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Doublin Friendly Rper delving into canon by fandom NSFW Adventures

If possible to be believed but this will be my 50th entry, so, yeah, quite wild. I sort of started out with the generic sort of tools you could say of helping rp partners sift through and figure out if I am the right fit for them to an entire thing dedicated to canon by fandom as well as face claims and now sort of moving onto original characters for me to use in rp. I know it seems like quite a lot stuff to read through but it is all to find prospective rp partners which can be a bit and miss at times. I've been busy keeping in touch with my rp partners who have sort of disappeared but I never intend to like misuse the 'nudge' or the 'knocking on one's door' as that would seem rude and such but sometimes you need to touch base and check in just to make sure they are still around or interested in the rp. Sometimes the planning stage or the initial meet and greet sort of wavers and you are left uncertain if things are going to move forward or not.

I know I'm not the only one who is or has been going through something like this. I do my best to keep my requests relevant and updated when time appropriate but sometimes it is sort of like, does anyone see it and if so why hasn't anyone reached out? I'm still set on the doubling up whether in pm or on discord so just going to keep hopeful on my end though again that at times can be difficult. It is hard to gauge like who is having success over someone who isn't. It is rare finding that right amount of balance of responses and content and if that person is going to stick around or if they are just going to up and leave. I'm hoping I am doing a good job at being an rp partner but sometimes there is very little validity there and yeah a lot of times rpers get busy, disinterested, caught up in other rps, and you might ask what is the difference between caught up in other rps to get busy, well, I associate get busy as irl while caught up in other rps is more that and they just have trouble getting back to your rp in general.

Either way I value communication and keeping in touch and by all means if you feel the need to nudge me or check in with me please do so. I had planned to put up my next oc in here but will do that next post. I merely was looking to address my thoughts at this time and in terms of ocs there won't really be an image for these so long as you are fine with descriptions that is cool.
Wow I just realized I am now on page 3. Truth is I had a bit of technical difficulties on my end today so I didn't really get around to the things I had planned, which was of course to get an oc up. I didn't seem to miss out on too much as I only had like two pms to respond to and a friend request over on discord. Suffice to say though I am trying to be on top of these things so people aren't left waiting too long. Tomorrow activity may vary on my end but should anyone reach out I'll get to you when I can. For now just going to log off for the night but apart from that hope everyone's day went well.
Feeling a bit meh to be honest. Just going through the motions, trying to make things work, sometimes though it just doesn't and that is ok. Even so...yeah the role of an rper can be a tricky one. I know we are all dealing with ghosting and there is the general question of how long do you wait before you call it and then if they do get back to you do you just pick up where you left off? I guess for the right rper sure and if things are still good, cool. I know I should be working on more ocs and I will...just sort of need to get there and I already have an idea for my next oc apart from the one I already have up. I hope everyone is well who is reading this entry and if you have been ghosted all I can tell you is going to happen and long as you have rp partners who do post, whatever may happen ghost wise...will pass. I don't think anyone deserves to be ghosted but yeah sometimes things don't work out and just a matter of how to bounce back from it. Honestly I may work on my next oc soon today just so I can really get the creative juices flowing.
Name: Jason Fortune

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Fandom: The First Descendant

Family: Deceased

Appearance: Jason stands at 6ft with blonde medium length hair and red colored eyes. Jason has a rather muscular build to him with a strong torso and six pack for abs. His cock is around 8 inches in length, and he carries himself proudly with strong arms rippling with strength to them. Jason has a bit of hair on his body especially down below and his ass is rather tone. Jason usually is found wearing a vest over a long button up and some holed up jeans when he is not on duty. While out on the field he wears a reddish like mech suit that adheres to his movement and his muscular physique.

Personality: Jason is a casual flirter, not a constant one, but he will flirt when the timing is right. Jason holds himself in a way that doesn't put down others but he will look after them in the field and ensure their safety. Jason cares deeply for those who serve with them and doesn't look to belittle their sacrifice or push aside a request for aide as he will go there though this is a flaw of his. Jason can put himself in danger to save others even when orders tell him otherwise. Jason has a certain type when it comes to the feminine build which can also sort of make him picky when it comes to a potential sexual partner. Whether he is playing the field or looking for something serious it is all a matter of who fits his fancy and how far they are willing to go to get his attention.

