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Doublin Friendly Rper delving into canon by fandom NSFW Adventures

Canon Lover 69

Double Up Paradise Seeker
Jan 20, 2025
Hello and welcome to my journal. This is my first entry so unto that I figured I would entice, delight, and bring about joy to fellow canon and fandom lovers with my list of fandoms themselves, canons will be divulged in further entries in this. I'm hoping that this in itself will help some when I do post a request or even just let people know what fandoms I can do. There is certainly a wide range to go into and there is certainly room to add or the very least broach the undiscovered country of stuff. I will be putting them up as follows; Anime, cartoon, video game, film, television, comics/written, and finally ect means endless possibilities, working title but in short fandoms I'm not quite familiar with but they hold potential. Anyway I hope you enjoy the read and that being said let us jump into this.

Anime (Complete as of now)
Bleach (Canon list up)
Naruto (canon list up)
Digimon (Canon list up)
Pokemon (Canon list up)
Ouran High School Host Club (Canon list up)
Attack on Titan (Canon list up)
Fairy Tail (canon list up)
Spy x Family (Canon list up)
Sailor Moon (canon list up)
My Hero Academia (canon list up)
Rosario Vampire (Canon list up)

Cartoon (Complete as of now)

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Canon list up)
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (Canon list up)
Hazbin Hotel (Canon list up)
Helluva Boss (Canon list up)
The Dragon Prince (Canon list up)
Sonic the Hedgehog (variant) ((Canon list up))
Tiny Toon Adventures (Canon list up)
Kim Possible (Canon list up)
Danny Phantom (Canon list up)
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (Canon list up)
Marvel Animated (Canon list up-may edit later)
Dc Animated (Canon list up-may edit later)
Teen Titans (Canon list up)
Young Justice (Canon list up-may edit later)
The Legend of Vox Machina (Canon list up)
Paw Patrol (Canon list up)
Sofia the First (Canon list up)
Rugrats All Grown Up (Canon list up)
Avatar the Last Airbender (Canon list up)
The Legend of Korra (Canon list up)
Adventure Time (Canon list up)
Steven Universe (Canon list up)
The Owl House (Canon list up)
The Loud House (Canon list up)
Star Trek Lower Decks (Canon list up)
Star Trek Prodigy (Canon list up)
Star Wars the Clone Wars Animated Series (Canon list up)
Star Wars Rebels (Canon list up)
Arcane League of Legends (Canon list up)
RWBY (Canon list up)
Star vs the forces of evil (Canon list up)

Video Games (Complete as of now)
Mass Effect (Canon list up)
Dragon Age (Canon list up)
Final Fantasy (Canon list up)
The Legend of Zelda (Canon list up)
Super Smash Bros (Canon list up)
Fire Emblem Three Houses (Canon list up)
Dynast Warriors (Canon list up)
Dead or Alive (Canon list up)
Kingdom Hearts (Canon list up)
Marvel Rivals (Canon list up)
Zenless Zone Zero (Canon list up)
Honaki Star Rail (Canon list up)
Resident Evil (Canon list up)
Soul Calibur (Canon list up)
Ratchet and Clank (Canon list up)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Canon list up)
Persona (Canon list up)
The Last of Us (Canon list up)
Life is Strange (Canon list up)
Senran Kagura (Canon list up)
The First Descendant (CANON LIST UP)
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Mystery

Film (Complete as of now; will edit in the canon list up later)
Disney/Pixar (Canon list up)
Descendants (Canon list up)
Lemonade Mouth (Canon list up)
Disney Zombies
High School Musical
Star Wars
Star Trek (Canon list up)
Harr Potter (Canon list up)
Twilight (Canon list up)
The Lord of the Rings
How to Train Your Dragon

Television (Complete as of now; will edit in the canon list later)
Orange is the new black
Arrowverse (Arrow, The Flash, DC'S Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman (first season), Supergirl, black lightning (first few seasons), Stargirl (around two seasons), Superman and Lois (A few seasons) ) (Canon list up)
Titans (apart from the final season) (Canon list up)
Big Bang Theory
Star Trek (TOS,TNG,DS9,VOY,ENTERPRISE, Discovery, Strange New Worlds, Picard) (Canon list up)
Liv and Maddie (Canon list up)
Hannah Montana (canon list up)
Pretty Little Liars (canon list up)
Cobra Kai (canon list up)
Stranger Things (canon list up)
One Piece (canon list up)
Avatar the last airbender (canon list up)
Boy Meets World/Girl Meets World
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

Comics and Written (Complete as of now; will edit in canon list later)
Sonic (archie comics) (Canon list up)
Life is Strange (Canon list up)
DC Comics Bombshells
Star Wars (canon list up)
Harry Potter (Canon list up)
Twilight (Canon list up)
Hunger Games (canon list up)

Misc and other such possibilties (Things I might not be too famliar with but open to) ((Complete as of now; will edit in list later))
Ben 10 (og; first four seasons) (Canon list up)
High School of the Dead (canon list up)
One Piece (canon list up)
Dragonball (canon list up)
L Word (canon list up)
Totally Spies
Game of Thrones
The Walking Dead
Jujutsu Kaisen
Chainsaw Man
Zom 100
Fire Force
Gilmore Girls

Anyway those are my rp fandoms. This took a while to compile or comprise or well you get the drift. There is much more to be placed far as journal entries and is possible once I get my actual request up this will be linked so you can look over what I have and get a better sense of what I am about or just meandering thoughts coming from me, oh the thoughts, they just keep on coming, and no that wasn't meant to sound dirty but I have the nsfw in there case things do wind up going that way especially with rp kinks.
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So you now know what fandoms are on the table, but, that just quite isn't enough is it? There is more to finding a suitable rp partner then that, so, let me delve further into the recess of my mind. Think of this like part two whereas the first one delves into the rp fandoms and the next touches on a few queries I will put out there as they likely will come up but having this on hand will help in the decision making.

What Gender do you rp?
I rp male, female, and futanari.

What Sexuality do you rp?
I can rp straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian

Care to clarify?
Here they are in all their wondrous design:

Straight Male
Straight Female
Bisexual Male
Bisexual Female

What role do you use when you rp?
I can do dominant and submissive characters.

So does that mean you can outright do submissive on its own?
Not precisely no. I'm more akin to rping dominant but I am willing to rp submissive if we double up. I think it is only fair. I mention deals down below but that is more in kinship so we are both getting something out of it; though not too far off from this. For every submissive I rp for you then you'd be rping for me. This can be applied to just two rps between us or multiples or something set within the same verse with two paragraphs where one is geared at my pairing and another geared at your pairing.

I see. So what sort of pairings are on the table?
Here is just a general read into what I am willing to explore; oh, and before I forget everything before the x would be and anything after would be my potential rp partner:

Straight male x straight female (Me being dominant)
Straight male x bisexual female (Me being dominant)
Bisexual male x bisexual female (Me being dominant)
Gay male x femboy who crossdresses (Me being dominant)
Futanari x female (Me being dominant)
Futanari x Futanari (I feel switch perhaps or dominant depending)
Bisexual Female x Futanari (this would have me being submissive)
Bisexual Male x Futanari (Submissive, dominant, switch depending)
Straight female x Straight male (I would rp submissive)
Lesbian female x Lesbian female (Me rping dominant)
Lesbian female x Lesbian female (Me rping submissive)
Bisexual male x NB (Me rping dominant)
Bisexual male x Trans female (was a male before becoming female/my character dominant)
Bisexual female x Trans female (same as above)
Bisexual male x Trans male (was female before becoming male/my character dominant)

You mentioned something about canons?
Right so I can rp a variety of canons however there might be some I can't pull off for whatever reason. Look to my canon by fandom for more on this.

