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Fx Any Deliciously Debauched Monster Fucking {on-site & Discord, NSFW links; canon and OC}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The cute little elf whimpered as the thick, orc cock slid into her tight body. Her protests and pleas clearly weren't about to be heard, though she'd already figured as much. his hands had teased her taut body till she'd shamefully exploded, coating his fingers, then this cock with her arousal. Now she could feel her own juices lubricating as the thing slid inside her. The toned slope of her stomach already started to bulge obscenely, an elf pussy stretching around that which it had never been meant to take. Her attempts to look away had already been foiled, thick hands grasping her short white hair, yanking her pretty freckled face down. Sharp eyes could take in every detail as the orc slid into her, his monstrous cock laying its claim on her quivering body.

It took all she had not to part her lips and moan.


I've been craving another attempt at getting some good RPs together, and I wanted to return to something that's always been a favorite of mine: monster fucking. More specifically, monster fucking involving attractive females, many of whom are quite talented and powerful in their own right, most who initially aren't seeking out monsters to fuck, getting fucked by monsters in delightfully debauched, pleasure filled ways that leave them drooling and quivering. I'm looking to play into most of the standard tropes here: pretty girls, mostly unappealing monsters, mind-melting fucking, the whole work.

I'm mostly interested in some variant of the usual fantasy setting, though there's definitely flexibility there. I would love a scenario involving a sort of deep VR dive like you so often see in anime and manga, or perhaps something involving a steampunk world or the like. I even have a few images that inspire something possibly a bit more apocalyptic. Oh, and I have a bevy of Pokemon beauties and some good plot ideas to go along with them.

I do have lots of images to use for various females and to inspire various ideas. I've got decidedly less direct images for the monsters, though I've nothing against using them. Many of those images are AI art, though I tend to drift toward particular artists/users. While I love using art and images to help inspire and represent characters, I don't require it. Good descriptions are definitely enough.

I still want pleasure to be the focus here: it's about inflicting the pleasures and melting the female's mind through wanton pleasure, though there's likely a good deal of roughness to be expected and involved.

Marnie felt all kinds of silly, dressed like this. It was hard for her to ignore the slight pink in her cheeks or her own mounting discomfort. She wasn't even sure this would work. Yeah, the rumors said that Pokemon who mated with humans got really awesome attack boosts and stats, not to mention getting closer. But it almost felt like some kind of cheat, and she wasn't sure her plan really counted a "mating," since she didn't intend to remove the skintight shorts that clung to her taut little ass. Marnie chewed her lip a moment more, eying her recently traded Houndoom. He just looked so impressive that she was sure if he just got a little boost he'd be the sort of Pokemon that could put her over the top.

She just... had to act like a Pokemon and bend over a bit, no big deal. The girl bent slightly at the waist, pushing that tight ass up. She waved it, the attached tail wiggling a bit.

Now for the really silly part: "Loin loin!" she called, wiggling again, hoping that she got the inflection and setup just right...

  • I go by Fate on the site, with darkest being my adjective. Been on the site for fifteen something years with slightly more time writing the horny. When not writing erotica, I write YA fiction, game reviews, and work as an online instructor (and substitute teacher)
  • I don't care about your RL gender. I write characters of any and all genders, and some variation of this request thread will be going up on most sections.
  • The focus of these RPs should be the monster fucking, but I would like at least some loose plot and at least some general characterization for the females involved.
  • I am quite accepting of kinks and love to meet my partners' preferences. Most of the ones I "insist" on are pretty easy to deal with. f-list is here.
    • My main kink is actually clothing. I like it described and like it when characters engage in sexual activity while still wearing stuff. That really extends to "ownership clothing," which in a situation like this is probably less overt stuff like collars and more like jewelry or wearing a partner's clothes.
    • Faves are things I lean into or generally want to include, but don't mandate in every RP (some of them outright contradict)
    • Yeses are things that I'm fine if they show up or will include naturally so long as my partners are okay with it
    • Maybes are things that I'd likely include in passing in a RP but wouldn't probably want a focus on.
    • Nos are pretty standard.
  • Additional kinks can include:
    • Aphrodisiacs
    • Spells
    • Curses
    • Heat
    • Literal mind fucking (tendrils or the like working the brain over directly)
    • Unique changes to eyes, (e.g. hearts in pupils or color changes)
    • Consequences to orgasm
    • Monsters laying ownership
  • I'm fine with either OCs or canonical characters. I will try and list some of the canons I'm interested in RPing.
  • All characters should be 18+
  • I can be quite active and highly responsive, particularly when I'm excited about a RP. However, I've had a tendency to slip more and more lately. I at least put up an announcement if I won't be responding for a while. Patience is great though
    • I have repetitive strain in both my arms, which means that sometimes they lock up or get too painful to write, so I may take a sudden break
  • As this shows, I can write a lot. I prefer not to have massive novellas, as at that point you're usually writing past each other, but I do like there to be description (particularly with sex).

