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Trouble Down Under [PRIVATE W/Nat20-Ohs & FurryDaddyBear]


Come enjoy the vibes!
Sep 21, 2024
ur moms house
oh gods this is gonna be so bad LMFAO Im SOO Sorry i promise when we get into it it'll be hot as fuck

When he was born into the world, the Earth was just formed. He was there where the gods would battle one another, each striving for dominance on Earth. One of those gods, one with skin of snow, and hair of light, his body carved in plump warmth and thick hair, would watch them fight. Abraxas, was not one to fight. Not typically, that is. Slowly, the gods would find their cults and groups, some living longer then others, some being forgotten to time. Abraxas did his best to remain in the world, and luckily, he had been able to have his idol passed down for generations. However, as less served him, the less powerful he grew, until he was dormant in a small quartz and gold idol. That small idol would end up in the hands of young man named Ozzie, when he traveled to Saint Mary's Cathedral. A strange man had approached the dark skinned man, mumbling about the coming of the angels, rambling about the end of times. The crazed man would shove the necklace idol into Ozzie's hands, stating "He was the who would awaken the ancient demon." Before Ozzie could make any sense though, the man seemingly disappeared.

The idol showed a fat man of a creature with the head of a chicken and wings surrounding his little body.
It's been a week since it happened, and Ozzie is still in the processing period. How could he not be? Every attempt at finding an answer about the true nature of the world by himself has turned up nothing. Dead end after dead end. And now after all that? An answer? Just handed to him? It was too perfect, too convenient, and yet it made sense in an oddly comforting way. 'Angels and an ancient demon. Just what the hell was the bloke on about? Or ... What the hell did he know?' Ozzie questioned in thought as he moved towards the idol which was standing firmly on his nightstand. Beautifully crafted piece he'd tell you that. Genuine gold and the small quartz wasn't just for show. It meant something, he just didn't know what, but it couldn't hurt to assume it was a sort of stone associated with the depicted entity.

'Angels and an ancient demon. Maybe it's Abrahamic in nature?' Yet another inquiry and it probably wouldn't have been the last one. He picked the idol up and examined it as he paced about his section of the dorm. Ozzie's expression was unchanging, a pure focus behind his eyes, he was truly lost in thought and that caused on of his steps to betray him. He slipped up on the carpet, and managed to cut an arm while reaching to grab onto something. "Shit!" He exclaimed as he looked at the cut. Superficial; still stung a bit though; little was he aware of the little droplets of blood that stained the quartz. It's as if the gemstone gleefully accepted the offering, allowing the blood to flow into it, and causing it to converge on a focused point in the middle of the crystal. By this point Ozzie took notice of the phenomenon and wasn't sure what to make of it. He just stared in awe and waited in anticipation of something.
The blood moved towards the center crystal, seemingly being absorbed, as the little idol began to shake and shiver and pop, like a little firecracker. It broke and made the lights flicker before, after a particularly hard bounce, it broke in two. A flash of light and there it hovered. The body of a man, the legs of a goat, covered in blonde hair, three pairs of brilliant smokey gray wings with small eyes splattered across them stretched out behind the body of the male figure. They were torn and ripped, some blood still dripped from them.

Wings covered what was it's head, and slowly, the wings around it's face opened up, showing off an endless void covered in white eyes. Eyes covered them, and the figure outstretched a hand to Ozzie, "Be not afraid." A powerful voice would echo from it. "For you have awaken me mortal, I am in your debt." The creature of a man slowly kneeled in front of the human, it's wings slowly closing and folding in, the black void it called a face slowly dripped away to show a human face, one with a large nose and soft cheeks. Blue eyes gazed at Ozzie with intense curiosity.
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Ozzie tried to orient himself, patted his head for some sort of sign of head trauma, pinched himself, did all that he could to prove that this was real. He didn't bump his head and he wasn't dead. Still actively bleeding too. This was very real. He wasn't even all that keyed into what the demon was saying; just sort of uncomfortably laughed as the demon’s voice boomed behind his eyes. Which would be the best way he could describe how he could “hear” their voice. The entity looked the part of a demon, and it was surprisingly easy on the eyes. In fact looking at it was kind of what anchored Ozzie and helped him snap fully back to coherence.