What age works for you in regards to rping?
17 is possibly the lowest I can rp a character; 16 being the lowest available age wise for nsfw sort of rps. I am fine if my rp partner does 16 on their end if that is something they are comfortable with. Now the oldest I can do is possibly around 60 at best but not pushing to 70 as I feel that might be pushing it some. Far as you maybe not as old especially if I am rping a female character but if I am rping a male character the age is entirely up to you how old you go.

What is your rp length?
I can type anywhere from one paragraph to two, two being my max. I don't exactly do novella like responses and while my rp partner can type however much they feel, for me, pushing past two might be a bit much especially if I wind up in multiple rps, one can dream.

IRL Gender does it matter?
So the gist of this is, no, it doesn't matter. You can be a male and rp a female character and you can be a female and rp a male character; ect beyond this.

Where can one rp with you?
I received information that there is a place for onsite and offsite so I would like to do both. Offsite would be on Discord. Onsite will be pm only.

Why Discord?
Discord is more a general setup so like a server where everything is stored including character oc sheets, nsfw images, plotting and discussing, those sorts of things. I often will be setting up servers for myself and my rp partner.

Short term (one shot) or long term rp?
I prefer long term rps over short. The reason being I want the rp to go long as humanly possible. Having a world say like a fandom in particular means there is so much to explore and we can always add in more characters if need be. So there is that.

First Person or Third Person?
I only do third person and would like my rp partner to also do third person.

Why do you like face claim and celeb claim and is it required?
So, I guess reason why I like these is sometimes the party (aka myself and rp partner) can't agree on a canon pairing or have trouble deciding what fandom to rp in so this is an alternative that allows us to search for images to portray our characters and from there we build a world around them. We wouldn't be doing fandom then so it is very much oc territory apart from the overall appearance of said character. Of course we wouldn't be doing images if we rp in pm on here.

How does the images thing work?
I admit not my finest question but a relevant one regardless. This only applies for Discord. We would be using nsfw images for our characters; this can work for canon and face claim but not so much for celeb claim, you can do hot sure but not sure how nsfw you can get lest you use an image of them from a show or film. Each of us will search up images and decisions will be made on which one is liked the most; I can look up images for your character and you choose who from there you'd rp and you can put up images of characters I can rp and I would choose from there or we can do it vise versa. You must have the means to procure nsfw images so something to keep in mind. I don't wish to do all the searching myself. Something to keep in mind as well is the character must be alone in the image and not have another character present or any fucking going on; aka intrusion of a particular piece of flesh piercing the other. I like character centric shots. The way I often judge an image is how close it is to the actual character so nothing too overemphasized.

What sort of images are acceptable? Do you allow Ai?
So Ai Is acceptable whether for animated characters or for live action. Long as the image itself is close enough to how the character appears I should be fine with it. Otherwise if you find something that is not AI that is also good to me. I won't be too picky on where you find the image even as I know there are some generators out there and of course other risque venues.

Is there a limit to how many images are shown?
So for the selection process per character I often try and put up around 9 to 10...though it can be lower if need be. I'm prone to saying this but I will let you know if something stands out. I would recommend you don't submit one image at a time or put up one awaiting approval from me because that makes the process longer. Naturally each of us will have a turn looking over images and deciding if any stand out, if none do it is back to the drawing board.

Do you have a criteria for the image hunt?
Honestly I think it is just a matter of what it is we will be rping. Face Claim, Celeb Claim, Original like when it comes to images it is all about that theme we will be using. An example is if we are rping incest and it sort of means related so maybe we'll try and stick with the same hair color or something; eyes might be more of a challenge. Perhaps one of us is doing human and the other is doing furry, ect. It is important we discuss all this out before going straight into the rp itself because over on Discord appearances count for quite a bit of the setup. You might have some criteria, I might, it also will depend on the gender and sexuality though when it comes to most things rping there isn't a set sexuality just to make pairing a bit easier.

Multiple pairings and characters, nay or yay?
So I am fine with multiple pairings as well as multiple characters. I think if done right and where both rpers aren't overwhelmed it can make for quite a fun time. I'm drawn to fandoms with a large cast of canons to choose from or just explore as well as inviting other non canons so the pairings are near limitless. As of now harems aren't a thing but I'm still down for multiple pairings and multiple characters long as it is handled where both parties aren't strained.

Story/Smut ratio...does it matter?
I feel they walk hand in hand...but...don't expect a ratio from me. I am drawn to romantic rps with plenty of smut but also a good deal of character development.

How dark are you willing to go rp wise?
I should probably make it clear I'm not looking to delve too much into dark material. While I may have some pretty dark stuff up in my rp kinks it doesn't mean I wish to swallow myself up in it and just descend into that level of madness. I wish for there to be character development mixed in with some heavy amounts of smut but also as I have stated or maybe not made it clear but I am looking for romantic stuff. I get that is a bit of a turn off for rpers and only fair you leave my company on account of it, I will not hold it against you as that recently happened to me and all you can do is wish the rper well in finding someone who suits their needs. What I am saying is yes I can do some kinky and dark stuff but I don't wish for it to take over the rp and maybe there can be some romantic aspects to be had at some point. There should be a balance I feel like and thought to put this in here to clarify my thoughts.

Anyway this is what I got so far. Perhaps the questions aren't exactly ones you are asking but maybe there is one you were, so, yeah. On my part it was exhausting just coming up with genuine questions that might help potential rp partners but also something for them to look over and once I get this down I can properly have an rp request and just link this there.
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Alright so this is the next iteration in my journal entry. So far to recap you have seen my rp fandoms, and, you have also seen quite a bit regarding general rp 101 heh, in short just things that apply in rp. So this next bit will give the nsfw in the title a purpose. I have no idea where you put rp kinks on here or if people even have one for it so this is going to be my overall list. This will cover things I will do in rp, things I may do in rp, and things I would not do in rp. You will also see a lot of 'giving' and 'receiving' so whether my character is giving or receiving and since the feel of this place stems from that in a nsfw we go.

Will rp
Spanking (giving and receiving)
Anal sex (giving and receiving)
Oral sex (giving and receiving)
Vaginal sex (giving and receiving)
Incest/Twincest/selfcest (I likely won't do where I rp the female against a male)
Age Difference (Depends on rper preference)
Blowjob (giving and receiving)
Handjob (giving and receiving)
Fisting (Giving)
Lactation (your character)
Pregnancy/breeding (your character)
Pregnant sex (your character pregnant)
cum inflation (giving and receiving)
anthro (both or one character)
Bondage (Suppose depends on the scale of it)
Dressup (your character)
Femboy (your character)
Crossdressing (your character)
Hair pulling (giving and receiving)
Gangbang ( I suppose me doing it)
Large cock/hung (depends on the character)
Large breasts (honestly not picky on what size given canons themselves vary)
Public sex
Semi-public sex
Pubic hair (Up for discussion)
Multiple characters
multiple pairings
Bestial (your character)
Bestiality (up for discussion)
Hypnosis (your character)
Coercion/Blackmail (your character)
Nonconsensual/Rape (Bringing this back up here but within reason; I will be the one doing the deed of course)

Corruption (I feel it is a maybe if I'm the one rping the female)

Dislike/Will not rp
Farting/Toilet Play/watersports
Age regression
Public indecency (Suppose what it entails but if it isn't found in the will do/like in rp it likely falls under a nope)
Harem (I just don't have the energy for it.)

Anyway I believe that is it. I'm sure I forgot some but either way that will be a conversation for another time or the very least once we start communicating. For now I'm looking at what I can put up here in my journal entry prior to putting up a request.
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This next portion is me picking some fandoms and listing canon characters I can rp from them. Most of the important stuff is already up above and this is more to draw upon if need be. Naturally everyone has their own list and not ever list is going to be the same. Long as the gender/sexuality I posted applies all should be good. I won't list who is futanari and who isn't so that is more something that can be discussed. Naturally on Discord the image thing is much easier but won't be doing that really on here ya know. Again this is me just picking from my list and if there is a fandom in particular you are wanting to know I can always let you know.

