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Trouble Down Under [PRIVATE W/Nat20-Ohs & FurryDaddyBear]

"In a way yeah," Ozzie adjusted himself in his seat and then tilted his head towards Abraxas. "We're actually in a dorm in the University of Sydney. Best college around here. My field of expertise is archeology; I've always kind of liked learning about the past. Especially if it involved religion and how it shaped various societies." Ozzie spoke plainly and proudly. This was him, his life's calling, and it shone some light on why the two of them may be more interlinked. A modern man and an ancient being. There was much to be had there, so much to learn, so much intrigue, so much potential.
All these new words... so... interesting. It would be hard for a mortal to take in if they were thrusted into this environment, but the demon god was surprisingly calm about it all. "Tell me, this Sydney, are they your ruler? Are they a god you worship?" He questioned after listening to him speak. He leaned close, feeling his beard gently, it was nice, a lovely texture, "Tell me... there are... rules, correct? What are rules that I should follow as to not get you smited by this... Sydney."
"Sydney is the biggest city in Australia," Ozzie cleared his throat. "Australia is the country we're in. As far as laws goes just don't steal, kill, touch strangers, and trespass. Those are the basics that'll keep you outta trouble." Ozzie pointed a finger at the hand that was stroking his beard. He chuckled at Abraxas, yet again, feeling up on him. A technical stranger. A law already broken. Ozzie opted to let his gesture and the silence that followed after his laugh speak for him, though. It was as good as a teacher as some words could be.
He nodded slowly, humming in thought. When pointed at and told touching was a no-no, again, he pouted and gently twirled his beard in his fingers, leaning close. "But we are not strangers, you are my... well summoner. You're the one who summoned me to join you, broke me free of my prison." He sighed dramatically, falling back against the couch. "I... I guess I will leave your face alone, it's a shame though, I'm a creature who loves a good beard." He cooed playfully. Abraxas stretched and looked at the game counsel curiously.
See? He got it, kind of. Again Ozzie wasn't about to make a model citizen out of Abraxas in a few hours, but, he had hope. The real test would be when they hit the town tomorrow and the full breadth of the modern world would become known to him. "Aye I love beards as well," Ozzie took notice of Abraxas interest in his PlayStation. "Shit I can't believe I showed you some channels before I made you play somethin'." Ozzie lept up from his seat and started up the process of turning on his PlayStation 5. The TV shone a bold blue before shifting to a grey background that displayed nine game apps. "Which one of these is grabbin' ya just off the picture?" Ozzie threw the blue controller into Abraxas's hand and then leaned on the wall next to the TV. Eyes fixed on Abraxas and with a slight smile formed up.
When told Ozzie also loves beards, he scratched his own chin some, feeling the smooth face. If he wanted to, he could change his appearance to have a beard, he wondered if he should. Before he could ask however, a strange remote was tossed to him. He lifted it up, playing with some of the buttons curiously, tapping and playing with the joystick. He let out a delighted sound as the TV made noises and responded to his movements of the joystick, "Fascinating!!" When told to pick a game, he stared hard at them all, inspecting them, listening to the music, looking at the visuals. His eyes were wide, taking in everything he could. "I... I.... I want to try this... Old Ring game... It sounds... fascinating. I love some good rings." He cooed before hitting buttons until it started up, smiling proudly as the game booted up
"Elden Ring? Mate you chose good," Ozzie walked away from the TV and joined Abraxas back on the couch. "Hit New Game and start your own character. Elden Ring is best experienced from start to finish." Ozzie sat back and let Abraxas do his thing. The ancient demon seemed like he was truly living in the moment between all the oohs and ahs. It was already an exciting thing to get a normal person into this game, but an ancient demon god was a different story. He was excited to see just what class Abraxas would pick and he was ready to guide him when needed.
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