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Fx Any Grey's Search for the Emotionally Unavaliable.

Grey Torn

Feb 15, 2020
God, I'm awful at writing these threads. I promise I'm better at writing otherwise, so don't judge me too harshly on this merit.

Hey everyone, name's Grey.
Been roleplaying for a couple of years now on and off, mostly off. Looking to get my juices flowing now that I've got more free time (Finished my military service a couple of weeks back, so that's cool).

As for what I'm looking for:
- Cool people, I like the people I'm talking to to be cool. I want someone who's interesting to talk to OOC, I'm not a very social person so this is about as far as I get when it comes to human contact, so at least help make it interesting!
- I'm into slow burns, I'm into getting invested in the stories I write. Like really invested. So I'm looking for someone who's the same. Your life doesn't have to revolve around our characters (Mine won't, yours really shouldn't...) But I like it when there's a mutual drive and burn to get to see more of the story with each other.
- I want a story that's interesting, makes sense right? It doesn't have to be action packed (though it can be), or set in some hugely interesting fantasy world (thought it can be), I'm very cool with slice of life stuff. It's the writers that make the world feel alive and interesting, I enjoy describing scenery, I enjoy exploring the deep issues my characters face, I enjoy exploring relationships and sex and all sorts of topics, nothing is really off the table with me.

I told you I'm shit at writing these threads, this is about as deep as I can get into writing this right now, my head hurts and I need a cup of coffee. Hit me up, be interesting, be interested, and let's make this happen.
Have a nasty craving to sink my teeth into a story heavy, sex-light story, someone help a gal out.
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