Update-2/8/2025: I will be editing my overall list to include the gender the canons I can rp will pair against and whether that character aka canon can do dominant or submissive; some might be dominant/top only and others might be submissive/bottom. If there is a particular canon you are looking through and wondering about look for the parenthesis. In regards to the sexuality well suppose it will depend who they are paired up with. Apart from NB included my canon selection are also open to trans characters and most of them are lgbtq+ friendly just feel free to ask if need be or if you wish to bring up a canon pairing or an oc and if you don't find anything you are looking for in a particular character just keep looking as you might find something yu would want to do.

Naruto (So this applies to Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto; some characters are in all three and yes depending on which we wind up doing some are younger depending)

Naruto Uzumaki (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; will rp dominant or submissive)
Sasuke Uchiha (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; will rp dominant or submissive)
Sakura Haruno (Pairs with female, futanari; will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping as futanari)
Kakashi Hatake (Pairs with female, male, NB; will rp dominant or submissive)
Kisame Hoshigaki (Pairs with male, female; will rp dominant only)
Itachi Uchiha (Pairs with male, female, NB; will rp dominant only)
Kiba Inuzuka (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Suigetsu (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Karin (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Tenten (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Minato Namikaze (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Obito Uchiha (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Boruto Uzumaki (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Shikadai Nara (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Shikamaru Nara (Pairs with female, futanari, NB: Will rp dominant only)
Gaara (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB: Will rp submissive or dominant)
Tenzin (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB: Will rp submissive or dominant)
Tsunade (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futnanari))
Shizune (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Kurotsuchi (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Mei Terumi (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Madara Uchiha (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Shisui Uchiha (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Sarada Uchiha (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Oc male (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant)
Oc Female (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Fairy Tail
Natsu (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Gray (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Erza (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Jellal (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Laxus (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Mirajane (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant) ((Open to rping futanari))
Elfman (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Cana (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Gildarts (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Sting (Pairs with female only. Will rp dominant only)
Cobra (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Gajeel (Pairs with female male; Will rp dominant only)
Loke (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Alzack (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Romeo (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Lyon (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Hibiki (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Oc Male (Pairs with female, NB, Male, Futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Oc Female (Pairs with female, Male, Nb, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Avatar the last airbender/The Legend of Korra
Aang (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Korra (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Asami (Pairs with female, male, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Kai (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Tenzin (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Zuko (Pairs with female, male Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jet (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Sokka (Pairs with female, male Will rp dominant or submissive)
Azula (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant) ((Open to rping futanari))
Mai (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Bolin (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Mako (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; will rp dominant or submissive)
Iroh II (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Kuvira (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant) ((open to rping futanari))
Ozai (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Oc Male (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Female oc (Pairs with female, futanari, NB, Male; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Yang Xiao Long (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Sun Wukong (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Blake Belladonna (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Weiss Schnee (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant) ((Open to rping futanari))
Jaune Arc (Pairs with female, male, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Lie Ren (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Adam Tarrus (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Ilia Amitola (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Coco Adel (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Cinder Fall (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Mercury Black (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Salem (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Oscar Pine (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Qrow Branwen (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Raven Branwen (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Winter Schnee (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Oc male (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Oc female (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Cardin Winchester (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Elm Ederne (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Fiona Thyme (Pairs with female; Will rp submissive only)
Glynda Goodwitch (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Harriet Bree (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
James Ironwood (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Hazel Reinart (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Jacques Schnee (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Bolin Hori (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Marrow Amin (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
May Marigold (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Neptune Vasillias (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Robyn Hill (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Roman Torchwick (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Taiyang Xiao Long (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Terra Cotta-Arc (Pairs with female, NB, Male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Vine Zeki (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Arthur Watts (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Whitley Schnee (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Disney/Pixar (animated)
Tarzan (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Hercules (Pairs with female only/Will rp dominant only)
Elsa (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant) ((Open to rping Futanari))
Anna (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Kristoff (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Hans (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Eugene Fitzherbert (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Tiana (Pairs with female, male, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Mother Gothel (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
John Smith (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Pocahontas (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Prince Eric (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Ursula (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only) ((Can rp Vanessa if need be; Ursual will involve tentacles))
Peter Pan (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Captain Hook (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Jim Hawkins (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Clayton (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Gaston (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Shan-Yu (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Max Goof (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Hiro (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Tadashi (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Honey Lemon (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Lady Tremaine (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Drusilla and Anastasia (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Oc male (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Oc female (pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; will rp dominant or submissive)

The Owl House
Luz (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Hunter (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Eda (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Viney (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant)
Emira (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant)
Edric (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant)
Oc male (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
oc female (pairs with male, female; will rp submissive only)

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Adora (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant) ((Open to rping futanari))
Catra (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Bow (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Netossa (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Sea Hawk (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Lonnie (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Perfuma (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Oc male (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Oc female (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Marvel Rivals
Adam Warlock (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Logan/Wolverine (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Johnny Storm/The Human Torch (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Lin Lie/Iron Fist (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Sai/Psylocke (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Pairs with male only; Will rp submissive only)
Ororo Munroe/Storm (Pairs with male only; Will rp submissive only)
Oc male (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Female oc (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)

I'll put up more soon but this might be the last journal entry for today. Honestly I have a list for like every single entry of fandoms that you see here. It is just a matter of putting them all up. If there is one specific you'd like well once I get something up request wise there'll be plenty to explore.
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Here is a few more canons by fandoms as I have decided to dub it.

Danny Phantom
Danny Fenton/Phantom (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Vlad Masters/Plasmius (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Ember (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Paulina (Pairs with male only; Will rp submissive only)
Valerie (Pairs with male only; Will rp submissive only)

Kim Possible
Jim and Tim Possible (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Shego (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari)
Monique (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Ron Stoppable (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Drakken (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Harry Potter (Futanari option not available)
Harry Potter (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Ron Weasley (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Severus Snape (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Gilderoy Lockhart (Pairs with male only; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Draco Malfoy (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Cho Chang (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Pansy Parkinson (Pairs with male, female; rp submissive only)
Sirius Black (Pairs with male, female; rp submissive and dominant)
Lucius Malfoy (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Neville Longbottom (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant and submissive)

Twilight (No Futanari with this)
Jacob Black (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Bella Swan (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Edward Cullen (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Jasper Hale (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Carlisle Cullen (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Emmett Cullen (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)

Sonic the Hedgehog (applies to games, comics, cartoons)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Silver the Hedgehog (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Rouge the Bat (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Cosmo (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Knuckles the Echidna (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Bunnie Rabbot (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Scourge the Hedgehog (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jet the Hawk (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Sonia the Hedgehog (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Manic the Hedgehog (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Elias Acorn (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Mina the Mongoose (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Nicole the Lynx (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)

Arcane League of Legends
Vi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Jinx (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Jayce (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Mel (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)

Kingdom Hearts
Sora (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Axel (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant only)
Vanitas (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Terra (Pairs with male, female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Larxene (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Leon (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Cloud (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Aerith (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Tidus (Aged up; Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Zack (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Hercules (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jessie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Aerith (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Sephiroth (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Squall Leonheart (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Seifer Almasy (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Irvine (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Zell (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Quistis (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Zidane Tribal (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Beatrix (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
TIdus (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Auron (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Lulu (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Rikku (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Gippal (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Paine (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Balthier (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Fran (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Baasch (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Fang (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lightning (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Snow (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Hope (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Noctis (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Gladio (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)

Anyway those are what I got for this round of canon by fandom. Expect more to come but for now I am rather exhausted just putting these up. I'm hoping to work through these the best I can just so you have something to reference.
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So starting tomorrow to Sunday I won't be available to rp. I will of course let you know when I am free to rp again which will either be Sunday evening or at best that Monday. Apologies on my end but hope you will all be patient for me to get back and at that point I will be sure to get in responses. So at best today I'll be available when I can to put in time where I can. Thank you all for understanding and thanks for checking out my journal and to all those who I've been rping with.
Alright so it is time for another round of questions. Let us get on the hype train and do this. Who knows if I might answer something you are looking to ask or maybe it is unthought of but on the tip of your tongue. Hopefully I don't have any repeats.