Arche: So most of the Descendants have an Arche, something that works with their body. I feel he is a flame type or someone who deals with fire chemical combustion type so setting off a fire like attack. The suit he wears allows him to handle strong amounts of fire or heat that he absorbs and sort of sets it off but the cool down period can be a disadvantage, so he usually needs time before the next attack. Still if he is needed in the field to really set things up for some hot action, he'll be there.

Female types: So if you have played the game you kind of already get a feel for the body types. If you wind up opting for a female oc just a few things to keep in mind. The ass really has to be out there, the breasts don't need to be overly large but some general bust needs to be shown. I wouldn't say muscular is the key here maybe more feminine but also someone who can hold their own in battle. Hair would be soft and either short or medium length and hair color can be anything from blonde, brunette, or even ginger.

Canon females: Far as female Descendants here are some he'd be looking for; Ines, Hailey, Viesa, Valby ((Others can be put out there as well))

Rp sample: Jason was out on the field. Vulgus were currently looking at mounting an invasion on Albion. Well that wasn't going to happen on his watch. Jason wore his rich red suit and his visor was down showing him just red. Red sort of set the mood for him. The battlefield was made up of many Descendants and non and it was pretty clear this invasion was just the first wave. He grins as he pumps his fist in the air allowing everyone around to know he was ready. Feeling the heat of the sun pouring down over him he lets out an exalted sound that almost sounded like a primal rage induced call for battle.

"Fuck yeah, ok, let us see how they like this heat!" Jason does a motion with his hands up, palms almost reaching to the heavens before he sends forth a volley of small flames. The flames themselves appear laughable at first until the Vulgus approach and he snaps his fingers setting off each flame as it evolves and a cascade of sorts goes off one after the other. The flames continue to grow and envelop the Vulgus as their cries fill the air. He watches their bodies fling about as they are torn by the heat. "Get ready to take over...I need to recharge after that." He goes to pull away as his visor fogs up as he makes his way to Doctor Kate so she can look after him. The attack would continue but once it was done the battleground would be scarred and he imagined Valby would come in to do her water stuff to get the troops across. Damn though he was really on fire back there.
Evening all. So I just dropped my recent update for my request threads and as you saw I just also dropped my second oc character. I do plan to put up another one soon so something to expect but a lot of times if I am going to do an original character I likely won't be filling out a sheet lest it is over on Discord. Yes you won't be seeing something like this if we are rping in pm and a lot of times apart from a brief synopsis I give a lot of the detail will be integrated into the actual rp itself. The reason is because I'm not going to sweat it and do you know how stretched out a pm can get with that level of information? The last thing I want is for my rp partner to get this long stretched out pm with just information regarding a character. It is fine if on Discord because there will be an oc sheet thought out by me over there in a channel about setting up characters but on this site when we are rping in pm there are only two prime pms; one for communication and the other for rping, original characters can be fleshed out but a full on sheet not going to happen...on my end, if you want to do that knock yourself out.

Now I will do what I can to put up oc characters in my journal entry because if you are reading you likely will be inclined to rp against such a character though as of now the intention is my oc against canons per say. If there is room to rp against an oc great, if there is doubling up in mind, even greater. You may need to do some sifting about to find said ocs though as sometimes I might take this time to ramble so you can get a glimpse inside my head or the very least read my thoughts of the moment.

As of late I am obsessed with Marvel Rivals and The First Descendant, those are my go to games and such. Of course The Last of Us Games also hold a special place for me but yeah multiplayer and honestly such incredibly well made and hot characters to boot, heh. Anyway I think that does it for me but I'll be about until I am not in which case you will see me around tomorrow sometime but I'm hoping to crank out another oc...just because well I already have a canon list up.
Name: Ryla Snow

Age: 16-18 (Naruto Shippuden), 33 or so (Boruto)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Rank: Chunin in Shippuden and Jonin in Boruto (She can be a Genin in Shippuden just depends)

Village: Originally from the Hidden Village in the Mist but wound up at the Village Hidden in the Leaf

