/To walk these paths/-Me and Lord Dakol-


Jan 11, 2009
Tiger growled under her breath as she crouched low. Golden eyes focused on her opponent. It was Crane today - the team had to practice amongst each other. Crane and Tiger had made fast companions once they were put on the same ANBU Team. Crane was their Medical Specialist, their leader Eagle was just that - their leader. Fox was the one that tended to fill in the gaps that the other members left open. Tiger - was the Genjustus specialist, and their best tracker. What Crane and Eagle couldn't pick up with their eyes, Tiger could with her nose.

She launched herself forward, even at 22 her lean frame had just barely filled out. Now standing at 5'3'', she was still the shortest on the team. Quite a bit shorter then Eagle and Fox who towered over the females of their team. Even Crane was tall and rather voluptuous compared to Tiger. Tiger was a speed fighter, she was a Nekokana. A member of the Beast mastery clan that tied it's female members to cheetahs.

Mika her companion was currently on a short retirement. She had managed to get with kit, a rarity for her kind. Nekokana didn't just chose ANY sort of Cheetah's to tie their precious daughters too. They chose sentient and speech capable felines. Tiger felt like she was missing a limb without her partner - but she had to work on her own often enough.

Crane ducked and dodged - her body moving fluidly. Anyone watching would think the two females were dancing. Exchanging blows and spinning each other around on the training floor. They were in the Hyuuga training complex, as per her fathers request. All were in ANBU Gear, though all of the Hyuuga's knew who this new team was. They had been together for two glorious years.

Two years that meant she was capable of getting closer to Naruto. After her confession - things had gotten weird for awhile. She and Naruto hadn't really talked much about it. She figured when he thought it was time - it was time. She ducked down for a moment - avoiding the deadly blow that Tiger's claws almost dealt her. Deflecting them with her arm protector.

Tiger was a good opponent, small and fast she really tried the Byakugan users that she trained with. She was faster then anyone that Crane had fought against. Crane had never seen someone faster then Tiger, other then Fox. Fox - that made her thumping heart get louder. She ducked a blow and flipped back, both girls stopping - panting for breath.

Crane was now 20, as was Fox. Eagle and Tiger were the older pair at 22. They made a good team, though there tended to be fights between Tiger and Fox on occasion. But that was usually over silly things - it kept the group laughing. Crane had hopes for Eagle, she really hoped he was healing. But she doubted he noticed the way that Tiger looked at him.

The only reason Crane noticed it - was she had once been like that herself. She stopped as she noticed the messenger hawk that dropped a scroll between the two males that were watching the females train. What could possibly be within it's folds?
Fox, as always, was watching the two girls intently. Ever since Pain's defeat, he had gotten into the habits of watching others worked. The reason for this was unknown, even to himself.

But he couldn't help but watch Crane a bit more. This, he was also clueless to. The fight between them had gotten so intense that Fox hadn't noticed the scroll that fell through the air, aiming to hit him directly on the head.

Eagle, however, was watching everything. He trained his senses to the point where he needn't use his eyes to watch his surroundings. His hands were grasped tightly against the wooden bench, though they relaxed every minute or so.

He had resolved himself to become great enough to help his clan for the better, and that's what he intended to. It wasn't until the last moment that he sensed the scroll was about to hit Fox.

Naruto's senses were the same. He hot his gaze up at the impending scroll, only to see in firmly in Neji's hand.

His eyes went wide in shock, appalled that he couldn't see that from a mile away! Was he that into the fight?

"Pay more attention to your surroundings, Uzumaki," he said sternly, though this was only part of the effect of him going into the trance-like state. He was usually more casual and comfortable with how he talked around his squad.

Eagle opened his eyes, the sleepy effect wearing off as he blinked several times. It was then he looked at the scroll in his hand and tilted his head in curiosity.