"So that bloke was spittin’ truth after all? I'll be damned,” He paused for a moment though his gaze did not stray. “Who are you?” More complex questions were already pooling up in the back of his mind, but Ozzie had to restrain himself, start simple and branch off from there. He only really spoke a few words, but it was clear there was excitement behind them. He was ready for some answers … It's been a long time coming
Abraxas watched as he did so, taking in everything around him. The last time he roamed was maybe... oh... a few centuries ago? Everything around him was... well... fascinating! Was everything here done by the humans? How did they capture light in such a small container? What was with the art surrounding them, and where was any of the others? Usually a home liked this housed more then one! He heard the voice and stood straight, walking towards the human.

"I am Ȁ̶̟͇̥̮̋b̴͔̫̳̲͆͝r̷͚̭͝a̵̳͉̓̚x̴͔̺̾̎̑a̸̰̽͗̀̅s̵̳̗̑̑͒ͅ ̸̤͕̻͋Ö̷̘́́f̵͍̔ ̵̫̮͔̇̆͌̕ͅṄ̸̬̦ẽ̸̡̯͔w̵̥̉̚p̶̲̯̮̈ͅo̸̼̔̂̆r̴̫̘̼̙̔̎̐t̵̠̩̪͍́." The name came out in a series of sounds and noises. "You may call me... Abraxas." He hummed. Reaching forward, the demon gently grabbed his face, looking at Ozzie with interests. "You must be very fertile. Your skin is that of the sands of Johartie. Lush plants grew in that beautiful desert." He let go, finding fascination in light switch, he hadn't been around to see electricity like this come to play. He flipped it on and off repeated, "You.... You have captured the power of the sun?"
Ozzie wasn't even about to pretend he could comprehend the tongue in which Abraxas initially answered his question. The second time around was more human ... As was Abraxas's current form. In-fact his freshly assumed form felt a little down to earth. One of the most effective ways to decive a mortal was to appear as those at the zenith of human attractiveness. Not that Ozzie didn't find Abraxas attractive, mind you, it just caught him off guard. Expectations broken he guessed? Though perhaps the deception through flesh was a case by case basis trick.

Ozzie didn't really reel or react to Abraxas grabbing his face; he just sort of let it happen; by the time he could think up something to say Abraxas was already off somewhere else. Being called fertile wasn't exactly something he was expecting today nor did he know where Johartie was, but, Ozzie took the compliment. "You're really showing your age," Ozzie moved to Abraxas side and leaned in a bit. "That's a light bulb. Catches electricity and uses it to light up, well, the bulb. We do have solar panels though. So. You know? Yeah. I reckon you could say we've captured the sun in a way." Ozzie went off a bit there, though it gave Abraxas a chance to really hear his voice. Low, heavy sounding, with an Aussie accent to boot.
Abraxas listened to him and looked at him curiously. "You sound strange." He mentioned, once against grabbing and looking at him before rubbing his fingers through his bears softly. "Tell me, I haven't seen you around in my centuries. You're not a god, yet you are god touched? But... you're human. Curious." He hummed and rubbed Ozzie's cheeks in thought. The naked demon looked at the walls in curious awe. "Tell me... are these modern gods? Are these the figures you worship?"

He then opened any closet and drawers Ozzie had, finding something to wear. He was looking for any type of robe, caring not if he made a mess. When he finally found something, he slipped it in, "These.... these are.... so soft...."
"Oh the art up on the wall? It'd take a while to explain what all that is, but just know they're characters from stories I like." Ozzie hastily explained away as all thought honed in on that term Abraxas mentioned. God-touched. It sounded fantastical, significant, something that wasn't him. He's just a guy that's had the occasional weird shit happen to him, yeah? But he's got a whole demon in-front of him. The bugger came out of a gold statue that accepted a (albeit accidental) blood sacrifice. This was far beyond weird shit now. Just accept it Ozzie ... Just inquire."God-touched? Elaborate." Ozzie looked away as Abraxas slipped something on. He wasn't even aware that the entity was naked, and thankfully he wasn't paying too much attention. That mess was irksome, though. Boundaries are about to have to be established.
Abraxas looked back at Ozzie, giving him a hungry look. "I'll tell you whatever you want BUT..." He smirked, sauntering his way over and stroking his chest playfully, "You in return will help me." The demon circled around him playfully, stroking his shoulders. "I want to be a modern god, one who knows the ways of the world. You will teach me, I will help you my mortal summoner." He cooed before pulling away.

