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Rate my RT?


Wings of a butterfly, eyes of a tiger
Feb 22, 2025
Hi there!
Since I think I am caught up on my RP replies, and I'm trying not to start anymore because I will end up overwhelmed, I am playing with my Request Thread again. I have 2: the Sweet Version and the Horny Version, but I tried to make them have the same layout and general set up, so you only need to look at one to get an opinion.

Recognizing that everyone has different tastes, my big questions are:
  1. How is the organization? Is it easy to find what I am looking for and what I don't want?
  2. Is it appealing to look at? Ignoring content, it doesn't hurt your eyes and is somewhat aesthetically appealing? What would make it prettier?
  3. Is there anything missing, or that you as a partner would want to know? (even if you are not into the same kinks as I am, are all your questions answered?)
  4. Is there anything I should remove?
Thank you!
I took a quick look over the Horny Version of your RT, but the one I mainly read through was the Sweet Version. I actually thought it was a delight to read! You touched on pretty much everything a potential partner would be looking for, and I enjoyed the bits of humor you interjected into your thread, since it makes you seem more approachable and easy to talk to. My stiff ass writing could learn a thing or two, lmao.

I think the only information that I didn't find is whether you like to use references for characters and what kinds you're okay with. Just based off of your profile pic, I'd assume you prefer anime or drawn references, but I've met a few others on sites like these with anime pfps that surprisingly only like to use real people as face claims, so it'd be helpful to add your preference for that to your thread so the other person can know what may or may not be a deal breaker in that regard. Maybe even link some examples if you have them!

In the 'Writing Style' section, it might be better to separate your points by putting a line break between them so that it's not all clumped into one paragraph, perhaps with bolded phrases as well to show emphasis. I'll demonstrate what I mean by that and how I might reformat it:

  • My average response is 3-5 paragraphs or 200-500 words or more (with entry posts typically much longer).

    I write in 3rd person, past/present-tense while roleplaying.

    I expect to reply to a roleplay 2-5 times a week depending on how busy I am. (Note: Maybe add something here about how often you'd like a potential partner to reply?)

    If I bumped this RT I'm looking for like 30-70% sex, with a lean for story over smut.

    I tend to be verbose and descriptive, and like my partners to describe not just the external setting and actions, but also their character's internal thoughts as needed. The more you give me to respond to, the better my replies will be.

    I ONLY play on site PMs or threads, no discord or email etc.

This may help with readability and prevent people skimming over and missing things due to it. I think you did a good job with this in the other tabs, and in general you did a great job with your thread overall. I don't really think there's much for me to nitpick here at all. Very thorough, information is organized well, and the aesthetic is simple but nice to look at. Maybe some more people will be able to chip in and bring up something I may have missed, but personally I'd be happy with this amount of detail in a potential partner's RT. :)(y)
Oh, that's a good idea! I knew that section needed something, but the other ways I tried to break it up, I didn't like. I like how you did it! I'm going to make those changes when I get to my computer, Thank you!
Hey, KittenTrix! I love your use of the slides on both your RTs! Kept everything neat an organized! Also adored your little about me section! It gives a good taste of your personality!

The only thing I'd say is missing from your RTs would be two things really:
A section that explains what you'd like in a writing partner separate from the opening message in terms of roleplaying and OOC. Don't think needs here, more like, what do you like about your favorite writing partners that you hope future writing partners would have as well!
A section of writing samples for passing visitors to tell if they could vibe with writing with you!

Not that either are necessarily needed, your RT is great enough already! There's nothing that's missing that is super important, but I think with these two things included, it would serve you well in helping you find the people you want to write with most! Hope it helps!
Oh man, I was with you, but putting up a writing sample makes me so shy 🫣 ! I am going to agonize over that and probably decide nothing I've ever written is good enough and write a whole new thing, so it might take me a bit to work up the bravery to do it, but I will put a writing sample on my to do list.

When you say what I want from a writing partner, do you mean : specific and measurable "I want someone who is literate, can respond to what I write and add to it to keep the scene moving, and posts at least 3 times a week" Or do you mean more like the vibes and personality of the person "I want to write with someone who is smart enough to start/keep banter going between the characters, who can read between the lines and follow the lead my character is hinting at, and funny"? I don't want to ramble too much
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Oh man, I was with you, but putting up a writing sample makes me so shy 🫣 ! I am going to agonize over that and probably decide nothing I've ever written is good enough and write a whole new thing, so it might take me a bit to work up the bravery to do it, but I will put a writing sample on my to do list.
Well hey, you are your own worst critic! Something I used to be concerned about too was the quality of my writing, but who says that you can't update it the better you get over time right? Of course, its completely up to you! Its your own work! But if you do create something your particularly proud of in PMs, its not too much of a hassle to grab the string of text and import it right into your RT too ^^ Doesn't have to be a now thing, could just be something you eventually work to! Your RT is great enough as is!
When you say what I want from a writing partner, do you mean : specific and measurable "I want someone who is literate, can respond to what I write and add to it to keep the scene moving, and posts at least 3 times a week" Or do you mean more like the vibes and personality of the person "I want to write with someone who is smart enough to start/keep banter going between the characters, who can read between the lines and follow the lead my character is hinting at, and funny"? I don't want to ramble too much
Hmm. While I think the expectations writing-wise could be something you discuss over PMs since every writing partnership is different, I think it would do pretty well to bring up the vibes and personality of the people you'd like to write with! It doesn't have to be complicated or convoluted. Just a short, simple and sweet blurb could help out!
But if you do create something your particularly proud of in PMs, its not too much of a hassle to grab the string of text and import it
No one would get weird if I use a post from a RP I did with them? (it would be my own writing of course)

Okay, I'm going to play with it some more and see what happens... As a chronic overthinker, I think I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be, lol
No one would get weird if I use a post from a RP I did with them? (it would be my own writing of course)
I'd say, it would be good to double check with them first! Make sure that they're happy with a little window into their story making it on the thread as a whole! As for my writing partners, most have been more than happy enough to want to show our work in a public space to some extent, so I'd say it really depends on the people you're writing with!

And there's nothing wrong with wanting to do your best with your little corner of the internet! I've done the same too, just pushing the limits of BBCode and image/video editing for the fun of it on both my male and female RTs! Just don't take it too seriously yeah? At the end of the day, this is a hobby, and no one worth their salt would judge you for doing your best to present yourself the way you always wanted to online!
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