In a flash, Fox snatched it from Eagle's grasp and gazed at it intently. The letter that was stamped neatly across the material was a reddened "S". A wide grin stretched across his lips as he whooped in joy. "Finally! A mission! How long since we've had one, eh Hinata?" he asked, forgetting to open the actual scroll.
Crane stopped whirling gracefully on one foot. Her foot came down as she braced herself and walked over towards the males. Tiger stalking silently beside her. She stepped up next to the males - head cocked to the side lightly. Her eyes focused on the males - as she watched them casually. Eagle really had changed - he was more casual and gentle towards his team. He was more open - and it was obvious that he was beginning to heal.

Pearly eyes watched Fox through the mask, wondering what was going on. "Mission Scroll? We had a mission a week ago Fox." She said teasingly. It was a proven fact, though only two years old - their unit was one of ANBU's best. They had climbed to the top rapidly - they had been on more missions in two years, then most teams did in 10. They were very dedicated to keeping the peace. Especially Fox.

"Let me see that." Tiger said as she sheathed her claws, no literally she sheathed them. Special openings were at the tips of her gloves - to make it easier for her to fight. There was always blood caked on the inside and edges of the holes though. Her natural nails actually lengthened to be used effectively in a fight. Her eyes narrowed - as she looked at the scroll.

She snatched it away from Uzamaki and ripped it open. "Crane! Eagle! Fox! It's from The Hokage. He says we are to report to his office with all due swiftness. Apparently we are going an information mission. But it's very important." She said as she snapped the scroll closed. Her hand braced on her hip - pushing it slightly to the side. "So, Eagle? Captain? Shall we go to the Hokage's office?" She said in a slightly purring tone. Of course she always had a natural lilt to her tone - but sometimes it was heavier when speaking to Eagle.
Fox straightened up in surprise. He had been so busy the entire week, what with extra training from Fukasaku, that he hadn't realized that so little time had passed. "Oh. Heh..." he chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

He jumped in the direction of Tiger as she stole it away, "HEY!" he yelled, but he quieted down as she expertly ignored him, and grumbled to himself in spite.

Eagle, unsurprisingly, just sat there. An information gathering mission..? He had reasons to suspect that the Hokage had different reasons for the actual objective, and figured that Lord Hokage would fill him in there.

Finally, the Hyuuga nodded, closing his eyes halfway to settle the nerves he secretly always had before a mission. "Let's go." he replied, standing up, and glancing at Fox, entirely avoiding Tiger's gaze naturally. He saw her as a teammate... nothing more. Eagle moved, practically moving at a moment's notice, leaving his squad behind, though he already knew they would catch up.

Naruto was quickly out of his sulk and grinned once again, looking at Crane and laughing. He reached forward and took her by the hand, pulling her towards the Kage Tower as he urged her to follow Eagle's lead. "Come on Hinata!" he exclaimed, taking off in a blur of speed.
Tiger waited for the say that they could go - her movements were a blurr then. The team was moving - another mission was to be had. She suspected that something else was up - but she couldn't bring herself to voice that at this moment. It was often that she got to race with her team to the Kage tower. But it was also something she thoroughly enjoyed. The lithe female found the breeze rushing past them - molding and wrapping around them - it made her feel like they were almost like a family.

Most of hers had passed away after Madara's last attack on Konoha. He had a specialized poison sent to all of the Highly Metabolized Beast trainer families. He had specifically targeted those that Konoha could use as a rapid attack force. Her eyes closed at that stab of pain in her heart. She'd kill Madara for what he had done, or help in his downfall. She pushed herself forward with those thoughts. Her body becoming a blurr as she darted up beside of Eagle. "This is our first gathering mission in three months." She commented.

Crane was a little startled as she heard what the mission was. Something was up - everyone in the team could see it except for Fox. Or maybe he did - either way she was a little startled, as she was any time he did so, as he grabbed her hand. She was yanked forward and then she started running with the team. They got to the tower rapidly. She skidded to a stop as she got into the Office, crouching before the hokage. Just as Tiger was doing.

A familiar face greeted her, the same one that had for three years now. When Tsunade-Sama had stepped down, Hatake-Sama had taken her place. By order of the Elder's and by the village. She watched him, wondering what was going on. The mission was definitely a bit odd sounding. She stood up slowly, seeing that Tiger had done so as well.