He wandered around, picking up random items and inspecting them carefully. He moved around in the brown bathrobe he had found, the top open to show off the blonde hair on his chest. He was like if a cherub were to be an adult man. Abraxas looked over at Ozzie, humming, "I... I desire something." He looked around with a frown, "You have no offering bowl. I need an offering bowl."
Figures he'd have to work for some clarity after all. Nothing in life comes to you without you putting something in. He knew better than to think otherwise. 'I don't know if I should be concerned or feel neutral about this. The bloke doesn't seem malicious, but he's talkin' up a plan already. It's too early to gauge anything so I guess I might as well play along.' Ozzie ran a hand through his beard and watched Abraxas for a time. Ozzie perked up at the mention of an offering bowl; Jesus take the wheel; this is about to be an interesting relationship.

"You will at least allow me two questions then, yeah? What do you represent? And what would you need to be offered to you? I can't be a Shepard to you if I don't know that much." Ozzie looked over and tried to play a little coy smile back at Abraxas. He was also admittedly eyeing the demon's chest hair a bit and it wouldn't take much to notice that.
Abraxas hummed as he was being watched, and showed off his chest more, "Darling there's nothing to fear. I am a simple god of demons." He cooed, making his way close. He moved to bring the other to Ozzie's bed, laying down and posing for him, as if he expected the other to paint him. He hummed a sweet tune. "I represent fortunes and pleasures." He tilted his head, gazing at him with bright blue eyes, they shined like small oceans.

"As for offerings, simple! All I ask is for the basics." He sat up, puffing his chest out, opening his arms wide as if to invite the other to embrace him. "I want wine, bread, blood, coin, and seman." He leaned forward and licked his lips playfully, "Whether its your fluids or something else's, I don't mind." He cooed. He then pouted playfully, "Of course, I don't need everything. But I want everything. Any food works, if I am to become a god of the modern world however I do require to try what is 'new.'" He said with a bit of an excited look.
Ozzie was following along and showing his engagement with simple nods, yeahs, and ohs. Once Abraxas mentioned semen Ozzie's expression shifted, rightfully so. His brows shot up and his eyes trailed off elsewhere, lips held tight behind the black whiskers on his face, he was trying to stifle a laugh. "Most of this sounds ... Manageable. I'm a little thrown off as I've never heard of a god needing cum. We'll have to see about that one." Ozzie put his gaze back on Abraxas and composed himself. "Not gonna lie to you mate, I ain't exactly got anything extravagant going on here. Could you settle on a medium sized glass bowl for now?"
He pouted when mocked before he watched as Ozzie mentioned the bowl. With a hearty laugh, he moved to pull Ozzie close, feeling his chest and stomach with eager hands, "Ah! The bowl itself doesn't matter, as long as you're okay letting me use it." He hummed and eyed the door before walking towards it, "Hm... I wonder, what can we find?" He cooed. Without another thought or worry, he threw open the door and walked into the hallway, eyeing around. Luckily, no one was around to see Abraxas.
Abraxas's curiosity was about to get the better of him one of these times. Ozzie jumped off the bed and pivoted into the hall in what felt like a single motion. Maybe now was the time to set some ground rules. "I'll get you the offering bowl," Ozzie shuffled past Abraxas and widened his stance to cut the demon off. "We're going to have to talk boundaries mate. First and foremost, you can walk freely in here. I got no problem with that. If you want to go out the door to the right however I'm going to need to escort you. I'm technically supposed to be here by myself now because my old dormmate moved out recently." Ozzie held his tongue to give Abraxas some time to respond. The "offering bowl" was in arm's reach so Ozzie snatched it up, placed it on the counter nearest to Abraxas, and then turned back to Abraxas with a half-hearted smile. Ozzie threw his body out wide yet again though this time he leaned back a bit more and his arms were stretched between two perpendicular countertops.
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The demon huffed, but obeyed, not wandering out of the dorm room. He pouted when told that he had to sit and stay. Him? A god? Obey????? Abraxas was flustered, his face red before he calmed himself. No. No. He needed to work with this mortal, not spite him. Sighing, the creature nodded, "Very well. I will.... explore this area." He said with a pout. Abraxas looked at the bowl and hummed, gently touching the inside. He hummed more and nodded, "This will do!" He looked around before putting it in the window, humming with delight. "Now then... what will you offer first? Perhaps, you're willing to offer yourself to a god?" He teased with a loving look, getting close and nuzzling his chest softly, "Or shall we dicuss our ideas over some wine and bread?" He jested more, wiggling with delight.
"Mind you you aren't about to be in here all the time. Just for now I need you to stay put," Ozzie grabbed Abraxas's hand and shot him a stern look. "Secondly ease up on the touchin'. I don't mind it too much, but try to touch less. I don't need you catchin' a charge because you went off and felt up on some stranger. We have laws against that nowadays." Ozzie let go and then continued. "As for fuckin'? We'll see. I kinda got to know someone a bit before I consider all that." Ozzie disengaged from Abraxas, but still kept himself nearby. Funnily enough Ozzie kept wine and bread in the same cabinet. Pulled out a loaf of some honey rye and a bottle of Devil's Corner Pinot. The wine was on the cheaper side, but had a consistent taste he felt was "good". Ozzie himself wasn't much of a drinker, though. So he'll let Abraxas be the judge of the actual quality.
He nodded before looking at him rather shocked when grabbed so casually. Gods and demons weren't exactly what one would call 'models of consent.' Having his power challenged brought a thrill to him though. When was the last time he had fought someone? But, he needed to relax, he knew he needed to change. It was for the better. Pouting the man nodded with a sigh, "Very well. I shall.... obey these.... commands... for now..." He bit his lip before thinking more, "I-I mean... yes." He finished. Perhaps he should choose his words more carefully?