In regards to incest rps what role will you do?
I think it is similar to the stuff above but since it is familial let me try my best to address this. I should add that this works for most rps whether fandom based or non. It can be tricky and it will range a lot on my knowledge of it but here it is; oh and usually as often is the case anything before the x is me and anything after is you;

Brother x Sister (Brother will often be older lest there is a time you would want the sister to be)
Twin Brother x Sister (same as above)
Sister x Sister (So yeah age wise it is all about discussion)
Twin sister x sister (nothing new to touch on there)
Father x daughter (Naturally father is older and I don't do this one that much so it'd have to be something I'm sold on to say yes to)
Mother x daughter (Mother of course is older)
daughter x Mother (Again mother is older)
Uncle x Niece
Aunt x niece
Male cousin x female cousin
female cousin x female cousin
Nephew x Aunt
Brother x brother (the other brother would be a femboy who crossdresses)
Father x Son (same as brother x brother)
((Far as any other variation feel free to bring it to my attention.))

Do you rp familial outside of incest? You know like raising a family?
So I tend to usually avoid this. I'm not really a big fan of familial situations outside of incest. So if you are expecting a humdrum life of getting knocked up and raising a family together and for there to be like no relations, I likely won't bite. The same can be said for an adoptive family living situation. This sort of just came up and I wished to address it in here. Now a slight loophole here is I am fine with say my male or futanari knocking up a character or already rping with a pregnant character and having it be a long duration of the pregnancy. If they do give birth we can always ts to when the child is grown up and such and living their life and the parents aren't in the picture...but...I know for some or many this might not be the most ideal situation. Still this is here for any who happen to look in and this is the best explanation I can provide. I just don't do parental this capacity.

Do you only do straight and lesbian pairings?
I actually do gay/yaoi/slash as well and while I don't list that in terms of my requests it is there should anyone wish to tackle it whether on Discord or in pm here. However I usually only rp against femboy who crossdress which can be tricky when it comes down to it especially when looking for images over on Discord.

Do you do group rps or just one on one rps?
I only do one on one. I find it easier than involving someone else into the equation. I used to do rp forums on FFNET and from my time doing those and having to wait on someone else to post it can hold things up so it quickly spoiled my interest in group rps.

Harems...yay or nay?
Harems are not exactly on my go to. I can understand how they are appealing but they require a lot of work and can be taxing. I don't list it primarily because I've done them in the past and they take forever to setup and managing that many characters too much for my plate.

What is your take on activity?
I'm starting to take a stance on ghosting. I've been ghosted quite a number of times so trying to be a bit more on watch for that. I ask that you check yourself before reaching out; you know your schedule better than anyone else on this site so if you know that you have one too many rps going down to keep up with one more or if you find your irl crowded making it near impossible to get in a response after a certain length of time, we likely don't line up rp wise. I don't mean for this to come off rude I just want us to be on the same page so we can both get something out of the rps and for the flow to not like get cut off.

Now long as there is communication and long as there is like effort...we should be good. You are free to nudge me if I don't respond after a certain time and I'm hoping that I can nudge you as well. Trust me I get irl comes first but even so no excuse for like ghosting. Casper might be a friendly ghost but the act of ghosting itself and leaving an rp high and dry and the rper worried...not cool. So all I ask is you check yourself before reaching out to me because I will do my best to be around when need be.

What is your take on irl chatter?
i'm not really one to divy up information regarding my personal life. I will never pry into yours so if you can extend that to myself I would greatly apprreciate. Some small talk or banter now and then is fine especially if we are talking shows, games, books, ect. I just stay out of anything irl and if we are rping you won't have me asking personal questions. Funny enough people do sometimes do that with me without me asking so it can be awkward but I just try and roll with it best I can. I am here for rping and if we get along, that is great.

How did you come up with your name?
So, I love canons, and, 69 is a sweet number so yeah.

When it comes to canons/face claims/celeb claims/ect are you particular?
I think it is a bit of a tossup there. I will say when it comes to rping canons in particular and as you can see from my growing list of canon in fandom there are certain ones that have a pull over say others. I know this can be disappointing at times because someone may go oh no Lucy? Yeah no Lucy. I'll continue to add to the list just so you have a general idea. This also applies to celeb claims and sorry to disappoint again but no Lucy there either. Celeb claims I also have my go to so there might be some I won't be able to do...expect that list up at some point. I know we all have characters we can do and ones we can't. If it isn't on my list chances are I can't pull them off or even use them as face claims.

So your name says you love canons...but what about original characters?
I wish to be clear about this, yes I love canons, but that doesn't necessarily mean I won't rp oc characters or rp against oc characters. I know there are times where rping a canon is good and also rping against a canon character is good. I know people take one look at my name and probably steer clear because of the constraints of rping canons and such when that is far from the truth. I'm willing to build worlds up and around original characters we concoct, I'm also down for face claim, celeb claim, that sort of stuff. I just wished to clear this up just in case it is something that has been unasked by you and this helps ease those worries though if it is something else that is totally fine too.

How do you determine if a canon is dominant, submissive?
I believe it is more of a feeling for me. I look at them and sort of determine from there. I imagine everyone has their own process but for me a lot of it has to do with a feeling, a sense of being or purpose and naturally it just takes off from there. Truth is a lot of it also has to do with comfort on my end and how I can handle a character especially in a smutty situation. So suppose in that sense there are variables to the answer and layers even to layers.

Are you open to deals? (Dual RPs)
I'm certainly down for making things work with an rp partner especially if there is a particular character they'd want to rp against and in exchange would do the same for me. However if it is a character I know I can't pull off I will be upfront about it. I'm working on my canon and fandom stuff so you can see what I am talking about because that character will be missing from said list and that is done intentionally on my part. If the character is on the list we can certainly discuss things but I will let you know as well if they fit into a certain role or not.

Anything else?
I think that does it for now but I will be sure to add more as I think it up. These are just generic questions at best but perhaps again they are ones you are thinking about. If I didn't get around to a question you yourself have and you wish to rp with me you have two ways to do so.
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This will be my last journal entry till I get back so going to put up more canon and fandom stuff. Those who have been checking in on this likely are keeping an eye out for certain fandoms and potentially canons, or, maybe you are just curious what I will put up next. Some I am doing without having to look up stuff...others I may need help on. Anyway should any of this wind up perking up that curiousity radar and leading to poentially rping I am here for that, if not, well it certainly gives me material to put up in my journal. Like I said I won't be around much these next several days so quite a bit of slience from this canon rper. Ok so let us get this show on the road.