Kakashi stood up, hands in the small of his back. "Your mission, is to go to The Land of Flowers. You are to pose as two pairs of couples, your job is to Gather information on Madara's whereabouts. He was seen there a few weeks ago. We want to find out more. This is your mission specifics. Your lodgings, identities, and mission specifics are inside. You are not, under any circumstances - to open it before will result in an explosive tag being set off. Destroying the message before you see it." He stated in a firm voice. "This is an S-rank mission, no opposing force must get their hands on this Mission." He said as he handed over the mission scroll. "Your provisions for the mission are already packed, your travel packs are on the back wall."
Fox had allowed himself to release the beast inside for a little while, his pupils quickly turning to thin slits as they raced to the Tower. His canines grew sharper, his nails were long enough to hurt Hinata's hand, but by that time he had already released his hold.

The crimson chakra that flowed around his figure was weirdly calm, bubbling slowly underneath the thin surface. It was normally erratic and wild, for some odd reason it was tame... for now.

Eagle glanced behind him, picking up on Fox's sudden chakra change. He supposed that he needed to let Kyuubi out to breath once in a while... The pale-white eyes switched to Tiger, nodding in agreement with her comment.

"It has been a while, hasn't it? Perhaps this will involve Madara in some way," he replied, seemingly knowing her innermost thoughts. They soon arrived at the Office, and Eagle was absolutely correct. It hadn't been the first time he was right.

Several months ago, Fox and Tiger challenged each other to a race, wanting to see who was the fastest to and from Sunagakure. He predicted that both of them would lose.

As it turned out, they had set traps for each other, and in the end, they were close to the finishing line when they both collapsed.

Eagle nodded solemnly, receiving the scroll from the Hokage and tucking it safely away in one of his pouches. "Yes Lord Sixth. We will not fail," he bowed respectfully, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Fox hadn't shown any sort of respect at all.

It was in his nature - and the Kyuubi, he supposed - that made him disrespect the authorities.

((Last post for tonight, probably.))
Tiger listened patiently, golden eyes narrowed on the Sixth. She nodded respectfully as she looked to the rest of the team. She walked over to her pack, crouching down. She always made an assessment of her rations and supplies before each mission. So she had an idea of what she had - and how she could stretch it out if things hit the fan. She made a quick assessment, finding an unusually large pack of stimulant pills. Probably to help her senses when she had to go out on her own for gathering. She picked up the pack and then swung it over her shoulder.

Inside her heart - something weird was unfolding. She was nervous about this mission. They were being paired off and doing information gathering in pairs. Usually the whole team did it - but it was apparent that this required them being spread out a bit more. She looked towards Crane, who seemed to have the same thought. "Hokage-sama... " Tiger said slowly as her back straightened. Pack in place. "How are we being paired."

"Tiger and Eagle will be a team. Crane and Fox the other. Make sure you are at least moderately convincing." Kakashi drawled.

Crane had been checking her pack, after bowing to the Sixth. Then her back straightened, and everyone in the room could feel the heat of her blush. Except for Naruto - perhaps - she didn't know how much attention he paid to her. She knew that he obviously didn't have an interest. Which was ok. But pairing them up like that? It made sense though, Eagle and she looked like relatives. Pretending to be a couple would weird quite a few people out.

She looked towards the other members of her team. Would Eagle be able to manage it? Or would he break poor TIger's heart in the end. She hoped that nothing ever happened to their team. It was like a second family to her. With that thought in mind, the Hokage dismissed them. So she bolted out the window - the team would remeet right outside the gates. They did this everytime with a mission.
Obviously, both Eagle and Fox had no outward reaction to their partners. Eagle was just thinking of this as another precaution to hiding their identities and reasons for being there, and Fox... well, Fox was just clueless as always.

As they all went their separate ways, Fox headed home, giving himself one last training session before leaving.

This involved a makeshift balancing object, and he was supposed to sit completely still in order to strengthen his chakra output. Birds that flew in from open windows gently landed on his shoulders and gradually increased the difficulty of staying still, which he loved.

Anything too easy was bound to get boring sooner or later...

Neji, however, quickly gathered up his additional equipment, which consisted of traditional herbs small, durable carving kunais which were used for training.