Mai should've known that this whole dress like a sexy bunny girl to infiltrate the organization had been a mistake. She'd needed to follow the lead, to see if her friend really had fallen to these creatures and the strange being who ran the establishment. Mai had figured it would be oh so easy, just entertain a few customers, watch them rut and cum early like the monsters they were. But now the talented student council president, a lauded heiress of spiritual power who had protected her sexual virginity like the commodity it was, found her pristine legs being raised almost alongside her. The foul porcine creature loomed over her, his massive, spiraled cock erect and rutting against her pristine flesh. His aimless thrusts already ran him nearly to between Mai's breasts. His rutting nearly ran against her tight virginal sex. she couldn't let him get further: it was time to tip her hand and use enough power.

Yet the creature seemed to anticipate it. Its meaty fist connected with Mai's lower belly the moment she shifted, as if it had been watching for the movement. The spirtualist would feel the blow, to be sure, but it shouldn't be enough to stop. However, as it connected, shimmering pink etching a symbol along the white flesh. It flared in those gorgeous violet eyes, twin hearts shimmering for a moment, words pouring out of her: "Please fuck my needy pussy, Buta-San!"

no sooner did the words pass Mai's lips than her spiritual protection waver, offering no resistance to the spiraled cock aimed directly at her innocence, trembling thighs falling further open to beckon.

Monsters and Girls
In general, the monsters should:
  • Be more focused on fucking than defeating or devouring
  • Be equipped for the task, with special consideration given to being very well equipped (cork-screw cocks, knots, ridges, etc.)
  • Be focused on breaking a girl via pleasure, likely because they're also focused on breeding with the potential female (though we can swerve away from it if it's a kink you're not as interested in)

Monster Ideas:
  • Orcs (fave)
  • Pigmen (fave)
  • Mind Flayers (fave)
  • Succubi
  • Lupines
  • Minotaurs
  • Ogres (oni)
  • Ettins (2 heads, 2 cocks)
  • Nightmares (demonic horses)
  • Monstrous Boars
  • Tentacle monsters
  • Slimes
  • Satyrs
  • Goblins
  • Centaurs
  • Lizardmen
  • and more!

In general, the girls should:
  • Be attractive in some form or fashion
  • Be initially resistant or reluctant to fuck monsters
  • Be gifted in their own right (e.g. skilled fighters or magic users)
  • Reminder: I've got loads of inspirational pictures, but we don't have to use images if you don't want to. Just make it clear you want to rely heavily or solely on description, and we'll go from there.

Various Galleries
  • AI Alchemist - softer art featuring a lot of tomboyish, svelte females.
  • 0Assult0 - one of my favorites. All canons, though I don't know most. Wide range (literally over 900 images in this gallery, and...)
    • Elves - over 200 images just of various elves
    • Modern - various modern canons
    • PokéGirls - canonical trainer beauties
    • Superheroines - primarily DC and Marvel, but with a splash of MHA (also a lot of Gwen Stacy)
  • MannerlyVoice - sort of stylish, feminine art; all canon, and like 90% Gwen Stacy
  • lizschnabel - somewhere between realistic and anime

Possible Canons:

As the tendril drilled deeper into her ear, she found it harder to keep herself together. The constant mental struggle of keeping the creature out of her mind, away from the magical knowledge and possibly centuries of elfish knowledge, warred with her own growing bodily lusts. She'd spent so long carefully controlling her bodily desires, separating them from reality, treating her body as every elf was taught. That slender frame was a vessel for a soul, a mind, and magic. Yet now the creature stimulated her pleasures in ways she'd never experienced, even before dedicating herself fully to the magical arts. She made her choice, to keep her knowledge secret, and thus the creature attacked her pleasure centers, stimulating them to extremes that went beyond even its expert handling of her body. She let out a sharp cry, her body arching as arousal sprayed from her sex. Her tongue lolled open, eyes glazing, the symbol of a violet heart flickering over the stunning blues. She offered no resistance as it tilted her head toward its face, a tentacle invading her.