Abraxas let himself figure out semantics later, for now, it was time for some food. He lead Ozzie in setting up an altar, showing him how to bless it and have it so it was dedicated to him. Having never had these specific items before, and this being different then the wine or bread he's had for years. He took in the flavors, a mix of feelings flooding him. It was... so sweet?? Yet there was something new to it he had never tasted before, something that reminded him of the forges, of fire, of battle. Letting out a hardy laugh, he ate and drank with delight,
"You seem to be enjoying yourself there mate," Ozzie joined in on the laughter and leaned against the counter. "Just wait till you see some of the food we got around nowadays. Bloody good shit from all corners of the globe because people come in from everywhere. If it wasn't too late I'd probably take you somewhere. Ah well, tomorrow maybe." It hadn't really dawned on Ozzie until now, but Abraxas really would be behind on everything. Centuries of captivity ... Sealed in what was an idol dedicated to yourself. It must've been a unique kind of hell. A different kind of embarrassment. Incomprehensible to somebody like Ozzie.

And this was a man he'd have to shepherd back into Godhood in hopes of obtaining the knowledge he needs. This was really going to be quite the undertaking; no point in turning back now though; it would be best to just take it one day at a time. Since we can't go anywhere tonight I guess I can introduce you some modern entertainment." Ozzie pointed off in-front of him to a TV hanging off the wall. 50 inches give or take, he couldn't remember the exact size. All he cared about was that it was big enough for him. Right under it was a oakwood table with an all black PS5 sitting on top of it, a red controller on it's right side, a blue one on it's left. The couch was right in front of them and those sable toned cushions looked inviting. Ozzie didn't hesitate and he sat his big self down on the right side. He waited for Abraxas before doing anything else.
Abraxas got comfortable on the couch, wiggling in delight and humming, "Ah! These are like being on small clouds when I was just some light!" He cooed and wiggled around before getting comfortable. he sat cross legged, and looked at Ozzie curiously, reaching to touch his beard again. Boundaries were going to be hard lesson it seemed. "Tell me... what is this mysterious... box? And, before i forget.... when was... hmm... there was... oh.. Some Aléxandros gentleman? Oh! He was quite the partier! You never knew what to expect from those Μακεδονία!" He hummed out.

