with her late husbands ship, never looking back
  • fallen in love with Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall
  • disappeared shortly after the events surrounding Hawke and her group
The hurt noble
Full Name:Scarlett LaValette
Hair:deep scarlet
Other Details:
  • Is a skilled negotiator with ties to the criminal underworld of Kirkwall.
  • Became a futa as a way to reassert control over her life after a catastrophic loss of fortune.

"Friends? Let's not go that far for the moment, but let's talk about it once morning comes." Isabela winked with a smile at the red haired lady, planning to not even be around anymore at that point in time but with nicely lined pockets. Filled with things grabbed from this sexy woman's home, so her plan. Her facial expression faltered for a tiny moment though as Scarlett revealed they would be in a room within this very building. It seemed as if she had to spend more time than she had planned in the short amount of time she thought knowing her.

Not skipping a beat, this was not the first time a plan of her had not worked perfectly, she grabbed the hand, sure that Scarlett had not seen the tiny moment when Isabelas facial expression changed. The darker skinned female pirate followed Scarlett through the room, the expensive bottle in her free hand. There was no way she would leave this bottle of The Dragon's Blood down here. The room they entered was not the best she had ever been in yet it was surely one of the best you could pay for in Kirkwall. The faint click from the locking door was not lost on the experienced pirate, she was not planning to run away in the morning and they would not be disturbed so it was of no concern to her. If anything was going south in a bad way, she could still escape through the window.

The expensive bottle finds her place on the table. "Believe me, I've seen worse, especially here in Kirkwall. But there are few that are better. The bed is sturdy and large and definitely not infested with bugs." she smiled as she turned around. "We have a whole bottle, why should we waste the chance? I am not planning on running away, not that I could, with that locked door in the way. And we have a lot of time to enjoy each other." Isabela used the time to sit down on the bed, stretching her shapely legs and making sure her chest is showing in the best possible light in the room, pulling on the laces, loosening them to allow for an even better view.​
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