Her body, giving way to lust, sucked even as it quivered, another little burst of pleasure rolling through it.

Plot Kernels
(trying to leave these open for us to potentially start unique ideas)
  • Curse Breaking*: the monster convinces the heroine that they're under a curse, one that requires mutual release from two parties in sexual congress. Whether that's true or a ploy to get an unsuspecting heroine to spread her legs is yet to be seen.
  • A Monstrous Charge*: it's a little known fact that a heroine gets a power boost after having sex with a monster. Maybe this is based on the amount of pleasure they experience, or perhaps the amount of semen. Regardless, it can create an odd balance of power, where a skilled heroine must determine how much sex to have with monsters so as to get the boost without being overwhelmed or, worse, bred.
  • For Victory!*: the various humanoid races of the land have banded together to fight off the monster horde. Unfortunately for them, they're fighting a losing battle. However, they've discovered that they can use the monsters' reproductive traits against them. By selectively breeding strong, but controllable monsters with their best heroines, they can create an army to fight back.
    • Variant: the army is winning, and someone in control decides that to solidify their power, they start taking powerful and potentially dangerous heroines and breed them to monsters.
  • Goblin Lair: a heroine or heroines have heard about a goblin lair causing trouble for the locals. Naturally she's not worried about such pathetic creatures. What she's not aware of is how the goblins are particularly eager to get their hands on pretty things.
  • Succubus Curse: a heroine/adventurer finds themself running afoul of a succubus (or incubus). The demonic tempter knows precisely what to do to truly undermine someone like this: curse her sexually. Perhaps it's that she cannot resist if someone attempts to mate. Maybe she goes into heat. Maybe she's cursed to be submissive in certain cases. Regardless, things are going to get interesting for our heroine.
  • Attack Boost: it's discovered that if a Pokemon mates with a human, they become quite aggressive and gain a huge boost in their attack abilities. Naturally there may be some other side effects, but it's not like anyone's willing to study this phenomenon. Our trainer figures it can't hurt
    • (Bonus points for the girl being eventually bred for special eggs; double bonus points for Marnie)
  • Sexual Traits: there's a "trait" system in existence that usually grants various heroines and the like special abilities. They're frequently earned, and are things like "goblin killer" or "elusive prey." A monster or other force has figured out how to manipulate the system to give heroine more... desirable traits, like "breeding craver" and "monster sucker."
  • Possession Law: a monster has somehow managed to take control over the hero. Perhaps it's direct possession, maybe it's mind control. Regardless, if our heroine wants them to remain safe, she's going to have to play along.
  • At What Cost?: the heroine is a part of a group, and they require something. Perhaps it's passage through a territory, maybe it's a magical item. There's likely a time crunch or something in their way. "Fortunately" the owner, who may be a monster themself, is willing to make a deal.
  • An Orgasm Per Hostage: sometimes the heroine(s) cum just a bit too late, and the villagers/innocents are already taken captive. Naturally they have to be careful: they don't want harm to come to innocents. So when the monsters offer a deal, what choice do they have? Said deal is simple: a hostage can freely go with each orgasm the heroine gets, either from herself or from a monster. Watch the heroines debase themselves more and more, not realizing that they're willingly participating in their own corruption! (Or this is a rare one that could have a semi-happy ending where the heroines just exhaust the monsters).
  • Sexual Infiltration: it's necessary to enter a debauched country for some reason: to rescue someone, do a job, spy on the monsters. This requires our heroine to sneak in under disguise, not realizing this puts her into the hands of some particularly cunning monsters.
  • Lustful Dungeon: there exists a lair packed with monsters and creatures. Inside of this place is untold treasures, and/or possible answers to the monster situation. Brave adventurers must go forth to find out.
  • Protection Racket: naturally some humans know of the monsters and are more than willing to help get pretty things in the hands of foul creatures. Some have arranged protection rackets, purposefully hiring heroines to go through dangerous lands or escort precious cargo, all the while taking money from the monsters in exchange for fresh heroines.
  • Monster Ranch: there's reports of great meat, milk, or perhaps suspicious produce coming from a new "ranch" that's opened up. A heroine or group of heroines is hired to investigate, and by the time they realize what's going on, they're part of the new stock.
  • The Satyr's Romp: there's rumors of an impressive party where certain individuals meet. The legends state that a powerful satyr is behind it. What is definitely known is that there's plenty of sex, and that it's a place to go for information or a patron. What isn't so known is that most of the actual fucking involves monsters, usually with an audience.
  • Similar Ideas! I've often found the best RPs take ideas that one person has and reworks them or comes up with something entirely new!