Descendants (No futanari for this title)
Evie (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Uma (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Ben (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jay (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Audrey (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Harry (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Doug (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Hades (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Maleficent (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Lonnie (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Lemonade Mouth (No futanari for this title)
Wen (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Stella (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant)
Charlie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant)
Mo (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive)
Ray (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant)
Scott (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant)

Star Trek Lower Decks
Beckett Mariner (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Brad Boimler (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Samanthan Rutherford (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jack Ransom (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Dr. T'Ana (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Carol Freeman (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Star Wars the Clone Wars Animated Series
Anakin Skywalker (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Asajii Ventress (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Bo-Katan Kryze (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant only)

The Legend of Zelda
Link (ocarina of time, skyward sword, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, wind waker, twilight princess, Hyrule Warriors) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Marin (Link's Awakening) (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Shadow Link (ocarina of time) (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Urbosa (Breath of the Wild) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Nabooru (Ocarina of Time) (Pairs with male, female, NB, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant)

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and G5 (Varied Dom and sub characters)
Applejack (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Rainbow Dash (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Fluttershy (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Rarity (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Soarin (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon 3 (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Braeburn (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Hitch Trailblazer (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Zipp Storm (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Prince Blueblood (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Shining Armor (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Trixie (Pairs with female, futanari, NB, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Sunset Shimmer (Pairs with female, futanari, Male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Sprout (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Lightning Dust (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Spitfire (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Doctor Horse (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Night Glider (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Double Diamond (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Flash Sentry (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Big McIntosh (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lyra Heartstrings (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)

STAR TREK (VARIANT TITLES) (No Futanari for this)
Captain James T. Kirk (TOS, SNW, Kelvin) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Spock (SNW, Kelvin) (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy (Kelvin) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Montgomery Scott 'Scotty' (SNW, Kelvin, TOS) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Nyota Uhura (TOS, SNW, Kelvin) (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
William Riker (TNG) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Wesley Crusher (TNG) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Julian Bashir (DS9) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Keira Neyrs (DS9) (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Tom Paris (Voyager) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Chakotay (Voyager) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Charles 'Trip' Tucker (Enterprise) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Michael Burnham (Discovery) (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Booker (Discovery) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jack Crusher (Picard) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Raffi (Picard) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Mass Effect
Commander Shepard/Femshep (Male and female choices) (Male will pair with male, female; Female will pair with female; male can be sub and dom while female is dom) ((Female can be rped as a futanari))
Liara (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Jack (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Joker (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Samara (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Jacob Taylor (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Kasumi Goto (Pairs with male/ Will rp submissive only)
Aria T'Loak (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Kelly Chambers (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
James Vega (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Diana Allers (Pairs with female, male; Will rp submissive only)
Samantha Traynor (Pairs with female; Will rp submissive only)
Liam Kosta (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Peebee (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Sara Ryder (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Scott Ryder (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Life is Strange
Chloe Price (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Rachel Amber (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Victoria Chase (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Gabe Chen (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Alex Chen (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Steph Gingrich (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ryan Lucan (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Nathan Prescott (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)

Star Wars Rebels
Kanan (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Ezra (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Ahsoka (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only))

And with that I got what I could. I'll post again when I can but for now going to log off for the night and be back sunday or monday possibly. Far as characters go I usually lean at rping dominant but I can do submissive depending but it isn't something I outright do lest we help each other out and again there might be a certain preference to a character being portrayed in a more dominant light over submissive or switch so something to keep in mind but otherwise this is my journal entry and things that sort of pertain to me as an rper and what I am wishing to share.
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Here are some more fandom and canon stuff. Hope everyone is well and yeah let us get into it already then.

Ichigo (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Renji (Pairs with female/ Will rp dominant only)
Rangiku (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Toshiro (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Kenpachi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Byakuya (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Tatsuki (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Chizuru (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gin (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sentaro (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Shunsui (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Ikkaku (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Yoruichi (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Sui-Feng (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Jushiro (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Kisuke (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Shinji (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lisa (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ulquiorra (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Szayelaporro (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)

Ben 10 (Og)
Ben (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Sara Lance/White Canary (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Laurel Lance/Black Siren (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Oliver Queen/Arrow (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Nyssa Al Ghul (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lex Luthor (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lena Luthor (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Alex Danvers (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Barry Allen/The Flash (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
John Constatine (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Cisco Ramon/Vibe (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Kate Kane/Batwoman (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Clark Kent/Superman (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Caitlyn Snow/Killer Frost (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Nora West Allen (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Iris West (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Ava Sharpe (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ray Palmer/The Atom (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Roy Harper/Arsenal (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Liv and Maddie
Maddie (I believe she is the sports one. Also only Liv x Maddie for rp) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gar Logan/Beast Boy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Conner Kent/Superboy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Koriand'r/Starfire (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Sailor Moon
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask (Pairs with female, NB, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars (Pairs with female, futanari, NB, Male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant)

My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya/Deku (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; will rp dominant or submissive)
Katsuki Bakugo (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Shoto Todoroki (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Denki Kaminari (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Tenya Ida (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (Pairs with female only/ Will rp dominant only)
Neito Monoma (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Hitoshi Shinso (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Mirio Togato/Lemillion (Pairs with female only/ Will rp dominant only)
Shota Aizawa/Eraser Head (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Yo Shindo (Pairs with female only; Will rp dominant only)
Himiko Toga (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Inasa Yorashi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Keigo Takami/Hawks (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Twilight Characters
Edward Cullen (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jacob Black (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Bella Swan (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Emmett Cullen (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jasper Hale (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Carlisle Cullen (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Alec (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

((More to come))
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Alrighty let us continue on with the canon pairing by fandom. I would highly recommend you read these before reaching out to me from my request threads. The main reason here is it gives you a more indepth look at who I can rp and can avoid some awkward exchanges, though, maybe they won't be so awkward and you bounce back from it, one can hope. So yeah if you do wind up bringing up someone not on the list I can do I'll be sure to edit it in when I can. For now let us continue, oh right, refer to the overall fandom list as I am updating it when I have a canon list down.

Sofia the First
James (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Amber (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Hugo (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Tai (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Izzy (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Joe (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Matt (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
T.K. (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Davis (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Yolei (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Takuya Kanabara (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Koichi Kimura (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Koji Kinamoto (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Takato Matsuki (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Henry Wong (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Marcus Damon (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Thomas H. Norstein (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Ash Ketchum (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gary Oak (Pairs with female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Professor Oak (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Giovanni (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Jessie (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari)
James (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Butch (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Officer Jenny (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Nurse Joy (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Sabrina (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Zoey (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Cynthia (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Bea (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Marnie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari)
Ritchie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Brock (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Drew (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Iris (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Nessa (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Paul (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Fire Emblem Three Houses
Byleth (Male or Female) (Male will be paired with male, female, futanari, NB; Female will be paired with female/Male can be dominant or submissive; Female is dominant only) ((Female can also be futanari))
Edelgard (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Hubert (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ferdinand (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Dorothea (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Dimitri (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Felix (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sylvain (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Mercedes (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Lorenz (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Seteth (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Catherine (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Balthus (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
Ratchet (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

The First Descendant
Lepic (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Bunny (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Jayber (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Freyna (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gley (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Blair (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Enzo (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Keelan (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)

Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Hogwarts Mystery
Merula (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

((More to come))
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You have asked for it, no you haven't, and here they are...more canon by fandom and all that stuff.

