brenda brunette
- Joined
- May 21, 2017
- Location
- Wisconsin

Barmaid had been about the only job a young Elf could get in Stillhollow. When she had started, the Burnished Horse Tavern had been a popular place. It had always brimmed with activity. When there wasn't a traveler to regale the patrons with stories of far-away adventures, there were always the locals who would tell tales of a traveling mage, or Samurai, or some other hero who they swore had stayed at their hovel and spent the night, or at least ate soup with them.
But now, now that Dommik the Great had seized power and exerted his control over the town, most of the locals no longer had the coin to visit the tavern. Rare, indeed, was the traveler who came by. Lorafarren sighed again.
There were those who wanted to rise up, to overthrow Dommik the Dreadful. But simple folk like the people of Stillhollow (most of whom were farmers by trade) couldn't overthrow such a powerful tyrant. A group of men had met in secret and sent away to find a hero, someone to save them from the iron clutches of Dommick. Some secret meeting – the whole town knew about it!
There were rumors Dommik might be more than a mere man. Lorafarren didn't know if that was just talk, or if there was some truth to the rumor. There had been speculation, too, that this hero (assuming one had been found) would want to recruit young men to assist him in his battle against the tyrannical Dommik.
Lora sighed again. She would like to close up early, but the owner of the tavern forbade it. The Burnished Horse was attached to the Stillhollow Inn, and Wheatsky, the owner, was certain the hero would arrive one night and need accommodation.
Lorafarren cast her eyes around the room one more time. The tables and chairs, once filled with laughter and lively chatter, now stood silent and still, like ghostly sentinels guarding memories of better days. The hearth, which used to blaze with a roaring fire, now held nothing but cold ashes.
Her thoughts wandered back to the stories she had heard as a child, tales of brave warriors, wise wizards, and clever rogues who had all faced insurmountable odds and triumphed. If only one such hero could come to Stillhollow now. Her heart ached with a mixture of hope and despair.
* * *
Hello! As you may have guessed, my name is Brenda, and I'm hoping to play a high-fantasy RP with someone. I believe my opener above has lots of possibilities. You, dear reader, could play the Hero, or one of the Hero's recruits, or Dommik himself! There are lots of possibilities. And while Loraferren is anticipating a male hero, she could be wrong in that assumption.
Of course, if you have any ideas or tweaks you'd like to make in this scenario, I'd love to hear them! I'm sure we can work out a scenario which delights both of us!
I don't care about your RL gender as long as you're a good writer. I don't expect perfection (please don't expect it from me) and length doesn't matter as long as you give something I can work with.
I prefer playing in PMs, and I do my best to write three or four paragraphs. Sometimes it might be two. I try to reply every day, but lately I've been replying less, taking up to about four days to reply.. If I must miss more than that, I'll let you know. Please try to do the same.
Just message me if you're interested. If you're feeling particularly bold, consider my opener above "canon" and send me a response!