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Drop boxes

you can also use this:

[ accordion=600 ] = the width of the "box"
[ COLOR=#8b5f96 ] = the color of the title (change the hex if you'd like). feel free to also add a font and change the size (now it's 16px)
Here is text = the text that shows when you click on the box. you can format your text within each dropdown.​

Title 1
Here is text
Title 2
Here is text
Title 3
Here is text

[accordion=600|bcenter]{slide=[CENTER][COLOR=#8b5f96][SIZE=14px]Title 1[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
}Here is text 1
[/accordion][accordion=600|bcenter]{slide=[CENTER][COLOR=#8b5f96][SIZE=14px]Title 2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
}Here is text 2
[/accordion][accordion=600|bcenter]{slide=[CENTER][COLOR=#8b5f96][SIZE=14px]Title 3[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
}Here is text 3
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