Attack on Titan
Eren (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Levi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Annie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Sasha (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Erwin (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Mike Zacharias (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Jean (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Ymir (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Ouran HIgh School Host Club
Tamaki (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Kyoya (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Takashi (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Hikaru (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Karou (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)

Spy x Family
Loid (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Fiona (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))

Rosario Vampire
Tsukune (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Mizore (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Ginei (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Adrien (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Juleka (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Luka (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Chloe (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Sabrina (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Kim (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jagged Stone (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gabriel Agreste (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lila Rossi (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Alya (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Felix Fathom (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Fei Wu (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Barbara Keynes (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jessica Keynes (Pairs with female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Socqueline Wang (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Nino Lahiffe (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Nora Cesaire (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Wayhem (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Adam (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Alastor (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Husk (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant only)
Vaggie (Pairs with female; Wil rp dominant only)
Lucifer (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Blitz (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant only)
Moxxie (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Loona (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Beelzebub (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Verosika (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)

The Dragon Prince
Ezran (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submisisve) ((Will be aged up))
Callum (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Soren (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Hemdyr (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gren (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Tiadrin (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Nyx (Pairs with female, male, NB, Futnari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Cosmo (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Tiny Toon Adventures
Buster Bunny (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Plucky Duck (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Montana Max (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Teen Titans
Robin (Pairs with female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Blackfire (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Deathstroke (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Kid Flash (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
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Okie dokie I am now moving on to the next set. Again please refer to the fandom list this way you know which one is complete and I guess from there just scroll down as I don't quite have an organization system beyond that. Thanks for checking in.

Young Justice
Conner Kent/Superboy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Pairs with female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant only)
Wally West/Kid Flash (Pairs with male, female, Futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Roy Harper/Arsenal (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
((Honestly too many to list))

DC Animated (Entails a list of canons I'd be willing to rp as)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Damian Wayne/Robin (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Will age up))
Komand'r/Blackfire (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Kate Kane/Batwoman (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gar Logan/Beast Boy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn (Pairs with female, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
John Constantine (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Wally West/Kid Flash (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
((List will be updated depending if inspiration strikes)

Marvel Animated
Ororo Munroe/Storm (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Johnny Storm/The Human Torch (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Miles Morales/Spider-Man (I can't recall the other name) (Pairs with male, female, NB, futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Loki (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
((List will be updated depending if inspiration strikes))

The Legend of Vox Machina
Vax (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Vex (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))

Paw Patrol
Ryder (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only) ((Will age up))
Chase (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only) ((Naturally rare for me to have bestial involved on my end but he is here))

Rugrats All Grown Up
Tommy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Will age up))
Chuckie (Pairs with female, male; Will rp submissive only) ((Will age up))
Angelica (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Will age up))
Susie (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Will age up))
Phil (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Will age up))

Adventure Time
Finn the Human (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Will age up))
Marceline the Vampire (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Steven Universe
Peridot (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Steven (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Age up a bit))
Pearl (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Girl with pink hair (Pairs wtih female; Will rp dominant only)

The Loud House
Lincoln Loud (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Age up))
Luna Loud (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Slight age up))
Bobby Santiago (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Sam Sharp (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Age up))

Star Trek Prodigy
Dal R'EL (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Age up))

Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Marco (Pairs with female; WIll rp dominant only) ((Age up))
Jackie Lynn Thomas (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Age up-Open to rping futanari))

Nick Wilde (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

((So that is the next batch. This finishes up anime and cartoons more or less.))
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So shall we continue on this journey that has now become my journal?

Dragon Age
The Warden (Male and female) (Male-Pairs with female, male, NB; Female will pair with female) ((Male-Will rp dominant or submissive; Female will be dominant only)
Morrigan (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Leliana (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Alistor (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Hawke (female and male) (Hawke male-Pairs with male, female, NB; FemHawke-Pairs with female) ((Male Hawke-Will rp dominant or submissive; Femhawke-will rp dominant only))
Carver Hawke (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Isabela (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Aveline Vallen (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Merrill (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Cullen (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Cassandra (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive)
The Inquisitor (Male and female) (Male-Pairs with female, male; Female-Pairs with female) ((Male-Will rp dominant or submissive; Female-Will rp dominant only))
Sera (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Vivienne (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Rook (Male/Female) (Male-Pairs with male, female, NB; Female-Pairs with female) ((Male-Will rp dominant or submissive; Female-Will rp dominant only))

Super Smash Bros
Link (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Marth (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Roy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ike (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Fox (Pairs with female, NB; Will rp dominant only)
Falco (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Captain Falcon (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Chrom (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Pit (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Snake (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sonic (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Wolf (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Joker (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Byleth (male/female) (Male-Pairs with male, female, NB; Female will pair with female) ((Male-Will rp dominant or submissive; Female-Will rp dominant only))
Sora (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Dynasty Warriors
Cao Pi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Guan Xing (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Zhenji (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Xiahou Dun (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sun Quan (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gan Ning (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sun Ce (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ling Tong (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Xiaoqiao (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Zhang Bao (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jiang Wei (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Guan Shao (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Guan Ping (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Zhong Hui (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Zhuge Dan (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sima Zhao (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sima Shi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lu Bu (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Meng Huo (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)

Dead or Alive
Hayate (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ayane (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Christie (Pairs with female, male; Will rp submissive only)
Eliot (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lisa Hamilton (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Mila (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ryu Hayabusa (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Rig (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Marie Rose (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Nyotengu (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)

Zenless Zone Zero
Wise (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Nicole (Pairs with female, male, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Grace Howard (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Anton Ivanov (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Honkai Star Rail
Stelle (male/female) (Stelle male-Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Female Stelle-Pairs with female) ((Male Stelle-Will rp dominant or submissive; Female Stelle-Will rp dominant only)) (((Female Stelle-Open to rping futanari)))
Seele (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Blade (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Dan Heng (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Gepard (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Himeko (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jing Yuan (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Kafka (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Luka (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Pele (Pairs with female, male; Will rp submissive only)
Serval (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Welt (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)

Resident Evil
Leon S. Kennedy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Chris Redfield (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ada Wong (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Ethan Winter (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Soul Calibur
Ivy (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Siegfried (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant only)
Cassandra (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Kilik (Pairs with male; Will rp dominant only)
Raphael (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Seong Mi-Na (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Setsuka (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Patroklos (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Mitsuru (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Akihiko (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Junpei (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Fuuka (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Shinjiro (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Elizabeth (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Yu (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Yosuke (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Yukiko (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Rise (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Joker/Ren (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ryuji (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Yusuke (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Goro Akechi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sae Niijima (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))

The Last of Us
Joel (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Tommy (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Abby (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Dina (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jesse (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant)
Owen (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant)
Ellie (Depending) (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant) ((Open to rping futanari))

Senran Kagura
Hikage (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only) ((Open to rping futanari))
Katsuragi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ikaruga (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp submissive only)
Homura (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Haruka (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp submisisve only)
Imu (Pairs with female, futanari, NB, Male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Ryobi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

((This finishes up the video game portion of my canon and fandoms. Yeah it seems like I have quite a roster of canons I can rp on my hands and honestly this took far longer than I had hoped but here we are and if you have been glossing through each of these pages be sure to give your eyes a proper rest.))
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It is that time again. Here we be straight off finishing up video games, phew so much. The next one is film which should be easier to compile then say the others. So if you are curious what canons are at my disposal, the wait is over.