Fandom: Naruto (Leaning at Naruto Shippuden or Boruto)

Family: Unknown (family trees can be complicated in the Naruto series)

Jutsu type: Water/Ice

Appearance: Ryla stands at 5'7 with a slim feminine figure with dark colored skin though close to like caramel like, so a brown with blue colored eyes and hair that is mocha with slivers of white spread about the roots. Ryla in Shippuden has a similar figure to that of Hinata with rather large breasts and a slim waist. Ryla has some curves to her especially with her ass though she isn't like a walking billboard for someone to fuck as she is still valid as a Kunoichi. Her clothing is often consisting of a midriff baring top and she will sometimes wear her flak jacket out in the field and she wears the blue pants along with sandals. Ryla's breasts are around a D cup or so possibly double d's depending. When she is not on a mission she usually wears these very huggable pants that make her ass more pronounced and a low cut blouse certainly showing off some cleavage.

Personality: Ryla is a flirt, and, yes quite a kinky female at that. She loves the attention she gets from the males in the village and you could say her attention often draws other male stares her way. Ryla is quite aware of what her actions do but suffice to say not all males are getting nosebleeds as she bends over or if she is walking along the market. Ryla is quite capable and committed when it comes to missions and she excels in tricky situations that would cause others to freak out under pressure. Ryla isn't exactly looking for a relationship as she is having fun and in her prime, now, that being said she isn't looking to shut down the option to be with someone...if they prove themselves capable. Ryla is not looking to however have a family and due to a scarring incident while in the Hidden Mist such an ability was taken from her, something she grows deathly still over should it be brought up.

Romantic interests: (Honestly if there is a certain male canon just bring him up and if it is a male oc you want to introduce her to be sure to also bring that up. Sorry girls but she is not looking at the female persuasion)

Rp sample: Ryla had finally made the rank of Chunin, and, it felt like a long time coming. She worked steadily and with full intent to one day run a team of her own, and, getting that flak jacket is honestly one step closer to making that dream a reality. Ryla didn't speak much about her past in the Hidden Mist and the Anbu Black Ops had certainly gone over her story quite thoroughly before she was even allowed to attend the Academy and graduate with the others. Ryla wanted to be a Medical Nin just like the Sannin herself Lady Tsunade and would do all in her power to one day follow in her footsteps and honestly with jugs like that she was already close to that.

Ryla makes her way to her apartment which she held to herself and nobody else. Setting her key down in her bowl she locks her front door and examines the cleanliness that is her home. Nothing was out of place and everything was where it was supposed to be. Smiling she walks into her bathroom and removes her clothing and the mirror takes it all in. The shape of her large breasts push forth with her brown nipples looking ready to be suckled on. She pushes her girls together with a knowing look. The rest of her clothing she shimmied out of showing off her spankable ass along with her clean shaven...pleasure folds. Filling up her tub she goes to settle in as she leans her head back and lets out a content sigh as she relaxes from a hard day mission. Honestly this felt well deserved but nothing could defeat the feel of company and her fingers slip down beneath and well...several minutes later she was feeling quite...dirty...if not clean.
So this next part I'm going to do something a bit different. I am going to do celeb claim but for a series. I may do something with this for face claim as well but yeah instead of one sole character it will be a bunch. I'm not sure anything will come of this but we shall see. Anyway if you have been reading my entries you know I like to be all over the place and sometimes I will warn you ahead of time when I put shit up and other times it will be told the moment it happens, so, if you are familiar with the series great, if not, well I'm sure there are ways to get familiar but lest the plan is to rp against these ocs with celeb claims no worries. I will say when I do a celeb claim in a series I will do my best to make sure they haven't appeared on it.

Name: Eve Jennifers

Age: (I suppose it is when it would be set. I know age wise the celeb claim I use might work better later on but yeah)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Fandom: BTVS

Celeb Claim: Ruby Rose

Romance Interest: Willow Rosenberg, oc female
(So in regards to an oc female we'd need to have discussions so I will let you know if there is a certain celeb claim that would work against the one I have. You are free to put out suggestions yourself of course but otherwise Willow is sort of a primary interest)

Species: Dhampir

Personality: Eve short for Evelyn is a strong willed female who also just so happens to be half human and half vampire. The cross of the two allows her to still retain some of her humanity while also walking among the night dwellers. Eve is bold, daring, charismatic, and yes quite a flirt. Eve isn't really one to think about the risk of jumping before looking and she clearly has a thing for red heads. Eve keeps things real and never really thinks much on the after till it is long after and also not one to routinely apologize.