He noticed Crane out of the corner of his eye, and silently wondered what she would be taking. After all, it was painfully obvious she was nervous about the mission, especially with pretending to be Fox's lover.

And even more painful was the fact that Fox had no idea, despite Crane's confession years ago. He felt sorry for both of them. But perhaps this mission will actually bring them together.
Crane ran back to the Hyuuga complex. The first thing she did was report the mission to her father. Kiss her sister on the cheek - and whispered that she loved her. She did this everytime she had an ANBU mission that took her from Konoha. You never knew when your words to your family would be your last. She went to her room then - gathering up her supplies. She also stopped to gather a small patch of fabric. It was a piece of her jacket - one of the pieces that had torn off in her fight with Pein. She used it as a reminder to herself - of what had happened.

There was also, oddly enough a small chunk of black crystal. Or what looked like it. This was defunct now - but originally it had been a piece of one of the chakra rods that had held Naruto down. This was to remind herself - constantly - that she was brave and that she had done what her heart had told her too. She wrapped the piece up in the fabric and tucked these into the small inner pouch she had sewn unto the inside of her ANBU shirt. These pieces sitting over her heart. Once her items were gathered - she made her way to the Gate.

Koneko on the other hand was rather disgruntled and upset. She didn't know how to take this mission, and didn't want to make it obvious how she was feeling. The cenotaph was where she had gone too. So many new names, two new stones added alongside the old one. She crouched and pressed her fingertips to the stone. "Hey dad, mom is doing well. Mika's with kits, so she can't go with me on this mission. I miss you - and I wish we could have caught the poison sooner." She whispered as she shook a little. Rage - so much rage inside her. This was why she trained with Yuugao sensei.

Koneko had lost family, Yuugao had lost her lover many years ago. Koneko slowly stood, after leaving a single white rose on the stone. Then she turned and ran. She built up all of her rage in that run - hoping to run out her emotions. Run away from them - run away from the crippling fear that she was going to break. She was going to fall completely and never be able to go back to what she was. She was afraid that she was going to lose her heart to Neji - and that he would shatter it. So afraid.

Funny how the Cat was afraid of the Caged Bird.
Soon enough, Fox was outside near the gate. He was amazed that he was the first to arrive! With nothing else to do, he sat down and looked at the mask in his mask.

Eerily resembling a fox, he knew that Kakashi had given him this particular mask - and his code-name -because of what he still, despite his achievements in helping his village, symbolized. A weapon of war. Kakashi, however, didn't exactly see it that way. He was one of the few that knew he was a shinobi, willing to protect his village to the death. But not until he achieved his life's dream: to become the next Hokage...

Eagle appeared shortly after in normal civilian clothes. Unlike Fox, he wanted to blend in and make sure that he would go unnoticed. Fox wanted to become popular enough that people would recognize him just by looking. It was a bit silly, but it actually worked. In some cases, it would be a bad thing. Like now.

"Fox... why aren't you wearing your civvies? You stick out like a sore thumb," he spoke just as their other two teammates arrived at the gates.
Hinata had changed into more normal civilian clothing. Packing up her ANBU uniform - she wore something rather similar to what she had for many years. Dark blue baggy pants, and heeled sandals. Her shirt was black with fishnet for the sleeves, and she wore a rather comfy beige jacket. This jacket was similar to the one she had worn for many years. But this one was of a lighter fabric. Their travel would bring them into more tropical climates - but still she needed protection. She was the third to arrive, and stopped to look around.

Where was Koneko? Was something wrong with the female. Almost always the young woman was the first at the Gates. But perhaps there was something plaguing the other young woman this day. She wasn't exactly sure what it was - or how to help the other young woman. But she would have to figure out a way eventually. She looked towards her teammates and smiled faintly - remembering all the years that she had stood at the gate, with her various teams. Life never changed too much - yet changed in so many ways.

Koneko arrived, a bit late. But that something to do with the kit under her arm. Mika had delivered that day, and one of them was required to come with Koneko. It was to bond to her - as had her mother, which meant she had to raise the kit with her bare hands. That made this mission a little more difficult - but she couldn't abandon family or the obligations she had. Kakashi-sensei would understand. The kit had to be raised, especially since it was the runt of the litter.

