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Fx Male The outlook is Sunny


Jan 5, 2025

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of Blue Moon. I have been writing little stories since I was a very little girl but I have only recently started writing roleplays with other people. I am a middle aged single adult woman living in Florida with my best friend since 7th grade. I have two dogs, two cats, and a full time job that all claim large parts of my time, so I do not have as much free time to write as I want to. In my free time I love to read, play a few unimpressive video games like Minecraft or second life (it's not really a GAME but counts for me), write little stories, and work on a few little side projects like hand sewing, making lists (about anything - even things to make other lists about). If it is Friday or Saturday evening, I am probably high on perfectly legal marijuana. One of my Second Life friends I RP with told me about this site, and here I am!

I am opening myself to a new RP or two but I have some very good ones going and will be picky because my available slots are limited.

What I bring to the table:

I am a decent writer, I think. Not great and wonderful, but not horrible either. I write multi paragraphs for my responses, I love things like character development and world building. I can generally post 1-2 responses a week, sometimes more and rarely less. I am open to WHERE we play, either privately or publicly. I am friendly, not demanding, love OOC chatter. I enjoy grand sweeping epic stories with multiple characters, world building, etc but not every story has to be that. A little snug and cozy or brutal and short is fun too. I am also happy to RP either male or female (I am female irl if that matters) and sub, dom, or switch with dependencies that can be discussed. I have far less experience domming though, especially as a female.

What I look for in an RP partner:

I came looking for third person, but after playing with a certain RP partner that has changed. I now love 1st person and second person. But I also enjoy third person - so very open here.
Please be patient – I sometimes take a bit to respond. I may see your post or message (I check BMR frequently) and not be able to respond right away. But if it's been more than a day since I responded to your non-RP private message feel free to send me a reminder nudge. I live in terror of letting a PM fall through the cracks. I cannot emphasize this enough - PLEASE be patient. I am excited about our RP too but if you are always asking me about my response I will simply end the RP after several warnings. This is for fun, not stress.
Please do not be offended if I say no. Sometimes two good RPers simply aren't a good match. Either kink wise, writing style, etc.


I like a wide variety of kink and not-kink. I I don't mind things getting dark – even VERY dark. But I love happy endings. Not saying no to bad endings, but I have a strong tendency to wanting happy endings. Here is my flist that is (still!) under construction.

Settings I am pretty open, though I avoid sci fi/steampunk for the most part.

No fandoms please, I don't know anything about them.

It's more than the physical. Sex is mental. I include introspection. Perhaps too much even. But I feel it add a lot of depth of character.

In regards to dominant and submissive I am generally referring to them as personality traits, not formal BDSM. I am open to that of course, but not overly familiar with it.

I play male and female, dominant and submissive. USUALLY I play a submissive female. It is my most comfortable role. But trust me, I enjoy them all.
I am straight. When playing female, I am usually submissive and always to a male.
I am open to playing a dominant female but it would be a rare exception and would only play against a submissive male.

Kink Breakdown:
Being shared
Being watched
Authority figures
Clothed sex

Oral sex on my female character
Electric Play
Feet Play
Sex Toys

Being your character's mommy
Most fandoms
Most sci fi settings (but you can try to talk me into it
Non Humanoid main characters

Hey, you. Yeah. You. Take a look at the Temptations idea. That's pretty much the only new idea I'm interested in. I'm not definitely saying no to anything else. Just...probably.
But there's so much variety possible in the Tempations world. Just look, ok? Thank you, you are amazing. Seriously. You fucking rock. May all your RPs be as amazing as you are.
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Under Construction​

These are story ideas and characters all rolled into one. If either one interests you, hit me up. We can talk it out and build it together.

Ava Prentiss was raised by two poor farmers in happy obscurity amid the cornfields of Kansas. Her mother was barely literate but could and did read children's books to her baby. She was pleased when Ava began reading them herself at a year and a half, deciding her little girl was a smart one. Too ignorant herself to realize how exception her child was. When Ava walked into kindergarten already reading at college level and enough general knowledge to pass third grade her teachers were stunned.

They had no idea what to do with her so they simply passed her up through the grades as quickly as they could, sighing in relief when they graduated an awkwardly uncomortable eight year old Ava and sent her home.