Rp insight: So I was thinking this could take place either in season 4 so it would be AU and Tara might not be introduced or it could be set in the aftermath of season 7 but sometime has past and Willow no longer has long hair but short hair, sorry but her hair in season 4 was probably the best in my opinion. However we can also go with her hair from HIMYM and such. Anyway as to how the characters would meet still kind of working that out but honestly something I just came up with today plus the BTVS world is something akin to the fact I did rp on a forum geared at this long long ago and yeah.

Name: Grant Stevens

Age: (Again not entirely sure here so just going to wing it)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Fandom: BTVS

Celeb Claim: Scott Eastwood

Romance Interest: Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane, oc female
(Sort of same thing above)

Species: Werewolf

Personality: Grant is the Alpha of a pack of Werewolves. He is cunning, swift, decisive, and obviously very attractive to the female species. Grant knows how to have a good time and he is also quite upfront about what he is rather than hiding it. Grant is clearly not a fan of vampires let alone dhampir and yeah you can see how he and Eve would not get along. Anyway he is currently looking for a potential mate with the level of stamina to keep up with him. Grant is often very good at controlling his emotions and only gets riled up during a full moon or when his emotions get too much for him.

Rp insight: I'm thinking this takes place after season 7 so when Sunnydale is left a crater and the rest of them wind up leaving it behind. I know there are a series of comics that pick up the adventures of Buffy and Co but this would be separate from that source material. I would like to have someone who can naturally keep up with his level of stamina and sexual confidence so whether a Slayer, potential Slayer, or someone else...either way we can work out the details where we can and how he fits into the scope of the BTVS and such.

((To be fair I only have two at the moment. I don't wish to stretch myself and I have so many other characters in the works so hope you enjoyed))
Alrighty so it is evening now. I do not know how much longer I will be on for the night but as I mentioned I did drop some updates for my RT. Now just something to mention I've overhauled my RT so now they are a bit more specific and perhaps less clustered or all over the place, least I hope. For anyone curious what I am prattling on about each request I put up where I rp as a female I will be rping submissive so should anyone look in those and have an idea of someone they'd rp against a female character they'd reach out either through pm or through discord.

The next half would be my one with me rping male whereas that would be part two so once you have an idea of reaching out to me that would count as doubling up. So you would be rping submissive with that and hopefully we can plan something out so we each are getting something from the rps. Originally I thought to just do the femslash angle with female on female but realized maybe I should open it up so I make it clear I can also rp against males and such. I feel the only reason I'd need to do dominant female is if someone were looking to rp female x female; I already have some of those going right now. Anyway this is my post for the evening in my journal. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
You ever get a friend request on Discord and then once you wave hi they immediately just rescind their friend request? I mean ouch. But yeah these things happen and it kind of reminds me of when you send a pm to someone and since there isn't enough context or maybe the message isn't to their liking but they just never respond back. Kind of my thought of the hour.
It is late once more and with that I will say I am good for the night and ready to call it here. I'll be around tomorrow and guess I'll be seeing if my pm is blowing up or well just tending to responses I already had up and they are responded to. Night.
Good morning BMR! I hope everyone is doing well. It is a new day and honestly after yesterday I haven't received many reach outs but honestly that is fine. I'm looking at working on some more ocs on my end today and I'll sort of take things from there. If I owe responses I'll get to them soon as I can.
So it is late once more as I put this up. I'm nearly drained as it is but figured I would say I've updated my requests and apart from that sort of quiet on the rp front in certain cases. So just waiting to see if anything will transpire there from those who reached out. The doubling up is still valid and relevant and all those fun things and the worry of ghosting is still hanging around like one of those boos from Mario. I remember a post on here about finding the right rp partner and yeah no matter how I try and go about answering that it is having those rp partners who are there for the long haul and not looking to ghost you; though there are intentional ghosts and unintentional so honestly ghosting in general is kind of not something to smile about but hey...long as there is word the rp is still golden all is not lost ya know. Anyway not sure any ocs will be up tonight but there is always tomorrow.

