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As Though There Were No Tomorrow (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Captain." Stein didn't seem too thrilled, even as Aces dug in his bag for some iguana bits.
"Lieutenant, your hesitance is commendable, but she's a personal slave." Martin said before giving a dissatisfied scowl, "Her name means 'dog', for fuck's sake."
"Bitch." Cagna corrected gently, taking the food Aces handed to her, and Martin scowled more.
"I was trying to be polite.."
"Command is going to have a field day.." Aces muttered amusedly. Cagna ate the bits quietly for a moment before looking up at Colt.
"Allow me to share your bed tonight, Colt." She requested, causing Martin and Aces to choke on their water.
“Uh.. well.. you can have the bed roll, sure.” He said. “But that’s not.. why we brought you along.”
"How else am I to repay you?" She asked.
"Lieutenant, with respect: shut the fuck up." Martin cut Stein off before he could speak, before standing and moving to Cagna. She watched him as he knelt in front of her and reached for her collar, stopping when she flinched a bit.
"Yer alright. I'm just gonna het this off." He told her gently.
Cagna inched closer - carefully - and lifted her chin so he could reach the collar better. Her pulse was erratic, her vein thumping hard with her hammering heart, hands gripping her dress until her knuckles turned white. She was absolutely petrified of Martin touching this thing, like she would die if he fiddled with it too much.
As soon as it clicked free, she grasped at her neck, as if her head would fall off with it gone. There was a bruise and some scarring; most likely from it being so tight for so long.
"There you go. That's better, huh?" Martin smiled. Cagna swallowed roughly and nodded.
"Th-Thank you..." She muttered.
"You won't ever have to worry about this," Martin lifted the collar, "Or the Legion ever again. Captain and I will see to that." He told her. She nodded numbly, almost too scared to look at him.
"I trust you..." She muttered. Martin stood and moved away, chucking the collar into the desert darkness before moving back to his spot.
Aces did what he could, as well, not liking how heavy the atmosphere became, before they all decided it was best to turn in. It was a bit of a walk to the outpost, and with Cagna with them, they didn't want to take long.
Colt kicked himself. She was in need of help, but she was beautiful. And in the harsh environment of the Mojave, she was a sight for sore eyes.
He gave up his bedroll for her, laid near her so she'd feel safe. And in the morning, while it was still cool, they packed up and headed for the outpost. She kept close to him, probably because she felt safest with him, away from Stein's harsh gaze.
He fed her his rations, gave her water, thinking of a good story to feed Command as to why he had an extra guest.
When they arrived at the outpost, Aces gave Colt a firm salute.
"Good luck with Ranger Jackson, Cap." He said.
"Enter." Jackson called, and when Colt stepped in, he looked at him over his sunglasses, "Welcome back, Captain. Another job well done?"
He nodded, standing still. “Camp cleared, we brought back files and uhm. One civilian.” He said.
"Civilian?" Jackson repeated before leaning over a bit to see Cagna standing obediently behind Colt, "That's a slave."
"You know how bad this looks, don't you?" He asked, "We can't take her, especially if she's a slave. She might be a spy."
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