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Fx Any cravings ♡ unpotty training NSFW


Aug 27, 2023
hi, welcome to my latest request thread! this thread will be updated with particular kinks or ideas i'm craving
i'll be looking for just one rp per craving so i don't overwhelm myself 💕
my main thread can be found here

i'm looking for rps almost entirely centered on smut!
these can be long term (episodic), or short term (single-scene) roleplays
i'm looking for a chill ooc experience, but the ic experience can range from light-hearted to intense/dark
replies can be expected every 5-7 days

  • pure smut
  • 1-3 paragraphs
  • writing subs
  • f x f > f x nb/gq > f x m > f x futa
  • minimal plotting
  • illustrated > written descriptions > real life faceclaims
  • chill response times

take a look at my f-list for a detailed list of my kinks and limits

current craving: unpotty training (desperation & wetting)
main kinks: bathroom control, desperation, wetting, diapers, discipline, humiliation

  • mc has always gotten her way; it's made life a living hell for everyone at the office. when HR didn't work, yc's
    employees decided to bring the issue right to the top. yc poses mc an ultimatum: undergo "training," or lose
    her job, knowing yc could make it impossible for mc to ever find work in her field again.
  • mc is a maid in training, and yc (or yc's boss) has some rather unorthodox methods of training their maids.
  • mc is a complete degenerate with more money than sense. yc is a prodom/me who is being paid an inordinate
    amount to provide mc the humiliation she craves.
  • mc is the victim of a kidnapping; whether she's innocent or not - that's between yc and her.
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