MCU (The attempt)
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Stever Rogers/Captain America (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sam Wilson/Falcon-Captain America (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Nebula (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Thor (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Loki (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Ronin (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Disney Zombies
Zed (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

High School Musical
Troy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Chad (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Star Wars
Cassian Andor (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Luke Skywalker (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Poe Dameron (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Finn (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Han Solo (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant only)
Anakin Skywalker (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (younger) (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Wedge Antilles (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

The Lord of the Rings
Aragorn (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Eomer (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Faramir (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Galadriel (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Boromir (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Sam Wise Gamgee (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)

Dreamworks/How to train your dragon
Miguel (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Tulio (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Puss in Boots (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sinbad (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Hiccup Haddock (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Snotlout (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jack Frost (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Guy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Branch (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Wolf (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Orange is the new black
Stella (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Nicky (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Alex (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Joey (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ross (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Phoebe (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Rachel (Pairs with female, male; Will rp submissive)

Big Bang Theory
Amy (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Stuart (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Leonard (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Howard (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Hannah Montana
Miley Stewart (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Jackson Stewart (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Oliver Oken (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Pretty Little Liars
Spencer (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp submissive or dominant)
Caleb (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Emily (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Mona (Pairs with female, male, NB; Will rp submissive only)
Alison (Pairs with male, female, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Toby (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Paige (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Cobra Kai
Johnny (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Miguel (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Robbie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Stranger Things
Mike (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Max (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jonathan (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Robin (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Steve (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

One Piece (Live Action)
Luffy (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Sanji (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Zoro (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Avatar the last airbender (Live Action)
Zuko (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Aang (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Ozai (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sokka (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Uncle Iroh (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Jet (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Mai (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
Azula (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Star Wars (Streaming live action series)
Cassian Andor (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ahsoka (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Ezra (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Pairs wtih male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Shin Hati (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Djinn (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Bo-Katan Kryze (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Star Wars (exapnded universe outside Disney)
Jacen Solo (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Kyle Katarn (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Wedge Antilles (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Corran Horn (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

DC Comics Bombshells
Kate Kane/Batwoman (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (Pairs with female, male; Will rp submissive only)
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)
((Some others been a bit since I read them))

Hunger Games
Gale (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

High School of the Dead
Saeko (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Takashi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

One Piece
Luffy (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Sanji (Pairs with female; WIll rp dominant only)
Zoro (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Dragonball (here we go)
Goku (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Vegeta (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

L word
Shay (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Totally Spies
Sam (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari)
Clover (Pairs with male, female, futanari, NB; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Game of Thrones
Jon Snow (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
The brother who bangs his sister, heh (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

The Walking Dead
Darryl (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Jujutsu Kaisen
Megumi (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Maki (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Itadori (Pairs with female; Willr p dominant only)

Chainsaw Man
Power (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Makima (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Denji (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Aki (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Fire Force
Shinra (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Arthur (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Maki (Pairs with female, male, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))
Vulcan (Pairs with female; WIll rp dominant only)
Hibana (Pairs with male, female, NB, Futanari; Will rp dominant or submissive) ((Open to rping futanari))

Boy Meets World/Girl Meets World
Cory (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Shawn (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Angela (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)
Eric (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Jack (Pairs with male, female; WIll rp dominant or submissive)
Auggie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lucas (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Riley (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)

Gilmore Girls
Luke (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lorelai (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Logan (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Dean (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant only)
Jess (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Buffy (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Vampire Willow (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Tara (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Spike (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Angel (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Wesley (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Xander (Pairs with female, male; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Faith (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Riley (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Dawn (Pairs with male, female; Will rp submissive only)

Dean (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Crowley (Pairs with male, female; Will rp dominant or submissive)
Charlie (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Sam (Pairs with female; WIll rp dominant only)

Clark (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Oliver (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only
Lex (Pairs with female; Will rp dominant only)
Lana (Pairs with male; Will rp submissive only)

Alright so there it is folks. Everything is more or less done. Lest I plan to add any other titles what you see is what you get. That is the entirety of my canon and fandom collection. So what will I wind up putting up now? I suppose that remains to be seen but if you find yourself here after looking over my requests I'm sure we can make something happen. I am quite drained from this but quite pleased with myself. I'm not sure who else has done something like this on here but I imagine you too likely felt this way upon completing your list. Naturally my list is going to look nothing like anyone else's list and if there are similarities that is also fine. I just feel everyone is going to have different canons they are able to pull off or even rp so yeah that being said till my next entry, peace.
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So what is left after such a massive undertaking as was the canon by fandom? How about face claims? So this will be for both on here in pm and over on Discord. What is the difference? It all comes down to images so should any of these stand out to you Discord is the best way to see them, though, purely from an rping perspective of course. If we should wind up doing face claims you could request one of these or we can do the image process of finding a bunch of images and choosing from those. Anything I put up in here will be just names so you really won't have much to go on. I will put what they are from and you can always look them up yourself if you need a visual idea, but, if it is nsfw I'll save that for my Discord rp partners. I'll be doing these in parts and what you will see will be male, female, and futanari. I'm sure you can use your imagination should any of this go down in pm. I'm pretty big on face claim and especially when my rp partner also gets into it and we make it this whole thing. I'm sure we can even help each other out but for now thanks for taking the time to look at this mess of words construed together and let us get this show on the road.


Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
Kiba Inuzuka (Naruto)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)
Asuma Sarutobi (Naruto)
Deidara (Naruto)
Kisame (Naruto)
Kakashi (Naruto)
Boruto (Boruto)
Gaara (Naruto)
Itachi (Naruto)
Kawaki (Boruto)
Madara (Naruto)
Ay (Naruto)
Konohamaru (Boruto)


Sakura Haruno (Naruto
Ino Yamanaka (Naruto)
Tenten (Naruto)
Mikoto (Naruto)
Shizune (Naruto)
Mei Terumi (Naruto)
Kushina (Naruto)
Kaguya (Naruto)


Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Ino Yamanaka (Naruto)
Tenten (Naruto)
Yep I never once said it wasn't going to be Naruto. This is just round one. Expect a little more variety the next several rounds, yep, this is my next big thing. Strap yourselves in and while they may seem like just names they hold significance to future rp partners of mine. Soak it all up...and if none tickle your fancy honestly that is fine. These are characters I will be able to find nsfw images for on my end for face claims I would likely take up and this here journal is just a place to house my rp stuff and at times have me ramble about rp stuff and even drop in like rp samples that I didn't just wing on the spot, heh, so thank you again for tuning in and further entries will either be geared at all three or even a trade off, I'm unpredictable like that.

Btw when I say Naruto it is generally entailing the series so not exactly primarily oh wait when Naruto is mentioned is that pre-time skip and all that junk. Perhaps I am the only one that thinks that. Either way at best images would be that of Naruto Shippuden and maybe Boruto, though it depends what I find in my search. You will know if you are familiar and if not totally fine because as I have mentioned or maybe haven't but face claims mean we aren't rping as the character as we're just creating a world around them.
I am back. This might be my last entry for the night but going to make this count. Last round was purely Naruto but you may see some outside of that with this. Again you will just be finding names in here and perhaps where you can find said character and I'll also try and make it even throughout. Again if we do this in pm it'll just be the names so like if I wind up using Sasuke Uchiha you just have a general idea of what he looks like and if it is on Discord there will be an image to go on. Moving on.


Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)
Stelle/male (Honkai Star Rail)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Aether (Genshin Impact)
Albedo (Genshin Impact)
Alhaitham (I believe Genshin Impact as well)


Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Andrea (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Anissa (Invincible)
Applejack (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic/Equestria Girls)
Asajj (Star Wars Animated Series The Clone Wars)
Bisca (Fairy Tail)


Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Ahsoka (I want to say it is from Rebels or the series Ahsoka)
Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero I believe)
Anis (Nikke Goddess of Victory)
Anna (Frozen)
Azula (Avatar the last airbender)
So you have seen the next batch. I hope that is something and if not that is totally fine. I'm doing what I can and I imagine I'm not the only one with a go to list of their own. It is important to have these lists not only for one self but also for those perusing and looking for potentia rp partners. A journal can say a lot about a person and what they can bring to the table ya know. So not sure when to put up the next batch but if all goes well possibly tomorrow.
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Hi there and welcome to another batch of face claims to peruse and look over. It is honestly fine if you aren't into face claim, I often only do face claim if we can't agree on anything canon like. That being said let me jump right back into this.