Her bewildered parents happily handed over the responsibility of their perplexing daughter's education to a retired professor - a granduncle who lived in New York City.

Not that she was permitted to live there, or even visit. No one in Kansas trusted anything at all about New York City and Ava's parents loved her despite not knowing what to do with her brain. Instead Ava's education was carefully monitored and guided by her awe-struck granduncle over the internet and phone. She attended prestigious institutions with special academic agreements.

She became an instant celebrity in the academic world. A celebrity rarely seen, but always talked about. Wealthy, powerful people took an interest in the invisible but studious star. Her parents fiercely defended her privacy and Ava grew up living a quiet life of a relatively normal girl, except for the deprivation of anything related to a real social life. Instead of visiting with friends she played online. That quickly became her social life. Her world.

It remained so when she joined the elite ranks of the world's top computer security company at the age of 15. She begged to work. She loved the work. Her anxious parents kept her at home but the company happily paid for occasional carefully supervised trips when needed. No expense was spared to make sure their new star employee had whatever she needed to keep her and her nervous parents happy.

Because Ava made them money hand over fist. Her brilliant mind was unstoppable. They lost anything resembling competition. Her products made the online world safe. Safe for everyone. She was a gold mine they shamelessly mined while her play work made them rich.

Her father passed away of stomach cancer when she was 16. Her mother became even more zealous of protecting her daughter's remaining childhood, finally reluctantly releasing her offspring to the world as soon as Ava turned 18.

The academic world rejoiced that their little goddess was released. Her employee rejoiced as well, drowning their uncertain little money-maker in contracts. They hid the indentured servitude behind layers of benefits. Flush bank accounts and limitless credit. A company paid apartment, car. A limitless travel account for ubers, lifts, even plane trips. Anything she wanted, they would have tried to get it for her. Fortunately she wanted very little except to work when she wanted and spent time with her online friends.

But online friends could never touch her when she moaned to her dominance and submission themed fantasies at night. They weren't physically there. Ava was desperate to be physically touched. Touched just like she was touched in her fantasies. Ava was not bold enough to pursue that kind of touch the normal way, with a personal relationship. Instead, she decided she would pay for it. She was suddenly free and rich. Free to charter a private plane to a less prudish country where she had a contractual sexual agreement with a man who had been personally selected from a long lists of paid male dominants. It was time to lose her virginity in a way SHE wanted to.

Of course it happened on the bad side of town. In the middle of the night, in a chilled downpour. The fates demanded even trifling things like that when spinning their threads for a history changing event. She fell from three feet up in the air, spawning out of nothing Landing with a strained grunt of pain onto a dirty overgrown lot filled with needles. When her eyes opened, everything that had existed before in her mind was gone, leaving a slate wiped clean. She blinked uncomprehendingly at the sky. Her mind struggling to classify what generations of generations had layered into the human subconscious. Sky. Clouds. Dark. Rain. Cold. Alone. Awareness. What was alone? There were others like her. Thousands. Millions. Cities sprawled across earth. History. It all came back in a rush as she realized what alone meant. But there was nothing else. Where she fit in it she had no idea. No idea of family. Job. Friends. No history for her in a history filled world. Her mind was a rebooted computer. All the basic programming in place with no memory of why she had been rebooted.

Terror bleated from her throat as she thrust up, spinning in confusion. Where was she? What was she doing here? What was she doing before? What WAS before? Who was she? Blind instinct pushed her legs till they staggered to a nearby sidewalk. Police. They would help. They were safe. Relief tightened her throat, brought the tears she was too afraid to cry before to her eyes. There was an explanation and they would help. She wobbled down the street, looking for a sign that would lead her to the police. To safety.

Before any such sign appeared, a dark male shadow did. Before he even came into the dingy street light her mind was classifying it. Tall. Strong. Muscles. Male. Her stomach clenched with a new terror as she realized she was naked. Cold. Bare. Thin. Vulnerable. Naked. His eyes were what reminded her. Large and round. Suddenly hungry. She was prey.

"Holy shit, girl!" His voice shivered with shock and delight. Amusement and dark lust.