He was saying pretty much thte last time he roamed, Alexander the Great was still around. How he knew english and spoke with a slight southern accent was beyond anyone's understanding. He looked over at Ozzie and hummed, "Tell me, is there anything you wish to know god-touched?"
"It's a TV," Ozzie switched it on with a remote. "Think of the light bulb from earlier, but it displays recorded images across the glass there." That was as good as an explanation Abraxas was going to get. The TV was on TVSN, one of those home shopping network-esque channels, when Ozzie needed to knock out that channel always delivered. It's the perfect mix of boring and oddly comforting due to the same few hosts trying to sell you stuff on there. Felt like he knew em in a way. "Greek dudes? Possibly. I don't think I've personally met any though." He mentioned as he kept flipping from channel to channel.

Ozzie didn't even notice of Abraxas's attempts to reach for him again, but Abraxas did manage to grab his attention by popping that last question off. "Honestly? I want to know the story behind you getting sealed off in that gold statue." He might have been pushing it a bit, but Ozzie felt that wasn't too personal of a question. There was excitement behind the way he delivered the question, which was only reinforced by how he leaned in with a balled fist buried into his right cheek. Eyes locked, brows raised, and a half smirk formed up that even his beard couldn't hide.
He hummed in thought at the analogy before looking at what was on, watching curiously. He watched as he flipped channels before pouting when asked. He leaned back, staring at the ceiling, thinking rather hard. "I... I was hiding... There were... heavens I'm not sure, but they could kill us, they killed K̵̦͘ȓ̸̘ì̸̦n̸̡̈e̸̫͆!" His eyes went wide, and suddenly, he was back in the form the other saw him in before, but they eyes were shaking, shaking in fear.

"They said they were going to kill me, they wanted to kill me." He rubbed his head in pain, whimpering and shaking his head roughly around.
"Shit," Ozzie placed his hand on Abraxas's shoulder in an attempt to anchor him. "Maybe that was a bit too heavy hittin' after all. You are okay now." That was a lapse in character if Ozzie's ever seen one. Seeing Abraxas all choked up and scared didn't illicit happy thoughts for damn sure. He spoke of killings and the high heavens, a plot against him, and something intelligible. Just what the hell was going on back in those days of old? And where the hell are all these other Gods anyways? It made little sense, but Abraxas was distraught. Ozzie couldn't press him further; calming him down is what mattered right now.
Abraxas took a few moments to calm down, slowly nuzzling against him as he calmed down, breathing hard. He gripped onto the other man tightly before moving to nuzzle his beard softly, breathing in his scent. "I.... I'm terribly sorry... Something isn't right..." He sighed softly, rubbing his face before downing the bottle of wine and then eating the loaf given to him. He could eat as much or as little as he wanted, but he indulged in the pleasure of food. Taking a big breath, he pulled himself away, fanning himself, "My, my, I'm usually so much better composed..."
Ozzie was relieved to see Abraxas back to himself, for the most part. Abraxas being back came with all the physical affection though in a way Ozzie kind of asked for it by touching the demon in the first place. In retrospect maybe he shouldn't complain too much ... Abraxas admittedly felt a little nice against him. "No worries mate I should be the one apologizin'," Ozzie looked off a bit and scratched at his beard as he did so. "That probably wasn't the best question to be askin' anyway. Sorry." Ozzie handed Abraxas the remote and let him choose. He was never the best at picking what to watch, at least not around others, and he felt it would be more interesting to see what an ancient entity would fancy. "Feel free to ask me a question too while you shift through the channels."
He hummed in delight, looking over the remote with curiosity. He pressed a plethora of buttons to figure out how to use it, having fun with changing the volume, being fascinated at the tiny people in the box. He, unfortunately or fortunately, found his way to some day talk show, where the judges were bitchy and the gossip was hot. Of course a creature of pleasure would adore something with drama in it. "You... You are a scholar, correct? You wish to learn? What do you want to learn?" He asked curiously, looking between him and the tv, every now and again he'd point at the screen and ask questions.
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