"Don't you fucking dare!" the fierce barbarian growled, slamming her hand into the creature's side. Their fight had weakened her considerably, the minotaur having utterly demolished her aura. Yet her stamina hadn't fully depleted, and she recovered fast enough. Already she could feel the strength returning. She could wriggle and writhe, and knew she'd be full enough to Rage and get out of there. A growl bubbled up, already planning on taking the minotaur's ridiculously large fucking ax and ending him.

The creature seemed to read her intention, or maybe her body language. A thick meaty hand connected hard with the barbarian's tight little ass. Instinct took over, the lithe fighter rolling with the motion, jerking her hips forward. It wasn't until she felt the cock slam into her insides that she realized what the minotaur had done: "You fucker!" she managed, looking down to see several inches of cock impaled in her tight sex. The sensation hit her after, as if she'd needed visual confirmation. The fullness, her sex stretching around bovine cock. The pressure, building and almost priming her lower half. But most of all, the raw raunchiness of the creature just fucking taking control over her finely toned body like that, almost using it against her. He'd promised to turn the proud Amazon into a cock-puppet, and some part of her body was already starting to get on board.

That was even before his hand grabbed her ass, and he pulled, sinking an unbelievable amount of minotaur dick into her, shattering her mind and resistance in one hard thrust.

Ending Bit

So this got a tad wordy, but I have a lot of ideas and wanted to really make the thread stand out. If you're seeing this in the active subforum, it means I'm interested in writing erotic monster RPs. Feel free to PM me with some ideas, some girl(s), some monster(s), and some excitement. We can work something out and see if we can get something going that we'll both fully enjoy!
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Pre-Made Characters
The following are some characters I've either made ahead of time for potential play or have transferred and fleshed out from a current RP. I know some people like coming up with characters unique to the RP and scenario, so this is by no means required. It's more to show some characters I'm interested in and give an idea for which images and directions I'm most interested in.

Lady Alice Hornley


Young daughter of a powerful noble house. Lady Alice has inherited the great powers that come with the Hornley bloodline, passed from the true heir to another. Raised since childhood to accept and carry the name, Alice carries herself well and takes the legacy into consideration. The training has left her prepared, but perhaps a tad overconfident. Regardless, she believes in doing what's right, helping the weak, and hopefully returning to her beloved.

An excellent partner for all monsters, but particularly orcs, pigmen, trolls, nightmares and wolves, to carry on the legacy, of course.



Sheltered channeler of powerful spiritual magic. Nerinth comes from a tribe/culture with a deep connection to and understanding of the natural and spiritual world. Despite her age, she's proven remarkably adept at that magic, with a high level of innate understanding. While she has little to no understanding of men, and not much more of the world outside of her sheltered home, she has a keen understanding of nature and a desire to maintain the balance.

A natural partner for all monsters, but particularly pigmen, boars, satyrs, and centaurs, to maintain that strong connection to nature.



The only child of the Dark Lord (or possibly a vampire), Valaine is as powerful as she is spoiled. The young mistress possesses the uncanny abilities of her race to an impressive degree. However, her demeanor is very much that of a teenager, and a spoiled one at that. Perhaps she's willing to switch sides and fight for the good of the Realms (though that likely requires some sort of additional benefit), or perhaps someone decides that the bratty princess needs to be put in her place. Either way, Daddy's Dark Daughter makes for excellent breeding potential.

A delicious partner for all monsters, but particularly pigmen, ogres, lupines, and wolves, to put daddy's little girl in her place.

