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NBx F or NB Fandoms With Futa!


Jun 11, 2024
The USA !
Sleep was meant to be a time of rejuvenation and restoration;

A time where one's body was at its upmost relaxed state. Growth happened in sleep, as was the way nature intended. Such couldn't be further from the truth for a woman, tossing on the Endar Spire: shifting back and forth on her bed, body and muscles tensed as sweat ran down her forehead- her mind was plagued with visions or a dream. The short black hair, that was usually combed neatly was soaked, and messy-ends still up and around. Her face, panicked and stressed even within the unpleasant deep slumber. The dreams were plaguing her mind and body. But, they were only glimpses into some reality, somewhere far, far away:

Some...command deck of some cruiser by the looks within her mind. Within the cruiser, on the deck stood someone clad in dark robes; though, the haziness of the dream blurred much of the detail of this figure. Despite this, she could tell within the hazy dream this figure stood proud there. Their posture was proper, and firm; they looked outward through the display port of the command deck towards the endless void that was deep space. Before the dream could focus further into what tale it wanted about this cloaked figure, a sudden boom let out!


The Endar Spire took yet another harsh blast from the laser canons of attacking fighters. Violently, even the barracks where the dark haired woman slept shook, and she was almost thrown from her own bed. Dark eyes shot open, as the sensation of a sweat covered face cooled her tensed body, she sat up and looked about: the barracks were empty... Kicking her legs off to the side, the bottoms of her bare feet brushing the cold durasteel floors, she almost jumped in place as the metallic barracks doors opened and rushed in a blonde wearing a Republic uniform. She was injured, holding one side, but assured the doors closed behind her before addressing the other.

"You need to get up, now! We've been ambushed by a Sith Battle Fleet, and they're already boarding."

Throat weirdly sore, the dark haired woman stood up, and glanced to the blonde. "What? Who are you..?"

"Trish Ulgo." She answered, a heavier exhaling pushing through her lips. "We're bunk guess we do work opposite shifts huh...Either way, I'm an ensign for the Republic fleet, like you." Each word seemed to have taken more out of her lungs, but she was trying.

"I see.."

"No time, we need to find Bastila!"


Hello, hello!

Or, hello there...

My basic wants are I'd love to dwell into the game's story, and essentially re-tell it. Mixing in more lewd, crude fun into the Galaxy, Far, Far away. Recently, gone through a second playthrough of the First game, and the setting and everything is on the mind; I do plan to try out the second game as I have not done so yet. But again, I wish to make the Galaxy a lewder place, while also Re-telling and adding in our own wants, funs and desires into the mix.

A big first note to keep in mind
: I'd like this Re-telling to be a Yuri-faction! Cringe word aside, a bunch of lesbian/woman on woman loving going on. Ideally, this would be a big gender bent telling too- all members of the party turned into women, or futa, transwomen, and so on.
Not really interested in focusing on Male on Female sexual interactions. One element from my previous post I'd like to keep included is the idea of the Jedi and Bastila using some level of orgasm denial to keep Revan's memories suppressed; whether its some variant of the Force-battle-mediation technique, keeping Revan's cock locked away or something else we establish.

Another important note: I am searching for a partner, more in the Switch territory. Not looking for someone who only writes sub-only or dom-only characters. The ideal partner would be able to write in third person, and maybe interested in writing multiple characters with me. Kinda sharing GM-duties, but that can be further discussed within DM's. There we can discuss kinks, limits and all sorts of details like if Revan should be just a woman, or a futa, etc, etc!

If this makes sense to anyone, great! I'd love to get in touch!

First, my limits so they are known:

  • 1st Person writing. Dirty Body Smells/Musk/B.O. Super amounts of Gore/Vore. Hyper sizes for any body part. Fisting. Cuckcolding/cuckqueening. Large amounts of blood. Pregnancy/Impreg. Parament Damage to genitalia. Bathroom Kinks/Piss/scat/fart/diapers. Low-Effort-messages.
Kinks- Not all Need to be included:

  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Possible Romance. In-universe powers used in lewd manners. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general And more!
  • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
  • Transformation: Women into Futa, as a big one. Memory altering/controlling. Open to more.
  • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wedgies in panties. Love the terms, "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too.
  • CBT- All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. More unique, the more fun And so on! This is a big one I'd love to include.
  • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
  • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me
If you're interested, feel free to get in touch! DM's please.
(Not replacing anyone)

Do Androids have electric orgasms?

