/To walk these paths/-Me and Lord Dakol-

Naruto, of course, was utterly confused by her actions, but shrugged it off and dived underwater again. Holding his breath, he quickly became used to the heat and sank to the bottom, sitting cross-legged on the floor. Closing his eyes, he concentrated deeply for a few minutes, which must have worried Hinata to an extent.

But when he felt his breath run out, Naruto hurriedly swam back up, gasping for air again, but this time with a large smile. The young man then proceeded to move over and sit on the ridge as Hinata was, yet was still a distance away as he didn't want to invade her privacy. His body relaxing, Naruto leaned his head back and looked up at the sky with a sigh. His right hand twinged in pain for a moment, suddenly remembering the moment Pain struck his body with his chakra rods. Naruto had defiantly argued with the shinobi, fiercely telling him off for destroying his village, and that's when Hinata came...

"I used to always cry and give up... I made many wrong turns... But you helped me find the right path, Naruto-kun... I always chased after you... I wanted to catch up to you... I want to walk beside you all the time... I just wanted to be with you... You changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why I'm not afraid to die protecting you! Because... I love you..."

Naruto's eyes quickly went wide with realization, gasping gently as he remembered her words, and understood them... they were true! How could he have been so stupid this entire time?! When he was younger, all he wanted was to be noticed by Sakura... yet she was focused on Sasuke the entire time. He was blinded, not seeing that someone truly loved him right in front of his eyes! That's why Hinata was so nervous around him...

"Hinata..." he whispered, barely audible, yet not loud enough to be heard by her. A gentle growl of frustration escaped from his throat, clenching his right hand tightly.

Neji sighed gently, biting his lower lip while in deep thought. He had never... felt this way about someone else before, and yet... it felt undoubtedly perfect. But his concluding thoughts could not reach his actions, and so stayed his hand on her skin, continuously brushing her hair away, seeking solace in that tiny moment.
Hinata was remembering that day - the day that Pein attacked. She had watched so many slaughtered, she had fought so hard. In the end she had nearly died. She had died after uttering - exclaiming the words locked inside her mind and heart for so long. The words that had freed her heart - and awakened her to the full truth. She had given up on Naruto - because she honestly believed that he was in love with Sakura still. She had watched him grow and change, had just sat by. She could always love him - even if her family forced her to marry. Forced her to take a husband.

Hianta's eyes opened as she heard the barely inaudible sound that Naruto whispered. Her eyes turning towards her. "Eh, Naruto-kun" She whispered softly. The trip down memory lane had made her revert to her old way of speaking to him. Her head turned as she stared at him.

Koneko sighed softly his hand stroking back blond hair - his hand soothing her emotions. She was lost in the emotions inside her heart as she shivered. The purr continued, and she shifted, pulling herself closer, to put her head on his leg. Her hair falling over his leg. When they had stopped for the night she had released it from it's usual braid. A mass of thin blond hair, slightly curly and full. Her hair had been something she took a lot of care of. Yuugao had taught her how to turn her hair into a usable weapon for fighting.

"Neji..."She said gently. Why was she doing this - it was a bad idea. "I've got something to admit to you. Since the academy days - I've envied you. Wanted to walk beside you. When I was put on your team... I was ... happier then I had been in many years."
Naruto's eyes glanced over at Hinata, biting his lip as he fought over the decision to tell her or not. But, unfortunately, in the end, he decided he needed more time to think.

"... ... Nothing, Hinata..." he replied, sighing gently as his chest became heavy with this discovery. It was too big to respond to where he was right now.

Neji shook gently, shuddering lightly as he felt her hand on his leg and her head in his lap. It strangely... arousing. Neji shook off the thought as he listened to Koneko and a look of curiosity grew across his face.

"Hmm? What do you mean, Koneko?" he replied, moving the last bit of hair to uncover her soft, almost luscious skin. Of course, he just thought she meant she was honored, but... figured that there must have been something more to it.
Hinata had looked at him hopefully - wondering what it was that had drawn him to say her name. She tilted her head down as he said that it was nothing. Then she just rolled her shoulder - and plastered on that pretty little smile. "Alright Naruto!" She said cheerfully - almost too cheerfully as she swam away from him and towards the edge of the Hotspring. Tucking her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.

