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The Brothel (GuardianAngel and LunarWolf)

Alexi nodded his head and then returned to his rooms. he would talk to the others in the morning but for now he needed to change how his lock worked to make sure that she couldn't escape from his rooms.
Braelyn still seemed to be unconscious at that point in time, a steady rise and fall of her chest signifying that she was still breathing.
Alexi nodded his head glad to see what she was still out cold. it didn't take Alexi long to switch the deadbolt and the door knob around so that the key part of the lock was on the inside and then other side was facing the hall
Still asleep at that point but that would change after about an hour or so. Although she seemed quite out of it when she was starting to wake up.
Alexi was sitting reading but she would find herself freed from the cuffs and her wrist trapped in a brace as he had asked the doctor to look at it while she had been sleeping
Braelyn was just looking around a bit before she was actually moving to sit up, feeling a bit sick to her stomach. Yet again a lot had happened in the last few hours.
Braelyn was mumbling that she was fine. No the feeling was going away at that point, she just needed to let her system settle. She realized that she wasn't bound at all but her wrist was in a bace. Well that was nice of him. "Decided to be a decent human and let me go."
"I'm not letting you go but I am giving you the freedom to move around the room as you please rather then keeping you tied to the bed" Alexi looked at her and then smiled lightly
"What a gentleman." Braelyn was speaking after a moment in time before moving to get up. Well her wrist didn't hurt as much anymore and other wise she felt fine. Although it seemed like she was still naked.
"What the fuck is it you want with me." Braelyn was rounding on him now that she was on her feet. Did she care that he had s view at the time? Not really.
"I will never be your fucking pet. Not even when I'm dead." Braelyn was snarling at him, seeming very unafraid at the time.
Alexi reached out and pulled her close locking his arms around her before speaking "like I said earlier for off no, fuck you as often as I can"
Braelyn was giving a hiss as he was grabbing her and just holding her, making his comment about fucking her as often as he could. "Fuck no. I don't want you touching me like that ever."
"but I already have and I liked the feeling of you clenched around my cock" Alexi kept his arms wrapped around her making it so that she couldn't escape him
Braelyn thrashed in his arms to try and break free. "Don't get use to it. Because I will never fucking enjoy it."
"I am not crazy" he didn't touch the rapist part of her comment as she wasn't wrong what he had done and was going to do was technically considered rape
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