I had plans to do the beta thing for the new Sonic racing game but apparently it is closed now so that is disappointing. I suppose I will have to maybe wait till it comes out now to play it.
Morning. I'll be around today. I'm still waiting on responses from rp partners, some I'm curious to know where they disappeared to, and, maybe rarer would be me owing responses. I do try and be on top of responses as much as I can. Anyway I do have some ideas for ocs I just need to motivate myself to get that moving on my end. I think a lot of times motivation hits in certain waves and it often reflects my general mood so I guess I'm like one of those who come onto this site and look forward to getting a pm and when you get on and it is empty it kind of deflates you; same goes for Discord where you log on looking forward to friend requests and potential rps and even just resuming rps and it is like...a blank canvas, not like a promising blank canvas but like one where there is so much room to fill out and that is where I am at right now. I do hope everyone's morning is going well though and as I mentioned I will be about.
Afternoon people. It seems a bit since I lasted posted in here. I've sort of been dealing with not a lot of stuff to do on this site of late. A lot of my rp partners have disappeared and suppose I've gotten lucky with a few select rp partners over on DIscord, but, apart from that each update I commit to for my RT just seems to be nada. I wonder if others are going through that themselves. Each passing day it sort of is...difficult. I try and remain optimistic however looking at my pms and gauging things. It might take a bit to get back into the mood of posting up ocs but otherwise I'll still be around in some capacity.
Evening. I'm a bit drained. I kind of spent a good deal of time reaching out to rp partners. I'm not sure if I will hear anything back. I guess like many rpers I just want to know where things stand, even if it is bad news and the rps will no longer be moving forward, it is a sense of clarity and well doing that sets the mind at ease. I realize my conversation starter for 'ghosting' hasn't been well received by many and I get it isn't the new norm but honestly I couldn't think of a better title to touch upon what I've been going through. I suppose everyone handles it differently in the long run. I mean sure I know it isn't something that just popped up when it did...I know it has been around for like...ever it seems, still, what I meant was that it felt like the new norm and it was lingering and yeah maybe I shouldn't have put up the topic at all. I mean if anything that topic has already been covered by so many on here and what is one more rper putting it up really accomplishing.

Truth is when I get a notification that someone posts in that I briefly look because everyone is writing a novella in posts in there and I often have trouble reading through all that. I get everyone has valid examples and are coming from a place of well-being and well meaning in their intent, but, I also know there is a lot of eye rolls at me putting up something and people seem to be fixating on the 'new norm' and yeah it is just draining and exhausting. If I am still up I might return to canon by fandom but this time since doubling up is still a thing...I mean it is if something happens from it...I'll begin to list canons people can take up...I just probably won't list sexuality or stuff and sort of leave that to whatever is planned out.

Anyway apart from that been busy playing 'The First Descendant' and Marvel Rivals when time permits. Guess I'll continue to check out the RT on the site case I can help anyone out.
Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Mirai Sarutobi
Sarada Uchiha
Hinata Hyuga
Hanabi Hyuga

Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockhart
Garnet Til Alexandros
Yuna (X-2)

Ruby Rose
Yang Xiao Long
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Penny Polendina
Winter Schnee
Nora Valkyrie
Pyrrha Nikos
Summer Rose
Kali Belladonna

Sonic the Hedgehog (Variant)
Miles Tails Prower
Sonia the Hedgehog
Sally Acorn
Alica Acorn (mother not Moebius double)
Blaze the Cat
Elise (06 female, you all know who I mean)
Maria Robotnik
Bunnie Rabbot
Amy Rose

Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
Sunny Starscout
Izzy Moonbow
Pipp Petals
Princess Celestia
Sunset Shimmer
Starlight Glimmer
Lightning Dust
Octavia Melody
Sweetie Drops