She wore plain civies, a pair of tight fitting black pants, and a black sleeveless t-shirt. She wore a soft white jacket over this, that had a hood to it. The jacket had a pouch built into the breast area - that would hold the kit. It would be safe, she would die for it. She had the supplies needed to take care of it - in her pack. She smiled faintly as she looked at her team. "Sorry, had a side quest for a moment. Hatake-sama will understand. As you know ... these" She said as she pulled out the kit.

"Are one of the rarest creatures for bonding. She's a newborn and the runt. I'm to try and keep her alive. For long enough that she can begin her training. Since our mission will probably take a few weeks, her eyes will end up opening before we get her back, and she'll be an extra pair of ears and eyes."

The kit was pale, a whitish color, it's spots black, and its eyes closed. It's ears plastered to it's head. It was definitely a newborn, but freshly washed and mewling a little. Koneko stuck her finger in it's mouth and it started to suckle. "She's relatively quiet still. She won't get too noisy."
Eagle's left eyebrow was raised in surprise, but nodded promptly. He understood the need for obligations, but he also knew that it wasn't only the kit's training... it was her own.

Despite all four of them being the best there was, they still had a long way to go before become what they were meant to be.

His eyes then looked upwards and noticed that his headband was still on, and quickly slipped it off and tucked it into his pack. He was ready to go, but not before telling off Fox to get changed.

With a response of anger, Fox shortly returned wearing his own civvies, though they still closely resembled his normal shinobi gear.

But Eagle was content with it, and so they were all ready to head on their way.

"How long 'til we reach The Land of Flowers?" he asked Crane, obviously hoping they would not have long to go before he could get some food.
Koneko smiled weakly at Neji- glad he hadn't reprimanded her for this situation. She shifted the kit a little in her arm and looked at her team. Hinata was watching her - and she just shrugged a little. Reaching into the pouch in her jacket, and pulling out a small bottle. The bottle had a nipple attached to it - just small enough for the kitten. "Well now that Naruto is back." She said non-chalantly as she held the kitten in the crook of her arm and started to walk.

"We can get on to the Land of Flowers." She stated as she walked up beside Neji. She was set on speaking to him - asking him about a few things, mostly about trying to orchestrate some way for a situation to happen between Naruto and Hinata. She needed to see the other girl happy - she had cared about Naruto for so long. And he hadn't said a work about their situation after the attack of Pein.

"Ummm Land of Flowers, is at least a four day Journey, Naruto. That's just walking - considering we have to be undercover." Hinata said softly and gently. Her eyes darting towards Neji. "We'll probably break camp sometime this evening. Don't you have travel rations?" She said lightly - a blush springing to her cheeks. She fidgeted with her sleeve a little as they started to walk.

Koneko and Neji seemed to be getting a long well - but Hinata knew that Koneko thought she had no hope. They had this talk many times. Koneko was aware she was from a lesser family - and knew that the Hyuuga elders would never approve of her. They had no reason to - she was just a Nekokana. Hinata shook her head a little as her attention was directed at Naruto. A weak feeling filled her chest. He hadn't said ANYTHING to her, was it possible he was going out with Sakura and not letting anyone know?
Clearly, Naruto was missing the feeling and weight of his headband on his brow. Every so often, his hand went up to adjust what was not there, and sighed in defeat. As they walked, Naruto decided to join Koneko and Neji, poking his head between them as he looked down at the kit.

"So, what's its name?" he asked rather abruptly, obliterating whatever time they were having together.

Neji looked at Naruto and sighed in slight annoyance as he and Koneko talked, but for what reason was unknown.

"Naruto..." he said calmly. But nevertheless, Neji was also curious about the kit's namesake. His eyes darted to Koneko, waiting for her answer.
Koneko calmly continued to walk as she fed the kitten, watching her as she nuzzled into the bottle. Paws massaging against Koneko's hand. There was already blood dripping on the ground. Unlike normal kittens, these special ones had usable claws from a few hours after they were born. There was small cuts all over her hands, blood dripping steadily. There was no vein broken through - but there was definitely a lot of blood. Had been, but it would be alright, it was dripping on to the clothe of her pants. A mutter leaving her as she ignored Naruto for a moment.