"No!" She gasped, bolting away from him in blind instinct.

He equally instinctively lunged for her. His long arms caught her naked arms and she screamed.

His scream echoed hers as he released her. No, pushed her violently away from her. His endless shriek that of an animal as he stared in horror at his burning hands. Some invisible flame eating away at him till fleshy bone showed. He passed out in the street.

She ran in a blind panic. Trying to mentally process. No more police. No explanation for what she had done. They would be suspicious. Not helpful. Unhelpful, there was a difference. She needed to find out what was going on herself. She needed clothes, money, the basics. This meant encountering people. Necessarily testing what was happening with her body. Her mind spun. Prioritizing. Planning.

She ran now with a purpose. Blushing furiously as she felt her breasts bouncing. Please no one, a smaller turn, more concealed area. She chanted her most urgent needs silently in her head. She needed to find something to cover herself with. The first thing was a scrap of a smashed cardboard beer box. That was upgraded to some unidentifiable filthy scrap of colorless fabric that was long and twistable enough it covered the essential parts. That lasted until she found a man's discard tshirt on the side of the sidewalk that hung to her thighs. Finally she a tiny bit less vulnerable. Safe enough to seek help. She spotted a dingy but lighted 24 hour laundromat across the road and scurried over to it. Something moved and her soul leaped in fear. But it was a woman, not a man.Not a man. A woman. Her heart crawled back down her throat as she hurried in.

She scared the woman. She understood, after the fact. It was her first time experiencing guilt. The woman had not even touched her, just frightened her with a scream. But her body had attacked the woman anyway, invisibly throwing the woman backwards with enough force to crack the wall she slammed into.

She had run away again, leaving the moaning woman behind. She wandered helplessly, lost in a haze of shock. She had no idea how long she did so until the yelling police officer ran up and seized her. He had been trying to speak to her. She understood that afterwards. She hadn't heard him because she was just...lost. He had startled her, and she had hurt him. This time, her watching mind saw the trigger of energy and understood that was what was causing her to hurt people.

The officer was dead, his body charred from something like electricity that had poured out of her into him. But her guilt convinced her subconscious to teach her to how at least throttle the power. Her subconscious reluctantly did so after she cried herself to sleep in a back seat of what looked like an abandoned car.

It was not an abandoned car, though. This time her quick little mind gained a deeper understanding of that magical spark. She had controlled it. She didn't quite understand how, but control was possible. This time when she was grabbed to be yanked out of the car, she saw the streams of energy and understood they were invisible connecting channels. In a literal instant she followed those channels as they sank through her feet deep into the ground. Pulling from streams of varying sizes lacing all through the ground. She knew instinctively that this was an infinite network stretching throughout the world. Energy. Magic. Magic was real and she was using it.

It was all mentally categorized in a flash she mentally laid hands on the lethal magic stream and WRENCHED at it. Throttling and directing it. An invisible fist of it punched the chest of the angry man, throwing him backwards. It was just enough for her to scramble out of the car and run. She ran by a stunned, staring woman and snatched the shopping bag overflowing with clothes from her grasping hands. She kept running, her blood singing and laughing in her veins. She was a magician! Or a witch! Something! At the same time her heart thudded with terror. If she existed, what else existed? How could she find them? Did she want to?
*In deepened narrator voice*
She did not.
She did not want to know about him.
The apex supernatural predator guardian who began hearing tales about a vicious cold blooded killer leaving behind a stench of magic so thick it stained the air for hours after. A stench that told a knowledgeable person a lot about who had left it.

TLDR: Little witch is ignorant of what she is, and the power that she possesses. At a pivotal point of her life Poppy encounters someone who is not ignorant of what she is. Is this a good or bad thing for Poppy? Hopefully, both? :)

Poppy never knew her parents. Her father was unknown. Her mother fell unconscious at the gates of a London workhouse, giving birth to Poppy two days later. She died within hours of Poppy drawing her first breath. The only words she spoke the entire time was to name her baby daughter. As a child, Poppy was a sickly thing. Puny, pale, and often bedridden. The other children ostracized her. She could not play with them and often avoided work because she was sick. When Poppy was five years old, the workhome doctor decided she would do better at another workhouse closer to the edge of London. It was still the city but the air was fresher and there was even a small garden.

