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~ Wrestling ~ (NSFW)

Doctor Love

Dec 31, 2021
Hey... thos title doesn't say much, but that's because it is such an open idea!

Ultimate surrender style scenes? -> Yes
WWE like backstage segements? -> Yes
Actual fights with sexual ending? -> Yes
F X F -> Yes
F x M -> Yes
F X M X F X .... ->You get the idea.

So, what I'd like to do is work on this Wrestling themes roleplay. Could be a one x one or group effort. What will we do?

We can have staged fights, with set outcomes. We could follow a corrupt backstage management. An upcomming rookie. Experienced fighter. Seasoned veteran.

We can do anything really!

If you reach out, (which I hope you do), let me know what you'd like to see! Really, if it is wrestling bases/themes we most likely can brainstorm a good idea out of it!

Alright, excuse the small open thread. Will update this soon with more ideas, potential pairings and visuals when I am not on my phone! :)
it really depends on the type of character I would play. I'd play a manager differently than I would a wrestler. The question is really who else is on board, do we need female wrestlers, or would a manager (or other role) be more helpful in adding to the story.

I could be wrong, but I believe that I'm the only female interested? So I would have no opponent, unless it's mixed wrestling.. So at this point I see myself rather playing a manager, ring girl or referee?
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