"She hasn't been named. Won't be till her eyes open and she speaks for the first time." She stated lightly as she looked up at Naruto, then over at Neji. Looking away quickly and focusing on her path ahead of her. She could hear the small sound that Hinata had made when she saw her hand, she knew that Hinata couldn't stand to see her teammates hurt. But Koneko needed these scars - these trials.

Hinata walked up beside them, lightly putting her hand on Naruto's arm. "Why don't you walk with me. Naruto?" She said cheerfully. She was trying to keep Koneko and Neji nearby each other, and as close to having some alone time as possible. There had to be something the cat could do for the bird. Perhaps she could break the bounds on the caged bird. She really wanted to see Neji truly happy - he only seemed that way with the team.

She put her hand around Naruto's wrist and then pulled lightly. "Come on!" She said cheerfully as she darted ahead. She knew the male would follow - she was pulling an instant travel ramen from her pack as she did this. Satisfying his hungers wasn't such a bad thing - right?
Naruto looked down at the kit, shrugging off what Koneko had just explained, and then felt a hand on his arm. Looking back, he saw the smiling, yet bashful face of Hinata gazing at him. With a nod, he reared his head away from the two and started to walk towards Hinata, who had walked ahead.

He would have rather walked, but his eyes widened and his mouth gaped as she pulled out a ramen pack. Instantly, his mouth watered as he ran forward.

When was the last time he ate..? What, three hours ago? As Hinata held it away, he absentmindedly reached around her waist, quickly snatching the pack away from her. His chin then rested on her neck, his arms coming back to wrap around her waist, then squeezing her gently as he grinned.

"Thanks Hinata!" he exclaimed, his warm breath cascading over her skin as he talked. To Naruto, however, his entire actions were meant as friendly, and had no idea of what kind of effect he had on her.

Neji silently activated his Byakugan, the veins bulging from the sides of his eyes as he gazed at Koneko's hand. The cuts had not breached any sort of vein or artery, and she didn't seem to mind, so he deactivated his Kekkei Genkai and looked at her.

"Is there a chance the kit will not survive?" he inquired gently. He, of course, didn't mean this to be rude. What he was implying that under normal circumstances, the kit could have serious heart defects, or the like.
Hinata laughed softly as Naruto ran ahead with her. His exuberance was always something she admired. Now she was hoping that he would at least chill out a little - and give Neji and Koneko some space. She held the pack away from him, and then his arm was around her waist. Her heart burst up through her chest as her head turned to look towards him a little. Her eyes widening as his chin was on her neck, and his arms wrapped around her waist.

He hugged her like that, his breath running over her neck. Her body burst to life as she gave a small involuntary shudder. Her eyes closing for a moment as he spoke. Her eyes opened as she realized they were completely accidental - he wasn't doing this on purpose. "Not a problem Naruto." She said cheerfully - if a bit fake for a moment. Then she turned her attention back towards walking. yes walking - because it was better then focusing on the feelings in her.

Koneko gently pulled the bottle away. Licking her own hand now - cleaning up the blood. The kitten was deposited in it's pouch in her jacket, and the jacket was zipped up enough that the kitten was pressed over her heart. The sound of her heartbeat would soon put the kitten to sleep. She pulled out a wrap of bandages and quickly wrapped up her hand. She contemplated how to answer his words.

"The fatality rate of this race is rather high. But one thing is for sure - we haven't lost a runt of the litter yet. They are stronger, fighters. They won't let themselves die. I find that she's one of those." She stated as she patted the kitten who was moving in the pouch, curling up in the fur lined pouch and letting itself fall asleep. "In a little bit I'll need to stop for a few moments to relieve her though."
Naruto gave Hinata one last meaningful squeeze before letting go and holding out the ramen pack in triumph. He walked alongside Hinata for a while, continuously tapping the pack as he obviously wanted to eat.