The move probably saved Poppy's life. She was still sickly but not near as bad. She seemed to thrive the best when she spent a lot of time outdoors so she assigned work in the garden. She thrived there, and so did the garden. Never had such good quality vegetables come out of the ground in such large quantities. The girl had a green thumb, and she was given more and more responsibility in the garden until she ran it. When she was fourteen the cook's assistant got married and the older girls rotated taking turns assisting. Poppy was quickly discovered to have a cooking talent as well and she was swiftly trained to bake bread and cook simple soups. The adults in charge were delighted to find the girl saved them money. Somehow she made those soups cheaper, but so much more nourishing the other paupers were able to work harder. The cook was reduced to the assistant cook, and Poppy took her place.

Poppy lived a simple laugh of relative comfort there in the workhouse. She was favored by the adults and permitted relative freedom as long as things kept as they were. The new assistant cook was at first stiff and outraged but found that attitude hard to keep up in the face of Poppy's quiet friendliness and genuine humility. Poppy was never interested in anything that contradicted the interests of those in her authority. Her worst offense was spending too much time rolling about her garden and lazing in the sun. She would smile prettily in agreement with their stern lectures to be productive, and then go right back to lazing in the dirt. Somehow, it didn't feel like a disobedient move though it clearly was. Puzzled, they simply let it be and pretended not to notice.

With Poppy left in relative freedom, time slipped away like a lazy summer rivers. But the pennies of savings she accumulated, greed began to churn. Poppy was summoned back to London to save more pennies for those greedy hands that possessed her. Immediately her health began declining again.

On the magic: If you have read Mercedes Lackey's Elemental series, this is closely based on that. There is a secret underculture of magicians in late 17th, early 18th century England (lot of flexibility on the history, please). These magicians have magical talent based off elements. Water magicians, Earth Magicians, Fire Magicians, Air Magicians. Their magical talents scale from a mage who can perform clever magic tricks to mages who can change the world - literally. There are elemental creatures that are attracted to the magicians and will submit to them with their power scaling to the magicians power. AKA an undine is powerful enough they may not submit to a trickster mage and may actually be a danger if the mage is disrespectful. What each element offers a magician can be discussed. For Poppy, she has a talent for farming, she is a supernaturally gifted cook, and she has an extra element of greed which means money supernaturally drifts her way. She won't get rich off it, but she will probably never be in desperate need of money. The wickedness of greed has ground deep into her subconscious from the years of dull religious education. The poor girl doesn't even realize how delicious greed can be.

On the RP: This is a very open ended RP. With her back in London, the earth magic she doesn't realize she has will suffer. The city is bad for her. Country is good for her. No one really understands this though, and she will rapidly grow sicker. She will die unless someone interferes. This someone is you. Whether you interfere to protect her or to use her is up to you. But your character will be able to sense that mine is a magician of some kind, perhaps even sense she is an earth magician. If you choose your character to be a magician, be aware her magic does not get along with water magic. Bad things can happen to her (and hopefully will!) but I want a happy ending for her - even if that happy ending is a sick and twisted one.

Note: most of the RP these two will be in human form. At no time will they fuck as dragons unless you talk me into it.I would prefer this start at the beginning of their relationship. But for the sake of getting right into the start, let's call it insta-love. Two fully mature dragons meet each other and fall on instant obsessive love with each other. Their courtship begins with a gift. Her to him. Him to her, it doesnt matter. It's a very impressive gift and the receiver now needs to give a better gift to the giver. The cycle begins. Head over heels in love, and the love language of every dragon is gifts for their hoard. Very soon, the gifts become so rare, so precious, they become difficult to get. The two dragons soon find themselves helping each other get gifts that will go towards themselves.

I see this being kind of a romantic comedy, with the dragons learning through quests and scandals and adventures that the greatest gift you can give is your love.