Isabelle Barrow


An agent and infiltrator with a nearly flawless record. Isabelle is among the best spies and infiltrators in the Realms, possessing uncanny intellect, strong magical abilities, and a willingness to do what it takes to succeed. Her successful mission rate is incredibly high, with several lesser beings having fallen prey. Her kill count and notoriety among monsters is well known, yet they still often find themselves unable to resist her seductive advances. Monsterkind would love nothing more than to make her a proper seedbed.

A yearned-for partner for all monsters, but particularly orcs, mind-flayers, succubi, and goblins, to get the better of our skilled infiltrator.



A powerful astral fencer with a strong connection to ice. Naley backs up an incredible innate talent for magic and the blade with years of training and skill. She has long devoted her life to perfecting and mastering her art, and her dedication shows. Her spurning of most regular social connections has isolated her and left her a bit socially inept. She hates her feminine body and beauty, particularly when it draws attention. While she currently abhors sex and is most certainly a "cold fish' that's nothing some dedicated monster can't fix.

A chilly partner for all monsters, but particularly orcs, pigmen, succubi, and trolls, to melt or shatter that ice.

Nuala Gremenor

The pristine priestess of the elves. Touched by the moon and blessed with divine magic and miracles, Nuala is often considered by her people to be an outright avatar of the Moon Goddess. As such, she must remain pure and untouched by all, certainly beasts. Her kind heart yearns to save those around her, though she can't quite help but maintain the long-term outlook and prejudices of her people. While she longs for a peaceful resolution, deep down Nuala can't help but feel that monsters may not be deserving. To say that monsters long to besmirch her is an understatement

An exquisite partner for all monsters, but particularly orcs, pigmen, lupines, and goblins, the traditional enemies of elves.

Amon Sutsigem


Genius wizard with a bountiful body. Amon's intellect developed far before her beauty did, with her refining and even inventing several magical techniques and spells. This catapulted her to attention at a relatively young age, and she tried to take it in stride. Puberty hit her late and extremely hard, to the point where she still struggles with adjusting to her impressive bust size and curves. She's fully aware that said curves draw attention and isn't above using them or wearing the "traditional" clothes. If anything, she thoroughly enjoys the attention, and secretly loves reading scandalous tales of ruffians with impressively large members, which has left her a bit of a closet pervert and size queen. Unfortunately most haven't lived up to her expectations.

A bountiful partner for all monsters, but particularly orcs, minotaurs, ogres and centaurs, to best handle that curvaceous form.​
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"Okay, so, you have to be inside me and cum for Daddy---the dark lord's curse to be broken, right?" the sinfully pretty princess of darkness asked the piggish creature beneath her. They'd already gone over the details, sure, to get to this point. Valaine's lips still stung from the attempt at the kiss, and she could taste the pigmen's tongue still lingering on hers. That part had sucked for her, even though some part of her could feel that twisting sort of excitement that always seemed to come with undermining her daddy's authority and doing what she wanted. To think that she could actually free a beautiful prince, and all it would take was using her body! It still seemed almost too easy.

That was only part of why she hesitated now. Powerful as Valaine was, she was still physically much, much smaller than the brute beneath her. Her hands on his bulging gut almost looked dainty, to say nothing of the rest of her. That pulsating, corkscrew cock, inhuman and clearly designed for one purpose only, hit well above Valaine's naval even as she shifted her hips again. The light dark hairs of her sex teased it, bits of piggish arousal already starting to stick. She could feel it slicking her belly too, an almost slimy substance, thicker than most creature's seed. Valaine knew that was because pigmen were built not simply as bulky soldiers, but to unravel and defeat female champions, for demoralizing and all.