She felt horrible - he had said her name and her hopes had gotten up. Now she had them shattered. Hoping that finally he might be responding to her.

Koneko's eyes closed, the purr continuing as she sighed, she set the kit down on the ground so the fire could keep it warm, it nestled up in the clothes she had pulled from her pack. She sighed then and kept her head in his lap. "Neji-sama, since I was younger I admired your determination. Despite the stigmas and curse placed upon you - you still rose to be a powerful shinobi. You gave me hope that someone such as I, the runt of the litter, could be powerful. I... have cared about you for a long time. I noticed things that others didn't. I paid attention and I knew that you weren't what people think you were."

Koneko's voice trailed off as she sighed and curled up her cheek resting on his leg so she could look up at thim. "I've honestly cared about you for... a very long time. Neji-sama, you've been my Naruto." She said with a wry smile. It was a joke most of the girls had started. Due to Hinata's convention. When they finally admitted they cared about a guy - honestly cared... they said the guy was their Naruto.
Naruto sighed, sinking in deeper so only his nose was above the water. Bubbles rose to the top as he thought deeply about his next choice of words...

Neji's expression hardened at her words, seeming to find that offensive. But as he turned his head, his eyes were wide with surprise as he quickly made the connection to her words. Hinata's love for Naruto... Koneko felt the same way! The smile on his lips was clear that her words had gotten through, and turned back to Koneko.

"I... feel the same way. But to tell the truth, I didn't realize this until just a few hours ago," he replied, biting his lip nervously as he contemplated the thought about kissing her, at least once.

If Hinata were to look over at Naruto, she would find that he was gone from sight. After a few minutes, Naruto had decided to do what he did best: be upfront and blunt.

Suddenly, hot water splashed over Hinata's body as Naruto hit the surface, bringing up his face to close in on hers, enough that their noses barely touched. His hands grasped her legs gently, staying their for a moment while Hinata got over her surprise.

"You care about me, don't you?" he asked in a straight-forward tone of voice, looking deeply into her eyes as he waited for a response.
Koneko watched the hardening of his expression - her heart leaping in to her throat. She felt the pain build as she slowly started to draw back. Like any kind of feline does when they are reprimanded or someone has made it clear they weren't wanted. She started to draw back as she watched his head tilt away from her. She was caught half-way in that position and stopped as she stared up at him. She just stared - confusion on her features. Her eyes holding that confusion more then anything else.

He cared about her - that made her heart leap through her throat. She leaned back a little, keeping herself off of his lap though as she shuddered and shook just a little. The confusion building in her as her head tilted down. Her eyes closing as she clenched her hands a little bit. "I... I didn't expect you to return my feelings - to be honest." She whispered as she looked down. "I'm less then ideal for a Hyuuga."

Hinata was in her own little mental world, eyes closed as she let the hot water soak out her sorrows. She heard nothing from Naruto, and figured he was just meditating. She opened her eyes suddenly a gasp leaving her as hot water splashed over her. Her eyes popped open all the way, as a pair of hands held her legs. Her body relaxing and uncurling as she stared face to face with Naruto. She stared into the bluest pair of eyes she had ever known.

Her breath leaving her as his words hit her. She stared at him, the blush started as she shuddered and just stared at him. He had said the words that she had said so long ago - just not the same way. Asking her to reconfirm her feelings she had just started to lock up again - just started to believe were unrequited. "Ah... yes... Naruto-kun. I care about you." She whispered as her hand ran over a scar that snaked up her arm. She had been severely injured that day. There was still a small scar on her cheek from where she had slid and been thrown around. She still remembered the feeling of the chakra rods in her hands, the feeling of kicking them with her feet.
Neji leaned his head back, taking the chance to look at the sky before chuckling. "I care about my clan more than anything else. I've never had anyone - or anything - to care for." he said calmly, and sighed.

"I told Naruto, years ago when we fought in the Chuunin Exams, that fate was set in stone. That no matter what we did, our destiny was sealed. He proved me wrong by promising that he would break that fate. And look at him now..."

