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Mx Female Pokemon Adventure


Mar 17, 2012


  • My name is East, and I am somewhere between 30-34 I'll honestly just let you know I don't celebrate my birthday and I kinda lost track of my age. I've been on this site since 2012, and I have been writing since I was 14. What started on MSN boards, and AOL messenger has stayed with me as a hobby and a way to relax. I consider myself to be a decent writer. I am going back to school in January to finish my degree in social work.

    I prefer to RP via PM but I will on occasion reach out via Discord to some partners. I tend to write between 300-500 word posts, but I have been known to go upwards of a thousand for the right partner, and thread. I do my best to focus on what pushes the story forward. I will provide a couple of posts in spoilers so you can see my writing style if you are interested.

    "I want to see mountains again, Mountains Gandalf!"

    Currently, I am seeking more adventure-focused RPs rather than slice-of-life stuff. Which I think Pokemon is a great fit for. To me, Pokemon embodies adventure and discovery. It's a franchise I come back to again and again.


    None of my kinks are a must-have, I consider myself 80% story to 20% smut,
    • Anal sex (giving): Probably my favorite kink,
    • Affectionate teasing
    • Incest (brother x sister really, not looking for Father x daughter)
    • Small dom, tall sub.
    • Cat girls
    I consider myself pretty open to new things feel free to ask worst I can do is say no.
    • Feet
    • Scat
    • Unless I am GM don't like playing Female characters.

    That feels like everything important to mention at the moment.
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    Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it:

    This story focuses on two trainers just starting their adventure. While exploring some old caves, between two cities, they accidentally release an ancient legendary Pokemon. Once freed the legendary monster promises to unleash its anger onto the world, and the task of catching it falls into our characters, as they are the ones with the ancient Pokeball it was contained in.

    Depending on the legendary we choose, its release could be a herald of the end times (think the legendary bird trio from the second Pokemon movie) adding more danger and urgency to the adventure. This would be a long-term adventure story, involving multiple characters, and deviates from the usual format of finding all the gym badges and such.


    Adventure in Galar:

    I don't know what it is about the Galar region, but I think of all the Pokemon gens it's probably my favourite. I love the modernization like Pokemon Gyms are sports stadiums. Trainers have official uniforms and numbers so they can gain fans, and trainers and gym leaders have cards.

    The elite four, and champion challenge in the Galar region doesn't feel like a traditional Pokemon adventure it feels like a proper tournament. The worst part of Galar is its story, lack of a villain with a comprehensive plot, and I feel like I could fix all of those things if given the chance. So this would be me offering to GM the world for your character embarking on an adventure in the Galar region.
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    I honestly think more about Mystery Dungeon. Than I do smashing Pokemon. I'm a shipper so the idea of Pokemon x Pokemon is a bit more interesting than Trainer x Pokemon. I'm a furry at heart tho so I find this a little tempting.

    For those who have never heard of this part of the franchise, Mystery Dungeon is a game where you play as a Pokemon and explore the wild world. In the wild without trainers, Pokemon build smaller towns and tight-knit communities, and since Pokemon is a world filled with danger often there's a need for rescue teams which are teams of wild Pokemon doing rescue missions and the like. If a smaller Pokemon wanders off the rescue team are the ones who go to save them before they become dinner for a larger Pokemon.

    The Pokemon I'd like to play against the most is Lopunny.

  • There are a handful of cannon characters I'd like to play against, with a male OC. This is a more selfish request, but I will do my best to make my character interesting, and I'm willing to double if there is a male cannon character you like. (I can also ship these girls with various cannons if you would be more okay with Cannon x Cannon)

    Bea is the definition of "I love a girl who can kick my ass."

    The fighting Gym leader of Galar has been a fixation of mine for years now. Ever since I saw her in Pokemon Sword. She is rough, headstrong, and has a sweet tooth. Everything I love in a woman. I have a story in mind for her, and an OC, taking place when she leaves her gym after her defeat at the hands of Leon. She is at a low point thinking of retiring from the gym circuit.


    Misty From Kanto, is probably the most famous Gym leader because she was the one who was best friends with some guy from Pallet Town several years ago. But that was then, and this is now, and that is her Jhoto post-game look.

    Something that forces her to go back into the world in an adventure. MC will be dragging her out of the gym she has grown comfortable running and into some wild scenario.

    Nemona is crazy, and I love her so much. Battle-obsessed, down for any adventure. MC could be another rival for her. Honestly, Nemona was the one I felt didn't get much development in the post-game.

    She's lonely and depressed, and I want I want to help her. Time travel and the paradox Pokemon were a big thing in the end game of Scarlet and Violet. Maybe Nemona has to go on an adventure to catch Dialga to help heal the area zero. It was a giant crater causing seismic activity maybe the connection between time becomes more unstable?

    Could even send her into the past like legends Arceus situation with her.
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Day 43 of trying to find a pokemon rp. One day I'll find my Nemona/Misty or Bae.
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