Night-City was the City of dreams...

Or, so they said.

Everyone wanted to come to Night-City, make the most of their lives, until the Corpos learned how to monetize and keeping people alive way longer than they should. It was nothing of the legends and myths people spread. A shit hole, wasn't even close in its true description. All that was true, was the fact once someone started to drown in the sewage that is Night-City; its impossible to get out.

For a street-kid though?

It was just another another day, living in the city. Sure, any day could be cut short, flatline and razed out. One wrong turn, and there was the steaming end of someone's piece dead in your face and the trigger itching to be pulled; other times, hell one could just be minding their damn business and stumble into the wrong part of town and never be seen again. One could get caught in the midst of a gang problem, end up as collateral. Maybe a bad BD sends someone over the edge, in every sense. There was also the rumors of cyber-psychosis being a really big issue in the city of late.

V, on the other hand, learned as she went.

Sure, she'd been living here most of her life, and the one try to get out didn't end well, but part of life was learning and adapting. Bettering one's self from the day before. The whole sappy-bullshit one could read online in those self-help sites. To be fair though, some of that stuff had merit; still, V was a firm believer of forcing life by the balls to be a much easier and better place for one's self. Part of being a Street-Kid meant doing any odd-ball job that came your way, and work your way to the top. That was her goal. However, things took...a weird turn.

Just outside the Chery Blossom Market in Japantaon, someone just offering some 'top-of-the-line' BD's caught her attention...If memory served V, the man's name was Stefan or something like that. Falling for something like this was rookie-shit though... A moment after explaining the BD wasn't working, head suddenly felt like a damn brick and she was out...




An awful chilling sensation started to bite and burn at her skin, as consciousness started to return to the Merc. Body tensing even before she could realize it, V squirmed feeling the sloshing of water and ice. As her eyes started to widen open, blurry vision of static mess all around her peripherals, a message started to blink over top of it all reading:

New Hardware installed.

"W-what...what the hell happened.." groaning, she started to push herself upward into a seated position, but as she started, the acknowledgment finally sunk in. Eyes shooting open, V glanced down at the ice-filled tube she was submerged within. Body finally catching up to this, her lips started to chatter, as the merc tried to pull herself from the tub. "Hmmmm,..!" Another forceful groan as biceps wobbled and she collapsed over the side of the tub and onto already cracked and bullet ridden tiles. "Ahhhh...fuck..."

Holding one hand to her head, V tried to stretch her limbs while they ached. "Scavs...can't believe I got conned.." Sitting up finally, her exposed form on full display, her eyes traced down her legs and...stopped... "W-what the fuck?!"

Between her legs now...rested something she was not born with...A set of testicles, plapped against her thigh, alongside a new phallus...


Heyo all cyberpunks!

Recently been having a weird kick for the world, and so here is my prompt! Heavily based off the side mission/gig within the game of the name: Sweet Dreams. I have also completed Phantom Liberty (a few times) and have seen Edgerunners.

Though, some alterations to be aware of, for this lewd-telling in the city that never sleeps! :

  • Unless we Gender Bend Johnny Silverhand, I'd prefer we do not include him within this V, and story.
  • Starting before the prompt, V was woman. After waking up, her woman bits are gone and replaced with something new.
  • This is a more lewd/smut-based idea, than action heavy. Though, totally open for some shoot outs and other Night-City mishaps to occur.
  • V for this, at least as we start out, ideally would have the default look from the old trailers.
One way to go- is this was on purpose. Who has done this to V, and why? That is the start of the tale! Of course, anyone waking up in such a situation would really like to know what the hell is going on, and so V is no exception!

Perhaps she can turn to some friends for help, like Judy, Rogue, Panam; someone like Sandra Dorsett who also might have had this happen to her could be someone V turns to for help, as she tries to hunt down whoever did this. Still, V doesn't know at the start of this tale, that whoever 'upgraded' her body with the cock and balls, has remote control over them, from a far. Watching and tracking. That is something she'll have to worry about... Could this be related to the Peralez job she took?