Neji nodded, listening intently to her words, and closed his eyes in thought for a moment. After opening them, Neji touched Koneko on the arm and smiled gently. "Then we will do our best to help you, Koneko," he said with a soft, yet obvious tone of determination in his voice.

But even after saying those words, his hand lingered on her arm. His breath was caught in his throat, and looked at Koneko's eyes for a few seconds. He then squeezed it gently, almost longingly, before his hand slipped away and returned to his side.

A light blush appeared on his face as he looked away, his pale eyes gazing through the canopy of the woods where light was barely getting through. Neji's heart seemed to skip a beat as he began seeing thoughts of Koneko in his mind...
Hinata blushed furiously as she poked her fingers together. Reaching over she snatched the pack away from him for a moment. And showed him that it could be made and eaten now. Because it was an instant travel pack. She snapped a small chemical heater - and dropped it into the container that already came with a packet of water and all the seasonings. She held the lid closed - and as soon as it was heated up, she pulled the heater out and handed it back to him.

"here, I have several of these in my bag. I thought they'd be good for the journey." She said as she smiled at him.

Koneko smiled at him and tilted her head a little. She was focused on the kitten - then his hand landed on her arm gently. There was something different in this touch - then the others he had done before. Her head snapped over to him, almost feline like eyes now staring at him. Strong emotions drew out the beast that was tied within all Nekokana. She took only a gently sharp breath and then tilted her head down a little.

His hand lingered and then slipped away, almost as if it didn't want to. Then she held her hand over the kit in it's pouch and tilted her head down. She would have blushed if she wasn't focusing on calming down other parts of her mind. Already it had been a little bit since they started walking, at least an hour.
Naruto was about to reprimand her for taking it away when he saw what she was doing. Wide eyes that were filled with amazement watched as she quickly made ramen for her. The young man was on the verge of drooling when she handed him the cup. "YES!" he yelped as he was going to dig in when she spoke.

"Really?!" he said, his mouth full of ramen already. Gulping down the bite, he stepped towards Hinata and gave her another big hug, although being careful not to spill the ramen on her. "I think I love you, Hinata!" he exclaimed, totally forgetting about her confession years ago due to the wonderful news she shared.

Neji looked at Naruto as he hugged Hinata, and sighed heavily. "Oh Naruto, you numbskull..." he muttered, shaking his head and looking at Koneko briefly. After another hour, it became dark and Neji had decided it was time to set up camp for the night.

Soon enough, all four were sitting around a fire, with Naruto eating more and more ramen, and with Neji himself looking deeply into the crackling fire.
Hinata smiled at his reaction. She spent the rest of the time remembering his hug and his words. Her eyes closed as her hands clenched. She had sat down by the fire and had spent most of the time - slowly eating and cooking more food. Steadily she was making sure that Naruto had more then enough food. A small smile spread across her features as she looked towards Koneko and Neji. She wondered how things were going with Koneko now. She seemed a bit off.

She sighed softly as she stood up. "I'm going to go use the hotsprings that are over the ridge." She stated simply as she grabbed her pack. A small towel was pulled out and a change of clothes. "You should contemplate using it." she commented to her teammates.

Koneko had taken care of the kit during the walk. When they arrived at making camp - Koneko sat down and began the process of making sure that the kitten was cared for. It was a quick process - and she had the situation under control pretty soon. She had looked up as Hinata mentioned using the hotsprings. "I'm gonna stay here, Naruto - why don't you go?" She said as she smiled brightly. Mostly because she was trying to get the two of them some more private time.

She yawned and stretched then, laying back, her head near Neji's leg. The kitten was curled up on her chest, purring and nuzzling in between her chest. Listening to her heart beat and falling asleep itself. "So... mission seems like it'll be fun."
Neji looked up at Hinata as she walked away, and smiled. That was one way of getting Naruto, that's for sure.

Naruto glanced at Neji, then Koneko, a bit unsure if this was a prank or not. Ah, just go with it, he thought to himself, then shrugged and stood up. He then followed Hinata, looking around at the trees, and really not knowing what to say at this particular moment.

