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Feed back on my current RT


No request thread is appealing to EVERYONE.

Edit: You've edited your OP from [appealing to everyone] to [appealing in general]

In my experience, you could handle this different ways. I go down the variety route. Offer a wide range of stories, viewpoints, escalations, conflicts, genres, settings, characters and partnerships. Someone might not love incest, but be into mature females. Someone might like both, someone might not be into dub-con, but really enjoy fantasy elements. Offer variation and be flexible about overviews.

The other idea is to hone in on that one thing you want. The only people reaching out to you at that point are people who want JUST THAT. Which would be awesome.

You want a zombie apocalypse and it's grim and gross and dark. Whoever responds to you, assuming they aren't cold calls, should want just that.

Just be aware that you are throwing around the word rape. That's a touchy writing request and you have to be certain of what you are asking for. Make sure you communicate clearly what you want and what your limits are.
The one thing I can give advice on is maybe work a bit on the formatting.

It's fine as it is, but making it look a bit easier on the eyes could help people read through it more quickly or go back to it. I personally read through request threads more than a few times, even after the initial planning phase, when I have some questions that are easy enough that I don't wanna bother my partners with them.

Something like using bold lettering or bullet points is a good start. Oh, and avoiding really large paragraphs. Finding a spot to break a paragraph that is 10+ sentences long is just generally good practice in my opinion.

Don't need to make anything super fancy or mess with bbcode if that's not your vibe.
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