Somi/Songbird open to being a part of this! Maybe she hacks into V's cock too, for fun~

Another possible route, while its unfortunate her body was altered, she just continues Merc work all the same. Just now, she can get more distracted...think with the wrong head.

For a possible partner, who might be interested: I ask you are open to writing someone, like Judy, Panam or so on. Of course, if you would like to write as the forces behind this all, rather than a friend of V's, that's totally fine too. Or, if you have the knack of writing as multiple characters, also please feel free. You character is more than welcomed to be a futa.

Songbird, hell even some of the Edgerunner characters could pop up. Stella Ramos, Lizzy Wizzy or the Us Cracks. I'd really like Stella to be used in some way.

Ideally, I'd write as V as my main, and others as we explore Night-City. Also open to writing others, and helping control the world.

Onto some Kinks, Likes and such:

  • One thing I'd really like to incorporate in this is: in universe rules and powers used for lewd means. An example, from above being whoever altered V's body, being able to track her by the balls/Cock. Perhaps able to force an orgasm or erection whenever. Force a 'Edging program" over her new cock, which makes it feel as if she is constantly being stimulated. A lot of fun can happen!
    • Another one, could be a suited up cock-cage being placed on V to block out this tracking and such.
    • These are not the extent of what we can do with in universe tools and such.
  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Switches. Orgasm Milking. Cum collecting. Stuck-in-walls. Onahloes.Panties in general And more!
  • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
  • Wardrobe Control: Whether it's someone like Judy, SongBird, or someone else, but I like the idea of V's clothes being controlled- what she wears and what not. This can extend to chrome and body mods too.
  • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wedgies "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too.
  • CBT- Big fan of Ballbusting ! and its the main kink I'd love to include in this idea! SquarePeg3D is an artist I love that includes the type of Ballbusting I enjoy too!
    • All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. And so on!
  • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
  • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested" Male-dom. Pubic hair. Musk. Pregnancy
Thanks for reading! If interested, please in your first message mention any big kinks you fancy.

The loud thud of a kick echoed out, within the empty walls of the Stray Sheep. White heels clicking, as the blonde succubus, disguised as a human woman, took a few paces-the last little kick recoiling her ankle just a bit. Not that Catherine would admit this. Not to the 'Wannabee angel' before her. While they disagreed on a lot, they had eventually ended up crafting a deal together- one that allowed both parties to enjoy their desires and impulses.

Catherine, of course, allowed a tiny bit of anger out on her side during those moments of the shared deal, she was in charge. Because, both of them being above humans meant they could have all sorts of fun together. Rin was cute, in a way. (Another fact, Catherine refused to utter out loud.) So, angry came out in the form, of a little 'ball-related' treatment~


She pointed her toes in the white heel as she snapped another kick out, feeling the soft two smooth orbs be pounded by the top of her foot; the feminine squeal letting out from the pink haired Otokonoko. Finally allowing a quick series of giggles, the blonde crossed her arms behind Rin. "Your cute little balls heal so much faster than anyone else; makes it that much more fun to kick ya know?" There was a level of sassy taunt to her words.

Rin on the other hand, arms tied above his head, eyes daring to roll back from the second kick, knees shaking, and just a small few drops of premature juices oozing from his cock's tip, exhaled and allowed his chin to hang down for a moment. Their deal..was odd. They gave control to one another, every few nights, for each side to enjoy. They also appeared more friendly in public, though Rin hoped he was winning Catherine over. He had nothing against her, and only wished to be as friendly as possible.

"M-must you kick so-"

WHAP! Before his words could finish, Catherine snapped another kick out!
Hello, hello!

So this post, is about the world of Catherine/Catherine:Full Body. Though, there will be no Viccent, or his male friends. Catherine, Katherine, Erica and Rin are open though! My concept here, is Catherine and Rin made a deal, for each side to be dominants to one another, every few nights, while in public appearing more like friends.

How Katherine might perceive this 'friendship' is open! They can always end up including her into the mix too!