Her earliest memories are being a beggar. Toddling around at four years old, begging pennies and giving them to a sharp-faced man she and the other kids called Pie. No one knew why he was called Pie, he just was. Pie was a harsh taskmaster - if a child in his stable didn't beg enough coins, they slept outside on the filthy street, no matter how cold or hot it was. Nor did they get dinner. But when Pie was ten years old, she woke up one day a different girl. Changed literally overnight from a pale scrawny child with whispy thin blonde hair. She changed into something shocking. Her skin shimmered as if she had been coated in gold dust. Her hair sleek and shiny and a black streaked with shades of gold. Her eyes were like desert sands at night, shining with depth that made people nervous.

Pie didn't know what to do with her except sell her. He made a fortune off of her and went away happy. 'Goldie' as she came to be called, was happy because she was treated nicer by her new owner who thought of her as a good luck charm. 'Goldie' was dressed up in pretty clothes and introduced to important people who were charmed by the sweet, polite, literally golden child. The night Goldie turned 15 she became very sick. High fever, swollen, and terrible itching and pains on her back. Over the next few days her illness continued, but the hastily summoned doctor was astonished to discover that thin dark gold ribbons of flesh were growing out of her back, folding themselves under pockets of skin so it looked like a corset lacing running down Goldie's back. Her illness lasted for a week, and the entire time the growing ribbons tormented her with pain and itching. Experimentation showed that the ribbons could become untucked and when they were they dripped all the way down to her ankles before they stopped growing. They were like extra limbs, she could use them to pick up light weight items and move them.

The morning Goldie woke up without a fever, her mistress came to see her and touched her hand affectionately. Her mistress turned to gold, instantly dying. A maid responded to the panicked 15 year old's scream, rushing into the room to calm her. Upon touching Goldy, the maid also turned to gold.

After that everyone figured out NOT to touch the traumatized Goldie, but no one knew what to do with a girl who turned everything into gold. Word of this astonishing magical gift was quickly carried to the King, who immediately sent for Goldie. He took her into a private room with only one guard, ordering her to touch a chair. The chair instantly turned to gold. The King immediately issued orders to his executioner. Everyone who had seen Goldie turn something into gold was immediately killed. Even the King's Guard who watched the King's test was killed.

As for Goldie, the King promised her protection. He promised to care for her. He placed her in a luxurious room, forbade anyone to touch her. While she lay resting in her room, he announced to the public he had a new magical gift. He could turn things into gold. It was a tiring feat, and he needed long moments of concentration. But as proof, he showed the golden chair.

Overnight, the poverty stricken kingdom turned into a gold mine. Debts were paid, the nobles enriched with gifts of gold. Food was plentiful and cheap, with the king importing it and paying with gold. Even the peasants were happy now. They may not have much but their children were fed.

Few people even inside the castle knew about Goldie's existence. One servant tended to her - a servant who could not speak. One soldier guarded her door - a eunuch whose penis had also been removed. He also could not speak - his tongue had been removed. Was it any wonder that Goldie adored the King? The man who had not only not punished her for accidentally killing people, but who had protected her? He gave her beautiful things, covered her hands with gloves so she could touch things and not turn them into gold. He guided experimentation where they learned that she did not turn things to gold from sundown to sunup - she could even feel a little shiver on her skin when the sun rose and set and her magic activated. Her ability to transform things into gold was limited - she could 'work' for only a few minutes at a time before becoming too exhausted to continue. With experimentation and testing, she expanded that up to perhaps half an hour a day without passing out.

The King doted on his own personal little treasury. When she was seventeen he declared to her his love for her. His words were tender, and when a drunken guard broke into her room in the middle of the night, it was the King who came to her rescue. He killed her attacker and cuddled the terrified, beaten, nearly raped girl, swearing no one would ever hurt her again. Not while he lived to see it.

He built her a cage where he had the only key. First it was a gigantic golden (of course) cage that took up nearly an entire room. Beautiful lacey weaving bars that allowed an arm through, but not an entire body. He immediately set his people to work expanding the cage that would allow her to wander to several rooms in the castle. A library, a dining area, a bathroom (plumbing exists) a room that was made into her bedroom, the Grand Hall, the formal Dining Room, and the Conservatory. Small private hallways were created that allowed her to travel from room to room without ever leaving her cage. Only the King had the key, and he rarely used it. When he did, he petted and cuddled and kissed her - but never fucked her. She was worthy of more than that, he assured her. His other whores were for that - and he proved it by fucking them in front of her as she lay in her cage. It hurt her, but she knew he loved her.