Asuma Sarutobi (Naruto)
Auron (Final Fantasy X)
Blade (Honakai Star Rail)
Caspar (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Childe (Genshin Impact)
Chris Redfield (Resident Evil)


Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (MARVEL/MCU)
Brigitte (Overwatch)
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Chloe Bourgeios (Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
Christie (Dead or Alive)


Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Byleth/Female (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Camilla (Fire Emblem Conquest)
Claire Redfield (Resident Evil 2)
Edalgard (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Ellie Willaims (The Last of Us/Games)
And with that we have batch number THREE for each. Again not sure what this will amount to but I'm just making use of my journal and anyone looking in and you are coming from my requests take a gander and who knows what you might see name wise.
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The next batch is ready to go. Here we are with part five all around. I've been trying to make it so there are six each time. Anyway I won't waste much more time just shooting the breeze and yeah let us delve right into it.


Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7)
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Diluc (Genshin Impact)
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia)


Dorothea (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Female Byleth (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Fiona Frost (Spy x Family)
Hera Syndulla (Star Wars Rebels)
Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Lighting (Final Fantasy 13)


Elsa (Frozen)
Fiona Frost (Spy x Family)
Tamaki (Fire Force)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Helga Sinclair (Atlantis the Lost Empiere/Disney)
Jessie (Final Fantasy 7)
So I will admit I made a slight mistake in the number but I did fix it. So yeah we are four in, how many left, I'll get back to you on that. Anyway batch number 5 for each will be next or when I have time to.
Alrighty let us delve further into the sweet bliss of face claims. Something I should brush up on is that anyone who wishes to rp with me but is going off my name and that alone, please don't take it all that seriously. True I love canons and such but I also can rp outside of that. I mean if there is any other reason cool...we all have our specifics but just letting you know so it isn't like a done deal. I understand when it comes to preferences and such, I really do. Now that is out of the way let me get up more stuff.


Eijiro (My Hero Academia)
Vulcan (Fire Force)
Gajeel (Fairy Tail)
Gallagher (Honkai Star Rail)
Gepard (Honkai Star Rail)
Gray (Fairy Tail)


Manuela (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Mel (Arcane League of Legends)
Nemona (Pokemon)
Nico Robin (One Piece)
Nicole (Zenless Zone Zero)
Paine (Final Fantasy X-2)


Jinx (Arcane League of Legends)
Jody (Bible Black)
Junker Queen (Overwatch)
Kafka (Honkai Star Rail)
Karlach (Baldurs Gate 3)
Karma (League of Legends)

((So yeah that is it for now. Stay tuned for more stuff))​
This might be my last one for the night. Not sure how much longer I got in me to post. I should be around throughout the day tomorrow. I'm still making my way through my list of face claims I can use for rp and again while face claim isn't that is something to draw on. Anyway if you are keeping up with my postings you can make it a game like how many of those characters and fandoms you know.


Kiba Inuzuka (Naruto)
Ichigo (Bleach)
Jayce (Arcane League of Legends)
Jellal (Fairy Tail)
Denki (My Hero Academia)
Lancelot (Seven Deadly Sins)


Rikku (Final Fantasy (X-2)
Saeko (Highschool of the dead)
Sam (Totally Spies)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Sera (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Serval (Honkai Star Rail)


Kassandra (Assassins Creed Odyssey)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Liara (Mass Effect)
Lilith (Borderlands)
Loona (Helluva Boss)

((Alright so there is that. If I'm around still I'll answer pms if not consider this a night))
So we are back...back in my journal entries, which, shall continue to list the face claims I can do. I know it seems like a lot, which it is, and I know that it does seem to continue on, which it does, but c'mon ya never know when this might come in hand and someone goes...hey I can see myself rping against said face claim. You all get me right? Well regardless as usual yes I can procure nsfw images of these though as to how many...probably not that many, that is why I do the selection process. Warp me!


Laxus (Fairy Tail)
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil (lots)
Link (The Legend of Zelda, one of them)
Loid (Spy x Family)
Luffy (One Piece)
Mako (The Legend of Korra)


Stelle/Female (Honkai Star Rail)
Tracer (Overwatch)
Triss Merigold (The Witcher/games)
Vi (Arcane League of Legends)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Zhu Rong (Dynasty Warriors)


Maki (Fire Force)
Maki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Marinette (Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Marnie (Pokemon)
Maya (League of Legends)

((Anyway I think that does it for this batch. More to come))​
Alright I am looking at finishing the next batch I have. I will leave the females out for this round till I finish up the males and futanari. Apart from that feel free to look over what I have and apart from that let us get this show on the road.


Marth (Fire Emblem)
Noctis (Final Fantasy 15)
Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart)
Ren Amamiya (Persona 5)
Rogue (Fairy Tail)
Sanji (One Piece)
Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Shinra (Fire Force)
Soren (The Dragon Prince)
Squall (Final Fantasy 8)
Thoma (Genshin Impact)
Akitaru (Fire Force)
Vox Lyacon (Zenless Zone Zero)
Wise (Zenless Zone Zero)
Yanquing (Honkai Star Rail)
Yuri (Fairy Tail)
Yusuke (Persona 5)
Zack Fair (Final Fantasy 7)
Zoro (One Piece)
Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender)


Megara (Hercules/Disney)
Mercedes (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Miku (Vocaloid)
Pharah (Overwatch)
Power (Chainsaw Man)
Rainbow Dash (Anthro/MLP)
Rangiku (Bleach)
Riven (League of Legends)
Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Salem (RWBY)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Sonia the Hedgehog (Sonic Underground/Archie comics)
Soukaku (aged up/Zenless Zone Zero)
Tamaki (Fire Force)
Tracer (Overwatch)
Triss (The Witcher)
Urbosa (The Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild)
Vex (The Legend of Vox Machina)
Vi (Arcane League of Legends)
Vinyl (Anthro/MLP)
Weiss (RWBY)
Yang (RWBY)
Yoruichi (Bleach)
Widowmaker (Overwatch)
Yugito (Naruto)

((And that is it for that round. More to come
And yes I can procure images nsfw wise for Discord))​
I've been listing face claims quite a bit so for a bit just going to ease back from it. I will admit I am a bit bored as I wait for anything to come from my current requests and the number of messages I sent out in regards to potential interests in requests of others. I will say it is unnerving reaching out to another rper over putting up my own requests and just waiting for someone to seek me out. The waiting can be something else and thought to share this for my latest entry in here.

I haven't received any requests to join me on Discord so yeah a bit of looking in on there when I can. I wonder if it is my name which is throwing people because as I mentioned even with that name it doesn't mean I just do canon stuff. Still it is a process and given I was part of E for a bit and now more involved in here it isn't as bad with the waiting and seeing. I'll resume the face claim shortly and while it may not be doing much for is there for reference if need be. I'll continue to check other people's requests and help them out if I find something I can do. I will say something that turns me away is seeing just how much someone can post, three paragraphs is scary business for me given what I can put out myself. I suppose there is also the level of dark stuff people are looking for where I feel I can handle in sprinkles but I prefer or lean more towards romantic smut of sorts. Perhaps in my requests that in itself has people hesitating because of the material in itself. I suppose we all question why our requests perform well or not. We all have doubts that eat away at us and that is ok...we just look forward to what we can get and just hoping for a pm that really gets the inspiration going on my end. Thanks for reading and all.
So turns out I needed to update my profile for Discord via information and I touched up some as well in my profile on the site. I may need to do some touching up as well in my journal entry itself. I might not post any other face claims today but may do so tomorrow just for my sake. I'm not sure how much longer I will be up tonight but looking at trying to get more rp partners through little steps and seeing what partakes of that. I may have already commented on this but not looking for too dark when it comes to roleplays these days. I'm willing to rp certain elements but otherwise while I am keen on nsfw when it comes to the content itself...not going to go too extreme where romance is not on the table. I can understand this complicates things given where the level of interest lies. And if the story starts out dark and eventually ebbs into romance great. But yeah I like to think things are going to go a certain way instead of it being based around just hate and barreling through intimacy.
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