In other words, a more kinky play with these characters. Rin, and Catherine mostly, but would love other Katherine to end up in the mix. I did picture Catherine as a futa, but she can be a woman instead if you prefer.
For my possible partner, I ask that you are open to write as Catherine, and maybe someone else.
As I would like to take control of Rin, and possibly other Katherine or Erica.

Possible Kinks:
    • General Kinks:
      • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Switches. Orgasm Milking. Cum collecting. Stuck-in-walls. Onahloes.Panties in general And more!
    • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
    • Wardrobe Control:
    • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wedgies "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too.
    • CBT- Big fan of Ballbusting ! and its the main kink I'd love to include in this idea! SquarePeg3D is an artist I love that includes the type of Ballbusting I enjoy too!
      • All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. And so on!
    • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
    • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me.
    • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested" Male-dom. Pubic hair. Musk. Pregnancy
It...was so bright...

The sound of seagulls in the sky hovering around, mixed with the heavy smell of salty water in the air slowly but surly woke Tifa Lockhart Stretching one arm higher than the other, as she shifted over a slightly squeak mattress, the brawler kicked her legs over and onto the wooden floor. There was a strange soreness to her body all over; her muscles screamed, and ached. On top of that all, there was a weird new weight between her legs? Was that something she was imagining?...She tried to ignore it, and shook her chin side to side.

As her red-brown eyes adjusted to the influx of sunlight pouring in from the window, the blurriness of the room she was within started to vanish; a hotel room, of sorts? Maybe a resort room. A rather large bed, within the already considerable room, along with the balcony and the multiple glass windows suggested so, but the problem... besides the small string to her head was the fact Tifa did not recall every coming here...

W-wasn't she with the others? Cloud and Barrett on some cruise ship..?

Standing up, the stringing like throb in her head tensed and made the brawler wince for a moment before it slowly faded. Groaning that off, Tifa paced to the balcony doors and pushed them open to feel the instant wave of heat brush against her skin. As far she could see, orange shingle roofs and palm tree like decorations on top of buildings, beneath the open bright sky. There was plenty of people wandering the stone streets around and extending further away from the building she was in. Within the crowds of people, Tifa spotted one familiar person! Someone she could never mistake for another; that light pink dress, and red jacket was all too identifying!

Without second thought, she leap from the balcony!


With the grace she always carried, the flower-girl turned and rose a welcoming and also curious brow towards her friend....



If it was not clear from above, this is a FFVII/Rebirth inspired post! I am kinda stuck in the FFVII brainrot mode, and wish to make a more lewd tale to play within. I've finished Rebirth, this is more of its own enclosed space aha!

The concept here is: Separated from the others, as I wish to focus on female and futa-characters, - Tifa and Aerith find themselves at Costa del Sol- but with no memory of how they got here. Little do they know at the start, at some point on the cruise, they were captured by ShinRa, experimented on (Both are now futas) and now kept as prisoners on the resort island. ShinRa Infantry keeps all exits of the resort blocked off, and even some patrol the streets. Tifa, and Aerith (and room for others to be trapped there with them) must work together to figure out the mystery of how they got here!

Who knows, people like Scarlett and Elena can even be there within Costa del Sol to watch over those two. Natural inhabitants of the small resort town are also very much now working for ShinRa, like Fran, Naomi and Yorda.

Ideally, Costa del Sol will be a more perverted place in this telling. Leaning more in the Dub-con side of things; it is not too strange here, for someone to just walk up and grope another , run up and yank someone's panties so high! Bullying and things of that nature. Though, working for ShinRa those within the town are to keep Tifa, Aerith and whoever else within and too busy to think on the ins and out of how they got there. From using their new 'assets' to keep their minds fuzzy, to smack their balls like materia and so on!

So, in terms of possible partners: I am searching for those open to write as Aerith or Tifa, and possible as others as they move throughout Costa del Sol and are trapped within. Ideally, partners who are more Switch in nature, rather than Submissive only. On the counter, I'll write as the other as a main, and other characters they encounter within.

In terms of Kinks:

  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general And more!
  • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
  • Transformation: Women into Futa, as a big one. Memory altering/controlling. Open to more.
  • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wedgies in panties. Love the terms, "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too.
  • CBT- All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. More unique, the more fun And so on! This is a big one I'd love to include.
  • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
  • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested"
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