Neji looked back down at Koneko and chuckled lightly, trying to shrug off the seriousness of the moment. "What I am trying to say, is... it doesn't matter what clan you were born in. You care for someone, even love them... that feeling between two people should transcend social and genetic statuses. And so, I don't care if you are not good enough for the Hyuuga. You are..." he said, biting his lip as he whispered, "Perfect for me...."

Naruto stayed quiet for a moment, just looking into her eyes as he thought about his next choice of words. "That's not all... is it? What you said to me, when I was fighting Pain... what was it?" he asked her, subtly encouraging her to confess her feelings once more.
Koneko listened to him speak, her eyes watching him now. She was still in her half pulled back position, leaning up and using her hip muscles to keep herself from falling backwards. She listened to him and her head tilted to the side. She turned all her attentiont o his words, and felt things melting inside of her. She had wanted to hear those words for so long, and now even as she heard them she still doubted them. Part of her whispered that she must still be asleep, though she had never passed out as far as she knew. But she had to be. This was not even a possibility.

Her eyes watered a little at his words as she shook her head. "Neji-sama, you are the Hyuuga prodigy. I am just a simple Tracker Nin. I'd never be able to be anything more then a passing fancy - your Elders would not allow it." She whispered as she looked up at him. She was sure they even had someone lined up for him anyways.

Hinata stared at him, her eyes widening further. Confusion and trepidation slipping through her heart and mind. How did she do this? How did she answer him. So long she had just kept quiet. Four years had passed. She bit her lower lip as she watched him. Her head titled down as she broke the locked gaze she had held with him for so long. "I said that Naruto-kun was the one... was the one that made me strive to be better. He was someone I would die for - because... I love you." She whispered as she looked up. The hope and fear filled her eyes, even someone like him had to be able to see that. She was scared.
Neji let out a sigh, looking down at her with gentle eyes. "Should... should that even matter?" he asked, placing his hand to her cheek, rubbing her skin soothingly. After a few seconds, he slowly got up from under her head, and took away his hand. "I like you, Koneko. That's enough for me, and that will be enough for them..." he said, turning around.

He bent down and took one of her hands, and lifting it up and lightly placing his lips on her fingers. His lips were lightly quivering as he did so; he had no experience in being intimate with another. Neji steadily pulled her up from the bench, making sure she wouldn't trip.

Naruto said nothing, his only action just staring at her eyes that were full of mixed emotions. He just read her movements carefully when she finished talking. His heart continued to skip a beat with every second that passed, and his hands seemed to have the desire to embrace her.

Suddenly, a large smile and a light in his eyes sparked on. "I thought so! I was sorta confused by what you said, but..." he said, biting his lips and looking down. "I... don't know if I love you, too; I but what I do know is that... I definitely care about you, a lot..." he muttered, pressing his forehead against hers, their lips barely inches apart.
Koneko stared at him as his hand pressed to her cheek. He stroked her cheek and rubbed the flesh there lightly. Now he could feel something of interest, those odd discolorations that were barely noticeable - also were textured, like slight ridges in the flesh. He got up from underneath her and then took her hand. Her eyes watched him as he confessed, and she felt her heart break. How could this ever work? She was a zero, while he was a prodigy. She was NOTHING. She never would be anything big. Her bloodline wasn't powerful - or anything like that.

He kissed her hand and she sighed softly as she stroked a hand over his cheek. Her hand brushing up to his forehead, combing back his hair and leaning forward as she pressed a trembling kiss to his forehead over his cursed mark. "Why would the caged bird - pick the simple cat?" She asked cryptically.

Hinata watched him and she shivered as the water suddenly felt colder then it should. It was warm she could tell - but her insides were turning to ice. Then he smiled and spoke - He understood what she had said? He finally understood. Her eyes widened as she gasped lightly and stared at him. He pressed his forehead to her forehead and his lips were so close to her own.

"Naruto, that's alright." She said softly. There was a slight bit of resignation in her voice. She was alright with the fact that he couldn't - wouldn't return her emotions fully. She had given into that awhile ago.
Neji was a bit surprised when he felt Koneko lips touch, not his own, but his forehead exactly where the curse mark lay. Nonetheless, he shuddered gently at the sensation, and looked into her eyes.

