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Alkaline (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

“Oh no no no, my good man I would never host something as tasteless as this.. my father was a good friend of the host, so to keep good faith between families, I show my face, pretend to have a good time..” she said, grinning. Her eyes were ice blue, almost haunting if they weren’t so alluring.
"Oh, I see." He nodded, "Still, very fortunate." He then looked a bit alarmed.
"How rude, I never gave my name," he held out his hand to take hers, "Derek." She would be dead tonight anyway, it didn't matter if he used his real name or not.
“Oh, no I rather enjoyed it. Too much put on pomp and circumstance these days.” Her accent was anglo, she might not have any sort of safehouse established yet. Not native to the area.
"If it isn't too forward, my lady; your father's family name, it isn't I correct assuming you aren't from here...?" He asked, "It's just not a name I've heard before...and I'm rather fond of it.."
She grinned again. “I am not from here, no.. perhaps if you’d continue to keep me company, I’d be more obliged to tell you..~” she said.
"I would enjoy nothing more, my lady.." He said gently, "If being in the presence of a commoner doesn't offend you."
He smiled softly and nodded. Good, this little charade seemed to be working. Soon enough, he could get her alone and deal with her.
They continued their banter, both of them drinking more. Her alarmingly charming nature compelled him to continue conversation, what was this?
Stay focused, Derek. You were sent here to do a job. Do not fall for her tricks. You are a man of God. A soldier in His name. And she spat in His eye with every breath she took.
She leaned a little closer. “Would you like to go somewhere a little more..” she slowly walked her fingers up his chest, to his neck, then finally his chin, “private..~?”
There was another near glint in her eye. Was he..? Oh this was almost too easy. She cleared her throat a bit. “Get to know each other better..~”
She fought a sound that threatened to tear from her throat. “In a more.. intimate setting.”
"W-We've only just met. Aren't things like that reserved for marriage?" He asked timidly.
Don't push away too much, this is your chance.
“At this kind of party..~? You place far too much value and virtue on the souls of the wealthy..~”
She smiled and pulled him out of the party and towards one of the quieter guest areas. Her heart was pounding, finally, another bit of virgin blood.
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