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Feedback on my RT.


Mar 22, 2023
Hello everyone! I am looking for some feedback on my latest Request Thread

I haven't been able to gather up much interest on it, and I have been curious why.

Is the setting just a bit too dense? Does Jakov seem like a boring protagonist? Do I need to add more example plots to get the gears turning?

Right now I am under the Impression that it's just a big story with a lot of Investment not a lot of people are willing to put up, but if anyone has some outside perspective I would love to hear it!
Hiya! I've just read through the whole thing and before I go further I wanted to say I absolutely adored the setting! I'm a huge fan of grim and dark settings and the idea of humanity just handing over a billion souls infected with everything under the sun is amazing 💜 That and Blackbone been able to distort space, Blackblood creating human Pyskers in the form of xenoglossaries! Ooooh It's so fun! Anyway!

My biggest issue is that... it reads more like a world building thread than a request thread. Some general bullet points right at the top of the page would help, just detailing what you want and your requirements, etc, to get people hooked into actually reading about the world, which is a lot to read, and that will help it look more like an RT I think.

Also this is just personal preference but I was really struggling with the font/colours, I think it was a combination of both or maybe it's just my screen but the small red text is giving me eye strain, I would just pick a font/colour for your world building and stick to it, but that's personal preference like I said!

Uhmmm... What else, I super love the idea of Jakov! Been ex-city security and now a private detective is a bit of a stereotype but I think it works here from how soulless city security is. There are a few lines throughout the whole RT that could just be removed like: "I do not have children nor have I ever been married. I do not have strong religious beliefs." in Jakov's bio, like... I don't need to know then! I know it's meant to be IC etc but I just think maybe it could be left out until the actual rp starts?

Again as someone who's read through the whole of the world and the character profile I'm still confused as to where we would start for the character you want to play against, it's your world so people are going to struggle to build a character for it without you leading a little bit, suggest some character types for us! Maybe ex-city security with Jakov, maybe someone he used to work with who's also pissed off at the system? Or maybe a wanderer who's only recently come to town and needs work, and then they can learn about the world a bit more IC, maybe a Xenoglossary who's spent their time enslaved by some gang for their psychic powers and has recently escaped looking for revenge! Just a bit more of a guide would be useful, I think.

I'm going to stop because I don't want to ramble, And please don't take it like I don't like your RT! I think the world is amazing, and with a bit of formatting, and more guidance for someone reading it would really help!

PS - The links at the top of the post are cool! but apart from the OOC section, they don't make sense to read on their own, if that... makes sense? Like to understand the final one you need to read the first 3, so I just don't think they add much.
Thank you!

First of all, I do agree that it ultimately seems like more of a World-Building thread more than anything. I might move it over to a Journal Section, or maybe just put all that stuff at the bottom of the thread (or put an anchor link to the RT section at the very top.) Maybe more the latter, because unless there is a simpler way to do it the idea of having to re-do all of that bbcode and images brings tears to the eye.

The font colors were more for my own use to color-code things, but I agree a simpler color profile should help. At the very least using high-contrast only--I really don't know what I was thinking with the Red on Black.

Having a proper section for suggested characters/mysteries is probably the best idea, I imagine the biggest hurdle for people was the fact that they didn't know where to enter, and thus I imagine a lot of people were clicking on it, going "Neat Worldbuilding" and then back arrow-ing out. Ultimately mutual brainstorming makes the best plots, so I think it's best to have just a couple of "spitball" ideas to get the mind working.

As for the links, I admit, last year I had an RT that I spent days on with super complex BBCODE and accordion tabs and shit, but then it got zero interest--I wasn't surprised, it was a super niche fandom--and since then I have been a bit dissuaded from prettying up my RTs to that effect, but I put the links up there so people still have a quick way of moving around the RT. I do agree that linking to the Individual lore sections doesn't make sense in hindsight.
Although it looks like you got the advice you were looking for, I wanted to agree with your conclusion. It is a lot of stuff that is fun to read, but is also a lot to wade through if I am looking to roleplay with you. Take it with a grain of salt because I am new and have no idea what I am doing, but it feels like a lot of text that even on my big-ish monitor is kind of small and a strain to read, and a lot of scrolling, and it is intimidating. It is hard to find what you are into and what you are looking for in a partner. You might try linking the bigger ideas to your journal or using tabs?
Hello everyone! I am looking for some feedback on my latest Request Thread

I haven't been able to gather up much interest on it, and I have been curious why.

Is the setting just a bit too dense? Does Jakov seem like a boring protagonist? Do I need to add more example plots to get the gears turning?

Right now I am under the Impression that it's just a big story with a lot of Investment not a lot of people are willing to put up, but if anyone has some outside perspective I would love to hear it!

First of all, absolutely love what you did for your RT's setting (or rather, world building thread!), Salt! I think what you have here already is certainly the grounds of something special! I dig the image edits and the choice in them as well as the perspective you introduced your character in!

But as a lay person looking in for the first time, it is definitely is a lot to take in! If you want to break some of the densest bits down into bullet points or condense it into easily digestible short paragraphs, I think it would do a world of wonder for those peeking in to see whether they would be interested in the setting in the first place! Perhaps separating the dense descriptions of your plot's world into its own worldbuilding thread and linking your RT to it would serve as a better avenue for gathering interested people too! If you have the shortened version for people invested in writing with you already, then they would be drawn to investigating more of what you got in mind!

Adding a short description of who you are, how large your posts are/how frequent you post, and what you're looking for in a writing partner would be nice! Maybe add a writing sample on top of that, and that should be more than enough for someone to get your vibes while also filtering out those who might not be the best fit! Oh! And add a little snippet of what your kinks and limits are too! All of that combined would go a long way!

On a side note, choosing text colors that hold a little more contrast from the natural blue background of the site's interface would also help out when it comes to visual accessibility!

Hope this all helps out if you were still looking for advice!
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