Goldie is passive and just wants to be safe and loved. She is happy being his caged piggy bank. She likes her cage, it makes her feel safe. Safe, safe, safe...that's all she wants. Safe and comfortable.

But there are other kings in the world. Other ambitious men. And one of them is coming for her. A man smart enough to know her value, powerful enough to get his hands on her, and worthy enough to uncage her soul. I want character progression for Goldie. I want to see her break out of that safe cocoon and spread her laces and fucking fly - with a man worthy of her shielding and protecting and loving her.

There are a lot of details about her gold making ability, her ribbons, and her origin that I am leaving out of this. This is going to be a slow burn long term RP. I would kind of like this one on the forums but that's just a want - not by any means a demand.
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Alternate Earth
It was a space shuttle named after Robert Filesia that discovered the planet named after him. The native populace was also named after him - the Filesians. They looked shockingly human like. There were a few differences:
Their blood is not red, but a light purple. Almost a lavender color.
They do not have races like humans, but their skin comes in a variety of pale colors. Most of them shades of cream but there are some very pale yellows, pinks, blues, greens.
Ears were cat-like and their hearing was superior to humans.
Eyes were large, anime like. They have more visual receptors; they can see better in the dark and pick up motion better.
Their hands and fingers were longer and more slender, with a soft texture on their palms and fingertips.
Their feet are very similar to humans but their toes are webbed.
Their bodies appear more slender and delicate, with small bones. Males and females have the same physical heights and strengths. While they appear more delicate they are actually more durable. They heal at twice the speed of humans, especially with damage to their skin. Cancer and most other diseases they seem to be immune to.
They sleep a lot. The best average hours of sleep for a human is 8. For a Filesian it is 12-14. They can live off the average human diet, but to be truly at their healthiest and happiest, Filesian's need more sweets in their diet. The common joke is "A donut a day keeps the Filesian blues away"

Despite their healing and immunity, their life spans are dramatically shorter than humans. Most Filesians never see their 31st birthday. They don't enter old age, they simply die - usually in their sleep. As a counter for their short life spans, they breed easily and often. Their
Their hair has been compared to the texture of corn floss, but without the stickiness. It is thin, delicate, silky. They have no body hair.
They are..well...kind of stupid. They can be taught language enough to communicate. They can even be taught to read basic words. But beyond "Go, Spot, Go" they cannot venture. Instructions must be clear and precise. Beyond basic mathematics, they are lost. Their attention span is short.

It wasn't the beauty and fragility of Filesian's that led to their enslavement. It was their innocence and the bond.

Filesians did not know anger. They did not know hatred. They have never experienced enmity. They simply do not understand the concept and never will. Filesians are highly social creatures who became famous for their Huddles.

A Filesian Huddle is nothing but sex. They spawn seemingly randomly whenever numerous Filesians are together. They gather in a pile of soft twisting piles of flesh. Every hole is open for any sort of play. Any sentient creature is welcome and the word no is never said in a Huddle. Rarely, if a Filesian is injured in a Huddle they may leave it. But most of the time the sex in the Huddle continues until all participants are simply too exhausted to fuck anymore.

The Bond was the end of Filesian independence. It was discovered accidentally in the initial medical experimentation on Filesian's. When a Filesian tastes the blood of another Filesian or human they fall into a deep love with that person. They will follow them anywhere, do anything for them, endure anything for them. No matter how horrific the abuse and humiliation they endure, they will remain fiercely devoted to their bond. The bond comes in varying strengths - the more blood consumed, the stronger and long lasting the bond. A half cup of blood will bind a Filesian for well over a month.

Now, generations after their discovery, Filesian's no longer exist on Filesia. They have all been removed and live on Earth. By law, a Filesian is not considered a human being with civil rights. They are considered as pets, but no animal cruelty laws apply. Yes, there are those who try to lobby for Filesian rights, but they are not taken seriously by the vast majority of society. There are no free Filesian's. Filesian's who are discovered to be unowned are promptly seized by the state and sold to buyers at state auctions.

Temple of Temptation
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