Anyway this is merely the beginning of once more braving the very trenches of the canon by fandom. Again I wont' be listing who they can rp against or if they are dominant or submissive as this would come up in the actual discussions of doubling up. For now I'm just keeping busy and managed to resolve some things today in pm and still waiting to see how things turn out from my other messages. Discord is doing well for me at the moment so in the least gives me something to do. Night all.
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Morning everyone. I'll be working on more canon by fandom for you later on; you being anyone who does take up a character from said list. Again you do not need to use anyone from this list as it is merely there to refer to but if you do wind up doing so, great. I'm just looking to give some idea what characters I'd rp against canon wise but a lot of times rpers tend to prefer to stick to their own list which mad respect to by the way. Anyway things have been rather slow rping wise on this site of late so just looking at other avenues to keep myself active and my journal seems like the only way in doing so apart from responding in the games section which you can see I've made some contribution to. I already updated my RT so apart from that just doing what I can to pass the time.
Judy Hopps
Aunt Cass
Helen Parr
Rapunzel (short hair)
Ariel (The Little Mermaid 2/pregnant/full body)
Maid Marian
Minnie Mouse
Daisy Duck
Wendy (aged up)
Jane (aged up)
Angel (lady and the tramp II)

The Legend of Zelda
Zelda (tears of the kingdom, breath of the wild, skyward sword, wind waker)
Saria (aged up/ocarina of time)
Linkle (Hyrule warriors)
Malon (Ocarina of Time)

Kim Possible
Kim Possible
Bonnie Rockwaller
Ann Possible

Officer Jenny

Star Trek Lower Decks/Prodigy

Mass Effect
Miranda Lawson
Cora Harper
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel

Dead or Alive


The First Descendant

MCU (Includes the films as well as the series)
Captain Marvel
Jane Foster
Maria Hill
Lila Barton

Fairy Tail
Lucy Heartfilia
It is late on my end and after reworking my RT with the intent to update them tomorrow sometime, I am drained. So I am going to call it here and should be around throughout the day tomorrow. Night everyone.
Attack on Titan
Annie Leonhart
Mikasa Ackerman
Historia Reiss

Bubble Girl
Nana Shimura

She-Ra and the Princeses of Power
Catra (short hair)
Glimmer (season 4)

Avatar the last airbender/the legend of korra
Korra (short hair)

The Owl House
Amity (purple hair)

The Loud House
(Others would have to be aged up)

Marvel Animated
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen (Into the Spiderverse)
Morning all. I just dropped new updates to my RT's and will be continuing the canon by fandom-characters to be rped by you, suggestions...later today, hopefully. It is a rather long title and I emphasize suggestion because again as I mention you likely have your own list of canons you can rp. This all ties into doubling up and in part again to give myself something to do on the site while waiting on stuff to go down. Anyway just thought to drop this in here and will be on later so hope everyone is having a good day.
Orange is the new black


Big Bang Theory

Harry Potter


Star Trek (Live action/films and television)
Carol Marcus (Into Darkness)
Janice Rand (TOS)
Beverly Crusher (TNG/Picard)
Tasha Yar (TNG)
Ezri Dax (DS9)
Leeta (DS9)
B'Elanna (VOY)
Seven (VOY-Picard)
Soji (Picard)
Agnes (Picard)
Sidney La Forge (Picard)

Star Wars (Live action films and television)
Jyn Erso
Bo Katan Kryze
Padme Amidala
Sabine Wren
Hera Syndulla
Ahsoka Tano
Just a bit bored waiting around and seeing if my RT are working out. I'll check in later if I have something to like add in here. Still working on my canon by fandom for characters an rp partner might take up. Thanks for reading.
Buffy the vampire slayer/Angel
Buffy Summers
Willow Rosenberg
Faith Lehane
Tara Maclay
Joyce Summers
Cordelia Chase

Kingdom Hearts


The Badguys
Diane Foxington

Star Fox

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

Soul Calibur

Star Wars (Animated)
Ahsoka (clone wars preferred)
Sabine Wren
Hera Syndulla
Bo Katan Kryze

The Last of Us (video game)
Ellie Williams (prefer when she just turns 16 in the flashback of the second game but can also work with her in the second)
Mel (Can do pregnant or not depending on AU)

Life is Strange
Courtney Wagner
Dana Ward
Riley Lethe
Taylor Christensen
Juiet Watson
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