"Maybe, perhaps... the cat is the only one who can free the bird," he said quietly, stepping closer until their lips were less than an inch apart. The excitement and anticipation was killing him. "I want this... I want you..."

Naruto just chuckled and shook his head, the water from his hair gently splashing her skin. "No, you don't get it. I don't know if I love you... yet." he said, stressing the last word. "I know one thing... I like you, a lot," he said, biting his lip as he leaned in close and kissed her nose. That one action sent a trillion shocks of pleasure through his body, and he silently wished he could try her lips.
Koneko stared at him, listened to his words and found her heart breaking. Her hands came up as her fingers played over his cursed mark. "You wear this for your clan. I - I'm not sure I could live with having a child that would be forced to wear that." She said gently. She thought of all the possibility - shit happened. There was ALWAYS The chance that she would end up pregnant. Her lips quivered for a moment as she smiled softly up at him.

He was so close to her, and she was staring up at him. An easy feat considering she was only about five two at the most, and he was well on his way to six foot - or taller. "Neji, I care for you - very much. I just don't know... how to proceed with this."

Hinata stared at him, a soft smile gracing her lips as she found herself holding back the urge to tap her fingertips together like she had when she was younger. She gave him a rather startled look at the kiss on her nose - and found herself gathering up all her courage. Her hands landed on his knees, sliding gently to his thighs as she leaned forward.

He was already so close - so nearby for her lips to meet. Now she would make that conscious effort to show her emotions. She leaned forward and her lips met his. Gently - softly.
"That's only true for full Hyuuga branch member, Koneko. "Our... child would not bear this mark. I would not allow it," he replied. Letting go of her hand, he turned and walked from her a bit, looking down at the fire silently. "And... the baby would have the chance to be born with your clan's characteristics, not mine," he said with a smile as he knelt down and thought about touching the licking flames.

Naruto sharply inhaled when her hands slid to his thighs, though it was a pleasurable, exciting feeling. As she leaned in, he did the same... lightly brushing his lips against her to create a kiss. His body shook with bliss and excitement, his thumbs gently rubbing her legs as he closed his eyes. Finally... he felt something.
Koneko watched him, walking up behind him now. Her arms slid down around his waist, as she pressed her face into the middle of his back. "Neji - I'm sorry. I just - I'm confused. I never thought these emotions would be returned. I've felt them since our Academy days..." She said lightly as she sighed and pulled back. Looking towards the sleeping kitten. She was doing well it seemed - and wouldn't need a feeding for awhile.

Koneko was going to do something that might prove monumentally stupid to some. She unsheathed her claws only lightly, and applied a little bit of pressure on his sides - scratching lightly and gently dragging her nails down. "Face me... don't look away from me."

Hinata sighed - it was a soft and long sigh. A gentle release of pent up frustrations. A moan left her as she kissed him a little harder - not too hard. Then she pulled back - a blush sliding across her features as she ducked herself into the water - now hiding. The hyuuga girl was embarrassed to say in the least. She had just kissed him!
Neji felt the light points of Koneko's claws digging into his sides, and looked at her silently, if only for a moment or two. "If then, you do not want my feelings, I would completely understand, Koneko." he said, sliding his hands around her hands, squeezing her gently as his pale white eyes looked at her.

Naruto opened his eyes as her lips suddenly left his. As her face ducked under the surface of the water, his head tilted in confusion. Was she embarrassed?

"Hey..." he whispered softly, sinking into the water, his eyes gazing at her, remarkably staying focused only on her face, and not anything else.
Koneko stared up at him - feline eyes narrowing just a little. She had been on his ANBU team for so long. She wasn't exactly sure how she was supposed to feel about this now. But the sensations within her body were really starting to get to her. She knew she liked him - and now she knew that he cared about her. How were they to go about this? She was just a beast tamer, just a tracker. Would he really want her that much. She squeezed his hands and rested her forehead on his chest, a light purr leaving her - content evident in her chakra patterns.

Hinata remained under the water, shivering faintly and wiggling faintly as she came up for air. She was blushing very brightly still - her head tilted down. "Sorry Naruto-kun." She murmured as she crossed her hands in her lap. Her cheeks flaming with bright color.
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