Now she angled her tight, girlish sex against the tapered, almost curled tip. "Okay, so, like go slow and use only shallow thrusts," she told him again, as if she hadn't already demanded it. She slapped at his hands as they tried to grab her cute little ass. "Better yet, let me control it," she told him, "you'd just mess it up." Flushing, Valaine realized that was probably a bit harsh, and bit her lip. "It's because of your disgusting pigman form, not anything to do with you, my prince," she told him, angling her hips. "Okay, so we just have to---wait, what are you?" the pigman's thick hands grabbed her waist and angled her. Valaine felt his tip brush against her sex, where only the slightest hints of arousal showed. Despite all they'd done, getting excited for mating with one of her daddy's most disgusting creations hardly aroused. She'd been almost more focused on how she'd have to wash her dark silken sheets

"I said don't!" she demanded, slapping again. He wasn't listening, the instincts taking over, probably. "Slow down and--hurgh!" The last came as he yanked on her body. Valaine had been gathering energy, readying a potential blast, and hadn't been fully prepared or tensed. So when several inches of spiraled porcine cock twisted up into her insides, it hit her all at once. Eyes glazed at the strange feeling, this weird mix of fullness, arousal, disgust, and this almost raw need, her body shivering. "Sl--sl---" she still managed, only able to even grasp that much of language due to her power. But the creature was already beginning its true task, sliding the precious daughter's petite little body down its spiraling cock, shoving more of those mind-melting sensations directly into her brain.
If Amon Sutsigem had thought her claims of sourcery and power would somehow make this easier for her, she was clearly mistaken. Rough orc hands ran their way along her quivering thighs, noting the supple flesh. They dug into her rounded rump, talons nearly cutting into her pure skin. The orc rolled the mage's delightful rear in his grasp, kneading it as if it were little more than bread dough. As he saw her raising her head, possibly to protest, possibly to utter a spell, he raised one hand. A rough grab seized ebony locks, shoving the pretty face into the pelt below, tilting enough that she could breathe through her nose should she wish.

Mouth lowered. Orcish teeth scraped against the soft skin of that plump ass, just dragging along, making the mage yelp and try to jerk free. He roughly grabbed her, pulling her back toward him, almost thrusting her body into his face. Perhaps she'd thought that by going alone, she truly could achieve a more peaceful resolution. Perhaps the village tricked her, thinking a pretty magician would make an excellent plaything for the orcish warlord. Or perhaps he'd simply looked at her and decided that this was how negotiations would proceed. His mouth shifted downward, tongue lolling against her barely clad sex.

"You smell fresh, ripe," he rasped in his roughened Common, his mouth nipping at the leather just covering her. "You haven't had many partners. That will change," he said, moving a hand up, prizing her quivering thighs apart further. He smiled, and they both knew why. Despite herself, Amon's arousal had risen. Just the barest hint of heat and want clung to her barely clad sex. The orc ran thick fingers along it, teasing the dewy arousal, almost playing with it and her. He hooked his fingers under the fabric and lifted, moving it aside. With a chuckle, his toothed mouth lowered, lips descending to her newly bared sex. teeth grazed sensitive tissue again, before the tongue of a true monster slid outward, flicking across it.

After all, he'd have to get his mate nice and wet if she were to take the fullness of his orchood.

Up until this point, Lady Alice had lived up to the Hornley name, despite her position. She'd allowed them to strap them into this ridiculous seat, with her legs spread and locked into position, her bottom slightly elevated. It promised "maximum efficiency for breeding," which is precisely what they were here for. She'd endured the humiliating outfit, the rendering of her usual steel blue garb into something downright pornographic. Plump, young breasts bared to the air, now glistening with thick pigmen saliva, their nipples taut and swollen. Her precious lips, previously as virginal as the rest of her, had been plumped, the foul creature's saliva still staining them. The royal blue fabric that was supposed to help maintain what little modesty could be saved had long since been tugged aside.

Even as the young lady's body arched, worked into climaxes beyond what she could achieve with a human lover, she'd still seemed at least somewhat reserved. She'd certainly screamed, letting out little noises. Her sex had spasmed, spraying arousal over her porcine partner and the chair below. It felt like every orgasm had been enhanced by the twisting, cruel corkscrew that slid in and out of her sex with increasing ease. Her body stretched taut along the invader, warped and warping with each heavy thrust. She'd endured the creature's fat belly pressing against her, its needy hands on her chest, its demanding lips on hers. Even that cock had been allowed entrance, with an almost proud bearing.

Indeed, the good lady might have been able to resist the usual piggish squeal that every female found herself releasing upon mating with the bulky pigmen. She had the durability and poise for it. Yet the piggish lover' had been set into a frenzy, her resistance spurring him on. His hips hammered her young body with a frenzy that couldn't be contained. he'd even shoved away the handler who was supposed to make sure he didn't damage the young lady. After all, the Hornley line needed to continue. Couldn't have that dreaded last entry. But as the creature's thighs pulled back, scoring another shuddering orgasm from Alice, it signaled her downfall. It twisted and slammed downward, its curled, tipped head hitting the back of her sex again, despite the inches of cock that extended out. But the creature ground, and this time, Alice felt a pop.