Looking down at Koneko as she lay by his side, and nodded in agreement. "Yes. Despite our actual objective, the side goal of getting them together will work perfectly," he replied, absentmindedly laying his hand on her forehead. His fingers gently moved her hair away from her eyes, and then noticed what he was doing. A look of surprise crossed his face, but didn't move his hand. His hand felt good against her warm skin...
Hinata headed over to the Hotsprings. Silence was all that could be heard from the young woman - as much of a paradox that phrase was. She moved quietly, and before Naruto could get there she had already laid out her dirty clothes and had slipped into the water. Dark hair floating around her like a halo of shadows. Her head tucked down as she curled up and pulled her knees to her chest. Her head resting on her knees. "Naruto, why haven't you spoken to me about that day." She whispered softly.

She honestly wasn't expecting him to follow her. She hadn't heard Koneko mention to Naruto to go. She had just headed on her way - wrapped up in her own mind. She knew that he remembered her announcement of feelings. But she just didn't know how to take the fact that it had been four years, and he hadn't said a word to her about it.

Koneko closed her eyes as she stretched out - her eyes closed in luxury as she relaxed next to the fire. She hummed faintly as she stretched out further, legs rolling out and stretching much like a large felines and her arms arched over her head. It was the moment she did this that her fingertips brushed Neji's leg - the same moment that his hand landed on her forehead and pulled her hair back. Blond bangs streaked with darker tones, pulled back to reveal odd striped markings faintly on her skin. They looked like nearly skin toned tattoos, which they were in a sense. Most people didn't notice but she actually had striping all over her form. Each Nekokana female was born with a pattern to their skin.

His petting of her head caused the animal part of her to rise up - a purr starting as she looked up at him. He looked shocked at touching her, and it honestly felt delicious. "Neji-sama, is everything alright?"
Naruto continued to follow Hinata, though only as much as he could see her walking, refusing to walk by her side. Once he lost sight of her, Naruto yelped quietly and broke into a silent run, hoping to catch up to her before it was too late. The first thing he saw was her clothes neatly laid out before the spring, and gulped gently as he then realized that Hinata was naked!

"Oh crap..!" he muttered, but then remembered that she suggested it to all of them, so she had to expect that he would be there, right? Shrugging, he cautiously removed his clothes, revealing his very well-toned body, and decided that he would make a splash.

Breaking off into another run, Naruto dashed to the water's edge, only briefly seeing Hinata in a glance, he jumped off, landing in the water. His first reaction though was the surprisingly hot temperatures. "OW!" he yelped, swimming up to the surface and gasping for air. "THAT'S HOT!" he yelled, noticing a shocked Hinata in front of him.

Neji drew his breath when Koneko's fingers ran across his leg by accident. His nervous expression on Koneko's face, he blushed gently and looked away. "Y-Yes... everything's fine..." he replied, though he hadn't noticed that his fingers were still touching her forehead.
Hinata opened her eyes suddenly - byakugan activating as the splash was heard. She expected an attack, but what she got was Naruto bursting up to the surface of the water. She gasped for air and then blushed heavily as she turned off her eyes and then tucked her head down. "I suppose it would be - it's water fed by the heat of a volcano..." She commented idly as she tucked her legs up a little. She yawned faintly and stretched her arms over her head for a single moment.

Then she lowered them and blushed, because that action almost brought her breasts into few over the steamy film that covered the water of the Hotsprings. She tucked her arms down and sunk down in to her chin again, watching him with large eyes.

Koneko watched him, her fingertips staying near his leg. Her hands resting there as she realized that his hand hadn't moved. Her lips pursed for a moment as she tried to articulate a response, the only thing she got was a few words she couldn't say. Her eyes closed as she sighed and stretched out a little bit again. "It's alright." She whispered softly as she settled down, humming faintly as she allowed herself to relax again.

The purr didn't stop, and she enjoyed the sensation of his hand. Her voice was huskier, and her eyes definitely had gone slitted. She watched him now - eyes open, and watching the eyes of Eagle. The man she had loved for so long, the one she had sought to gain the attention of.
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