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End of Nirn (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Soon enough Psyria seemed to be whispering to her own goddess and was letting out a breath before she was pulling up the hood of her cloak before she was getting to her feet and heading off. Once she was out of the barrier that is when she just seemed to vanish so that she could get closer and plant the item that Altrius had given her.
Trae was just watching for a brief moment in time although it wasn't long before he was moving over to his twin as she seemed to waver as well. He was just gently grasping onto her and just slowly going down to the ground with her, already knowing how to do this to avoid frightening her.
Raeynn was breathing heavily at that point in time but she was still maintaining her magic - yet again it was drawing on the powers of the gods that was more taking a toll on her versus using her own magic at the time.
"Stop channeling. You aren't use to doing this. You are going to stress out your body more than necessary." Trae was speaking to Alexa after a moment in time, his voice firm for a sixteen year old.
Trae was just looking for a moment, "There are other mages. And Raeynn is use to drawing on the magic of the gods. She has always done it. In truth... Raeynn has no magical network of her own. She has always drawn on Lady Kynareth, her body has grown use to that massive magic."
Trae was just looking before moving to make sure that she was steady since Raeynn was fine at the time.
Psyria was just moving away from Helgen at that point in time - using the guidance from Nocturnal as she headed towards the enemy. Yet it was easy enough to tell, since the closer that she got the more dark magic she felt.
This had some of the other champions although there were some of them that were commenting that they were better off going to fight the enemy head on. Trae seemed to be on the move and it was perhaps a shock to some of the adults that the young man was wielding a two handed sword quite easily, and baring the path. "You will not leave this barrier. Or you will die." was all Trae was saying.
Altrius was just commenting that the dark magic seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. "The mages aren't going to be able to maintain the barrier for long." was all he could say. Already a number of them had fallen and those that were holding it - weren't going to be able to do it long. They were already magically exhausted. While Raeynn wasn't magically exhausted - her body was more being strained from drawing on the power of two separate gods at the time.
There were some of the champions that were stating that the mages shouldn't have done what they had done then. This had Trae rolling his eyes before he was commenting, "If they hadn't then they would all be dead." No while he wanted to protect his sister he would leave that to somebody else at the time - he was going to stand at the front lines with a few others especially now that they were spotting some of the enemy approaching.
Trae was nodding his head before he was speaking, "If for some reason you need to move her, put a hand on the back of her neck first before you move her - whether it be picking her up to carry her or just getting her to her feet. That is what we decided on as a warning so she isn't startled. If you don't use words anyways."
Trae was nodding before he was heading off to stand at the edge of the barrier, just watching the approaching enemy. Oh he could see a couple of the former champions with.
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