"Ohhheeeee!" the gorgeous knight squealed, head flying from side to side as she squealed. She felt the tip screwing past her, entering her womb directly, drizzles of thick, piggish cum already slurping into her. Her body jerked again, another long, porcine squeal leaving the demure lady as her partner screwed his way into her most sacred place. Her sex spasmed in something that resembled an orgasm, only amplified. a jet of arousal shot from her, her body arching with another scream as she felt it popping so deep inside her. Rumor had it that if a pigman did this, if his partner squealed, she'd not only have a fine litter but be a breeding sow for life. Lady Alice's cries as pleasure unlike any she could possibly feel seized her seemed to be sealing that very fate.
Zelda's cheeks bulged as she felt the bokoblin's cock buck again, depositing one last burst of its thick, sticky seed into her mouth. The princess could already feel it oozing about her lips, unable to remain contained within the small confines of her royal lips. A gag seized her throat, another burst of seed starting to exit, the princess more than ready to heave the unwanted semen from her body. It tasted thick and earth, nearly rank, with the raw essence of the monster filling her entirety. She could smell it still lingering, traces of its excitement still showing on cheeks. But as Zelda turned to forcefully expel the seed, she felt her hair snag.

The sudden yank surprised, but not nearly as much as the hand slapped against her mouth. A loud cry of protest shot from Zelda as her hands flailed, attempting to dislodge the creature. But it shifted, its fingers pinching her nose completely shut. Panic rose immediately as her easy access to air failed. Her mouth filled with seed, her nose held tightly shut. The creature tilted her head back, its intent clear even as it gibbered in its strange language. It even brought its other hand up to prod her cheeks. The princess tried another protest, hands flailing to see if perhaps she could reach her Slate or something to fend it off, just get enough space to remove this foul stuff from her mouth.

But as her vision swam, Zelda released she may not have a choice. The bokoblin had already shown it cared not for title nor power, seeing her as a hole. Now it clearly intended to feed her its seed, consequences be damned. Its hand almost pushed against her. Somehow Zelda found herself swallowing, the movement of her throat almost audible. The thick, foul texture against her throat nearly made her gag, but the creature tilted her back, easing the flow. Another few swallows, blue eyes pinching shut as she prayed to Hylia, followed. Zelda felt the last bits of it leaving her, only traces of the bokoblin's brutal conquest of her mouth left. Then and only then the creature released.

Zelda's tongue lolled out, her head tilting. She tried a cough, but nothing came out: she'd swallowed it. The princess felt a flush come upon her face, her blue eyes turning up to the creature, its odor filling her nose as she did. Her still panting mouth shifted, nearly releasing puffs of steam as she showed the empty area to the creature. As Zelda saw the bokoblin's spit-cleaned cock shift, she felt a shiver, a strange sensation in her lower belly telling her that something must be quite wrong indeed.
Oh nature, this felt amazing! No wonder creatures mated all the time, if it felt like this. Truly the best below Nerinth might be a hideous abomination, with its bulging belly and its thick, greasy fingers, but its member worked wonders. Each bounce the perky young shaman made atop the cock slid it against her inner walls. They'd found that sweet angle, her explorations and its determination meeting in kind. That last bursting orgasm, the spray of her arousal anointing pig and woman alike, had been enough to nearly melt the shaman's brain. Already she could feel the natural powers swelling up within her, granted by this coupling. So much raw magical energy! Truly, the sages had stumbled upon something great in this strange rutting ritual.

Nerinth's lightly tanned ass continued to bounce as she rode the pigman below. Sweat beaded as her increased pleasures drove her more and more. Already she felt as though she were chasing the sensations, her body craving what this curled member could inflict upon it. Another raw burst of pleasure rippled through her body. Head flung back, purple braids flying about as she howled out in pleasure. Her toes curled alongside, before spreading out, caught up in the wave. Her body shivered mightily, almost grinding down against it. Pleasure rolled through her, coursing in a flood, and raw natural power and magic came right alongside it. Bliss blew out her senses, making the pretty young thing grind all the harder upon the beast below. Her sex convulsed, dancing with pleasure and perhaps a near biological call.

Dimly Nerinth remembered the sage's advice. Ride the pigman, use it as your tool, but don't let it gain control. Do not let the cock spear into your innermost chamber. For the addiction may seize hold, and the creature will do all in its power to mate. Such thoughts briefly flit across her mind before floating away in the flood of pleasure. The shaman rolled, eager for one last orgasm, but as she felt her body starting to crest, she felt those fingers digging into her flesh. At first she thought it just a part of the show, her head lolling back, eyes closing. Closed eyes meant she didn't see that lustful determination, only felt the creature's grip tighten. "Wait---slow---" she managed, before the creature yanked.

Nerinth mouth dropped open, gold eyes going wide. The screwed member did its work, spiraling along her insides as it drilled up within her. All that arousal lubricated, eased the motion, so that little resistance offered. The curled head slammed taught against Nerinth's innermost chamber, drilling, not completely, not even with that much pressure, but seeming to almost extend the tip into her inner chamber. As the shaman's bliss seized her, she felt the seed pumping upward. All she could manage was a shake of her head before she felt the liquid warmth shoot up within her, blasting strong enough to feel like a punch to her innermost area.

Toes curled as another raw, powerful orgasm hit her, her body convulsing as pleasure again seized cruel control.
As Isabelle got into position, she knew this was a bad idea. Not only was it just a bad idea to let a mind flayer anywhere near your actual mind, but this particular setup reeked of danger. There was no guarantee the creature would live up to its promises, would actually let the hostages go. There was no guarantee that he wouldn't stun her and slurp her brain out of her skull directly. Worst of all, there was no guarantee that Isabelle wouldn't suffer the same fate of those other females she'd seen in the "bedroom." She could practically hear their eager moans, see their hands caressing surprisingly attractive bodies, note how some of their stomachs swell, likely filled with the tentacled abomination's progeny.

As the creature gestured for her to get into position, oddly stopping her as she began removing her scant clothing, Isabelle felt an odd little clenching in her lower abdomen. Those memories of eager faces moaning filled her mind, and while the agent knew her skills and training would likely aid her in resisting such a fate, some deep, dark part of her wondered. She felt something light ghost across her thoughts, tweaking them, disturbing them in ways that anyone untrained wouldn't notice. The image of a moaning girl transformed, looking like the seductive redhead. Faux-Isabelle's lips parted as she released a needful sigh, body shivering in delights unlike any she could imagine. Pink hearts floated in those sharp blue eyes, filled with lust and longing. Yet the shivers only came as Isabelle's attention drifted down, seeing the swollen belly of her matching image, knowing that such offspring would likely benefit from her considerable powers.

Her eyes almost flared then, glaring at the creature, letting it know she'd felt its touch. She took her seat on the odd chair, again noting how it looked like something belonging more in a medical office or hospital than a torture chamber. She flinched only slightly as tendrils rose from the floor, wrapping around her legs and arms, keeping them taut against the almost clinical chamber. Her attention flicked back to the creature as it spoke, informing her that this first "connection" was often quite intense. "I can handle it," she assured the creature, her voice cold. To her credit, Isabelle's breath didn't even hitch as tendrils slid into her ears directly, extending beyond.

The agent barely squirmed as the mind flayer explored her brain, the tendrils running along it. The teasing comments of the taste of thought and brain went by ignored, the redhead simply focused on the task at hand. Again her thought of perhaps faking orgasms to free prisoners came, but the chuckle projected into her brain waved away such thought, as did the promise it would not be necessary. Isabelle's lips parted, ready with a retort, only to feel a tendril tease something.

Pleasure of an nearly incomprehensible intensity blasted into Isabelle. She let out a sharp, almost inhuman shriek, body jerking against tendrils, hips thrusting roughly upward. The unnatural, mentally inflicted pleasure blasted through everything, seized control of every function that Isabelle had. It cascaded in a strong wave, then another, then a third, shivering one that left her panting, tongue lolling out, eyes glazed as her mind struggled to right itself. Through the lustfilled haze, Isabelle thought she heard a word, a single syllable:

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